Leadership, Ethics, Teamwork And Multiculturalism – A Personal Leadership Model

Perception of leadership and my position

Discuss About The Knowledge And Inherent Quality As A Leader?

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Leadership is defined as the quality of human being through which a team can be monitored and motivated to accomplish certain objectives. Leadership is used for the business scenario to emphasize the personality which can guide, motivate and give direction to the team for the assignment with specific business objective to accomplish by exercising self-quality of the required features. (Ward, 2017)

This essay will highlight three major areas of leadership which I use to practice for accomplishment of my leadership objective to justify Personal Leadership Model or PLM. The three areas are ethics, teamwork and multiculturalism. Being a supervisor in a business unit, it is my primary responsibility to lead my team through the traits of these three areas to ensure accomplishment of business objective by applying proper strategies.

Leadership is such quality which enhances the ability of individual to guide the team. The perception of leadership of my practice is always depending upon trait theory of leadership. This leadership theory teaches me the qualities to assess my own ability towards coveted results, integrity, my own ability and direction. (Anon., 2017)

The conception of trait approach has taught me different strengths of this theory of leadership like its intuitive appeal of leadership. This PLM is run with the perception of its difference for the special traits they belong to as the followers want to see their leaders as different from general with the ability to lead the team by the gifted quality. (Northhouse, 2017)

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My position in the business unit as a supervisor of the production team demands leadership to guide the team members with the clarity of business objectives and good knowledge of proper strategies to accomplish those objectives. When any new change is coming in the operations, the team needs clear guidance to adopt that with specific business strategy to accomplish the changed business objective. For this purpose, I use to place the changed situation to the team, asking for their own valuable inputs and then decide to implement the strategy adjudging the strength and weakness of new applicable process.

This theory is depending upon different traits with necessary skills of leadership, as demanded by the situation which are focusing on the features of Adaptability of situation, cautious about social environment, orientation by ambition and accomplishment, assertion oriented, focused on cooperation and forced with decision making and dependable with dominance. Basic skills for exercising trait theory of leadership are cleverness, skilled with concept, creativity, practice of diplomacy and tactfulness, strong communication skill., clear concept of team effort as per task orientation, focused with persuasion and socially skilled features. (minds, 2017)

Leadership theories

This theory of leadership is sponsoring the concept of participation by the stakeholders instead of practicing any autocratic practice to ensure leadership. This theory always promotes the concept of mass listening and collaborative decision. This leadership never sponsors the autocratic theory of leadership which is mainly driven by the self force to dictate others. (Minds, 2017)

This theory is based on the assumptions of the ability of leader to face any contingent situation due to several balancing factors. This theory is promoted with the class of behavioral theories which promotes the concept of non-matching of leadership style to be followed universally. (minds, 2017)

The objective of individual always depends upon business objective of the workplace and the objective of the leader is to ensure successful compliance of the need of the business strategies. For this purpose, the leader has to make his self escalation through inputs of academic and professional training. My future plan is to enhance my level of knowledge as per the need of the situation and transmit my knowledge through sharing with my team in order to make them understand their future course of action and the way to execute that for accomplishment of coveted result. Team can only be motivated when they can found their leader is well equipped with the required level of knowledge and the skill to execute. As a production supervisor, I have to be well updated about the latest trend of technological changes featuring in the industry in respect of production process. This enhanced level of knowledge can make me able to understand the changed scenario of the industry in respect of production process. My team will look for the required guidance about the changed pattern of production through technological initiative and thus they can be able to deliver as per coveted level of result when they will be guided by me.

I want to see myself as a leader of well acceptance through the application of Trait theories of leadership. This theory taught me the objective of PLM as a leader who will run the show with the entire team taken into confidence. There are three areas as ethics, teamwork and multiculturalism which are my main areas of concern while practicing leadership.

Ethics is basic feature for any leader while working for an organization and practicing leadership for the team. It is the prerequisite for any leader to prove his sustainability for the organization and the team. Working ethics and leadership ethics obviously differs from each other so far its importance is concerned. Working ethics can define the integrity of the individual towards his work, while the leadership ethics always drives an individual to present himself ethically to his team. (Fernandes, 2017)

Participative theory

Teamwork is another area of concern for practicing leadership for me. Teamwork is required for any leader to ensure about his image to his subordinates. Being a leader, I have to ensure that the team should feel free to come to me for any type of problems they face in any aspect. Teamwork can only be ensured through implementation of planning, assessing and communicating. Being leader, I have to plan my future course of action, communicate the same to my team and making assessment of the operation process which is in place by the team. It is the lesson of management that managers with better teamwork can deliver better result for the organization. To ensure better teamwork, I have to earn the knowledge of planning, communicating to my team and assessing their output. (Morley, 2017)

Multiculturalism is another important area which is to be ensured by trait leadership. In present global context of expatriate workers, different ethnicity and culture of workers are to be taken into consideration for smooth operation of the organization. Workers from different ethnicity have their own thoughts and style of delivering output which cannot be generalized. Moreover multiculturalism is another area which attracts patience and respect for different cultures. As a leader I have to practice the basic requirements to adhere the needs of multiculturalism. As a leader I have to practice five values which include politeness, honorable, acceptability, kindness and patient hearing. These values can make the workers of different cultures friendlier with obvious adaptation of the work style applicable. (Ruiz, 2016)

It is my priority to see that the objective of the business is to be honored first. To ensure that, I have to identify the areas of concern that can add value to the operations of the organization. I also have to look after the workers for their difficulties so that they can feel my presence to them as a team member. Micro objectives of workers are to be honored by me so that I can ensure the accomplishment of macro objective of the organization. Value addition through knowledge gathering and sharing the same with my team will make my position as a leader stronger. Hence I will always insist on my enhancement of knowledge base in order to keep my team upgraded and thus ensure better option of delivering the output for the organization.

Which I should not do- Being a leader I should ensure that my team should feel the ambience of democracy. I will not insist on any such action which may generate the feeling of mistrust within the team. At the same time I will not share the personal information of the members of my team to others as a practice of confidentiality. The interest of the organization will get highest priority to me, but there is always ample priority for the team members for me. I should not do anything which can hamper organizational interest as well as individual interest of the team members. As a leader, I should never indulge in ignoring the multiculturalism of the team members.

Contingency theory

Which I should start doing- It is my dream to be the production manager of this business unit in future. To accomplish my objective, I have to be well equipped with knowledge and team management. Knowledge base enhancement can make my future strong so far my ability is concerned. Team management in efficient way can prove me as an effective and successful leader to run a big team. I should start studying individual psychology to understand my team better. These future steps will keep my dream alive and one day I will lead the entire production team of this business with the objective of making this business unit prospers as per future business objective.


Leadership is such a quality which can make an individual capable of handling the team for the common objective of the organization. Team is looking for leader for guidance and direction along with good personality to understand their problem. Being a believer of trait theory of leadership, I would practice leadership with special emphasis on ethical practice, teamwork and multiculturalism. It is the demand of leadership to ensure these three areas are to be honored with due respect so that trait leadership theory can establish its worth. The business unit where I work as a production supervisor demands these areas as these will ensure my deliverance to the organization and to the team as a proper executor of corporate strategies to accomplish objectives of the business and forma strong team who will believe on me as a true leader to stand beside them in case of their need. Trait theory of leadership taught me the specific focus areas of leadership which I will accomplish with my knowledge and inherent quality as a leader.


Ano., 2017. ORG Module Unit 6: Leadership. [Online] Available at: https://www.le.ac.uk/oerresources/psychology/organising/page_06.htm [Accessed 25 September 2017].

Fernandes, P., 2017. How to be an ethical leader. [Online] Available at: https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5537-how-to-be-ethical-leader.html [Accessed 25 September 2017].

minds, C., 2017. Contingency Theory. [Online] Available at: https://changingminds.org/disciplines/leadership/styles/participative_leadership.htm [Accessed 30 September 2017].

Minds, C., 2017. Participative theory. [Online] Available at: https://changingminds.org/disciplines/leadership/styles/participative_leadership.htm [Accessed 30 September 2017].

minds, c., 2017. Trait Theory. [Online] Available at: https://changingminds.org/disciplines/leadership/theories/trait_theory.htm [Accessed 30 September 2017].

Morley, M., 2017. Teamwork vs. Leadership. [Online] Available at: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/teamwork-vs-leadership-23315.html [Accessed 25 September 2017].

Northhouse, 2017. Trait Approach. [Online] Available at: https://www.sagepub.com/sites/default/files/upm-binaries/30933_Northouse_Chapter_2.pdf [Accessed 25 September 2017].

Ruiz, J., 2016. Five Ways to Effective Multicultural Leadership. [Online] Available at: https://alderkoten.com/5-ways-to-effective-multicultural-leadership/ [Accessed 25 September 2017].

Ward, S., 2017. Leadership Definition. [Online] Available at: https://www.thebalance.com/leadership-definition-2948275 [Accessed 25 September 2017].

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