Leadership Development: Importance, Strategies And Benefits

Introduction to Leadership Development

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In the words of John Maxwell, leadership is an attribute present in an individual, that helps in influencing others- someone who possesses a great vision, not just a dream, and possesses great potential to translate it into reality. While talking of leaders, none can overlook some of the unforgettable and immortal leaders of the world, such as military leaders like Alexander or Napoleon, or eminently powerful statesmen like Winston Churchill. Again, Kelvin Youkills or Jonathon Toews are no less of a leader in the world of sports. However, in the realm of business organizations, the importance of managerial leadership skills cannot be overstated. An organization, may have formulated and strategized numerous plans, but it is extremely important to put those plans into actions. This execution of plans can successfully occur with the help of efficient leaders, whose objective is not only to direct and instruct the employees to achieve the targets, but also to motivate and inspire them to achieve bigger goals for future (Northouse 2015).

Samsung is one of the most eminent multinational companies, dealing with electronic gadgets, with its branches spread across the globe. As a reputed company, it has always been a responsibility with the organization to ensure the fact that the company is governed and supervised by highly able and efficient leaders. However, although the Great Man leadership theory claims that leadership skills are intrinsic attributes, present in an individual since his birth, most of the recent theories advocate that leadership skills can be developed and polished by programs. Hence, Samsung , like many other companies, are investing huge amount of money in providing grooming programs to the leaders (Bagher 2016).

The first and foremost point that is considered in the development of the leadership program is in creating a sense of responsibility in the individuals concerned. The leaders are always responsible for bringing in a positive change in the organization. Usually, the misconception with the concept of a “leader” is that the word stands for a designation, where an individual enjoys superiority of position that gives him the power to direct and command over others. However, a leader in Samsung is specially trained and groomed, to think beyond just exercising control. A leader is assigned with the duty of chalking out plans, formulating innovative ideas, setting up plans to achieve the targets, and reviewing and monitoring the performance of each of the subordinates (Sung et al. 2014). The responsibility of communicating a plan or a strategy to the employees lies with a manager. The managers in Samsung are trained to improve their communication skills. The role of a leader is not just to have a vision of a better future, but also to materialize it. However, for successful materialization of the plan, the leader must be able to interact with the employees about the effectiveness of the plan, and in what way the implementation of the plan may assist the employees in enjoying their individual gains. His communication skills just do not imply his capacity to interact with the employees and give out a series of commands. A leader is successful, only if he is capable of inspiring and motivating the employees into doing the task. This consists in explaining the motives and the benefits of the plans to the employees. Again, in the process of interpersonal skills, the leader is also taught the importance of qualities such as patience and composure (Crim et al. 2013). It might happen, that a leader is elaborating his plan to his employees, and an employee has disagreed with his opinion and has provided a counter-opinion, rejecting the former. In such situation, a true leader shall not lose his composure, but should retain his calm, and try to listen freely to a contradictory perspective. If his behavior demonstrates any form of misconduct or lack of respect, towards his subordinates, it might affect the possibility of the organization to achieve in future. Communication also plays a vital role, as it is that skill which determines exactly the way in which the leader of the organization, behaves with his subordinates. Samsung invests enormous sum on arranging classes and seminars for the leaders, whereby they are taught how to effectively express criticism without being too harsh about it, and how to express discontent over failures, without expressing frustration about the same. A leader should sound inspiring and encouraging in whatever he communicates to the employees. If he himself is pessimistic about the outcome, he will never be able to generate confidence among his employees (Lussier et al. 2015).

 successful leader not only possesses an authoritative control over his employees, but should also be the owner of the attributes, summed up below:

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Leadership Development at Samsung

The company also spends money on conducting seminars and soft skill programs, which train the employees, in developing a balanced personality. The leader should have a poised personality, whereby he can be firm with his employees, without being impolite, he can be a humble listener, but no less of an assertive speaker. He should not be kind enough to be deemed weak by his subordinates. According to the Trait theory, strong attributes, such as assertiveness, dominating personality, decision making skills, make a leader as much as soft skills such as friendly gestures and empathy and support (Lolli 2013).

Kurt explained that there are three types of leaders:

  • Autocratic leaders- Autocratic leaders are those who take the decisions on their own, and do not let their subordinates express their thoughts over the same. Although such kinds of leaders, provided are extremely efficient, can help a company to take fast decisions. But, such kinds of leadership techniques are not usually practiced or recommended by Samsung.
  • Democratic Leaders: These are the leaders who are efficient enough to take their decisions, yet they prefer to consult with the employees, before finalizing it. This helps in developing a feeling of team spirit and co-operation , and invites all the members of the organization to participate with equal zeal. This form of leadership technique is mostly recommended in Samsung.
  • Laissez Faire Leaders: This form of leadership advocates the idea of absolute non-interference with the action of the employees, whereby the whole management process if left entirely at the wit and discretion of the employees; the employees of the organization are warned and alerted against this kind of leadership technique, as this may lead to failure (Jervis et al. 2013).     

In order to operate the business activities of an organization smoothly, and to ensure success in the forthcoming years, it is indispensible for an organization to possess a successful leader. However, a successful leader is not only one, who is able enough in terms of health, to take the necessary strain and workload, but also someone who possesses certain attributes of heart and head. The following qualities, cited below, sum up the essential pre-requisites of a successful leader (Hunter et al. 2013).

However, while some have always been leaders since the beginning of their career, others might have worked as employees, not knowing for a long time the expertise and skills required to be a leader. In fact, according to a report by Eichinger and Lombardo, published in Center for Creative leadership, those people who had worked for a long time, in the position of staffs, may find it difficult to embrace leadership roles. According to the mentioned report, it might happen that the staffs and ordinary employees, are able and potent enough to make it on the top, and it is a waste of talent, if they are not promoted. Hence, the companies are investing much money and efforts to develop the leadership skills in the employees, by arranging seminars and soft skill development training programs (Daft 2014).

If an employee has to succeed in the role of a leader, he must learn the quality of resourcefulness and must  quickly make an in depth study into the nature and behavioral traits of each of the subordinates. Every individual has certain set of skills, and the leader must know exactly what his employees are capable of, as this will help him in entrusting jobs to them. The employee aspiring to become a manger, can assist and follow the existent manager whenever he can, and try to learn the way he networks with important people in business conferences or even how he discharges duties to his subordinates (Mendenhall et al. 2014).

            It is also the duty of an efficient manger to ensure that many of the freshly hired individuals climb up to authoritative position in future. Hence, he may train the new employees and acquaint them with the managerial tasks and duties. While delivering lectures or holding meetings and showing presentations, the manger should invite the potent and aspiring employees to show the presentations and hold meetings, and reflect on the immediate business decisions of the organization. He may be asked to opine and interpret freely the significance of such a market decision. Even an article published on the Forbes Magazine reinforces this idea that an ordinary staff will  never succeed in developing the required leadership skills, if he is only directed and commanded and taught. He must also be given an autonomy of space in terms of thoughts and implementation of plans. The employee may perpetrate mistakes or may undertake incorrect decisions, but through the learning process, the employee will be gradually capable of polishing and solidifying his skills. Around 40 % of the CEOs of Fortune, were not experienced initially in leadership skills and expertise, and it is only through practical training, that they could develop the required leadership skills in themselves. Hence, early identification of the employees with managerial potentiality is necessary so that they can be guided and provided with adequate training by the organization. Further, Human Resource departments should provide enough resources to potential staffs for their skill development and training programs (Huffman et al. 2014).

Strategies for Developing Leadership Skills

Samsung is a huge company, with a vast number of employees working with it. As such, it is obvious that not every employee working here, will possess the potentiality of working as a leader in the company. A leader should never be identified or selected in a hurry. Hence, the management committee of an organization, should choose a handful of interested as well as resourceful employees, and provide them with a questionnaire with questions that will exhibit their leadership skills. The questionnaire as well as a personal round of interview may assist the managers to identify the employees who possess the leadership skills, and taking these selected employees into consideration, Samsung can proceed with its process of soft skill grooming and training. The on-spot training is quite an effective way of nurturing the leadership skills of the employees. Here, the managers or the leaders of a particular section, of the organization, may thrust a part of their duties on the selected employees. The employees, for instance might assist the mangers in a conference or general meeting, may be asked to create and explain a presentation, or negotiate with the business partners. These potent employees might also be asked to actively participate in important business meetings, and to formulate plans or suggest recommendations, if any. This will enable the employees to gain self-confidence, as well as to explore their inner talent and leadership spirit. Motivational training is an important part of the training program, as in this case the leaders should motivate and encourage the potential employees to develop and enhance their leadership skills (Glickman et al. 2012).

However, before starting any form of training program or soft skill development classes, the organization, first should consider a few factors:

  • The total number of leaders required by each department of the organization
  • The qualities which each leader of the organization is expected to possess, in terms of age, sex, educational qualification or total experience
  • The skills which the leaders will be required to possess, such as good communication skills, resourcefulness, authoritative personality, visionary quality, etc
  • The leadership culture, exhibited by the behavioral pattern of all the existent leaders of the firm (Goetch et al. 2014)

After considering the above points, Samsung can start with the training procedure. Here, certain skills should be especially developed. For example, an employee to be a leader must be very creative, able enough to produce innovative ideas for bringing positive outcome for the organization. He must also be able to understand the needs of the customers, and should know how to interact with them , and benefit them through discounts and offers, in case needed (Day et al. 2013).


The Center of Creative Leadership, has researched on the leaders of famous organizations, over the past 40 years, and has come to the conclusion, that no organization can succeed with one leader. An organization should be able to develop the leadership culture, whereby all the leaders of each section, comes forward and contribute to the organizational success. Hence, if an organization wants to succeed it must not be content with the total number of leaders it already has, but must provide opportunities to others, to utilize their skills for the benefit of the organization (Pazey et al. 2013).

Benefits of Investing in Leadership Programs

With the passing years, many leaders will retire, and hence Samsung must hire young and fresh employees; but before hiring must ensure that each of them primarily qualify an assessment criterion, followed by practical assessment of his leadership skills. To encourage diversity in workplace, the organization, must ensure that women and minor ethnic groups are also given equal opportunity for realizing their leadership skills. According to the Training Magazine of UK, an organization usually has to spend an estimated amount of $120 on each employee, for training and soft skill development programs. So, before investing an enormous sum on employees, Samsung must make a legal contract with the employees, that they will not leave the company, without serving it for a minimum period (Sadri 2012).

Reference List:

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