Leadership Competencies And Sexual Harassment Allegations: A Case Study

The Situation

The case study in the given scenario pertains to allegations of sexual harassment against the newly appointed CEO, in his position as COO of the last company. He was accused by two previous employees of his last company.

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To add on the issue, these stories have gone viral over the social media. However, the CEO has disclaimed the harassment of these two employees. But on the contrary, these stories had unique and consistent details and they were given separately without the knowledge of each other.

This report is intended to be presented before the management. Its aim is to analyze these issues so that the management gains insight into the situation. Its scope is to cover these issues in the light of key personal competencies required for an effective leader.

Recommendations shall also be given which shall help the management to judge whether the CEO is to be replaced or not. 

The report enlightens the viewers about the key competencies required for an effective leader. Competency can be defined as the quality of being adequate and competent. The leaders should possess the essential skills, knowledge, capability and qualification which can help them to improve their managerial skills.

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It would also help them to create an impact on the behavior of their team which can have a positive influence on the bottom line. It shall also help the company to be managed with a reliable competency model.

The organization is required to have relevant competencies which are aligned with the managerial developing programs. Some of the common leadership competencies required by an efficient leader are as described below.  

Social Intelligence is one of the best predictors of effective leadership. It has a broad spectrum and can be viewed in terms of comprehending the social situation and dynamics.

Social Intelligence can be described as sensitivity to the social situations, social performance and the role-playing skills of a leader which are crucial for effective leadership. The leaders should, therefore, work for the development of their social perceptions and capability to involve them in a conversation.  

Leaders are also required to have strong interpersonal skills. They are viewed as a subset of social intelligence. It is more of a relationship-oriented aspect of social effectiveness. The soft skills of a leader are defined by his interpersonal skills (Riggio, 2014).

Furthermore, leaders should also be emotionally intelligent. It is the capability to communicate at the emotional level. The leaders should comprehend the emotional situation and emotions of their subordinates and tune them to their own emotions (?ndriukaitiene, Voronkova, Kyvliuk, Maksimenyuk, & Sakun, 2017).  

Key Personal Competencies for Effective Leadership

The leaders must also be prudent enough to view the perceptions of others. They should be open and consider the point of view of their subordinates. They must be courageous enough to take calculated risks and to stand up for what they believe is right and for doing the right things.

Another personal competency which is crucial in this regard is conflict management.  The leaders must help their subordinates to resolve and avoid interpersonal conflicts. They must also have the capability to make decisions which shall lead to a good decision making procedure (Trivellas & Reklitis, 2014).

Efficient leaders apprehend when to consult their colleagues or involve them in the decision-making process and when to make a good decision. They also decide when it is time to step back and let others decide on the matter.

Good leaders are also required to have influencing skills. They should have the capability to influence others and be able to exert power in a fair and effective manner. They must use their interpersonal skills to create a positive influence over their team.

The company should create a code of conduct for avoiding the cases of sexual harassment as it creates a negative impact on its goodwill and market value. It also invokes mistrust and lack of faith amongst the team which can severely impact the productivity of the company (Delia Davila Quintana, Mora Ruiz & Vila, 2014).

The company needs to develop clear policies which outlines what is sexual harassment and the consequences for failing to follow these rules. These should be distributed to each employee and reviewed by the leaders on a regular basis.

The company needs to emphasize that they value a workplace which is free from sexual harassment. It must be initiated from the top management. It implies that the CEO and other senior managers must act on it swiftly.

CEO and other senior managers must know the rules relating to sexual harassment. If the policy of the company requires other activities in relation to training, then there must also be followed by the CEO and other senior managers (Fisher & Robbins, 2015).

The CEO himself should provide realistic examples which reflect situation and power dynamics along with the interactions which occur within the job and companies. He should be able to demonstrate and distinguish acceptable and unacceptable behaviors.

He should guide the employees about the resources provided by the company to share their grievances and seek advice or get assistance (Galvin, Gibbs, Sullivan & Williams, 2014).

Social Intelligence

It is therefore recommended that the characteristics of an efficient leader comprise of integrity, ability to tell the truth and personal credibility. “Credibility forms the foundation of an efficient leadership” as it is written by Howard Morgan in his book “The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching” (Rosh & Lace, 2016).

Thus the newly appointed CEO must be able to practice what he preaches. His character can be defined by his method of decision making with the company. He should not allow his personal agenda to influence his decisions within the company (Feinberg, 2018).

He must surely possess the capability of practicing self-development and constant learning. He must be approachable and ask for feedback from others. An effective leader must treat everyone in the same manner.  

He must be able to focus on the results that his company wants to accomplish. He must provide the necessary assistance required by his team so that they can meet their targets He must be personally accountable for the outcomes of his team.  

He must provide continuous support and training to his team and initiate new procedures, relationships with the client and technology to accomplish the target of his team. He must focus on the goals of the company and make sure that they get transformed into actions by the various departments (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, 2017). 

He must also possess the quality of operating with speed and intensity. He must accelerate the pace of the group. He must acquaint himself with the cause of the customers.  He must be able to balance with long and short term objectives of the company.  

Lastly, an effective leader must be able to able to associate himself with his followers. It is all about being oriented towards the task (Cascio, 2015).  

On the basis of above mentioned qualities of an efficient leader, the board should analyze whether the newly appointed CEO has the suitable knowledge of the laws and regulations related to sexual harassment.

His behavior towards his subordinates and fellow employees should be monitored for a week. Moreover, his past records with the other companies should also be checked. If they turn out to be ambiguous, then the management should immediately replace him.


Hence to conclude, it can be said that for assessing the newly appointed CEO in the context of the case mentioned above, the management should analyze his interpersonal and social skills. He should also be well accustomed to the laws and regulations relating to sexual harassment at the workplace.  

He must also have the exposure of the training imparted to the employees in this regard. He must be professional in his behavior towards his team. He must be well focused on accomplishing the objectives of the company.

He should be able to work in a cooperative manner with his team to achieve the targets of his company. In the adverse case, he should immediately be replaced.


?ndriukaitiene, R., Voronkova, V., Kyvliuk, O., Maksimenyuk, M., & Sakun, A. (2017). Theoretical insights into expression of leadership competencies in the process of management. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 15(1-1), 220-226.

Cascio, W. F. (2015). Managing human resources. NY: McGraw-Hill. 1-10.

Delia Davila Quintana, C., Mora Ruiz, J. G. & E. Vila, L. (2014). Competencies which shape leadership. International Journal of Manpower, 35(4), 514-535.

Feinberg, C.(2018). Seven Human Resources Competencies That Drive Company Success. Forbes.  Retrieved March 30th  , 2019 from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbeshumanresourcescouncil/2018/05/11/seven-human-resources-competencies-that-drive-company-success/#24d2546a425e 

Fisher, K. & Robbins, C. R. (2015). Embodied leadership: Moving from leader competencies to leaderful practices. Leadership, 11(3), 281-299.

Galvin, T., Gibbs, M., Sullivan, J. & Williams, C. (2014). Leadership competencies of project managers: An empirical study of emotional, intellectual, and managerial dimensions. Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance, and Marketing, 6(1), 35.

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B.  & Wright, P. M. (2017). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. NY: McGraw-Hill Education. 1-50.

Riggio, R.E.(2014). The Top 10 Leadership Competencies. Psychology Today .Retrieved March 30th  , 2019 from https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/cutting-edge-leadership/201404/the-top-10-leadership-competencies 

Rosha, A. & Lace, N. (2016). The scope of coaching in the context of organizational change. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 2(1), 2.

Trivellas, P. & Reklitis, P. (2014). Leadership competencies profiles and managerial effectiveness in Greece. Procedia Economics and Finance, 9(2014), 380-3

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