Learning Processes And Lessons Learned In Project Management

How I Planned to Gather and Document Lessons Learned

Knowledge and information transmission is a central aspect within project management. In This study, I would focus on different and wide ranging situations, which I encountered during the course of the project. Discussion on the different learning processes would help me to shed light on the ways and means through which I acquired the learning processes. These difficulties would, in turn, act assistance in terms of incorporating strategies, which I can apply for avoiding the disappointing situations.

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2.1 How I planned to gather and document lessons learnt

When I planned to identify and collect lessons learnt

Who I planned to involve in the process of gathering lessons

At the initial stage, I planned to make practical application of the lessons learnt at the beginning of the semester. Due to prior knowledge and expertise, I had done some research. Therefore, during the lectures, I planned of taking notes, which would help me to gain better understanding of the gathered assessments and lessons.  

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I involved my classmates and professors for acquiring better ideas about university Moodle, journal articles related to the subject matter. Thorough readings helped me in concretizing my expertise in this direction.

Paying attention to the class lectures assisted me in gaining a deeper understanding to the project terminologies. Weekly class notes enabled me to conduct effective research regarding the subject matter of the research.


2.2 What actually happened?

When I compare how I had planned to gather and document lessons learnt versus what actually happened? Complete the table below. 

When I identified and collected lessons learned? Who I involved in the process of gathering lessons?

How I documented lessons?

 I thought of paying more attention to the class lectures. However, due to an emergency, I failed to attend the lectures.  Hence, I started attending the lecture from the 5th week of the semester. As, from week 6th we were starting the group assessment. Therefore, I sought the assistance of the experts to clarify the concepts needed for planning and starting a project.

On the other hand, formation of the group aggravated the complexities due to inadequate time. To cope up with the time, I started taking notes from the suggestion of the advisors.

Involvement of the professor and team members helped me to gain deeper understanding about the terminologies of the subject and the project work (Oettingen et al., 2018). Focus on class lectures proved assistance for me to understanding the basic terminologies in an efficient and effective manner. I laid special emphasis on time management, cost management from PMBOK which are essential for initiating the project related activities. Class notes also proved fruitful for concretizing the knowledge and expertise.

What Actually Happened

NOTE: This is about reflection and reflective practice – not about the topics you have learnt. To receive full marks you need to have demonstrated ‘deep reflection about the learning process.

  1. Situation – (Describe a situation that happened within PPMP20008)
  2. The situation made me feel… (Describe your feelings when the situation occurred – were you frustrated, angry, confused, happy, relieved etc. What impact did this have for you or others?)
  3. What I learnt from reflecting on the situation – (Make sure this is written as a lesson)
  1. Situation
  2. The situation made me feel…
  3. What I learnt from reflecting on the situation

When I reached the venue, all of the team members rebuked at me. I got confused. Afterwards, I realized that I was late by one hour. This situation made me depressed, which further delayed my learning process.  I failed to convince the team members that it was not my fault. As a result of this, I got frustrated and confused and felt like being stranded on an island. I experienced dilemma regarding the future course of actions.

I realized the communication gaps, which prevailed between the team members. These gaps resulted in misinterpretations, aggravating the complexities within the execution of the project related activities. I felt the need for adopting effective communication channels, which would be beneficial in terms of producing collaborative output (Kong & Ko, 2017).

Mobile applications like Whatsapp, Facebook proves beneficial in terms of establishing stable communication with the team members. I feel that these apps would help me to convey the message regarding my absence. I think that effective utilization of these apps would be reduce misunderstandings, conflicts and harassment

  1. Improvement strategy
  2. How to measure if the strategy works
  3. Why the strategy is achievable
  4. Relevance of strategy to address the lesson
  5. When the strategy will be implemented

According to me, if I create a group on Whatsapp, I would be able to share the learning materials. Along with this, I would acquire the essential information about date, time and venue of the lectures, even in case of absence from the class. This sharing would result in the knowledge transfer, reducing the gaps, which persist in my interpersonal skills, abilities and competencies.

Tracking the performance and assessing its impact of the business would act assistance for measuring the effectiveness of the strategies (Kurtz & Draper, 2016).

Tracking the performance in terms of fulfilling the goals make the strategies achievable. As most of the team members are tech savvy and are acquainted with whatsapp groups, the strategy seems to be achievable. However, track needs to be kept for the approach towards fulfilling the identified and specified goals (Holt, Hall, & Gilley, 2018). For this, checklists and templates needs to be considered.

Sharing the training materials in the whatsapp group would help me to achieve better understanding of the lecture notes even if I am not present physically in the class. Along with this, sharing the class lectures on whatsapp group would enhance my preconceived skills, expertise and knowledge. This sharing would reduce conflicts, discrimination and harassments.

Team Dynamics in Enhancing Productivity

I think 3 days’ time would be enough for implementing the strategies.

  1. Situation
  2. The situation made me feel…
  3. What I learnt from reflecting on the situation

The group dynamics indicates the behavioral and attitudinal characteristics that can help to measure the abilities of a group. I have identified that non-cooperation among the team members and behavioral differences stalls the productivity. Few days ago, I realized that the team members lack effective listening skills, which acted as obstacle in the decision making skills.  Involvement of the team members is crucial in terms of broadening the creativity and imagination. However, due to lack of cooperation as well as listening skills, lack of motivation among the team members are influencing the team productivity. It have analyzed that team members have started thinking that their opinion regarding the development process does not bring any kind of changes in the final plan (Harris et al., 2016). It makes them depressed. During the meeting some of the team members were intentionally absent as they think that the management does not understand their needs.

Not getting cooperation from the management, acts as a misutilization of our skills, expertise and knowledge. Through this, the juniors suffer a lot, as they are unfamiliar with the workplace terms and conditions. Upon suggesting flexible working shifts, I encountered mocking and taunts, which made me feel the necessity of flexible communication. It was so disappointing for me that being a team member I am not even allowed to give my opinion in the team meetings (Robertson, 2016). I was feeling so confused that I am not being able to convince others. It has made me frustrated and disappointed. I was feeling like leaving the team on that moment.

Reflecting on the situation, I realized the all of the team members experienced the same fate. I think improper listening and leadership skills resulted in such a situation.  I believe, if I need to focus on motivating myself, so that I will be able to understand how should I will be able to drag the attention of individuals. On the other hand, I strongly believe that by improving the leadership skills, not only I will be able to develop a strong personality of mine in front of my team members, but also it can motivate me towards achieving my goals.

  1. Improvement strategy
  2. How to measure if the strategy works
  3. Why the strategy is achievable
  4. Relevance of strategy to address the lesson
  5. When the strategy will be implemented

I think attending different kinds of seminars and leadership based workshop can be beneficial for enhancing leadership skills, abilities and competencies These workshops would increase my confidence level. Indulging in group discussions would reflect the measurability and feasibility of the strategy.   The seminars would enrich my preconceived knowledge and skills. Transferring the gained knowledge to the team members would broaden my thinking skills. Rationality in this approach would simultaneously enhance my leadership skills (Silverman, Kurtz & Draper, 2016).   Getting adequate motivation and encouragement would bring noticeable changes in the approach of the individuals towards productivity. 6 months.

  1. Situation
  2. The situation made me feel…
  3. What I learnt from reflecting on the situation

Good time management is very important for completing the works within the stipulated time. Proper time management acts as a stress buster, energizing me for doing the tasks in an efficient and effective manner (Cole et al., 2017). Determination, perseverance and commitment improves the professional graph. However, in my case, I realized that I lack time management skills. This is the reason, I get mocked at in the workplace. This lacuna delays the production process, compelling the team members to encounter severe losses.

Incapability to submit the work within the deadline makes me nervous. For this, the entire team has to suffer. I have to be more hardworking.

I learned that I need to be more spontaneous in my approach towards performing the tasks. I can achieve this by setting tine limits for the tasks.

  1. Improvement strategy
  2. How to measure if the strategy works
  3. Why the strategy is achievable
  4. Relevance of strategy to address the lesson
  5. When the strategy will be implemented

Scheduling the tasks helps in managing them within the available time. This organization would act assistance in terms of calculating my productivity rate. The objective is specific as it has focused on making the schedule of work.

Tracking the performance reflects measurability of the strategy. Performing the tasks within the stipulated time makes the strategy achievable.

Tracking the productivity and efficiency is crucial for implementation of the strategies. 


Teamwork enhances the productivity. Rationality in transferring the skills is effective in terms of enhancing the leadership skills, abilities and competencies. Capability to implement the improvements are vital in terms of upgrading the personality. Tactfulness in this direction is assistance for averting the exigencies. Along with this, it is also assistance I terms of attaining personal and professional development.


Cole, D. C., Giordano, C. R., Vasilopoulos, T., & Fahy, B. G. (2017). Resident physicians improve nontechnical skills when on operating room management and leadership rotation. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 124(1), 300-307.

Harris, K. M., Phelan, L., McBain, B., Archer, J., Drew, A. J., & James, C. (2016). Attitudes toward learning oral communication skills online: the importance of intrinsic interest and student-instructor differences. Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(4), 591-609.

Holt, S., Hall, A., & Gilley, A. (2018). Essential Components of Leadership Development Programs. Journal of Managerial Issues, 30(2), 214.

Insert at least 7 – 8 references immediately below.

Kong, E., & Ko, S. (2017, December). A Team Exercise as a Teaching Tool for Online Students: Learning for Knowledge Sharing, Team Skills and Resource Management. In International Conference on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning (pp. 139-144). Academic Conferences International Limited.

Oettingen, G., Kappes, H. B., Guttenberg, K. B., & Gollwitzer, P. M. (2015). Self?regulation of time management: Mental contrasting with implementation intentions. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45(2), 218-229.

Robertson, J. (2016). Coaching leadership: Building educational leadership capacity through partnership. New Zealand Council for Educational Research. PO Box 3237, Wellington 6140 New Zealand.

Silverman, J., Kurtz, S., & Draper, J. (2016). Teaching and learning communication skills in medicine. CRC press.

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