Leadership And Management Skills In Corporate Hospitality
Corporate hospitality is considered as an entertaining medium that the organizations hold in order to make their business promoted with different public and sporty events. The skills that is required for the Event Management helps to enhance the future career in a better way. The key skills help to acknowledge ones power towards their hospitality industry. In this report, the different types of the leadership and the management skill will be discussed. The report is based on my reflection of the different problems that I have faced and their probable suggestions were also hinted my me.
The different personal skills that I have demonstrated and developed from the group are the planning, organizing, controlling, staffing and directing. I have understood that these leadership and the management skills will help me to develop the knowledge that acts as the main skill in case of the requirement if the power (Saluja and Mai 2015). The personal skills have helped me to understand the event that will eventually help me to deal with the different people as well as their identities. The leadership skill will eventually help in the industry that will be long run in the advancement of pivotal prosperity for the long term areas in the business (Cha, Yi and Bagozzi 2016).
I have eventually realized that the planning skill will help me to develop the budget and to develop on the different aspects of this project. The planning skill has always helped me to understand what step I am going to do next. The importance of the planning is bedded deep into the base of any event. The revenue and the expenses that are required for this operation will eventually be reduced. Hence, the planning has helped me to understand the demands and to proceed in a wise step format (Saluja and Mai 2015). Organizing an event takes a lot of time and all the steps needs to be done strategically. The organizing power is not in the hands of many and has to be done in a processed way without making any mistake (Drake 2014).
I had to organize the events keeping in mind the guests how they will arrive what the decorations will be and much more. I have a great directing power, the event will not become successful if the work and the arrangements are not well distributed to the different people who are in charge of the event then the program will be in utter loss. The different controlling factors are those, which are somewhat familiar with the administrative powers. I had to control all the labor that was in charge of the different supply management. The issues that I have eventually faced is those of the different management problems, that may be resolved by maximum people if they workout properly (Jones et al. 2016). The staffing system has been done based on the different capability that has been raised eventually with time. I had to organize with different people that include their interests and the different other factors.
Being a good manager, I had to tackle all the different things that consist of the attribution of an effective management. I was observant towards the unique qualities and the attributions of the management. There is a need to learn the different factors of the delegate obligations (Lugosi 2014). A clear understanding of the different factors like putting the different insights into one group and make them work.
Through this communication process, I had to learn the basics of how a good manager is in a group. I had to manage everyone and make them work accordingly with a complete analysis of the results. I had to interact well with others so that the people would co operate well with me and I had to understand their problems. Building a good communication is always important as it helps us to understand the different aspects of one’s mind and I treat them equally and never attempt to disrespect them. Disrespecting one is a bad idea as it may eventually lead them to become rude to them (Lugosi 2014).
The range of events eventually helped me to understand the different aspects of the communication theory that has been held in a group. I have been in charge of various corporate hospitality events that once I lead as a team manager. I have seen different aspects of the work field and communication may be considered as an important factor or rather the foundation of the work. I have experienced a lot through arranging, planning, organizing, directing and the last part as the staffing of the leadership skills. These are some of the basics of the leadership and the management skills (Mackenzie and Peters 2014). Visionary leadership is regarded as the major hospitality industry that acts as pivotal to the different prosperous terms on the long term basis.
At the end all these communication knowledge has helped me to understand the different factors that are responsible for the knowledge and the skills in the hospitality industry (Paek et al. 2016). I have to organize the different people who will work as the labor and through this group presentation, I have presented this article that will help me eventually to gain a lot of things from the analysis of the event. This event of the hospitality format will help me to understand the different aspects of the hospitality. I have understood the necessities of the event management program this will enhance my outlook for a better work in the mere future.
Reflection on the outcomes
The outcome that has been raised is based on the different attributes of an effective management. The knowledge that has been gained from the corporate hospitality depends on the various events that will eventually reflect on the different events of the group work (Turco 2015). I have realized that the different aspects of the understanding of the hospitality management have been done in order to make us realize its value and its different aspects (Drake 2013).
At the end of the report, I have understood that no event will take place and may be utter flop if not all the different characteristics mentioned have been fulfilled. I have been allotted the role of a manager in an event and I had to take care of the different work that needs to be done in order to make that a success. I have worked very hard to make the event at a successful position. The outcomes are often a reflection of the different prospects that needs to be done by the manager for their customers and hence it should also have a proper hospitality attitude (Wang 2014).
Few things need to be kept in mind while proceeding with the management of the team as an event manager. There is a need to plan and organize all the events before hand and to execute them properly with prior notice to the labor people who will be required for arranging the different corners of the place of occasion (Singal 2014). At first, there is a need to jot down all the points required for the execution process of the event. Planning the whole event like who is going to arrive when, the celebrity guests and the major influential people for the cause of the occasion has been well described. The arrangements for the staffing needs to be done on prior basis and few things to be kept in mind that there are scope for alterations and even people not hoping up at the last moment (Su, Pan and Chen 2017).
So, before hand there is a need to understand and arrange for the substitutes. Being an event manager, there is always a power in hand and there is a need to understand the different prospects and the drawbacks of such a designated job. The manager needs to be hard working and always need to its work for making the event grand and successfully hit. The drawbacks is that has to be always available or else if there any mis communication occurs the program will flop (Wang 2014).
From the above analysis of the report, it can be deduced that effective management is an integral part of one’s career. There is always a need for management and it will eventually help me as a hospitality manager. I have gained a lot of experience from the work profile of a manager and this has helped me to understand few of my personal traits that has eventually enhanced with the span of time. There are several duties as one’s hospitality manager and their role is quite a major one. This designation of an event manager has helped me to gain a lot of exposure and knowledge of what should be done and what should not. Any disruption in the program will be due to me and so my role is very important and I have to it whole heartedly.
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