Leadership And Organizational Strategy: Important Factors For Business Success
The Importance of Creativity and Common Sense in Leadership
In today’s scenario, being a leader is the most challenging task. In addition, variations in environment need apt leader to fulfil requirements of the business world, which, majorly focuses on the unconventional thinking and common sense. Moreover, most importantly is to figure out oneself in critical situation and the one who adapt themselves to change. They think that being a leader is innovative and futuristic by approach. Leadership is one of those ability and quality of individual, which influences and monitor the members and followers of an organisation. Group performances and effective team are encouraged due to the efficient working of leadership. However, bad leadership on the other hand degrades the value of life for those who are more appropriate and are relied on a particular leader (Daskal, 2018).
For every business survival, certain strategies are needed to be developed for more attainment of consumers, an increasing product line, an extending market by focusing on competitor’s strategies, facing the counter attacks made by competitors to one’s objective set, with quick actions needed to be taken into consideration. Other than this, businesses should concentrate on improvising their existing products by refining them. With this in mind, organisations need strategies to achieve its objectives, with all of this happening on the basis of how a business is positioned in the marketplace (Miller, 2014). This discussion was mainly focused on highlighting the above-mentioned concepts of leadership and organisational strategy, with a particular focus on a company’s targets.
It majorly highlights the ability of the leadership effort along with handling organisational strategic work through their talents and skills. Talent is inbuilt in humans whereas skills improve through different training programmes. Developing leadership elements are a lifelong process, as certain fundamental qualities are required from time to time for growing and improving, and likewise, a clarity of purpose is a must for leader because leaders have to lead all the decisions, which can be closely associated to an organisations goal, vision, mission, targets and ethics (Heathfield, 2018).
Organisational strategy states that a certain set of actions for a company are taken into consideration in order for them to achieve long-term goals (O’Reilly, et al, 2010). Together, these actions come up as a company’s strategic plans. In strategic planning, every company should have a clear understanding of its missions and targets. Planning is the base for an organisational strategy. It focuses on what types of strategies are needed to be adopted, so that the organisational long-term goals are achieved (Woodruff, 2018). Strategies are dynamic in nature, which keeps on changing according to the change in environment. The main work of an organisation is to keep on looking forward to strategies, continuously working on targets, making amendments for the existing strategies, which helps the organisation to move on a smooth track. A strategy acts as a guiding map to an entire organisation, which not only helps in administrating and managing but also allows each member of the organisation to work further, for the next move (Kokemuller, 2018).
Key Elements of Organizational Strategy
The second stated topic is leadership that highlights a major role in strategic management, whatever the actions plans are set by an organisation, leaders work is to bring together the various groups within an organisation to work upon the action design. By proper dedication, persuasion and the high convincing power for their subordinates which is inbuilt in a leader, effects the results, and not only inspire the employees for moving on positive the path which has been outlined through strategic management planning but also making them positively indulged for fully contributing towards the overall success of an organisation(Kruse, 2013).
Focusing on link between a leadership and organisational strategy, this states that leaders are most important to organisational strategic management because due to their leadership ability, they carry certain quality to bring people together for effective and efficient work for organisation success. In fact, the main working of leader to find what all kind of work is to be done, how it is to be done and what kind of tasks are to be assigned to each worker for effective outcomes. A primary reason for being a leader and handling all strategic plans, which not only guides and gives a sense of direction but they are also very much influential by making their employees aware about, what their ultimate goal is. Leaders are born to be a problem solver for those who are stuck and are unable to reach at their success point. (Kramer and Stid, 2018).
In today’s scenario, strategic management activities are not static. With the change in circumstances and situations, every strategy, which was set earlier whilst planning, has to be re-evaluated and the best upcoming strategies are to be assessed as benchmarks. With such flexibility in environments and working styles, both can lead to a better acceptability and will proceed towards their anticipated outcomes for the organisation. In basic words, company’s main motive is to work with proper strategic planning and execute those planned ideas properly (Letting, 2009). In planning, it gives a sense of direction, as without this it can often lead to an organisation choosing the wrong path and can also disturb the ratio of success which was earlier earned by the organisation. Hence, to make sure a company holds on to success, leaders should give an idea about the strategies that are best suited for the problems and what be the outcome ought to be, with organisational strategies providing resources and directions for an ultimate target attainment. Both the terms are different, yet they come together to get the organisation onto the correct path because their main motive is to reach a goal and to fulfil their organisation’s mission (Miller, 2014).
The Lifelong Process of Developing Leadership Qualities
A balanced strategy for management for overall success is to mobilise change through executive leadership, by making such strategies, which are in continual process, and are implemented, for everyone and for everyday jobs. In addition, leaders who are forming strategies are to be aligned to the organisation strategy and should relate to the operational concern. Sometimes, managers are considered as leaders but according to the literature review, leaders are those who lead people, and managers are those who manage all things, which were assigned by the leader to its subordinates. Moreover, leaders are those who bring changes to the organisation whereas managers are those who keep records for day-to-day organisational activities. Hence, leadership and organisational activities play a vital role in reaching the vision and the mission of the organisation. In addition, if these strategies are not effectively implemented, this would make the company paralysed and infertile (Azhar, Ikram, Rashid and Saqib, 2012).
From a practical point of view, the principal task of leadership is to ensure an effective deployment of corporate strategy, for this, certain roles of leadership act as a link between strategic management, which provides vision that establishes a culture in which every person knows what he or she must do (Epstein, Buhovac, and Yuthas, 2010).
Leader’s vision provides base line for strategic formulation and commitment, which ensure implementation for set strategies by employees. Leadership act is performed to find out the gaps carefully which arises while scanning of internal and external threats of environment and then, developing new plans to fulfil those gaps for generating success. For this, certain roles are played by organisation leader like innovator, organizer, motivator, decisions- maker, risk- analyst, change-enabler, as guide and most importantly as a collaborator, which not only thinks of its own rewards by playing such roles in organisation but also ensures the overall improvement in success and reputation of a company(Abbas and Asghar, 2010).
In innovator role, this helps in generating innovation within entire organisation and bring changes to strategic management process and this ensure competitive edge within the departments, and also for the competitors who always keep confronting on company’s set targets. Similarly, to organize the whole organisation working, certain amendments are to be made in planning and executing. Consequently, leaders cannot lead efficiently if they have not systemised their work properly. Other than this, they also act as a motivator, which apply intrinsic and extrinsic motivation technique to motivate its employees because subordinates need to understand the changes and make it possible. Moreover, if changes will not happens it will surely affect the overall performance of the organisation. Decisions in planning sector help in achieving targets and most importantly, it helps in proper functioning of the organisation. Therefore, entire strategic management process depends on the decision making power of a leader. Leaders know that how and what all type of strategy are to be implemented in order to gain advantage over competitors and successful achieving an organisation goals as well as the work on improving goodwill (Serofontein, and Hough, 2011).
The Link between Leadership and Organizational Strategy
Leadership theories based on certain traits, which influences organisation to achieve objectives. This is categorized as autocratic, democratic, bureaucratic or charismatic. Some leaders are inexperienced with leadership, which guide their followers to execute strategies in narrower way, which generated on subjective idea those are the autocratic leader. Autocratic leader never focuses on commitment, creativity and innovation in their work hence; they considered as inevitable and not suited for improving the organisational strategy. Bureaucratic leaders they rely on policies to meet organisational goals and are strongly committed to procedures and processes rather than employees. They are very strict towards rules and never focus of employees’ motivation, benefits and development. Hence, both the styles fail to influence employees as well as failing in adopting the organisation strategies. Moreover, Democratic is that style of leadership in which their no single person who leads but the group itself leads. Therefore, it leads to poor decision-making; along with this, the entire execution process is affected. This theory is best suites according to present scenario of today’s leading organisations but the only underlying problem is the assumptions made that every individual seems to be a leader, which slower process and majorly affects the best outcomes (Gonos, and Gallo, 2013).
The most successful and the fast-driven leadership style is the charismatic approach, in this approach, leaders give a productive base for creativity and innovation to their employees and highly motivate them to apply those innovations. This leadership style is based on the strength of preparing for their competition and to win over them (Go, and JE, 2015).
In all if a leadership fails in maintaining effective organisational strategy it will weaken the organisation strength to perform well in future. For that, certain principles for strategic leadership are taken into consideration for effective performance of organisation likewise; distributive responsibility states that authority should flow from top to bottom like from leader to his subordinates as flow of responsibility empower employees to take risk (Cashman, 2017). It also contributes to collective intelligence, adaptability to changes and resilience for organisation. It also includes that leader should be honest enough and should be open about the information which he/ she has to deliver to its working members, so that the changes in decisions can have positive impact on workings. In addition, they focus on developing the various opportunities for experienced based leaning for their employees so they can contribute to an overall success for the strategic organisation. Last but not the least leaders recognize leadership development as an ongoing practice because neither environment is static in nature nor leaders working styles are stagnant therefore, it keeps on changing according to the requirements of business and also according to the organisations strategies. Perhaps, for an organisations survival, it is mandatory that the flow of leadership for organisational strategy should be dynamic in nature because an easy adaptability to changes makes an organisation grow at a faster pace (Belias, and Koustelios, 2014).
Flexibility and Continuous Improvement in Strategic Management
Leadership highlights responsibility. Responsibility ensures the effectiveness of a strategic organisation. With a change in time, approaches to strategies and its execution can also change. Moreover, for this change, they provide a base line for strategic thinking and provide a vision for strategic formulation. In this formulation, leaders try to align the organisations strategy with the dynamic environment to generate success in terms of not only leadership implementation, but also in terms of improving the overall organisation. The toughest task of a leader is to give training and to motivate employees so that they work effectively and efficiently, to meet the set targets, which can lead to their personal development (Salicru, 2017). Moreover, by being adaptive to environmental changes, which evaluate the entire process and ensures efficiency of whole process, it also helps an organisation to find deviations as well as assist in taking the corrective steps by reducing or eliminate those deviations according to the changes made. Furthermore, such evaluations by a leader ensure continuous improvements in the organisation. Not only this, organisation should also work on better return on investment. This can be attained by the combination of individual learning with organizational transformation. Thus, it highlights the clear line in between investment made in leadership improvement and the business outcomes for success. Hence, as always stated, leadership is a core portion of an organisation, which cannot be disregarded as it handles the entire organisation (Zenger, 2015).
From the above discussion, it states that firm’s performance is solely and wholly dependent on both strategic organisation and leadership, which links directly as well as indirectly. In current scenario of organisations, CEO and top management team are emphasising more on coaching, mentoring and integrity of their future generation for leaders. By all these, they are improvising the leadership by making them more effective and efficient, which in future fulfils the dual aspect of the company as it not only benefits the leader for their personal development but also leads to the overall development of the organisation by increments in revenue generation as well as increase in their reputation.
Not only had this, in current scenario organisations have more craving for earning competitive edge in a market over its competitors. This happens by employing innovative leader in their organisation, which assures that they will be majorly focusing on sustainable corporate performance and entirely change the society for betterment. However, it is very much important for an organisational and a leader to act ethically while building up strategies because ethics always come first, and if an organisation loses up ethics this may be ending up to the loss of trust by the followers of an organisation and hence, affects the survival of the organisation for long term.
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