Leadership, Management, And Training Recommendations For Accord Hotel

Training and development recommendations

Discuss about the Leadership and Management of Accord Hotel.

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Accord needs to engage the managers, leaders, supervisors, and employees in training and development programs for ensuring the execution of roles and responsibilities in an effective manner. Every individual working in Accord has different roles and responsibilities to fulfill. For the purpose of fulfilling these responsibilities, training and development needs must be met. Skills and knowledge of the individual need to be evaluated for the analysis of the training and development Need of the training and development must be identified for engaging the individual in training and development program (Elnaga & Imran, 2013). Learning options should be flexible so as to develop the skills and knowledge of the individual in an effective manner. Peer review technique can be applied for the purpose of analyzing the effectiveness of the training and development program implemented by Accord. Cross-department training will help in enhancing the skills of the individual as well as promotes flexibility in the internal environment of Accord. This approach will help in handling the roles and responsibilities of different departments in an effective manner (Falola, et. al., 2014). This approach will benefit the employer as well as employees of Accord. Training and development program must include the aspect of cultural diversity so as to ensure that the employees of Accord are supporting each other. Training and development must include leadership and motivational skills which will prepare the individual for coping with the different situations faced at the workplace. Managers must support other employees for ensuring monitoring and coaching of the employees in an effective manner (Asfaw, et. al., 2015).

Different leadership styles are available which are used as per the need and requirement of the situation. Accord is a newly constructed hotel and there is a need to adopt an effective leadership style for enhancing the performance of the hotel. Managers of the Accord can adopt the authoritative leadership style as a new start-up need to set a common vision for directing the efforts of the team towards the right path (Nanjundeswaraswamy & Swamy, 2014). This leadership style will help the managers, team leaders and supervisors of Accord to focus on the end results rather than letting individual perform on their own. This style will help in developing team spirit among the new team and enhances support towards each other. A team of Accord is newly formed and for the management of the team, there is a need to guide them properly for the execution of the roles in an effective manner (Amanchukwu, et. al., 2015). Another leadership style which can be adopted by the managers, team leaders and supervisors of the Accord is the coaching leadership style. This leadership style will help in developing the employees for future roles by performing the existing roles in an effective manner. Coaching leadership style will help in enhancing the personal strengths of the employees as well as help in accepting the changes which managers, team leaders, and supervisors are implementing. Most of the employees employed by Accord are experienced staff and this leadership style will be effective as employees are aware of the roles and responsibilities they have to fulfill as an individual and as a part of a team (Mansouri, et. al., 2013).

Recommended leadership styles

Motivation and rewards are crucial for enhancing the productivity and performance of the business. Accord will adopt motivational techniques and reward structures for enhancing the performance of the employees. Accord need to create a positive work environment which helps in motivating the employees as well as encourage them to work in a team by supporting and coordinating with each other. This will help in eliminating conflicts among the employees and promotes team goals rather than individual goals. Communication channels need to be set in an effective manner for ensuring effective flow of information and open communication. This technique will motivate the employees as Accord will be able to communicate the goals or objectives in an effective manner (Cameroon, 2010). Regular meetings and one-on-one sessions will be conducted for the identification of the aspects affecting the satisfaction level of the employees. Employees need to be empowered as empowering employees will help in motivating them and promotes better and quick decision making. Incentives will be provided to the individual rather than to a team for enhancing the satisfaction level of the individual employee. Extra pay, gift cards, and cash rewards can be given to the employees for motivating them. Better opportunities can be offered to the employees which will encourage employees to work harder, enhance their productivity and enhance their performance. Examples need to be set for boosting their morale and encouraging them to perform better for gaining the opportunities. All these techniques will help in motivating the employees by contributing towards their enhanced productivity and performance (Muogbo, 2013).

A performance management system is adopted with a motive to analyze or measure the performance of the employees. This measurement of the performance helps in analyzing the gaps between the standard set and the actual performance of the employee. Gaps form a base for the adoption of a process for enhancing the team spirit, enhancing the performance of the employees and driving at better outcomes for the business. Balance score card can be used by Accord which will help in keeping track of the performance of the employees of different departments. The effectiveness of every department can be measured with the help of balance score card. Internal functions of the different departments can be improved with the help of this performance management system (Bulawa, 2011). Use of Balance score card will help in linking the performance of every employee with the performance of the department, analyzing satisfaction level of the employees, improving the performance of individual employee as well as of the department and measurement of the performance of individual and department against the set targets. Performance criteria can be set by Accord which can include financial and operational results of the department, customer satisfaction results and employee satisfaction results. Benchmarking tool can be used for setting the objectives and targets for every department which will help in the analysis of the gaps between the expected performance and actual performance. Performance improvement process will be adopted by Accord for enhancing the performance of every department. This process will include directing, coaching, supporting and delegation (Mohd Saudi, 2014).

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Motivational techniques and reward structures

Teamwork is an important aspect for every organization as this enhances the performance of every individual and of the organization. Accord need to develop team spirit for promoting teamwork so as to ensure that employees are working in a team and supporting each other for performing the operations of the hotel. For enhancing the teamwork, few recommendations have been made which are stated below:

  • An open door policy should be adopted by Accord which will help the employees in approaching other employees for gaining help or support for performing the tasks assigned to it.
  • Team challenges should be set so as to promote teamwork for overcoming the challenge and attaining the objectives (Salas, et. al., 2014).
  • Motivational techniques and training and support programs should be implemented for enhancing the morale of the employees. This will help in developing a positive environment which will encourage teamwork in Accord.
  • Suggestions should be invited from the employees so as to enhance their participation in the decision-making process and promoting teamwork.
  • Team objectives must be clearly defined for directing the efforts of every individual of the team towards the common objective. Setting common objectives for the team will encourage the employees for working as a team and accomplishing the team objective (Jiang, 2010).
  • Team activities and team meetings need to be arranged and promoted throughout the accord for encouraging coordination among the team members.
  • Clear roles and responsibilities should be defined for guiding the efforts of every individual. This will help in reducing the chances of duplication of work and conflicts among the team members

Accord must ensure that its employees and customers are satisfied with the services offered by the hotel. Satisfied employees will perform the roles and responsibilities assigned to them in a better manner. For analyzing the issues affecting employee satisfaction, employee surveys can be conducted and feedbacks can be collected from the employees on regular basis. This approach will help in dealing with issues faces by employees and enhancing their performance which will contribute towards the success in growth of accord. Customer survey should be conducted for analyzing the factors affecting their satisfaction level. Accord can use this information for enhancing the quality of services and satisfaction level of the customers (Langvinien? & Daunoravi?i?t?, 2015).


Amanchukwu, R. N., Stanley, G. J. & Ololube, N. P., 2015, “Review of Leadership Theories, Principles and Styles and Their Relevance to Educational Management”, Management, Vol. 5 No. 1, pp. 6-14.

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