Leading Managing People: A Model For Effective Leadership
Discuss about the Leading Managing People.
Effective leadership can be identified as one of the major prerequisites for organizational success. As mentioned by Bush (2014) leaders are the ones who have the capacity to motivate and engage the team members to go beyond their limits to obtain a certain goal. However, leaders need to customize themselves according to the demands of the situation. Hence, depending on my own perspective and position, I have developed a leadership model which I think will be helpful for leading the employees of my workplace.
Multiculturalism, teamwork and the leadership theories can be identified as a few major references of a leadership model. In the context of my company ABC, we have teams with members belonging from different cultural background and the company is following a transactional leadership. It is adversely affecting the team morale and culture of the organization. Hence, I suggest a leadership model, which will encourage participation, motivation and innovation.
For my personal leadership model, I have selected the democratic leadership attitude, visionary pioneering and motivational guidance as the three core abilities for my leadership model.
A leadership model talks about the traits and characters of a leader. I personally recommend a model, which is organized upon the vision and relationship. As the leaders need to direct his subordinates, an effective leadership model needs to focus on creating team morale, open communication and vision for the future. With an effective bonding and a clear vision, the team members will be able to contribute to organizational as well as personal growth.
Leadership is important in promoting multiculturalism in an organization. It talks about diversity in the work force. My leadership model will promote diversity by obtaining the strategy of democratic participation in the decisional making process. On the other hand, teamwork and co-ordination in the team is important for the success of an organization, the motivational and participatory leadership pattern of the proposed leadership model will uphold co-ordination in the teamwork. Last but not the least, the leadership theories like, the “Great Man Theory”, “Trait Theory”, “Behavioural Theories”, “Contingency Theories”, “Transactional Theories”, “Transformational Theories” and others are the guidelines for leaders. Here, I have amalgamated some traits of “transformational” and “democratic leaders” to develop my own leadership model.
According to my opinion, I will love to have a leader who will be a visionary and focus on the relationship issues within the team members. As mentioned by Trujillo and Scott (2014) a transformational leader is someone who is committed to a vision and they try to empower others to achieve that vision. According to me, it is must have quality for an effective leader. A leader needs to be the pioneer of new trend. He has to be a man of future whom others can rely upon. Moreover, a leadership model must focus on the democratic decision-making.
The Desired Traits of Leader
As opined by Tiftik et al. (2015) a democratic leader considers the opinion of the team members while taking a decision. According to me, a leader needs make the team members feel that their opinion matters to the company. Hence, having a democratic and open attitude is a must-have quality for a leader. As opined by Spector (2014) when a leader encourages his team members to take part in the decision-making, it makes them more engaged in the team activities. Moreover, a leader needs to be committed to his responsibilities and team members. It sets an example for the team members and they find someone whom they can look upon for their professional growth.
Very leadership model has some core values. These are the cornerstones of that particular leadership model. My leadership model can be identified as an amalgamation of the transformational and democratic leadership theory. The core value of my leadership model can be as follows:
I have identified relationship building as one of the major key skills of an effective leader. Hence, it is fundamental for a leader to establish a sense of community via collaboration with peers among the team members. In the multicultural world of business, crating co-operation and co-ordination is essential for effective management of a team. As discussed by Bush (2014) an effective leader needs to create co-operative environment within a multicultural group to eliminate the cultural clashes and uphold the advantages of diversity within the work force.
A leader needs to understand and know the limitation and potentiality of the team members. As mentioned by Tiftik et al. (2015) a democratic leader needs to identify the future leader and allocate responsibility by showing the faith upon him by saying “I know you can do this.” However, he needs to identify the skills and area of interests delegate responsibilities accordingly. As a leader of a multi cultural team, he needs to identify the cultural and ethnic orientation of the employees and respect those to promote diverse point of views to solve any issue (Shriberg et al. 2002).
With open communication and sharing of information, the leader will achieve desired level of trust from the subordinates (Shriberg et al. 2002). Moreover, it will also help the employees identify and speculate the future for their organizational and personal growth.
In the context of my own organization, where the team consists of members with varied cultural identities and my model of leadership will encourage participation and increased team morale. As my organization is following a transactional leadership model, the employees are bound to maintain the protocol and there is no space for innovation. In opposition to this, my leadership model will encourage people to provide innovative idea to solve an organizational issue. Moreover, it will provide increase participation from the employee’s and it will ensure employee satisfaction and decreased cases of employee turnover (Shriberg et al. 2002).
The Core Values
As mentioned by Tiftik et al. (2015) a transformational leadership creates a culture of innovation within the organization. As my own leadership model is influenced with the idea of visionary leadership of transformational theory, it will motivate the employees to opt for innovative ways of carrying out the responsibilities. On the other hand, my workplace is multicultural; hence, opting for the democratic leadership traits will provide the space for growth of multiculturalism (Shriberg et al. 2002). The core value of my leadership model of open communication will create a culture of understanding and harmony within the team members. Moreover, the democratic model of my leadership will promote employee satisfaction and increased faith upon the company values from the employees’ end. The employees will understand that they will be valued for their innovation and dedication for the work and not for the compliance of the norms. It will promote a culture of creativity within the organization.
In my workplace, I have felt an issue with motivation and participation. My leadership model will strive to achieve, including all the team members in the decision-making process. Moreover, as we are bound to follow the protocols in my workplace, it discourses the team members to opt for innovation. Hence, my leadership model will try to motivate the employees to come up with innovative ideas for solving a certain problem. In addition, my leadership model will opt for achieving employee satisfaction and motivation to achieve team goals.
My workplace follows a transactional leadership strategy. As opined by Ehrhart (2015) it follows the norms and the leaders expect that the employs will do as they are told. It has rigidity in working relationship. In my workplace the leaders focus on the role of supervision and the responsibility of any catastrophe is always of the employees. It uses the rewards and punishments for motivating the followers. It is typically focused on the attainment of planning and its execution (Shriberg et al. 2002). Naturally, the employees do not feel a democratic culture within the organization. It is discouraging their innovative faculty and satisfaction level.
However, my idea of leadership will be completely different from it. My leadership model will encourage motivation and directing the behaviour of the employees to achieve a shard goal. As the members will get the opportunity to share opinion and innovate strategies to meet the goals, it will encourage them to achieve success. As a leader, I will need to put my trust on them. With motivating the employees my leadership model will promote the leaders of future. The nature of my leadership model will be proactive. As, discussed earlier, by emphasizing on the morals, values, needs, and ideals of the followers my leadership model will encourage a changed organizational culture.
To apply this model of leadership, I need to wait for a situation, which will need the management to opt for a new strategic policy. In such a situation, I will try to create a democratic environment within my team and ask for innovative suggestions from their end. It will encourage creativity and innovation within the organization. Moreover, in a complex situation I will communicate personally and openly with my team members and make them believe on the vision for future. I must follow the strategy of guiding but let the team members solve their problems. In addition, unlike the current leadership, I will accept my responsibility if any task goes wrong. My team members will not be blamed or discouraged for the innovative strategies they have opted for.
A transformational leadership creates a positive change within the human resource of the organization. On the other hand, the democratic leaders promote participation, transparency and open communication within the organization. The leadership models suggested by the scholars are the embodiment of certain values. However, I personally believe that an effective leader cannot come from a certain typology. Hence depending my own perception, I believe that leader should be someone whom the followers will happily follow. Hence, with certain skills and values my leadership model will employ its charisma to influence the employees and motivate them to go beyond their limits to achieve the shared vision for future.
Bush, T., 2014. Instructional and transformational leadership: alternative and complementary models?. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 42(4), pp.443-444.
Ehrhart, M.G., 2015. Self-concept, implicit leadership theories, and follower preferences for leadership. Zeitschrift für Psychologie.
Shriberg, A., Shriberg, D. and Lloyd, C. (2002). Practicing leadership. New York: J. Wiley & Sons.
Spector, P., 2014. Introduction: The problems and promise of contemporary leadership theories. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35(5), pp.597-597.
Tiftik, H., Kılıç, Åž. and Saglam, M., 2015. Leadership Theories and Comparison of Them. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 4(2), pp.312-322.
Trujillo, T. and Scott, J., 2014. Superheroes and transformers: Rethinking Teach For America’s leadership models. Phi Delta Kappan, 95(8), pp.57-61.