Leadership Theories For Managing Organizational Resources And Change Management

Case Study of Co A and Co B

Leading and managing the organizational resources is the most effective factor in pursuing the business successfully. Effective leadership style and orientation in managerial responsibilities are aligned with the process. In case of man management leaders are the most influential people in managing the workplace and provide ahighly productive level for the company. There are some cases where organizational failure is persisted and in those situation leaders’ involvement will make some effective change in the organization so that a reverse consequence will get from this (Goetsch and Davis 2014). The workforce management and build theinterpersonal skill to develop a relationship is the basic idea that a leader persists. In case of conflict situation or organizational loss, situational persuasion has come to save the situation for employees and company. These kinds of leaders are appreciated by the management and employees also. Communication, team bonding, cross-cultural awareness, diversified significance and long-termdevelopment for the organization are the most acquired thing that organization asked from a leader(Menzel2012). Change in ethical leadership process and organizational development is the most important aspect of building to the organizational perspective in the next level. Innovation in the leadership and implementing process are also a concerning matter of working process. In that case, production level will increase as innovation has come up on that situation organized fellowship with employees’ has been created by the leader.

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The report consists of managing organizational resources and leadership theories to develop change management in the organization. Through the case study, Co A is a heavy engineering company, and their leadership theories are not agile. There are not any perception belongs to the leader to motivate employees for their objectives. A setback has been confronted by Co A in September 2017, and Co B acquired the Co A. This is the major setback for the company A, as the company is lacking from their production and employees’ turnover ratio is high. In that case, quality works are not extracted from the company (Renz and Herman 2016). Staff development and people innovation process are initiated by Co B, and that is the reason they have high chances of business merger and acquisition. From the live project concept, change leadership strategy and analyzing the organizational culture has been discussed. The theories are always aligned with the better form of the leadership process that will help to develop aglobal workforce. Talented people also need to maintain the production rate, and that is the reason efficient employees are required by the management and leaders.

Importance of Effective Leadership Styles and Man Management Practices

Evaluation of live project consists of the three main aspects of organizational culture. The first one is changed in leadership process; the second one identifies the change management in the organization, and the third section highlights the finance and acquisition protocols or business undertaking. In this case, Co B has the good organizational view, and they have situation leader, who decides for the benefit of the company (Kinicki et al. 2014). Quality management is another perspective that included in this lie project, and quality needs to be perfect for the organization to grow and leadership mentality analyzes the quality also. There are some challenges for the leader, and all the challenges need to overcome to develop a productive organization. Co B has the potential leadership style to merge up or to acquire the Co A, whether Co A has not had that.

Organization fit is a concept that analyses the best understanding process in blended organizational culture and ideas and creativity of a leader can deliver more knowledge about thefact. In theglobal market, leaders need to take social responsibilities as well, and that creates complex situation also. Successful global leaders must enhance their capabilities to handle the complication of adiverse community, understand and esteem differences, make necessary modification in the leadership, and be prepared for opportunities and confrontation that come unaided (Zoogah,Peng and Woldu 2015). Group dynamics and people innovation process can be identified by the live project, and that will resultin leadership development process. Leaders must motivate employees for the good productivity. In case of Co A, this process is not implemented properly as it would like to be. However, better management has shown from Co B, and this is the transformational style of business that they have implemented in case of acquiring the business of Co A. Vision. Risk taking, toughness,and future visibility all these aspects achieved by Co B to take over Co A to develop their marketing acquisition.

The theory states the process of interaction and motivates employees so that they perform in a right manner and organization will get a productive performance. The theory is initiated by most of the leaders to encourage their employees so that a good bonding will be evolved and a legal group has been formed through the process. Transformation of leader also provides the reason for sustainability of the organization.

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In case of commanding in any situation goals and value of the job roles and they’re bringing harmony in the organization are also shown through the theory. In case of stable leadership process, this theory can be impacted by the situation, and that mitigates all the confusion regarding the collective works (Hogg, Van Knippenberg and Rast2012). Organization benefits are the gained through the theory by applying the process in the case of asocial contract where employees do not proceed in the common objectives, and then leaders have to take this kind of operational strategy to drive them in the legitimate objective and goals. 

Different Leadership Theories for Organizational Situations

This leadership approach is one of the dictatorships that employees are bound to do what leader has said to them. In case of forming an organization, this leadership process is important to implement. At the time of formation, leaders have to set a target and then allocate people for each segment so that every aspect of the organizational development process will run through in a radical process (Samad 2012). Leaders have the decision making power, and that is the reason; employees inputs and suggestions are not considered by this kind of leaders. However, in case of building the process in the organization and to set aim and objective of the organization, primarily autocratic leadership is important and relevant for the company, but not for the entire situation. Bonding and relation are making agenda diminish by this process, and that will effect on the workplace motivation, satisfaction of employees.

Behavioural theory is consists of leaders’ behaviour or mannerism, to focus on the mental, psychological and sociological form of providing support to employees. This process provides a whole new perspective on abusiness that evaluates the cause-effectrelationship between employees and management.

In that case, leaders are divided into two sections – one is those leaders who have a concerned view for employees and noticed all the essential problem and mitigation process of employees, and another isthe identical leader who will follow the form of leadership and its possible aspects that were implemented earlier also (Northouse 2018). Behaviour in the organization is the most valuable aspect of maintaining employees’ satisfaction and also enhancing the production ratio to gain a better market position of the company.

This leadership style and theory consist of certain situations. The process signifies that there is no such right way of maintaining leadership; rather situation is the controlling factor that moulds a leader to make possible steps beneficial to the company (Dinh et al. 2014). Maximum performance rate can be gained by this process, and the will highlight the elements of leadership aspects that a leader needs in any different condition.

The strategic situation can be implemented in most cases, and that will implement a rescue generating process also. Co A can implement this theory if their leaders do not believe in asevere form of theory, which is not at all applicable in this situation. Rather, situational understanding and analysis the problem situation is the most appropriate form of leadership can be implemented in this situation.

Autocratic Leadership

At first, some of the objectives need to revise through the transactional leadership process; then situation leadership process needs to be implemented in Co A, which not at all come in case of dissolve situation. Strategic fit and organizational culture disturb through the process, and that will initiate the loss in Co A, whereas the success factor of change management and leadership process will encourage the possible understanding of Co B to merge with the company and evaluate the best acquisition policy for the company (Parris and Peachey 2013). Efficient employees of Co A will come in Co B after the acquisition process, and that will help in case of better production rate and success rate of the management.

Leadership approaches are depending on the five effective factors, and all these aspects are highlighting the best leadership approach to the organization. Individual competency is the first factor that comes in this approach. Leaders have the different mentality of flow with the situation. Team skill is another aspect that needed by the leader to develop the performances. Team bonding is essential for the management as in such cases most of the determination and organizational development issues are depending on the production outcomes (Antonakis and House 2014). Leaders need to have to achieve this ability to stimulate other employees to high performance. Transformation leadership theory is the most appropriate theory for this session and leaders has to focus on the resources they have.

This is one of the charismatic aspects of presenting the theory, and their behavioural change is important in that case. The commitment, confidence,and demonstration in the business are the main aspect of this kind of leader, and that will inspire other people and motivate them to deliver good work. Intellectual stimulation is another factor that transformational leader will have and the showcase the compelling vision of the leader to manage the situation. Leader-member exchange theory is another aspect of thecontemporary approach to leadership, and thetrust-based relationship between leaders and employees are the key positive aspect for this kind of leader. High-quality relationship and thelow-quality relationship will present on that occasion and leader’s enthusiastic mindset allows employees to take risk-oriented work and make progress over it (Ferris,Jayaraman and Sabherwal 2013). There is some problem faced by the leaders, through these leadership styles all the problem process can be mitigated and employees’ performance will improve a lot.

Leadership is frequently considered as the main dissimilarity between achievement and collapse for organizations, but this is not only applicable to the management who needs to direct. Certainly, good leaders are essential at all levels in the organization to perform as the connection between preparation and execution. But while everybody recognizes the requirement for leadership, persuasion,and the concept of leading ability of leaders, implemented theories are activated in that case (Shi, Sun and Prescott 2012). Organization change also makes some conceptual change as well. In this case, leaders have to decide the right change for the organization. The change may be in culture, it can happen as technological or financial aspects as well, and that will help the business to flow in the right direction. Strong executive leadership policy needs to be implemented, and leaders have to set a goal to reach the achieved mark.

Behavioural Leadership

There are some changing activities that leaders have implemented in the organization so that organization will make a good market position in the company. Lead with culture is the first aspect that leaders implement in the organization so that good cultural environment will sustain in the organization. Involvement in every layer of the organization change is important to change the whole scenario and make some possible and rational moves to achieve this. A leader has to take care of their subordinates (Fayard et al. 2012). In case of making emotional bonding with the employees, leaders have to act differently and so that new thinking will build up and employees will remain stay engaged with the company and deliver their best for the company. Lead from the front and set examples from the other is another aspect of a leader and that will bring the change management initiative with the company.

Decisions can be taken from the employees as well, at least take some suggestions from them and implement some productive suggestion for the company, which will encourage employees in case of considering themselves as an asset of the company. Ensure change management in the organization through the situational motivated characteristic of aleaderand that will help theorganization to take control of the situation as well. Calculative risks may be taken in some case, and cross-cultural and diversified mindset of leader helps the process of quality control in change management (Shin, Taylor and Seo 2012). Adaptation of change management and assess those new changes in the organization are difficult in some cases. Handling power of leader and their consistency to support the productivity of the organization is the key factor that will encourage a robust change in the organization.  

The model is applied for the organization change model. The design choice of that change context has eight other sections that determine the change in operation process. Power is the first aspect that encompasses stakeholders’ reactions and their inputs in business. In case of Co A, stakeholders” may not process their involvement as the financial condition of the company is not stable. Time is another factor that differentiates the long term and short term actions in business. Scope comes after that and provides in-depth knowledge of the operational process and business administration. Preservation is another aspect of change context, and that preserve the tangible and intangible aspect of change dimension.

The next aspect is diversity in change management, and this diversification is important for the change management as well. The capability of employees in the organization is important, and that imposed all the potential power of the employee and their behavioural change in the organization. Readiness in case of commitment and awareness is the essential part of the business, and that will help in case of acquisition case, where the situation is not safe for the employees, and their readiness is needed in that case. In case of problem mitigation, the model is significant for these cases.

Transformational Leadership

In case of transforming the informational aspect in theworkplace is important. In themodern working arena, technological assistance is very much needed by the employees and managers to make a command over the entire system. The technological capability and infrastructural issues are the responsible factors for the organization. Leaders have a diversified view over the technological aspect, and some of the technical types of components are environment free (Booth and Kelly 2013). The potential power of the technologies and use them for the enhancement of business is the concern reason behind the deliberate or intentional push in the technological. Innovation has come up through this process of technological change. Change management needs to have some amendment in innovative part of the company to sustain their business and understand the possible products gained by the technological enhancement of the company as it is the most serious and argumentative matter of implementation.

The technological aspects are coming from external sources, and that is the reason planned management toformulating the process will be interesting and evaluative. Organizational planning and procedure need new technologies in the workplace, and that will help different perspective of the organization and that entirely focusing on the new technologies and new opportunities for business. In case Co B has this kind of leadership theory and good leadership concept they can easily acquire Co A. most of the situations are demanding the technological ability to cope up with the process and mitigate all the obstacles (Jarrahi and Sawyer 2013). The information system in Co A was using, in that case, are not so productive, and these might be not efficient as atechnological device. On the other hand, technologies used by Co B are impactful, and their operation process is so strong that they acquire Co A and step forward in their business enhancement process.

In case of corporate culture, merger or acquisition policies are quite common for the companies in theUK. In this case study, Co A has not had the potential to run the business as the company streamline business process has got an aggressive form the external and internal aspects. Situational leadership approach was not implemented in that situation, and autocratic form of leadership also fragmented the ethics of the company. Co B acquired Co A, and that is the reason Co B become bigger and upgrade their position in the market by acquiring more people with them. Their economic scale is rising and the company can invest their share in most of theother companies as well. The range of the territory increases and this is possible because of increased production and workforce (Hartley, Sørensen and Torfing 2013). In UK, merger or acquisition cases are determined by the value of disposal. In that case in between 1995 to 2003 most of the money-makingsituations for the companies have started, and in 2017 also it goes on. 

Situational Leadership

There are some partial differences in case of anacquisition as well. As the employees of the earlier company will have to make their palace in the new company, so it will be a new set up, anew environment for them as well. Mergers are not equal in all the cases that are one of the prime attentionof all the companies (Merchant 2012). If leadership style and hostile takeover processes are addressed in a correct way for the acquiesced company, then their employees’ retention policies setups and similar merger conditions are segmented in a right form. In case of all the sections in theUK, deals are signed in healthcare, and energy and power sections are enormous, that will highlight the manufacturing company A also.

Power of leader in the contemporary business process is important in case of power. Power of the leader and the implementation of power for the organization change is the prime objective of the power and that help in case of acquisition section, a bit of clear politics arealso addressed in this section. Efficient employees are needed for the leader to implement their power over them. In case of manning the situation or acquisition case, politics are applicable in those cases. The major concern of business politics is attainable in case of merger situation and leader in Co A is autocratic, and this is the reason employees are not happy with the situation, on the other hand, leaders of Co B has implemented situational leadership to acquire the company.

The fact of globalization is to spread the perspective of the company in all over the world. The spread might be ranged in a smaller way at the initial level but at the end of the long-term process, the business expanding situation large their market. Acquire any company from any country is a globalized perspective. The globalized view, aspect, culture, notion, understanding, and belief this entire segment is important to take over the company. Merger and acquisition situation will provide the estimation of other company and their capability to change the culture of the previous company to the earlier one. The aspect of globalization and business enhancement has formulated through this process, and in case of enhancing the business, this is one of the expressive ways of business.

The live project of knowledge transfer also identifies the innovation in the organization; this is very important for the management as well. Through the innovative outcome, better consequences may come, and that will provide more motivation regarding intrinsic and extrinsic cases to the employees. Through the live project, people innovation process and technological implementation with the organization and their future outcome of margining the system also clarified.



Therefore it can be concluded that managing organization culture is the most affecting implementation that organization has to put in their strategy to sustain their position in the market. There are some challenges in leadership and in that situation, a strict organization culture can protect the organization ethics and management. Autocratic leadership that was presented by Co A is not productive at all for the company, and that is the reason Co B has acquired the company. In that case, transformational leadership or the situational leadership will be needed from their leaders so that company can sustain their identity.

The report lastly makes an encouragement in technical advancement and merger and acquisition policies in theUK and shows the sectional division in case of merger and acquisition and their values. Leadership style, theories,and perspectives, operation processes, technological enhancement in theorganization and the finance related issues all are highlighted in this report.  

In case of leadership style and approach, it is essential to define all the stages and then to map the organization needs in all this section, that will be the best policy of recommendation to stay free from acquisition and sustain the organization in this competitive market. At the first stage, autocratic leadership needs to be followed so that aim and objective of the organization and their related culture will stay along with the formatted ideas. Then, democratic leadership is needed from the leaders so that organization can stay in a sustainable position. In that situation, employees understand their value in the organization and state their view in some cases to evaluate some changes in the organization. After that situation leadership is important as the process highlights any problem situation where leaders can put any strategic change that can save the company as well. At last, transformational leadership is the way to change the vision of the leadership and motivate people to do something new and innovative that never imagined by anyone. Other than leadership aspect, organization fit needs to maintain properly so that people innovation and their productivity will stay on top to manage the organizational success. In case of merger and acquisition case, company’s ethics and objectives have been disturbed, in that situation plan for a protective shield to manage the situation is also needed.


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