Leadership And Effective People Management For Organizational Success
Key Principles of Strategic Human Resource Management
Leadership, which highlights a major role in strategic management, whatever the actions plans are set by an organisation, leaders work is to bring together the various groups within an organisation to work upon the action design. By proper dedication, persuasion and the high convincing power for their subordinates which is inbuilt in a leader, effects the results, and not only inspire the employees for moving on positive the path which has been outlined through strategic management planning but also making them positively indulged for fully contributing towards the overall success of an organisation (Daskal, 2018).
Key principles of strategic human resource management
The leaders and the managers have to play major role of strategic management within the organisation for gaining success in enhancing the company’s performance as well as individual performance. They are considered as a key element of organisation change. The main goal of strategic human resource organization is to advance elasticity, innovation, and competitive advantage, along with this; they develop themselves to fit for purpose organizational culture. Moreover, they also focus on improving business performances (McLeod, Doolin, & MacDonell, 2012).
There are many hurdles which organisation faces in order to make effective decisions which helps in upgrading the operations of the employees as well for the organisation. Corporations are more likely to be effective when all the groups’ members work towards the same objectives. This helps them to boost productivity, improves the rate of customers’ satisfaction, better working culture and lastly, increases the job satisfaction (Eriksen, 2018).
Relationship between the effective people management and organisation performances, ethics
Organisation performances include productivity, efficiency, marketing effectiveness, innovation, and customer satisfaction and employee morale. Effective and efficient workers performance will positively influence organisational performances. Consequently, organisation needs to identify such strategies, which identify measure, evaluate, improves and reward employees for performing at work (CCCK, 2016). A better communication along with the innovative skills in between employees and management increases job satisfaction and improves employees’ performances than before. Effective and efficient performance enhances employee engagement and motivation (Crestcom, 2016). Lastly, Working with ethics results in high employees performances and indicates that the implementation of work with ethics helps organisation to achieve great performances in overall (Fobes Coaches Council, 2017).
Different approaches to manage teams in global environment
There are many different approaches to manage teams in global environment likewise,
Creating mission, goals and ground rules: Associates have the frequent chance to meet face to face. They majorly focuses on understanding the purpose, team members should assigned task and with the clear understanding the team purpose.
Relationship between Effective People Management and Organizational Performance
Roles and responsibilities are the unique and the useful asset of the team. Flexibility and adaptability are the main purpose and needs evolve. Proper roles and responsibility, if are delegate to the team members then such proper allocations helps organisation to work in an better environment and both the aspects will be filled like organisations success as well as entire team development.
Building relationship, trust and rewarding experiences builds relationship within the group members. When connection between team members are built positively and work is done on the ongoing basis. An individual’s positive evaluation of the team leads to the greater faith and ongoing participation.
Opportunities: Being flexible, responsive with low cost provides an opportunity to organize complex business tasks. This allows corporations to better communicate and coordinate even through vast distances, which makes easier to expand globally and helps in removing distance based restrictions (Aghdaei, 2008).
Transformational leadership
Transformational leadership theory is relatively a new methodology to leadership that focuses on how leaders can create valuable and optimistic change in their groups. In basic terms, transformational leaders concentrate on transforming other to support each other and organisations as a whole. Supporters of the transformational leader are more relied on trust, admiration, loyalty, esteem for a leader, and are more enthusiastic to work harder than originally expected. This theory of leadership demonstrates certain factors like inspirational motivation and idealized influence over the employees in order to generate success within an organisation and increment in the personal development of the individuals (Zellman, 2018).
Transformational leadership is correlates itself with the positive performance outcomes. Because if an organisational applies transformational leadership, though leaders one can be motivated , can be inspired, having a major influence of them over employees leads success in dual aspect, one the overall success of the organisation and other is the personal development (Economy, 2018).
J and J furnishing ltd follows transformational leadership in entire company because it is concern for society, where the company’s goal is to be to persuade growth along with the society concern. They are majorly focusing on corporate social responsibility, which not only boost public relations but also provide higher returns on investment. Other than this, company is also looking closely at environmental factors such as safety and security. Other than this team with motivation, trying to innovate in furniture lines made from recycled wood products. Moreover, team leaders are not only lean over the environmental safety but also work over the safety of employees using those products, which are not harmful for both.
Different Approaches to Manage Teams in Global Environment
Certain competencies, which project manager adopts to be success are proper decision-making process among the entire team, an effective communication within the team members is to be done in order to have proper execution of a plan. A proper team management is very must in which team leaders work is to motivate, inspire, solve conflicts, delegates’ responsibilities and organize themselves properly. Lastly, whatever the plans are set, a proper understanding of those projects is to be done, and strategies are to be set in such a way that it benefits organisation as well as team members individually (Economy, 2018).
Similarly, J and J furnishing project team member adopted transformational leadership over the other styles of leadership because through emotional intelligence, leaders will be able to adapt to changing circumstances in their workplaces and they also have a solid understanding that how their emotions affects employees towards workings. With effective awareness, regulations, motivation, empathy and social skills J and J furnishing team leaders assist their employees to work in such a way that it benefits both, the organisation and employees personally (Clarke, 2010).
Tools and techniques to influence project team
Clearly defining purpose: In this, the project leader has to very effective while communicating with their team members. A clear purpose allows team to focus on specific aspects of the project. This keeps project running smoothly with each working team that contributes to the larder project goals.
Interpersonal and Team skills: Project manager improves employees soft and team skills because team consists of people with different personalities, whereas this skill able to work together collaboratively, which works for overall success.
Training: Training is the most important part of the team development strategy. As a project manager needs to make sure the entire team will get necessary training to acquire skills and perform well. Mentoring is the great form of training, which motivates new team members to work in effective and efficient manner.
Recognition, rewards and appreciation: The monetary and non- monetary aspects of motivation are also one of the tools and technique, which helps the project manager to motivate then intrinsically and extrinsically both (Ernest, 2010).
Type of powers
To be an effective leader and managing employees and tasks, all you need is power to handle it. Through the right chosen power, leader will gain respect and achieve the desired results, but misuse of power can hamstring an organisation and lead to stagnation. Out of six types of power, which are coercive, reward, legitimate, referent and informational and expert, the best which influence the project team towards their work, encourage team members to work collaboratively and impact the overall projects achievement is the expert power (Raven, 2004).
Transformational Leadership
In this, a project leader uses their knowledge and skills to enable their employees and solve their situations, which yield a very powerful form of power to influence others. This power generates within the project leader through respect, trust and admiration and with the use of these power employees naturally gets motivated to follow the steps of leadership (Giang, 2013). In this, leaders also seek other to understand how leadership is performed and how the vision of work is to be set as a framework, which ultimately assist organisation to attain success (Daskal, 2018).
Steps to alleviate challenges faced by the project team
The above given process are the assistance steps for the project team members to alleviate challenges before those challenges hampers or damage the working environment or the final product. In this if, a company is working over the larger projects they need more control from the experts, which will help the team member to perform better for the results. As expert work is to guide, motivate their junior leaders to perform better. Then, more of testing is required in which team leaders should know what and how is to be performed to reduces challenges and hurdles for future. For every bigger project, leadership is the top requirement of every organisation.
Other than this, to manage and analyse stakeholder one has to make effort by involving them and communicating with them (Madsen, 2016). Moreover, for such bigger projects company should have formal governance, which helps organisation for seeking guidance. Lastly, to overcome the risk involved, organisation should focus on creating collaborative culture, assure the quality of project and generate control scope to manage all kind of risk and leads organisation to move forward on the path of success (Morgan, 2016).
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