Leading And Managing People Compatibility: Developing A Personal Leadership Plan

Leadership Development Plan

Discuss about the Leading and Managing People Compatibility.

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Successful Leaders are in all shapes and sizes where there is nothing common in the behaviour of any 2 people. Leaders face various situations, crisis, successes and learnings in different work places. Developing a personal leadership plan helps in listing out various leadership development activities which is critical to act as a checklist for the objectives which we have set or the ones which were given by the Organization.

Effective leadership development plan can be made by adapting and implementing an effective structure for personal leadership.

In order to develop a leadership plan, I would take up various stages like what generally makes a good leader, taking a self – assessment to understand my core strengths and areas of development, identifying my core values, my personal vision statement to be an effective leader and analysing what the others perceive me to be as in different situations.

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Leadership is mostly perceived as the power to make other people do what you want however, leadership is having a strong conviction and greater standard which can help their followers achieve the established common objectives. Leadership, in this context, is an attribute to be able to accept and change with the changing situations in order to achieve a common objective.

There are various major areas of leadership like ethics, multiculturalism, teamwork, philosophy, psychology, power, leadership theory and management however I would choose ethics, teamwork and management as the major areas of leadership.  There are various skills which help in developing and supporting the leadership structure related to the above areas like exhibiting ethical behaviour and honesty, communicating with clarity on any aspect and being accountable for various decisions taken.

In order to assess my personal leadership style, I have undertaken the Myerr Brigg’s personality test in order to analyse my strengths and improvement areas.

The results of my Myerr Brigg’s Personality Test are of ENTJ Personality which is of a Commander. The core strong areas of my personality are of an Analyst and a Social Engagement Specialist. I come under the category of the natural – born leaders. My personality is of a rational person who has a lot of self – confidence and charisma. I have a tendency to drive a lot of aspects with a great motive and strength. My personality also reveals that I can be the initiator by driving different aspects in any environment. Dedication and commitment are the main core strengths of my leadership personality.

Assessing Personal Leadership Style

The Organizations in any area of business have their objectives to achieve and a common ground on which their employees are expected to work. In such work places, the leaders should have a sharp sense of application to various aspects which they might face and the intellect in order to drive people with a great force.

My personality likes to accept any situations which might involve challenges and these could be major and minor issues which might require attention. I am also a person who has an ultimate confidence that I can achieve anything which my heart desires. There were situations in the past where I was faced with some challenges in my professional environment and I was provided with the suitable type of resources and sufficient time in some cases and in some situations I was also time bent where there was not scope for additional time.

In these situations, I could train my teams with the required discipline and skills which have enabled us to achieve the desired organizational objective.

I also like to accept any situations which involve challenges as they are a source of learning for which are both big and small and they are strong believers that they can achieve anything if they are provided with the right type of resources and proper time. These strong attributes have helped me to mentor my teams and coach them effectively in times when we had to achieve a major deliverable within a shorter span of time.

My main area of improvement is that I tend to get into my comfort zone and I also have a hidden inhibition where I probably don’t want to come out of it.

The most important trait and skills of an effective leader are to possess a strong and an inbuilt will power to achieve and drive anything, being honest, having higher standards of ethics and to have a strong commitment towards achieving the common objective of the Organization.

The core values that your leadership model emphasises on are maintaining human dignity, having an open mind to listen and accept the views of the other people, committing oneself to hard work and cultivating a practice of developing understanding towards others.

All these attributes and skills have helped me know my leadership style which is of a transformational leader. My leadership style will help the organisations/groups as a result of practicing my core skills.

Transformational Leadership Style

According to the transformational leadership style, I would be communicating with the management to analyse and understand the common objectives to be achieved. I would motivate the employees and enhance their productivity by communicating effectively with a higher visibility. By implementing this model, the employees will get an understanding that the management has trust in them and they would be in a position to delegate tasks to them in order to achieve the Organizational objective.

The culture of the organisation/group that would exist if the transformational model was used would be a self – disciplined organization where the employees would be a lot more responsible and they would have developed a sense of delight in achieving and striving for the Organizational objectives.

Transformational Leaders will have an inbuilt courage and a sense of determination to drive the work force and they would work with a lot of passion and self – discipline.  These attributes will also be developed in the employee workforce by training them or by having them involved in the team work.

My leadership model is different to what currently exists because the conventional Organizational Management structures are following the models of Universalism where the model has a set of rules and standards which are implemented and their employees are also expected to follow them. This model also exercises a great control in terms of respectfulness, fairness, cooperation and compassion however, I feel, that most of the Organizations are restricting these principles on paper than practicing them in reality.

By adapting and implementing the transformational model of leadership, the employees will undergo a continuous change in their attributes, skills, level of courage, passion and self – discipline. 

I personally like to apply this leadership model because of the change which I can expect in terms of the employees and their skills which will in turn help improve and work towards the overall organizational growth. The change which I can expect in my employees or which I can drive in my employees would be with respect to

Courage is applicable in situations where the Organizational objectives are to be transmitted to the teams and the employees where they can work towards achieving them. There should not be any inhibitions or fears with respect to not being able to achieve a specific attribute in the work environment.

Passion is about working with an enthusiasm and achieving the desired objectives. Passion helps in driving the innovation within the employees where they can come up with various ideas and present them for better implementation of various projects in an Organization. For example, there are various companies like Unilever which have grown in their business based on various inputs from their employees. The bigger companies are motivating their employees to share their business ideas in order to strive towards a continuous improvement of their overall business.

Courage, Passion, Knowledge, and Competence in Leadership

The Corporate missions have also seen a major change in the recent past like most of the companies have adapted missions like Your Dreams, Our Strength, Your Passion, Our Common Objective.

These Corporate mission statements convey that exceptional standards of performance can be driven by working collectively.

Knowledge sharing is a critical aspect of the Organizational excellence where this can be achieved by using various principles like getting the employees trained in various knowledge areas, getting them certified, having a distant vision of the changing business trends and having the workforce well – equipped and ready to face the projects in future.

The knowledge attribute is a critical factor for driving the success of various projects in almost all the companies because lack of appropriate standards which are required can push the projects behind. This will result incurring a lot of losses for the Corporate Organizations.

Knowledge and Competence should be given equal importance in terms in leading an Organization. A leader, himself should be competent in the subject which he is leading the team in and he should also motivate his employees to learn newer skills and implement them to a greater extent in order to have and experience the power of competence in all the fields.

In order to maintain and work towards the growth of the Organization, I have embedded various aspects of leadership and have linked them appropriately to manage my teams.


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