Learning And Development For Globalization

Importance of Professional Identity

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Globalization has made the world a smaller place and people from around the world now interact with one other in a much easier and swift fashion. This interaction and sharing of ideas has also led to the sharing of knowledge in a seamless manner which can enrich the personal learning and development of each individual as a professional. All these aspects of learning can be put into several perspectives which have been done in this article. The different aspects talk about how differently the elements in our life can influence us so that we can have an efficient learning experience throughout our life. The different perspectives take into account the organizational structure in which we work and also the local effects of our surroundings. The importance of critical reflective analysis has also been highlighted throughout the article. Several approaches can be implemented for the successful learning and development; few of them have been highlighted in this article. All these aspects will be dealt in greater detail in the coming sections of this article(Lee, 2012).

Professional identity is an important aspect of any person in order to shape his or her future. In our professional career we generally devote most of our time and energy in our work throughout the day; therefore it is extremely important to understand one’s identity and capabilities. Every profession demands certain types of skill sets and either one has those skill sets and ability innately within them or needs to work towards gaining them. Most people start their career with certain ambitions without knowing about their actual ability and passion in life. This may land them up ion jobs or profession which is a complete misfit for their identity and personality. This not hurts the career of the concerned person but also reduces the productivity of the person. If the person had been able to involve in more productive occupation it would have polished his desirable skill sets in a more advantageous manner and thereby would have been able to achieve greater success in life. Organizations also spend a lot for the successful training and induction of individuals and developing them into professionals. Because of this wrong job identity alignment there may be situations wherein the organization’s investment goes in vain. Therefore it is extremely essential that every individual makes a sincere attempt to identify his or her professional identity and align his education, career, etc. accordingly. This will give a higher job satisfaction for the individual and also more liberty to experiment with the skill sets that he develops. Professional identity therefore is an integral part of any learning and development process. It may act as the stepping stone to further the knowledge and experience of any professional(Knapp, 2010).

Organizational Learning and Development

The learning and development of a professional is ultimately directed towards the greater good of the business or organization of a professional. The motive for any organization to exist is to increase the wealth of the shareholder and therefore ultimately any professional development of the individual employees that take place is directed to achieve that goal. Keeping in perspective this phenomenon, every organization creates a suitable environment for its employees for the appropriate learning and development so that they can add value to their business. This is the initial premise for establishing any learning and development program or plan. Apart from that there are several polices and plans that are developed within the organization which affect the learning and development of the individuals working for the organization. These plans are a wider motive of the organization to create management leaders for the future. Every individual also joins an organization with the expectation that the company would invest in the professional development and career enhancement of his employees. Accordingly the organization also sets aside resources so that they can be used for the professional development of the employees. Therefore organization and its culture play a significant role in the professional development and learning which is an integral part of any individual’s career. Therefore it is justified to mention that organization structure, culture and hierarchy are few of the things which deeply influence the learning process of individuals and therefore companies should strive in those initiatives to shape the career of their employees as well as the future of the organization(Fowler, 2004).

This section of the report deals with the smaller details of the organizational learning so that it can provide a detailed roadmap for the learning and development process of the individual. Learning is a subjective matter and therefore varies from person to person which needs to be taken into concern. Learning and development also differs depending on the type of profession in which the people are involved and therefore there is a strong requirement for understanding the professional identity of the person who is the intended audience for the leering and development. In this context the people who frame the development program must understand the needs of the audience and their capability to grasp the knowledge(Orekhov, 2007). Accordingly the program should be framed so that there is maximum effect of the training and development initiative and the people participating in the program can gain the most out of it. There can be course which can be taken by the participants or seminar and lectures from professors or industry experts can be organized so that it can be used for the development of the people in concern. Apart from that there can be regular feedbacks from the people with whom the person is working. The feedback should not be necessarily the senior under whom the person is working; it should be taken from every individual who has a stake with the person in concern. This thought process has led to the culture of 360 degree feedback which also involves the subordinates who work under the person. Apart from that there can be a balanced scorecard which can be established in order to judge the performance of the individuals in an organizational context(Boulding, 2002). Balanced scorecards for the performance of organizations are quite well known and have effectively increased the performance of the organizations throughout the world. This concept can also be applied for the betterment of the individual performance of employees and can also contribute towards the overall training and development of the individuals in the organization. Therefore we can look into some of these innovative techniques for the successful learning and development of an individual keeping in mind the differences that exist among each individual.

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Individual Learning and Development

There can be several approaches for professional development and some of them may be successful for a particular individual while others may not be that much fruitful. However the effectiveness of each of the process needs to be analyzed in detail before jumping onto conclusions. The overall learning approach can be brought under several theoretical frameworks which bolster the efficacy of the process and situation. Learning and development is a strategic goal of any organization or individual and therefore should receive priority while the goal setting opportunity is taken into concern. The frameworks that should be applied for learning and development have been decided after several researches and implementation which in turn incorporates the different innovative methods that can be used for proper implementation of the training and development(Bell, 2012). However it should be kept in mind that these approaches need to be flexible and need to incorporate the individual capabilities of the person in concern. In some cases person hand holding may be required for the learning and development of an individual whereas in other case an individual may learn by simply looking at the process or being a part of it. Therefore while some come out to be high achievers others require considerable attention in order to pull them up to the similar level. The training and development approach of the organization should be such that it takes into concern all aspects of theindividual capabilities and no one is left behind in such endeavors. Therefore the approach that is being adapted for imparting learning and development plays an important role in the overall understanding of the process and designing the program(WRAY, 2007).

Any learning or development program should have a strong reflective practice which enables any individual or professional to understand the drawbacks or shortcomings in his learning approach. Accordingly the person can direct his or her efforts so that he or she can recover and improve on the weak points while still leveraging the stronger aspects of her professional identity. Reflective practice have become a common phenomenon in every learning and educational practice wherein every participant is asked to look back upon the entire learning process and give his or her ideas about where things went bad and in which sections there are ample opportunity for improvement. This is a constructive process wherein the individual grows in stature by understanding and analyzing critical aspects of his learning methods and the skills that are acquired. This is one of the integral parts of the learning and development process without which it would be incomplete. Reflection is also one of the ways to understand the impact learning and development can have on the career growth of an individual. Key performance indicators and milestones can be set for closely monitoring the progress of an individual in the learning and development program which would enable us to understand that if any course correction is required or not. Therefore reflective analysis should be made a mandatory and closing aspect of any learning and development program so that it can add value to the entire learning process(Ausubel, 2009).

Approaches to Learning and Development

This report is an attempt to develop a proposal for the professional learning and development keeping in minds certain theoretical perspectives. It makes an attempt to cover all the perspectives of learning and development in a sequential manner. It talks about the different perspectives wherein a person goes through a learning process and impact the people around them. It also puts into perspective how the organizational structure and previous work experience can influence the learning process. The different approaches for learning purpose have also been explained in detail. It talks about the reflective practice in learning and how it can lead to professional learning and development. Professional development programs that have been developed throughout the world have a positive influence on the learning of professionals everywhere and the way it helps in the learning and development have been captured in this report. The different theoretical perspectives have been elaborated in detail mentioning the contribution of each perspective. At last it is justified to mention that this report makes an attempt to develop a framework for the successful analysis of learning and development of a professional through numerous perspectives which can be emulated for critical analysis of similar other academic purpose.


This article has dealt in detail about the various aspects of learning and development which explains the step by step process of learning and development which adds value not only to the organization but also to the individual as a whole. Learning has been explained with the help of several perspectives wherein organization culture, hierarchy and other smaller details of the program can impact the overall efficacy of the process. It talks about the different perspectives wherein a person goes through a learning process and impact the people around them. It also puts into perspective how the organizational structure and previous work experience can influence the learning process. The different approaches for learning purpose have also been explained in detail. It talks about the reflective practice in learning and how it can lead to professional learning and development. This proposal for learning and development can act as a good guideline for the benefit of the development programs. At last it is justified to mention that this article made an attempt to develop a structure for the methodical analysis of the learning and development process which can be utilized for similar other academicanalysis.


Ausubel, D. P. (2009).Ego-development and the learning process. Child Development, 20(4), 173.doi:10.2307/1126228

Bell, A. (2012). El al soars from crisis to success: Top management lead learning process. Development and Learning in Organizations, 26(2), 31–33. doi:10.1108/14777281211201222 

Boulding, J. (2002). Professional development. Adult Learning, 3(5), 29–29.doi:10.1177/104515959200300515 

Fowler, W. (2004). Structural dimensions of the learning process in early reading. Child Development, 35(4), 1093.doi:10.2307/1126856 

Knapp, R. (2010). Collective (team) learning process models: A conceptual review. Human Resource Development Review, 2(1), 121–132. doi:10.1177/1534484310371449 

Lee, C. D. (2012). Conceptualizing cultural and Racialized process in learning. Human Development, 55(5-6), 348–355. doi:10.1159/000345326 

Orekhov (2007).Development model entrepreneurial thinking in the learning process of managers.Uchenyezapiskiuniversitetaimeni P.F. Lesgafta, 4(24), 651–662. doi:10.5930/issn.1994-4683.2007.03.25.p47-51 

WRAY, S. (2007).Supporting teacher candidates during the electronic portfolio development process. E-Learning, 4(4), 454. doi:10.2304/elea.2007.4.4.454

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