Leadership, Decision Making, And Ethics In Nursing Career

Effective Leadership

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Leadership is a relationship dynamic in nature[1]. It is based on mutual interest between the leaders and the associate in which both their contribution are able to develop and motivate others to achieve an objective. The importance of a leadership is well in demand in any organization. The emergence of an effective leader is necessary because a good leader can make a weak plan successful but a poor leader can ruin the chances of the best laid plans. It is trusted that an effective leader well balances and mobilizes the organization’s resources to towards achieving the goal of a common objective. This is the reason why effective leadership development program at different levels across the organization can help to augment the best results. The most important and reliable effective leadership programs must include the hiring strategies, employee development and career planning. Effective leaders have the ability to design decision making within an organizational environment thereby improving the performance as a whole.

Effective Leadership

And effective leader plays the role of transforming potentiality into reality. The leaders are the key factor in the success of an organization. They have the power to propose, mould or re-mould new archetype when the old ones lose their importance and effectiveness. Over a time span, a number of theories of leadership have been formulated[2].

Behavioral Theory- this theory assumes that individuals are not born with certain traits that make them leaders. Leaders are formed based on what leaders do. An individual with definable and learnable ability can be made into a leader. Behavioral theory exhibit two types of leader. The one that is concerned for the people and other that is concerned for production.

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Trait Theory/Great Man- People are born with traits and that the combination of right set of traits make an effective leader. This theory assumes that based on intelligence, perseverance and ambition a leader is characterized superior to any ordinary individual. Some traits includes adaptable to situations, energetic, cooperative, decisive, persistent, creative, organized, dependable, dominant etc. that make a leader.

Participative Leadership- An autocratic decision by the leader may not be an effective one. Involvement in decision making to come to better decisions is the role of an participative leader. He seeks the involvement of his subordinates, seniors and other stakeholders for decision making.

Behavioral Theory

Contingency Leadership- This theory assumes a broader concept of the capability of the leader based on contingent factors and other situational variables.

Decision Making can be examined as an individual as well as collective process. The role of values is significant in setting the criteria for decision making.Organizational values influence the decision maker to collectively promote interests of the organization.

Although full schedules, distracting events, fear of change, and apathy are obstacles to change, the real enemy of change is complacency.Having the will to change is criticalDo the practice leaders have the willpower to push change through.Even groups that seek change may be complacent and not committed to follow through.A practice that is ready for change has a culture that looks for ways to improve and promotes and supports ways to enhance quality, patient care, and efficiency.

Ethical Management

The management tool that establishes governance either in terms of corporate or public administration is Ethic Management. It is the study of behavior of employees and employers in the corporate world as well as in public administration. This study of behavior also focuses not only in the real world but also in the cyber world. An employee may be polite and decent in the real world while addressing his superior. But this very person may send mails using unethical languages[3].

The linkage between Leadership, Decision making and ethics needs to go through a series of compass points. A leader is said to be effective when his articulation that ethic is the priority is clear. An effective leader must communicate the practice of ethical decision making and to support ethical programs. The four tools for Ethical Leadership considering proper decision making are:

Communicate clear expectation for ethical practice- Identification regarding the clarification of expectation is needed here. Leaders must be explicit during explaining the underlying values and also consider the barriers to expectations.

Demonstration of priority of Ethics- It is necessary for a transactional leader to consult with his subordinate to reach a ethical decision. The leader must ensure discussion of ethical concern and instill in their minds that ethic is most important.

Support local ethics program- An ethical leader must support the cause of an ethics programs. He must encourage participation by others in such programs.

Practice ethical decision making- The most important aspect of an ethical and effective leader is to ensure that the decision made must abide by ethical reasoning. It is important for the leaders to identify, address and explain ethical decision systematically.

Trait Theory/Great Man

  1. The most important person for a visitor to talk to in order to feel at home in a new church is you.It is not the pastor, or the greeter, but a regular attender[4].
  2. Every church member is a hostand not a guest. Making visitors feel welcome is primarily the responsibility of members[5].
  3. Smile at everyone and offer your hand.
  4. Look people in the eye and smile.
  5. Greet children at their level.
  1. Never let new people sit alone. New people should never have to sit alone. Take initiative and go to them without delay.
  2. Help visitors find seating that suits their family’s needs.
  3. Invite people to fill out your church’s visitor registration card or information.
  4. Tell people you’re gladthey are 
  5. Practice making people feel special, and what you give to others will be returned to you.
  6. Snacks such as bread, coffee, tea,cookies, and water should be provided to the visitors.

A first aid kit should be present in the church also a thermometer, blood pressure machine must be available in the church because any time there could be a requirement of this type of immediate first aid. As the occurrence of increase of the blood pressure of the visitors or a visitor can any time fell ill so there should be a thermometer to check the body temperature, the measure the blood pressure there should be a blood pressure measuring device present in the church. The member of the church should be given a training on first aid about how to use blood pressure measuring device and thermometer because in immediate condition there would be no chance to call a doctor the immediate first aid should be provided by the church members only at first. There should be fire extinguishers present in the church as anytime a fire can occur in the church and there may emerge a risk of lives of many peoples. Also the church member should be given training on fire drill and evacuation techniques during a fire because if afire occurs in the church the church members have to take initiative and make out the visitor to a safe place.The church member also have to form an escape plan for the visitor during a fire and the member also have execute the escape plan successfully.The members should also take care about the pace of the escape plan, the escape plan should not be slow because slow paced plan increases the risk of getting injury from fire.Soit is very important to train the church member efficiently in the first aid technique.

The unity among the members of the church should be encouraged by different method, the members should be seated in the front line together. There should be a good understanding among the members of the church because if there is no good understanding among members they cannot able do the first aid for the ill or sick person and also they will not be able to execute successfully the escape plan of the visitors when a fire occurred in the church without unity. The late arrival were asked to seat in the middle or back so that the distraction can be minimized.  To increase the unity among the members, the opinion and subjection of all the members should be brought in the front before the church and work related to all the opinions and subjection should be done uniformly with the companion of the all the church members together.

Participative Leadership

To train the church member a teaching plan should be implemented. The teaching plan that can be used is

How to teach them The church member should be given study material as class note and also home task should also be given. Each topic should be given demonstration through slide show. This help them to understand each topic very vividly.
Time given for each Topic In one week only one topic should be discussed and the trainer should not move on to the next topic until every church member understand the particular topic very precisely and all the queries a cleared.
Evaluation process For evaluating whether the teaching plan is working or not. Whether the church members understands what is taught to them, there should be written exam on each topic at the end of every week.

This plan of teaching can also be followed by some else after my commitment is over. The study materials and the class notes can be used by the new trainer. The new trainer also can acquire this way of giving demonstration of every topic through slide show. So this teaching plan can be taken and used by other trainer to taught the church member about first aid.

While giving training to the church member I came to learn about the protocols that have to be maintained in a church and ethical side of their beliefs. The learning what I earned during this period of giving training, I will utilize this experience and knowledge when I will approach to give nursing care to any individual in a church or whenever I will be  giving any type of training in a church I will definitely follow the ethics and protocol of the church. I will also be very careful that none of my activities are somehow disrupting the protocol of the church. Not only the members of the church, it is me who will be beneficial as well from the training procedure. It has provided me with the religious insights of Christianity and made me well aware as a baptized Christian. The training was a great motivator for me that made me to promote good works and love and encourage others to habitually attend the worship meetings. This, in my part as well, guided to religiously follow the rules of the church and will be equally applicable to my career of nursing to make attendance a critical factor of my professional activity to meet the healthcare needs of the people.  As a member of the church, I was responsible for preserving and protecting the gospel by studying and knowing it well. This helped me in guarding the gospel which in turn will help me in my nursing profession as I have gained the concept of knowing the nursing guidelines which in turn will help me to provide better nursing services. Affirmation or disaffirmation of the gospel citizens was another responsibility of the church member that I came to know from these teachings and there should be consistency for the meetings of the members. This is important for decision making in the churches and I believe the same concept is applicable in the profession of nursing for critical decision making situations where consulting the seniors and the colleagues should be the ideal strategy. From the teaching, I learnt the various types of leadership management aspects including the ethical management skills. These principles are equally applicable in the profession of nursing apart from the churches as nursing leadership is a pivotal concept in the profession of nursing. Safety concern was a part of the teaching plan and it will be helpful in my nursing profession as well because safety is the primary concern in the profession of nursing and builds the foundation of the treatment procedure. Encouraging unity among the members of the church was a responsibility that I had to deliver in the church and I will have apply the same principle in my profession of nursing as unity among the colleagues will promote working on the multicultural diversities and improve the patient care activities. Apart from these, I learned from the church that it is the responsibility of the church members to equip the saints with the ministerial works and from this perspective, it can be stated that working together with the other health professionals will promote the healthcare services and my knowledge of providing better treatment to the patients.


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