Leadership And Management Principles: Mark Zuckerberg

Innovative leadership style

Mark Zuckerberg was born in White Plain, New York in 1984. Mark’s parents were doctors; Mark’s father was a dentist and his mother a psychiatrist and also grew with three sisters. Mark in the sophomore year dropped out of college so as to focus on the Facebook. In 2004, Zuckerberg set up the first office after turning down many proposals to sell the projects to companies. Nevertheless, Mark‘s passion was to make an open flow of the information for the people across the social network. Mark and Steve Job who was Apple Inc.’s founders made a team which would focus on making Facebook an important business center. Zuckerberg is the CEO of the largest and popular social media worldwide (Khorbortly & Budnik, 2014).  Mark Zuckerberg is well known for an emphasis on the team members to make the best social platform. Facebook, under Zuckerberg,   is one of the leaders in the creation and implementation of a high business culture comprising aggression and process (Raice, 2012). Facebook focuses more on collaboration and creative to improve the company, though the hierarchy is flat. For the company to attract the best abilities, it should allow the sense of openness in an enjoyable atmosphere.

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Mark used to spend free time in the growth of several types of the computer mainly concentration on communication and networking channel. Music player recognized as synapse was one earliest invention of Mark. Due to the innovation, he received recognition from the Microsoft. Mark verified the market conditions with the introduction of the Facemash  (Raice, 2012). The site offers flexible information ecology and open system discreetly that embraces users to add an application to pages.  There is significant of Mark’s innovation when users and members can operate a business (Fowler, 2012). Mark took support from his roommates to attain immense success; it shows that Mark possesses team building skills.

Organization culture is a set of mutual mental standards that monitors the action and explanation in an organization by explaining the Suitable conducts of numerous situations (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). Mark Zuckerberg has an unstructured, relaxed and open culture that emphasizes on fairness. Chief operating officer Sheryl Sandburg and Mark have no office and operate on offices furniture. Mark holds a public meeting on every Friday which comprises of general question and answers session. As the slogan says, “The Facebook is a social utility that connects you with people around you.” (Kabre & Brown, 2011) Facebook has formed a framework and taken a position on providing the social network. Zuckerberg has transformed the structural hierarchy by changing the customs of the privacy. Mark changed the culture by only wearing Adidas flip-flops, jeans, and T-shirt when going to work. Mark Zuckerberg shows the efficiency of the influential leader by willing and capable to take the risk by appointing the executives of the company.

Mark Zuckerberg has always been charmed by the system that connects the people. Since the inception, the core values of the Facebook are the same. Zuckerberg passion for using technology to connect people has been one of the essential benefits of the Facebook. In the early stages of Zuckerberg, he was passionate about the computer programs especially the communication games and tools (Rosenberg & Egbert, 2011). Mark built a program while in Philips Exeter Academy to help his father in his office.

Company culture

Mark’s determination and visionary approach, made him develop the social network which helps people connection from all angles of the world (De Waal, 2013). The business and politician can use the site to advertise their offers and make personal relation with their users. Mark did not have only the idea of connecting people but also embracing the business aspects. For instance; taking of the complete model of the entrepreneur process, that would depend on the sociological, personal, organizational and environmental factors (Robbins & Judge, 2012). And so, the creativity and innovation of Mark came from the environmental and personal attributes.

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Facebook is not all about social networking, but also a place to stay in touch and bring people together, build communities and a method of sharing information.  Large enterprises have a sense of purpose; attracting the right investors, hiring the employees, marketing, and their customer service.

Facebook interview process recruits only the employee who fits in the organization‘s culture. One selected, they are on the” hacker way” of creative and fast coding which mark prizes; which are an intensive training (Yasin & Yasin, 2013). Due to strong leadership that leads by examples enables companies such as Zappos, Apple, and Facebook to create the cultures of freedom of speech and action and invests courage of the conviction.

The Facebook philosophy is to move fast and break things which have safeguarded the company’s rapid growth. The belief of the product by Zuckerberg enables him to have strength during the unpopular variations in opposing and also within the enterprise. Forming culture welcomes the innovation and courage to stick to your vision.

Great leaders identify their weakness and no leaders can run the business all alone (Rice, 2013).  Sandburg and Zuckerberg share the values, collective commitment, strengthen, mutual respect and trust. Zuckerberg believes the proper partnership implementation and execution helps in the success of the company. Zuckerberg provides the creativity, and chief operating officer gives an implementation of the vision. Although Zuckerberg is always busy, he is reachable. He has a close relationship with the staff and holds the meeting on a weekly basis where employees present with questions and ideas. Therefore, he does not distance himself far from the team that encourages more interaction and production workflow.

Facebook’s organization structure is a flat organization structure with Mark the top of the chain of the command. They are few subordinate who are accountable to the managers  (Rice, 2013).  Eradicating of the various levels helps Facebook advance on the speed in the communication, cost reduction and creation of the flexible working situation.

Zuckerberg uses strategic management to influence the behaviors of the colleagues, subordinates, and leaders. The concept of the decisive, focused strategic leadership advocates a strategic leadership and positive psychology fusion which is in a position to replace transactional style of leadership used by Zuckerberg  (Rice, 2013). Management is the second condition of leadership which needs leaders to have a realistic experience when it comes interacting with the employees. The idea of the real shows how one can lead and the same manage the organization.

Personal attributes and innovation

Facebook uses crazy social recruiting methods but most brave act. It motivates its workforces by giving them assistance which balances the personal life and work (Lunenburg, 2012). Free food and transportation, paid holiday days, day care refund and financial support are some of the bonuses on Facebook. There is a place for playing video games and table-top in the case of releasing stress. Motivation enables growth in productivity which results in a high return on investment  (Lunenburg, 2012). The company put up birthday bash together where every worker gets present. The Facebook work environment also includes on-site physical therapist, chiropractor, and doctor.  Facebook rents local parks and lets the entire staff members play games such as dodgeball and soccer. Moreover, Facebook offers its employees meals in the four-star hotel in New York (Steel & Fowler, 2010). And so, contented situation enables teams to be happy which is vital in the employee productivity.

Mark has been atheist whereby he questioned things. Conversely, he currently believes in the religion. Mark says “No. I was raised Jewish, and then I went through a period where I questioned things, but now I believe religion is important.”  (Steel & Fowler, 2010).  His wife Priscilla practices Buddhist   which Mark says Buddhism is fantastic philosophy and religion,

Transactional leaders focus on the regular workflow of the job. Transactional leaders will use the awards and incentives to inspire the employees to increase the performance. Transformational leaders create the cohesion of the employees and go past normal day-to-day events to build the group. Transformation leaders motivate the workforce through incentives implementation, setting goals, and personal growth (Hanks, 2015). Zuckerberg depicts transactional leadership skill where he outlines the step critical for the attaining the goals. He motivates the staff with a vision of the future of the firm. Workers do not waver following him because of his disruptive ideas and confidence.

The transformational leadership traits of the Mark carry on pushing the Facebook in promising future. The transformational course of the Mark is demanding, innovative, encouraging and aggressive. Zuckerberg is known as a programmer, philanthropist, and an entrepreneur. Mark, grant his employees opportunities for the product development and proposals for the Facebook and appreciates friendly discussions  (Hanks, 2015). Zuckerberg understands that he has previously made errors within the business but the tries to turn faults into growth opportunities.  Mark is an effective leader who uniquely deals with particular situation; he knows when to say no and when to let go which is vital element in the strategic leadership.


Mark Zuckerberg, at the age of 23 became a billionaire because of entrepreneurship orientation. Zuckerberg did achieve what most of the people in this age are trying to make their direction towards life. Mark is a self- made billionaire due to his visionary and innovative approach. Mark shares the ability of great conceptual skills. Managers with conceptual skills have a capability of seeing the company as a whole. He prepares the company for the unexpected events in the rapidly changing environment. More so, he recognizes problems. Identify opportunities and implements solutions. Apart from the conceptual skills, Mark plays a significant role in the decision-making process. He negotiates and helps the staff to produce new ideas. Moreover, focuses on technology and innovation and plays a role of interpersonal in general public by giving talks and speeches in a conference. Therefore, Marks plays an important part in all decisional, informational and interpersonal functions in the Facebook which makes, and allows it to be leading company in social media today.


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