Leadership Model For Human Resource Manager
My Leadership Model as a Human Resource Manager
Discuss about the Leadership Model for Human Resource Manager.
As a human resource manager in my organization over the past years, I have been using participative leadership style as my best model when it comes to the employees as told by Zehir and Ertosun (2011, p.1465). Also known as democratic leadership style where I freely involve my employees in decision making. I take my employees ideas, considerations, and opinions when it comes to decision making as one of their leader where every member has to participate freely in decisions making process. The participative style I chose it as one of my best leadership styles after studying it as one of the best methods in engaging the employees to be more creative as well as motivating them for the efficient running of the organization. Working together as a team from all the working staffs also promotes success and better achievement of our joint organization goals and visions since we are a sales company we will have to aim for high sales of our products and satisfaction of our customer’s needs.
My area of primary leadership can also be derived from behavioral theory. Whereby I took few years to learn and observe my fellow human resource managers in the organization where I sharpened my management skills and traits through aping their actions of leadership and way of ruling. Through further assessing their managerial skills for example how they were building good relationships with our esteemed customers as well as how they improved decision-making with other employees forced me to employ excellent communication skills to all working for staff as from the first experience I never knew how to communicate well with the employees as illustrated by Schaubroeck et ell (2012, pp.1056).
Multiculturalism has also enlightened my leadership model as a human resource manager in this large company which has many foreign workers who speak different languages and have different cultures. My curiosity to explore the world has made me know different cultures and languages which have assisted me in understanding various working individuals from all parts of the world. Also, being a Christian where different values and traits of loving and treating our brothers and sisters benefited me in this model leadership style where I employ the Moses qualities or King David from the Bible in ruling as a common person to all cultures and religions. Either a Muslim, Hindu or Christian.
The Main Organizing Idea in my Leadership Model as a Resource Manager
For efficient performance and success in my leadership style or design are my vision and better goal setting which is to enhance commitment to all the employees and develop the high-performance attitude for high success. Good teamwork which comes from allowing decision making from all the members without leaving out others will create a good relationship which will heavily assist in the achieving of our primary goals and objectives of the organization according to Liu et ell (2014, pp.288). Therefore, as a high performing leader, I have instilled proper communication strategies to the whole of my working staff hence my main organizing issue of participation by every employee will lead to better high performance and success. Lastly, the participative leadership style will lead to the real relationship of team members who will work properly in achieving our goals and objectives.
For one to be a great leader in an organization, I consider the following qualities and competencies to be employed by each person for better success of the business as stated by Grissom et ell (2011 pp.1091). First is integrity. Effective leaders are honest and transparent to their team and all the individuals they daily engage with in their work. They should do what they say and always tell the truth by adhering to the ethics and morals of the society.
Great leaders should also possess excellent communication skills whereby one has to communicate often to his or her team members appropriately without having problems of channeling of information. It can be done either through phone calls, emails or letters or even face to face with one’s members. One should also solve problems and analyze issues affecting the organization appropriately and tactfully since being a leader one is correctly trained on how to solve problems and issues arising. Therefore, better solutions to the problems are efficiently provided.
Again, confidence is very vital. As an effective leader, one is supposed to be calm and confident when dealing with issues of the organizations. As a team leader, one should not panic or show worry whenever problems arise for example when the company sales go terribly down in low seasons of the year. As a manager, I tend to stay calm and try to boost the employee’s morale and assure all the team members all will be okay. Thus helping the team members to improve their level of confidence band work efficiently towards tackling organization problems.
Most Important Traits, Skills and Tasks for an Effective Leader
Lastly, as a great leader, one should have a positive attitude from both his and her team members and should always motivate his staff whenever they perform ass simplified by Solansky (2010, p.675). Good motivation, for example, I usually offer my employees family vacations or bonuses whenever they reach a certain set target of sales which makes them feel catered for when it comes to running the organization.
The leadership practiced in my module is seeking to achieve people making better decisions as a group than when deciding all alone. Through people making decisions together, there is the increase in social commitments to each other which brings about increased commitment to the decision. People are collaborating more when working towards goal achievement rather than being competitive as stated by Yahaya and Ebrahim (2016, p.196).
My leadership model mainly dwells on the following core values in running the organization. One is openness, honesty, and integrity where as a leader I have challenged every member of my team to be open and honest with each employee from making decisions to the handling of clients thus this helps them to stand out of the crowd show whom they are without fear.
Innovation and creativity are also core values I have tried to engage my workers with whereby they can come up with something unique and different or with other new ideas and innovations which will assist us as an organization in achieving our goals and settings better ones. With great creativity and innovation makes my employees better and best in the competitive world ahead of others.
Passion and enthusiasm are also other core values my leadership entails. As a human resource manager, I try to help my employees achieve their dreams and visions where they can engage themselves in what they love doing. Therefore, by being passionate about what they are doing will help them achieve their goals efficiently.
The existing team members will massively benefit from having to acquire skills and knowledge freely from other workers since my leadership mainly encourages teamwork. Therefore, the members will have to learn from others and assist each other properly without having being sent to training. The good brotherhood relationship created among them will also help them in having excellent communication skills as well as interpersonal traits well dealing with other employees as described by Rosing (2011, pp.959). Their morale will also be boosted therefore leading them to specialize well in what they love mostly doing as one is allocated or assigned tasks according to their area of expertise. The real working environment will, therefore, be a created from the above leadership. Therefore, the organization goals and objectives are efficiently achieved by competent employees.
What the Leadership Practiced is Seeking to Achieve
Participative leadership model creates a culture of productivity in the organization since employees can work to their level best in achieving the firm’s targets therefore increasing productivity which is a definite trend towards success as indicated by Dorfman (2012. p.515).
I chose Participative leadership model as my style of leadership since it involves the entire team is working with when it comes to focusing and decision making as I cooperate closely with every member, unlike autocratic leadership where the leader makes all the decisions alone without involving other members as seen by Arakelyan (2016.p.141). Therefore, with participative leadership style can have a broad range of ideas, skills, and decisions to assist me in solving problems efficiently unlike other models like autocratic where one has to figure out for himself or herself all the decisions which make it more hectic According to Yukl (2012, p.68)
As a human resource manager, I have easily made all the employees be it junior staff or supervisors participate heavily in decision-making processes of the organization. For example, in the sales department, all employees concerned with sales can sit in a panel of their own with all the supervisors and make better quality decisions concerning how they will have to increase their annual sales according to L., Lin, L. and Chang-Yen, T., (2011 pp.1044-1054). Therefore, each ones’ ideas and decisions are put into consideration for better success of the organization and in that way participative leadership employed in the whole organization.
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