Leadership For Borsch And Accenture
Case Study 1: Ruslan Kogan
Discuss about the Leadership for Borsch and Accenture.
Ruslan Kogan is a founder and CEO of Kogan.com an ecommerce platform for electronic goods. Kogan has also been in the list of one of the founders of Milan Direct, and Australian and UK based furniture retailer. Also he has been surveyed as Australia’s one of the richest people under the age of 30. Kogan.com was the first online platform where the privately labeled TV’s were sold (Annah&Avolio, 2010). From being an employee of companies like Borsch and Accenture, Ruslan Kogan emerged into the most influential and strongest people in technology and business. Effective leadership and innovation are the two aspects which has been the most powerful elements of Ruslan Kogan.
Ruslan Kogan started his career by working in the IT department of Borsch, shifted to Generic Electric and the transformed as a management consultant in Accenture. The leader soon realized that working under the companies and organizations was not going to work for him and thus he quit his job and planned to start his own firm (Dalton et al, 2015). Soon he started his television retailing business online, named Kogan.com. Under the leadership of Ruslan, Kogan.com developed into the first online TV retailer store online which sold privately owned and branded televisions. The company ordered amazing consumer goods and items like electronic items, lifestyle, home, healthcare etc at very affordable prices. Kogan did revolutionize the way the Australians shopped. Since past few years, the list and range of products the company offered did increase from hundreds to thousands. Ruslan has been dignified and awarded with the youngest entrepreneur of the year in 2012, one of the top 50 influential people in tech, in the list of BRW young rich list people, fast starters, fast 100, top young CEO etc (Defazioet al, 2009).
This has proved that Ruslan has emerged and developed as a significant and powerful leader who changed the direction of success for the company. This person has grown as a leader and has set an example for effective leadership. Ruslan proved that all the qualities and features which a leader must have are filled within him. The steps taken by Ruslan to run the company and gradually increase the products and offerings were quite successful and soon the company developed into a firm providing numerous and wide range of products (delSordoet al, 2012). Ruslan had the qualities like a positive approach towards situations, effective management of the teams, support towards the employees and teams, management of the entire process etc. These qualities have made Ruslan an effective and impactful leader having the power of leading an organization effectively and have set an example for the emerging leaders.
The Ways Ruslan has Constructed as a Leader by Accounts
Ruslan kogan enhances the features of his leadership by justifying several key points which are focus on the positive aspects of the business, develop a win-win situation for both the company and the customers and a constant support for the employees and the customers (Ferdig, 2007). As per Ruslan, leadership is not focused to provide power to any single person or entity; it is a huge responsibility which needs to be taken very seriously. It may be very tough to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization but a constant try and efforts would surely provide successful outcomes and results. Leadership for Ruslan is the identification of the points which are unseen and not considered by others. The leaders stand out due to the unique and different qualities and that is what makes a leader powerful and strong (Forbes, 2014). Also Ruslan believes that rather than running in the crowd with people, it is worthy to find the right direction and move ahead in that direction. The most important aspect is belief in oneself and the team members. If the leader s not confident enough, the team members too would be unsure and would lack confidence. Thus it is very important to believe in the people and trust them. Also building a trustworthy and reliable image is a most important quality of a leader. The team must have confidence in its leader and must develop a reliable and communicational relationship. This would make the communication and tasks easy for both. Thus as per the conceptualization of Ruslan, his leadership is trust and belief in the team members, standing out from the crowd and thinking out of the box while developing innovative strategies and methodologies (Foundation for Deep Ecology, 2012).
Ruslan believes that if the leadership is followed in a proper manner, then the results and outcomes are guaranteed. Success is no bar if the leader follows his/ her duty in a significant and impactful manner. Success and effective leadership goes hand in hand. If the company gets in the hands of wrong leader who does not know how to lead an organization or a team, the results would be completely adverse and negative (Garman et al, 2010). The organizational success is completely dependent on the leadership followed by the company. Ruslan believes that the organization led by the effective leaders which are significant and innovative would surely achieve success. Ruslan believes himself as an impactful leader and thus he has been able to drive the company’s success. An effective leader knows where the company needs to improve and what the weak areas of the organization are and thus by focusing on these aspects, the leader can change the situation and performance of the company (Forbes, 2014).
How Ruslan Conceptualizes his Leadership
Ruslan has developed a large online market and has developed successful online market place for the electronic items and goods. Ruslan is a technological appraiser and loves to use technology in each and every part of his business. He can to consider the fact of using the virtual reality for enhancing the online shopping experience. Online shopping has been too common and is adopted by numerous companies and if Ruslan wants to stand out from the common applications, he must use the innovation and out of the box thinking as his leadership quality and must try something different for enhancing the shopping experience.
Brian Hartzer is the CEO of an Australian based company called Westpac. This amazing person has emerged as the CEO of the company due to the immense skills and talent which he possesses. Brian has proven his significance and talent as a leader while serving as the impactful and effective CEO of the company. The CEO of the Westpac banking services also was the Managing director of Westpac and the Chief Executive of the Retail wealth at UK. The list of the designations and positions of his career is quite long and impressive (Mintzberg, 2009). From banking services to the consultancy firms, Brian has an experience of all kind of firms and has achieved high significance in terms of a leader and a chief executive. This list defines the efficiency and impact of Brian as a leader and his emerge from a basic employee to the CEO. It has been witnessed that after the entry of Brian, the company’s profit ratios and management processes became more stable and sequenced. This was due to the effective management and leadership skills of Brian. Brian was included in the list of most influential people which has proved that Brian was born enriched with the leadership and management qualities with the bunch of experience he had in all the companies (Moscelliet al, 2015).
Brian is a business executive who works as a CEO in Westpac Australia has a leadership qualities that conceptualize the leaders role and the role model of many people. With the Westpac CEO he has vowed to seemingly lift the efficiency of the company and then sharpen the focus of the bank towards the customers that unveil the management in the largest divisions. The leadership concepts that are adopted by the leader are focusing on the largest divisions of the company and the most attractive performance (Martin et al, 2016).
How Ruslan Conceptualizes Success Through Leadership
Brian with his move made a considerable notice with the country’s largest lender as a stamp on the country, this was to fulfill the demand of the customers and the new bank that has a consumer division was a key job that was focused equivalently by Brian. The retail banking was much welcomed at this end which was the main brand of Westpac retailing. By having a social responsibility as the duty of a leader, Brian made some changes that led to the consumer banking division which conveniently led to the account for the group to the profit of the bank and even included the consumer that faced the arms of the retail banking which is Westpac, Bank of Melbourne and RAMS (Kouzes& Posner, 2007). Brian has even promoted David as a product officer who has a responsibility to lead to the new division that was focused with the commercial and the other business banking sector which was utmost a priority growth market. Whereas, there are restructures that are led with the bank’s executives who are senior in the bank. The leadership quality that allowed the team support led to the growth in the market and the team support created a success towards the consumer banking which was highly been appreciated by the company itself (Hamel, 2009).
With the success of the leadership approach that has been constructed by Brian, there are leadership qualities that matter in the restructure of the banking system and thinking about the focus that needs to be carried out with the ability to prove with accountability and the responsibility that encouraged the system and the organization. The bank’s ability was been increased by Brian which is the matter of concern when it comes to responding quickly to the needs of customers and the lift the executives who are accountable and need to deliver according to the pledge of the company which is again the main objective of Westpac (Goffee& Jones, 2009).
Brian has made an effort in the internalization and the banking sector, this has made an attempt to face the calls that the market reins while it should be designed to improve the standardization while remove the duplication of the rules and regulations that are fraudulent (Maxwell, 2007). The success of the leadership traits that has been observed is the accountability and the responsibility towards the society and the stakeholders at large.
Leaders focus on the productivity and this aims at increasing the revenues by providing the input to the work culture. There are common goals that are brought by the leader which helps to accelerate the common process and allows the strengths of the brands which are efficient and gives a result to the organization. business banking has now been importance and Brian has identified the priority that makes a the most of the retail banking as a key priority. There are more opportunities, Brian thinks as such he states that with greater opportunity that can be applied to business side as well as consumer side (Montesinoset al, 2008).
Cindy Hook is the first female Australian CEO from a big accounting firm and is now a forefront for change. She is a personality who started his top job in the year 2015, with the crucial and the top headlines in Australian news, her gender has become the most fascinating headline for others to learn from his qualities (Garman et al, 2010). She has leadership qualities that is been used effectively and for the next generation for leaders with females, she has given a lot of attention with her lead conversations that are momentum and are seamlessly a way too far bringing together the business credentials with the innovative approach and a fresh approach that matters in the business and finance. With the qualities of leadership she possess in her, she has been a great leader and a Boss in an Emerging event of leaders.
With the career in the accounts, there has been an interest to know about and to hear about the journey of Cindy in the make dominant society. With the way Cindy Hook has been a leader in accounts is appreciated while this is relevant and convenient career which best suited her in the career path. As such the leaders describe their leadership traits with the conceptualization of leadership and their roles as a leader in the account field (Rao, 2006).
Accordingly the six tips that the leader has given to the world as an experience is been shared here to know and describe about the conceptualization of leadership. Know yourself is the main element that cannot be ignored while understanding the real importance that is been given (Parkin, 2010). It is equally important that knowing yourself and acting in the same way is an authentic leadership which is very critical to handle and it seems that no matter what, always it is necessary to act according to what seems to be right from mind. Cindy believes that people take time to while writing the values of the life and might even seem obvious when they actually act upon what has to be done. What is more important in life is to be reflected upon when its time to take some crucial decisions. This is the time when a person knows about self and accepts the career he wants to chose upon. This is the leadership quality that is adopted by Cindy and it mainly revolves with the vitality and the commitment of life long wellbeing. At this end, Cindy observes that the ability to lead a life is tied with our mental and physical well being which we build in ourself (Kouzes& Posner, 2012).
Case Study 2 : Brian Hartzer
At the next level, the other quality states about working hard and delivering the results that prove to be positive and impact the whole system or the company (Schley, 2006). It is not merely the hours that are proven in the system or an organization, but it is the hard work that matters after a long working hour and the productivity that matters in most of the cases. Cindy has made her decisions when it comes to proving herself with the hard work she has done for self and for the society itself (Shriberg& MacDonald, 2013). Consistent and the continous results that are proven are most amazing because in the accounts career what states is the main and the financial scope which is useful in every progression and even Cindy has made proven results with her career when it somes to acknowledging the years of work she performed to get the most top rated job as a CEO in Delloite. While delivering new roles, it is easy to be successful in the society because people notice the actions that are taken and the results that make a difference in the attitude and the career path.
The leadership quality of being loyal to the organization is an encouragement to the employees who find Cindy as a role model (Stacey, 2007). These days people do not work continuously in one organization, rather they keep on changing, so Cindy advices and says that career is an important step where a person should be faithful to the company and towards the job duties. When working as an auditor, Cindy has made a move in the year 2009 in San Francisco. Tenure was the most important leadership trait that has been observed by Cindy and the leadership qualities that refer from a research study was conducted by Harvard Busines Review.
With this impact was to carry on the career path with loyalty and Cindy has an interestin career that states over the Deloitte company. With no progress in the company, a person may move on which means it is completely fine because no person would like to stick to the same place where he is not promoted. Change may lead to a different approach and this is seemingly an interesting way that can change the future of a person. Building a great team would be a leadership conceptualization that need to be observed and the support of team makes a relevancy that recommends the people about the leadership lessons that are valuable. The qualities of leadership proved that there are born leaders (Tourish, 2008).
The Ways Brian has Constructed as a Leader by Accounts
The more effective the leaders are, the more successful the company can get. The leadership has many aspects and factors like effective team management, communication, strategy development etc which must be followed in the companies. It is highly recommended to follow these aspects for every team leader and strenghthen the leadership skills.
After analysing the perspective of leadership from the three biggest and sjgnificant leaders of Australia, it can be stated that leadership is a quality which can bring new heights of success to any organization. These people are leaders due to their unique and different qualities and the organizations can get a successful and stable base if they have impactful, trustworthy and highly influential leaders.
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