Leadership Skills In Nursing: Philosophy, Styles, Strategies, And Competencies

Leadership Philosophy

For nursing at all levels leadership is a primary skill that needs to be adopted by professional nurses and the nurses who are under training. It can be said that managerial responsibility holders has the most authority and scope to showcase the managerial skills, but the recently qualified practitioners in nursing also need to have the confidence and skills that would make them be able to offer leadership for either the fellow students, colleagues for other health care assistants. There are many policies and initiatives generated for the nursing professionals and this has been a growing influence on every aspect for the delivery of healthcare. The practitioners of nursing do needs to be able to exit the leadership quality and influence it much confidently.

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The following report will thus present the idea of leadership skills in nursing with the delivery of the leadership philosophy nursing, the styles and strategies that needs to be developed for the leadership in nursing profession and the leadership competencies that a nurse should possess both in practitioner and professional life. Lastly there would be a reflection on working with leading teams and the individual discretion provided on the leadership skills in nursing. The following report welders give a detailed idea about the leadership skills of nurses and would most probably change the perception about the professional life of nurses. Mostly, leadership skills are associated with managerial professionals, how about the importance of leadership styles and strategies for the nursing professionals will also be described in details with this report.

When it comes to the context of delivering leadership it is mostly associated with managerial skills. However, leadership is a much more organic and authentic. It can be associated with all the professional levels and skills given the choice of profession. Leadership philosophy can be a simply propounded idea that can be developed by a person’s own discretion. Nursing as a profession where leadership styles needs to be adopted naturally with an effective concept of leadership. Viewing oneself as a leader is somewhat difficult to understand. Effective leadership is primary for developing a high quality care that would ensure the safety of the patients and a facilitation of positive staff development. Leadership as a concept is what is believed to be making a person share and consistent to a person’s on principles that would guide to a decision. There would always be people who would be disagreeing on a leader’s decision. However, it is understandable that if a person is consistent in taking his or her decisions they would be respected by even the people who would we disagree into their decisions.

A leader is not someone who has the higher authority and it displays it so. Instead of leader would be one who spends more time working between the employees and listening to them. A leader would be more like a man or woman in the crowd to make sure that just not the delivery of services but the people associated with the organisation who are housing the services are also listened to and the requirements and needs from the organisation are met. The philosophy of a leadership quality in a person does not depend upon the profession but it is a unified idea of making the subordinates follows the ideals that the person possesses without the display of following orders. A leader would not order the fellow employees but would lead to the similar ideals that the person possesses including the requirements of the employees and the grievances they have over the organisation. Leader prospects the point of view of an employee and makes him or her available for the questions that they have. It might be a questionable issue that why nurses should develop leadership styles, but in various research as it has been found that leadership is a multifaceted process that helps in the identification of a unified goal order target that motivates people into acting on the event and provides necessary support and motivation that helps in achievement of the goals that has been mutually negotiated.

Leadership Styles and Strategies

Thus, the philosophy behind the leadership styles that needs to be adopted by the nurses in the healthcare industry provides benefit to the entire organisation of the working operations within a healthcare industry. This in turn works as an improved management of the operations in the healthcare industry binary resulting to the better advantages of hospitality and services provided to the patients.

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Leadership Styles

When it comes to the management of nurses, tennis manager is required to proceed as a leader who has the ability to guide every person that is associated with the welfare of the patients within a nursing unit. Being a leader it is his or her responsibility that regulates all the necessity is that has been directly all indirectly affecting the performance and the quality of services that is provided to the patients within any healthcare organisation. As a leader and as a nurse it is the responsibility of the person to research through the different types of leadership styles that are involved in the nursing industry. The Leadership styles that are preferred according to personal discretion can be Affiliative leadership style. The affiliated leadership style is not easy for achieving. To make this leadership style within a nursing industry or healthcare organisation successful leader is required to be great at making relationships. It is the best leadership style when there is a need of fixing bitterness or reducing the workload or stress that gives rise to frustration within the group of people. It is the duty of the leader to motivate the team members in the best possible way and effective leadership style is extremely effective to induce team harmony. The augmented moral or rebuilding of broken trust is affected by the effective leadership style and it increases the introduction and communication between the different numbers within healthcare organisation. However there are also some disadvantages as it cannot be used as the only source and if this leadership style feels it can lead to Extreme poor performances and can also result into a matter not being solved ever.

In my belief, the strategies to implement leadership have become a bit ambiguous as it is very difficult to say which strategy would have a direct effect on the organisation in the bottom line. role of The reader is however is to influence and encourage the people for engaging into an action structured around a unified and common goal. it is to mean that the draconian or authority of leadership strategies that is a little less understandable in the workforce of the organisations today I have not been able to understood the particular process of employing the leadership strategies. Especially in the nursing unit of any healthcare industry it is the ability of influencing the action only for the betterment of the patients and improving the operations and management of the healthcare industry. As a leader it is essential that vision and common unified goal is defined clearly amongst all the work force that is serving the patient as a nurse. The inspirational leadership strategies create a picture of the future of the organisation and when it comes to the nursing leadership it creates a future picture about the services that as a nurse a person can improve in them to provide to the patients. Not just individual improvement of providing services should be imbibed in the other nurses by the nurse manager, but it is also important that he or she recognise is the efforts that a particular nurse is putting into the services after being influenced by the leader. This means that teamwork and individual work needs to be encouraged and recognition must be handed over as a reward.

Leadership Competencies

The ability of a person in the healthcare Industry that inspires organisational and individual excellence create a shared vision and manages the strategic ends of the organisation so successful performance. This again comes through the leadership competencies that I possess and it can be described as below:

Deducing what I possess of the leadership competency would be the authority of articulating and communicating the objectives, the mission and the priorities of an organisation to both the internal as well as the external entities. I can incorporate the management techniques as well as the theoretical techniques both into proper leadership activities that can be followed by the unified management and nursing workforce. I also have the competency of analysing problems and imbibing out solution from it for the encouraging in the decision making both from the personal point of you and the point of view of the team.

I have the ability that would help in the creation of an organisational climate that would be built on a mutual trust and transparency as well as it would focus on improving the services of the teamwork to support diversity. In addition to that I level of commitment would be encouraged by me from the aspect of the employees with the help of establishment and communication that would compel the organisational goals and visions. I would also encourage the others to hold the self and also myself to be accountable for surfacing the goals that the organisation has already set.

Change in the entire organisational structure can make the professional to adapt to changes that has not been in their expertise. In this case I would help in the promotion of leading in the change with ongoing learning and improvement of the organisation gradually with the learning process. I also have the competency that responds to the need of change and I would also imbibe in the natural change gradually within the organisation which is required. As a leader I would look into the matter of the bigger picture where individual improvement can bring in the operational management and gradual improvement of the entire organisation.

There is a drive of innovation within the organisation and I have the ability to accept it to encourage the driver city that would thoroughly support the innovation process with for the creativity and improvement. I understand that there is diversity of both culture and linguistics present within the people working in a single unit and I respect the fact. I would like to advocate for the professional and social responsibility competencies as well in case of any innovative procedure or any other operational procedure. It is not just that I would advocate for the participation of the workforce into the healthcare policy initiative for the betterment of the patients but I would always advocate for the rights and responsibilities that the patients and their families deserving of as per the health care policy.

There also aspects of nursing leadership competencies that I am not so strong at.  I would like to develop the aspects that I am not so strong. I cannot reciprocate to the facilitation and negotiation and managing the business competencies behind the health and healthcare environment. I would like to be more updated to the laws and regulations as well as a general and financial management in the business competencies of healthcare organisation. The organisational dynamics and governance which effectively acknowledges the organisational system theories and behaviour are the aspect that I would like to extend my expertise further into.

Key competencies as an effective team leader

As a key team leader I have the leadership competencies that would work for any organisation and especially working for the leading teams within an organisation. I have the social intelligence that is just not considered as one of the best predictors of effective leadership but it is also somewhat poly understood and not researched more. However, this is a skill net is a broader Idea and cannot be seen in terms of the understanding of dynamics and situation in a social environment. The ability of the team leader works effectively with various social situations. Social intelligence is a competency that I possess which helps in the constellation of social performance including the sensitivity to situations and a role playing skill development which is very important for effective leadership.

I also possess interpersonal skills that I have developed by becoming an active listener and working on conversation and speaking skills. This is available more relationship oriented aspect of social effectiveness but the soft skill of a leader is by far the best way a person can communicate to their subordinates. I also have emotional intelligence which is a key competency complimenting to the social intelligence. This makes me handle the emotional situations well at all emotional levels and the understanding of the situation in tune is developed through nonverbal cues.

In a team environment I behave as the most prudent cardinal entity and I behave as the wisest person who has the ability of seeing through the perspective without being opinionated and considers the point of view of other people as well. I also possess the Cardinal virtue of fortitude or courage which helps me being rooted into development of my strong personal values even within a team. I do not lose my individuality even within hundreds of different people within a team and I have the courage of standing by my principal all alone. I even possess the higher order of interpersonal skill that help me resolve any kind of interpersonal conflicts and I can also call upon the adjunction when members within a team are engaged in a conflict.

I believe that teamwork is the stepping stone of a person for increasing to further leadership skills. A leader who is not able to work with as a team is almost as failure as a person with no career at all. In today’s world most of the jobs that we are engaged in are involved with the interaction and communication with others who do not even belong in the same line of profession. This is the way by which effective teamwork becomes critical for any organisation irrespective of the industry it is working for. It is more effective in the nursing industry since the patients that get admitted into hospitals do not have their hold over the varied culture they belong to. The patient can be of multiple linguistic and cultural variations and only a leader working in a team work would be able to put in a communication mode into the diversified service provision. Just not the patient but there is also possibilities that the team that a person is working in to has varied cultural and linguistic differences. The diversified skills possessed by a team member leads to success by making use of every opportunity that the person has in engaging team work for developing the effective communication skills. Teamwork motivates how unity shall be implemented in a workplace and it helps in fostering friendship and loyalty. I believe that close knit relationships can be motivated between employees given that they spend most of the time in a day together. Every individual has different position of talent weakness communication skills strengths and habits. Putting these individual positions of diversify talents together would only imposed benefit to the overall goals and objectives of an organisation and would lead towards the speedy and seamless achievement of the goals and objectives.

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