Lean Project Management For FIFA World Cup – Voice Of The Customer, Critical To Customer Requirements, Critical To Quality Parameters
Voice of the Customer (VOC)
The concept of project management can be considered to be one of the important factors which are implemented within the working of the project. The main aim of project management can be related to the concept of driving the project to the factor of success and reaching the goal of the project. The aspect of the lean project management can be stated to be a part of the project management system which is implemented in most of the complex projects and details with a factor which needs precision and expertise (Yordanova, 2017). The main focus point which is related to any project management scenario is reaching to the expectation of the client, and the service which is provided should be involving quality factor involved in the project. The main focus would be on the sector of the lean project management into the concept of the Fifa World Cup (Silvius & Schipper, 2014). The project which is taken into consideration can be stated to be an international event which majorly involves different countries involvement so it can be stated here that it is one of the premium projects.
The main consideration which is taken in the report is the implementation of the lean project management process into the working of the Fifa World Cup project. The different criteria which are related to the concept are discussed with a focus on the factor of the customer satisfaction of the project. It can be stated that there can be different types of risk factors involved into the working of the project, these risk factors can be very much crucial in the deciding factor which is related to the success of the project. The quality of the service which is provided can also be considered a very much aspect which should be included in the working of the organisation.
The voice of the customer can be a step which is related to the gathering of the data which is related to the aspect of the requirement of the customer. The process can be considered to be very much important due to the factor that according to the requirement of the customer the main processing of the project would be initiated, and the working of the project would be based on this aspect. The main gathering of the data of the customer is done from the end of the project manager and other high end officials who are directly related to the working of the project. To get the overall requirement, there can be different types of tools which can be used. The main sector which is majorly focused is the aspect is the risk-oriented factors which can get involved in the working of the project (Emblemsvåg, 2014). After the identification of the risk factor, mitigation techniques are included in the working, and it should be taken into consideration that the risk factor does not get included in the working of the project. The risk factor is very much important, and it can be stated that it can directly alter the overall working of the organisation.
Critical to Customer Requirement (CCR)
One of the tools which can be related to the gathering of the requirement of the customer is the voice of the customer. The concept can be stated to be used for the aspect of the detailed analysis of the different requirement of the customer (Johnson, 2017). The data which is obtained from the process can be stated to be very much crucial due to the factor that it would be providing a basic guideline which is related to the planning of the event. On the other hand, the data can also be useful in the sector of building up of the hierarchical structure which is related to working of the project. To gather the exact requirement which is related to the working of the Fifa world cup project there can be some techniques which can be implemented which are the survey which would be involving certain questions which would be related to the expectation of the customer and Interview
The data which is achieved from the concept can be stated to be holding major importance due to the factor it is directly related to the concept of the conducting the overall event. It can be stated that in this sector there can be different types of a requirement due to the fact of different countries with different mentality tend to get involved into the concept (Kovach et al., 2017). The main factor which can be stated here is the reaching to the desired level of satisfaction of the client. In most of the cases, these projects are broken down into teams, and each of the team has a different role to play and a different focus area. This can be very much beneficial in the sector that due to the factor that each of the team has a specific role so the accomplishment of the job can be stated to be done properly.
In the sector of the working of the project which is related to the Fifa world cup, it can be stated that the concept of the standardisation can be one of the most critical factors which should be included into the internal as well as the external working of the organization. The main consideration which should be taken into account is that in these type of projects there can be more than one moveable parts which has to be linked together so that the final outcome of the project is very much quality based related to the satisfaction of the customers. In such type of international projects, the standard of delivery of the project is very much important.
Critical to Quality Parameters (CTQ)
The concept of the critical to the quality parameter can be stated as a parameter which is directly linked with the service and the product linked to voice of the customer (Yordanova, 2017). In this concept, it can be stated that it is a very wise idea to take into consideration different aspects which are related to the working and delivery of the project so that there are no issues faced within the implementation of the project. There are few options which are related to the critical to quality factor when relating to the Fifa project which is are the parameter and the end product which is associated with the project and the parameter which is associated with the internal process of the project.
Both of the factors which are stated above can be considered to be very much important in the sector of the working of the project. The main aspect which can be stated here is the involvement of the six sigma into the working of the project (Johnson, 2017). The six sigma can be directly implemented within the working of the project in the sector of controlling, monitoring and improvement of the project relating to the level of satisfaction which is provided for the end customer service. It can be stated here that there can be different factors within the working of the project which may not be termed as crucial but in the phase of implementation it becomes a major factor which can directly lead to the failure of the project (Bozarth & Handfield, 2018). The aspect which is related to the six sigma can be considered to be an approach takes into consideration small detailing issues, so that there are no problem faced by the working of the project. The main factors which are related to the critical to quality factor are stated below:
Character |
Quality |
Definition of the concept |
It is a parameter which is related to the implementation which aims at the reaching of the desired level of product and the service. This is related to the satisfaction of the customer or the client. |
Concepts which are related to the aspect |
The customer expectation Service quality Durability Service of the customer The preference which is related to the customer. |
The best practices which can be related to the working of the lean project management are stated below:
Customer satisfaction can be linked with the sector of working of the project. The different stages of implementation of the project is directed towards the satisfaction level of the customer. If the customer is satisfied, it can directly be related to the successful implementation of the project. The Fifa world cup is one of the international events which should be given the priority of delivering the best service to the customers.
Continuous development is a sector which can be related to continued development. It is very much crucial due to the factor that it would be directly increasing the quality of the delivery of the project. It can be stated that there should be improvement scope establishment between the working of the project and the establishment of the quality of the project.
Implementation of Lean Project Management
Executive commitment can be stated as one of the sectors which is focused on the complexity of the project which is seen in the sector of the working of the project. It can be stated that different people would be requiring a different standard of working in the concept and it should be dealt with a commitment which is of highest limit.
According to the statement of the project management, it can be stated that the concept which is related to the lean project management directly adds value to the concept of the quality when relating to the sector of the outcome of the project (Conforto et al. 2016). According to the principle which is related to the lean project management the main concept which is applied to the concept is the enhancing of the quality which is related to the working of the organisation. The concept of value stream can also be implemented within the working of the project which would be directed towards the successful completion of the project and the delivery of the project. The main goal of the project when relating to the concept of the value chain can be directly be focused on the aspect of the execution of the different functions. This concept can be directly being linked with final product which is achieved from the concept can be of optimal value and utilization (Johnson, 2017). One of the sectors which can be related to the concept is the utilisation of the resources which would be involving very less waste of the different resources this aspect can also be beneficial in the sector of the budget constraint which is related to the project. Optimal utilisation of the resources can directly add profit to the overall project and the different sector of working which is related to the concept.
Best Practice |
Processes |
Elaboration |
In the sector of the implementation of the Fifa project, it can be stated that the concept of the PMBOK can be very much advantageous. |
In the sector of the implementation of the Fifa project, it can be stated that the concept of the PMBOK can be very much advantageous. Some of the major benefits which is related to the PMBOK in the sector of the working of the project are in the working of the project there would be the elimination of the waste which can directly impact the sector of allocation of the resources. Reduction of the overall cost which is related to the project. Adding value to the project using altering the standard of the operation which is involved in the working of the project. Direct improvement in the sector of the service which is given to the customer taking into consideration the voice of the customer |
According to the standard which is related to the PRINCE2 it can be stated that it must have an optimal quality when relating to the delivery of the project to the common people (Garza, 2015). The concept can be stated to be an advantageous sector due to the factor that it directly translates the need of the customer into aspect which is specific measurable and actionable |
The process can be considered to be critical due to the factor that after the actual requirement gathering of the customer the main execution of the project would be initiated. Identification of the drivers: The identification of the drivers relating to the project can be considered to be very much important due to the factor that it would be directly involving the aspect of operation and the overall success factor of the project. The drivers play a very vital role in the sector of the implementation of the project and driving the project to the factor of success. Requirement relating to the identification of the management: The need of the customer can be considered as very much important due to the factor that it would be leading the project to the success level. |
In the working of the project, there can be different steps which can be implemented in the working of the project (Layton & Ostermiller, 2017). In most of the cases, it can be seen that a project usually follows a sequence of steps which mainly aim at the concept of the delivery of the project with the appropriate standard related to the project. |
The security of the data can be considered as one of the important factor in this case due to the factor that there are many crucial data which are included in the project. If the data goes into the hand of another person it would be related to a problem which can directly alter the success factor of the project. There can be different security implication that can be implemented within the working of the project so that the system can be secured and the overall data of the project would be secured form the different activity of the intruders. |
Agile |
The concept of the agile can be directly related to the concept of the working of the Fifa project which is undertaken into the report. There can be different types of benefit which can be achieved from the concept which can be applied in the sector of the working of the project |
Each of the category has a role to play which should be completed to meet the expectation of the client. |
Lean Six Sigma (DMAIC) |
The main concept which can be include in the sector of the lean six sigma is directly related to the product and the service and relating to it the quality which is produced (Martínez & Fuentes, 2014). |
Focus on the customer: The main sector which is related to the concept can be in the sector delivering of the service to the customer which would be directly satisfying the need. Focus on value: The value of the service can be considered as a primary factor which should be taken into consideration in the working of the project. In the aspect of delivery of the project the concept of value should be involved. Agility: The concept of the agility can be directly related to the concept of the intersection and the communication which is applied in the context of the delivery of the project. The main consideration in the process is the delivery of the desired standard of the project. |
The project which is related to the Fifa World Cup can be considered as one of the major projects which is mainly an international event. I n the sector of the implementation of the project there can be different factors which play a vital role in the sector of the reaching to the desired goal of success. In the Fifa world cup project it can be stated that the project being an international project the need of the customers can be very much different. One of the most important aspects which should be taken into consideration is that there should not be any type of risk factor involved into the working of the project.
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