Leadership, Motivation, Perception And Attitude In Organizational Behavior – A Case Study
Leadership in Organizational Behavior
1. Critically analyse the events in this case as they relate to the concepts of Leadership, Motivation, Perception, Attitude and Personality.
2. What should Tom King do now? Why?
3. What suggestion do you have for the HR Manager of this company? Explain.
Organizational behavior defines the way; the employees interact within the groups. It is the human behavior of the employees existing within the organization. This study is based on a case study, where a sales representative has gotten mail from HR managers to shift Tasmania. The study will critically analyze the leadership, motivation, perception and attitude. The study will also define the activities that the sales representative should do in this situation. The study will also provide some suggestions for the human resource managers to handle the situation.
Leadership is the act of leading other in the organization for meeting the goals of the organization in an effective way. It is also related to sharing the vision of the organization with the employees so that they can do the work willingly for achieving the goal of the organization. According to Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee (2013), an effective leader would have a full understanding of the organizational progress in each of the area in which it operates so that they can take right decision according to the situation. Likewise in this case study, it has been found that the human resource manager of the appliance firm have full understanding of their sales volume in all the areas. Thus, they realized that their sales volume is diminishing in the area of Tasmania. On the other hand, Boezeman and Ellemers (2014) argued that the leader of the organization should be accountable and honest towards the employees and share the important information with the employees so that they can adjust themselves with any new changes occurred in the organization. In case of this case study, it has been found that Tom King was fully unaware of the fact that he has to move from New South Wales to Tasmania for the sales purpose. The HR managers have directly shot the mail of job rotation to Tom. This situation shows a lack of accountability on the part of leaders (Tannenbaum, Weschler and Massarik 2013).
According to Tamir et al. (2015), motivation is process of energizing employees towards the goals of the organization through a particular way. This process is related to providing some factors to the employees that instigate the inner urge of the employee to do some particular task. In this case study, the human resource manager of the organization has tried to motivate Tom King for shifting his job area through recognizing his job performance. Praising is one of the best ways, through which the managers of the organization should motivate the employees towards the goals of the organization. With the job shift mail, the HR managers has also send a service pin mail to Tom King for motivating him in shifting his job. According to Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford (2014) perception is somewhat related to hearing something and later giving a verdict of the situation. In this case study, Tom King has heard of this job moving from the local friends of real estate organization. In this situation, Tom may negatively perceive the intension of the management in this job shifting. On the other hand, Barry and Wilkinson (2015) opined that attitude of the employees can be defined in the way employees think about the organization in their mind. In this case study, negative perception of the Tom may lead to negative attitude of Tom towards his respective management. According to Amin and Naqvi (2014), perception is related to the differences between the behavior, traits and thinking. In this case study, the management of the organization has perceived Tom to have openness and conscientiousness that defines his strong sense of duty and take adventurous job. This is the reason; the management has chosen Tom to shift him to Tasmania for increasing the sales volume of the organization.
Motivation in Organizational Behavior
The first thing that Tom should do is to raise voice about shifting of job. This is because the management of the appliance organization did not make Tom to be aware of his job shift. The management of the organization did not give any information regarding his job shift and therefore, it is not right activity of the management. After that, the Tom should revert to the mail of HR against the job shift by detailing the desire him to remain in the same district in which he is excelling throughout many years (Kreiner 2013). Tom should also discuss with the management regarding his denying in job shift. He should tell the management that it would be very difficult for him to adjust in new environment in new place.
The dissimilarities between the workplace cultures may hamper the working productivity of Tom. Therefore, Tom should also discuss this factor with his management team. Although according to the recruitment policy, it usually mentioned that any employee should agree to the job shift any time according to the requirement of the organization (Zayas-Ortiz et al. 2015). Therefore, Tom should try to make his mind in such a way that he could accommodate in the new organizational culture. Although, it is the responsibility of the management of the organization to make the employees aware of job shift before one month of the shift, this organization had not followed the criteria. On the other hand, the organization should also have to take the view of the Tom before sending final job shift mail so that they can give his opinion regarding the job shift. Although, management had praised the Tom, it is not the right way to convince an employee regarding the job shift. Therefore, Tom should raise voice against this job shift.
4.1 Reward
The case study shows the possibilities of the Tom to deny the job shift of the employees. In this case, it is difficult to motivate Tom towards shifting in Tasmania branch. Therefore, on order to handle this situation and retain such an effective employee, the HR managers should revise the compensation structure of Tom (Gyekye and Haybatollahi 2015). The HR manager should give a salary hike to Tom so that he become interested in moving to Tasmania branch and accommodate in new environment.
4.2 Training
Training is the process in which the organization can enhance the skills, capabilities and knowledge of the employees in adopting new jobs in new job area. In the situation explained in the study, Tom may feel a sense of fear on moving to a new area and doing job there. Therefore, the HR manager of the organization should provide training to Tom so that he becomes fearless in accommodating in new job environment in new areas (Somech and Drach-Zahavy 2013). Through providing training, the human resource manager of the organization would also increase the skills and knowledge of Tom that will help him in enhancing the sales of Tasmania.
4.3 Changed decision-making process
Perception and Attitude in Organizational Behavior
It can be found that human resource managers of the appliance organization do not allow the employees in decision-making process and take major decisions regarding the organization by their own without taking any concern of the employees. In this way, the management does not take any concern of Tom regarding his job shift to Tasmania. This behavior of HR may discourage the Tom to move to new area (Batool, Riaz and Riaz 2015). Therefore, HR managers of the organization should allow Tom in decision-making process and take his view regarding the job shift. This will surly motivate the Tom by raising a sense of valued employees and thus, he may convinced to move in new area without raising any voice.
4.4 Accountability
It is the responsibility of the human resource manager to communicate the right and important information of the organization to the employees. Through the accountability of the mangers, the employees feel valued in their workplace by being an important part of the organization. In this case study, it has been found that the managers do not maintain accountability and thus made tom unaware regarding his job shift. This is unethical and can discourage Tom towards shifting in new area (Kreiner 2013). Therefore, HR manager should show accountability towards Tom and making him aware of the right intension behind the job shift.
5.0 Conclusion
While concluding the study, it can be said that the leaders of the appliance organization mentioned in the case study have enough decisive power and thus, they are well aware of the productivity of all of their branches for taking right decision at right time. The human resource manager has also tried tom motivate Tom by praising his job performance throughout 10 years. However, the managers of the organization do not have accountability that can be known from sending mail to Tom regarding his job shift without making him aware beforehand. In this situation, Tom should raise a voice through denying moving in Tasmania. On the other hand, Tom should also discuss with the management about the reason of denying about the job shift. In this situation, the human resource manger should provide salary hike as reward to Tom so that he become motivated in going to new job place. The human resource managers should also show accountability towards Tom by communicating the true intention of the management behind this job shift.
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