LCBS5003 Strategic Management And Marketing


The foremost determination of this essay is to focus on the different aspects of a leader and the importance of culture in an organizational context. The different categories of leadership qualities such as the trait leadership, transactional leadership, situational leadership, transformational leadership, distributive leadership and followers as leaders will be stated in details in this paper. The paper will also focus on the sociological responses of the culture in organization will be stated in the paper. The importance of the corporate culture and the detailed understanding of the leadership will be stated in the paper in details (Aarons et al. 2015). The role of the leaders to coping with different types of business situations in an organization will be discussed in details in the paper.    The involvements of the leadership qualities will be stated in the paper. The key challenges of the leadership qualities will be discussed in details in this essay. The different types of challenges faced by the leaders such as the macro challenges and the micro challenges will also be discussed in the paper. Different aspects of the macro and micro challenges will be discussed in the paper. The essay will also highlight the characters and the ethical values of the leaders. The dimensions of a character of the leaders will be stated in the paper with primary importance. A range of leadership theories will be stated in this essay. The role and the impact of the leadership qualities on the business organizations will be stated in this essay. The different types of leadership qualities which will be discussed in the paper will be very much useful for the readers to understand about the role of the leaders in a business organization.

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Discussion about leadership qualities

It is defined as the activity of leading people in an organization. There are different characteristic features of a true leader which are needed to be considered before selecting them as a leader in an organization. The abilities of a true leader are very much important for the growth and development of the organization (Gosling, Sutherland and Jones 2012). There are different traits and components of effective leadership qualities such as honesty, integrity, courage, self-awareness, vision, team building abilities and communication skills.

Key challenges of the leaders

There are different types of challenges faced by the leaders in an organization such as the during the complex and adverse business situations, humility during the setbacks in the organization. Leading the change is one of the main challenges of a true leader. There are different types of challenges faced by the leaders in business organizations such as the admitting to the mistakes caused due to the leaders. There are other types of challenges faced by the leadership in the organizations such as the management of the data which are transported from one unit of the organization to another. The other significant challenge of the leaders in a business organization is to manage the different types of customer complaints associated with the business. The other categories of challenges faced by the leaders come from the competencies coming from the other similar industries. Every organization faces difficulties in their recruitment policies and the effective leadership qualities of human resource development departments are required for resolving this issue (Stokes 2011). Considering the business perspective every kind of organizations faces a huge amount of complexities in the monitoring the performance of the stakeholders associated with the organization such as the internal and the external stakeholders. So every project manager should be necessarily having efficient leadership qualities to deal with the problem.

Macro challenges

It is defined as the type of challenge faced by leaders of organisation in market level such as the wide range of advanced technologies used in numerous industries. Overload of information is a very significant macro challenge of the leaders of an organization. Change management is a very significant issue in the market level because every leader wants his organization to have a competitive advantage other the similar organizations. The change in business conditions is the most important macro challenge of every organization (Grint 2005). Management of the market strategies are the other significant macro challenge of leaders of organizations. Turning the bigger mistakes into greater opportunities in the market level by the external stakeholders of the organization and also by the sales and marketing team can be effectively managed with the help of the true leadership quality skills. However, it can be also said that the macro challenges faced by the leaders may be subjected to changes according to specific business conditions.

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Micro challenges

It defined as the type of challenge faced by the leaders in the team of any organization. It includes challenges such as the efficient management of the resources. Time management also falls under this category. The efficient recruitment policy is also considered as the micro challenge faced by the leaders in a team (Bolman and Deal 2017). Effective internal communications are the most important micro challenge of most organizations. The management of the expectations of the employees are the other micro challenge faced the leaders. Delegation of the internal stakeholders and the management of the internal resistance of the organizations are the other significant micro challenge of the leaders of organizations. The political landscape of the teams and its associated issues and challenges are the other micro challenges associated by the leaders in different organizations. The cultural landscape of employees is the other types of micro challenges faced by the leaders of organizations. The confidence of the employers sometimes gets affected due to different kinds of business situations which fall under the category of the micro challenges. Financial management is the other type of micro challenges faced by the leaders in organizations. However, it can also be said that the nature of the micro challenges may different according to business needs and requirements.

Characteristics of leaders in macro/ micro challenges

There are different types of ethical considerations that the organization should be following to achieve sustainable growth and development, these kinds of ethical consideration are a source of problem for each of the organization and this particular issue can be professionally solved with the efficient leadership qualities which also focuses and gives importance to those government regulations. Effective leadership qualities are very much required for resolving the discussed micro and macro challenges.

The regulation of the laws, values associated with the working organizations and the complacencies of the employees of the organization are the other challenges associated with the organization which can be solved using the professionalism and management qualities of a true leader. Handling of those ethical issues associated with the business organization is the other challenge to the leaders of business organizations. There are problems associated with the mindset of the employees of the business which can be solved purposefully with the use of effective leadership skills such as motivating the employees, communication skills and responsibility. Core leadership values such as wisdom, service, courage, authenticity, integrity and respect are very much important to deal with the macro and micro challenges.

The different types of belief dimensions which can be effectively used for the meeting the macro and the micro challenges faced by the leaders are as followings:

  • Awareness of self.
  • Personality, values and core beliefs.
  • Problem solving ability.
  • Wisdom, Experience, expertise
Characteristics of leaders in situations

The extensive developments in the field of science and technology has led to the growth of new technologies which are constantly being incorporated into the business organization. These advanced technologies have lots of issues associated with them, and the role of a true leader of the organization is very much important to resolve the issues associated with those technologies. The role of an effective leader is very much important for the new technologies incorporated into the organization as there are lots of issues associated to the latest technologies such as the working principle, resistance to change and expertise issues (Alvesson and Sveningsson 2015). Effective recruitment policy is required for any kinds of new technologies as some of the experienced professional may not be aware of the updated technologies, so it is the responsibility of the leader of the organization to look after the issue so that the desired results of the technology can be obtained.

Leadership theories
Trait leadership

It is defined as the type of leadership where the patterns of personal characteristics are highly considered. The individual differences of the other members of the organization can be understood in a better way with the help of this type of leadership qualities (Alvesson 2016). Inheritable attributes of the members of the organizations can be purposefully evaluated with trait leadership. The effectiveness of the leaders can be understood in a better way with the help of this leadership quality (Adair 2002). It can be also said that the differentiation between the effective leaders and the other members of the organization can be done with the help of this leadership style. However, there are few issues with this type of leadership. The proposed theory only concentrates on the effectiveness in a generalized form but there are many aspects of organization which cannot apply this type of leadership qualities. The influence of the situation is not at all considered in this type of leadership which is the other drawback of this leadership. The transactional and the authentication issues of the organization does not require this leadership trait. This kinds of leadership is not at all suited in emergency situations.

Situational leadership

  It is defined as the type of leadership in which the leaders adjust their style of leadership according to business situations. Development of the level of followers is considered in situational leadership qualities. Considered as one of the prime aspects of the situational leadership this type of leadership can be used in different types of business environments. There are four aspects this leadership theory such as the direction, coaching, supporting and delegation. The directions work to find out the willingness of the other members of the organization. The problem of lack of motivations falls under the category of coaching. The supporting phase of this leadership qualities also works to improve the motivation level of the other members whereas the delegation deals with the differentiation between the inexperienced and the non-experienced members of the organization as there are situations which require the involvement of the experienced professionals (Kim 2014.). However, there are few negligible issues with this leadership theory as the differentiation of the capability levels depends only on one professional (Epstein 2018). The authentication of the leadership qualities is the other limitation associated with this leadership theory.

Transactional Leadership

It is defined as the type of leadership quality which states about the role of a true leader whereas takes most of the important business decisions. Rewards and punishment to the other members of the team can be done with the help of this leadership theory. The different capabilities and efficiency of the team members can be understood in a better way with the help of this leadership theory (Bolden et al. 2011). The short-term purposes are mostly managed with the help of the transactional leaders. The different roles of the transactional leaders are supervision and management. Motivation and engagement of the team members can be done in a more efficient way with the use of the transactional leaders. The behaviour of the employees can be judged with the help of this leadership theory. Efficient leaders can bring the best out their employees with the help of this theory. However, there are few issues associated with this theory as the employees may feel down if heavy penalties are imposed on him.

Transformational Leadership

It is defined as the type of leadership which brings changes in the characters of the individuals involved in the organization. The social systems involved in the organizations can be improved with the help of this type of leadership theories (Christensen et al. 2014). There are different elements of transformational leadership such as individual considerations, inspirational motivation, idealized influence and the performance of the organization. Motivation of the employees can be effectively increased with the help of this theory (Lewis and Murphy 2008). Keeping the ego in check is one of the main characteristics features of the transformational leaders, along with that the ability to take the right kinds of risks are the other important characteristics features of this leadership theory. There are two types of leadership qualities of this leadership theory such as the upper level transformational leaders and the lower level transformational leaders. This theory states about the importance of the new concepts and ideas which are needed in most of the organizations. Every level of the organization can be managed with the help of the transformational leaders (Jonesand Gosling 2015). However, there are few issues associated with this leadership theory such as the risks associated with them, which are needed to be minimized so that the efficiency of this theory can be obtained.

Distributive Leadership

It is defined as the type of leadership theory which considers its working principles in an organisation. This is one of the least used leadership theory and is used in a smaller organization such as educational institutions. The capacity for change and improvement of the organization is the prime business objective of this leadership theory. Effective allocation of the resources is the other important aspects of the distributed leaders (Stokes et al. 2016).). Self-awareness of the distributive leaders is one of the prime aspects of this leadership theories. It can be said that excellent communication skills are required for the distributed leaders of the business organizations (Naranjo-Valencia, Jiménez-Jiménez and Sanz-Valle 2016). However, it can be also said that this leadership theory is not very much useful in the bigger organization as there are lots of complexities associated with the distributed leadership. There are language issues with most of the global organizations which cannot be solved with this leadership theory.

Application of leadership quality in an organization

Most of the global information technology organization have different types of internal and external stakeholders associated with them as they all contribute to the growth and development of the organization (Kim and Yoon 2015). Those departments which are not working with a unit requires social attentions so that the organizational objectives are properly met. Among all the discussed categories of leadership theories the situational leadership categories is perfect to maintain the external stakeholders of that ICT organization (Jackson and Parry 2011). Competency is the key aspect of every IT organization and the role of the situational leaders is important to deal with this situation. The business environment of these industries keeps on changing with time, the flexibility offered by this category of leadership is the best for these kinds of dynamic environment. The morale of the external stakeholders of this IT organization which may go down due to issues such as recession and inflation can be effectively boosted with the help of situational leaders (Grint 2010). Every IT organization requires constant growth and improvement in most of their working schedules and this is possible with the help of the situational leaders.

Role and impact of leaders

The role and impact of the leaders are very much important for business organizations. In the currents business trends and the cultural trends such modernism, the role of an effective leader is very much important as there are team members from different religious groups and sentiments. The political and the social views of the team members are needed to be considered by the leaders so that the desired results are obtained from them. There are many aspects of the leadership qualities which are needed to be considered for the distinguishing the difference between true leaders and leaders. Honesty and creativity is one of the other traits of effective leaders need to solve social issues. There are three different aspects of effective leadership qualities such as ability, engagement and aspiration (Gosling and Marturano 2008.). These three are the most basic components of the leaders in a business organization to solve the social issues. These qualities are very much impactful in most of the organizations and it helps them to growth and achieve the organizational objectives. However, it can be said the critical management skills such as communication, delegation, performance management, and time management are the most important aspect of the true leaders to deal with social issues.

Philosophical paradigms






Authorization of the authority and power of the stakeholders of the organization

Team Leaders

Business process


Mechanistic tasks of the organization

System engineer

Business process


Motivation and inspiration to the employers

Strategic leaders



Shared responsibility between the employers working


Business Process

Table 1: Paradigms of organization

(Source: Created by the author)


The essay was very much important to understand the different types of leadership theories. The details of each of the theories can be understood with the help of this paper. It can be concluded that the components the essential elements of leadership are the decisiveness, confidence, humility, transparency, learn from failure and the trust factors, all of these components are very much important for having effective leadership qualities. At the same time, it can be also said that the management of the time for each of the working modules in a workplace should be effectively maintained with the help of true leaders. There must be commitment and passion for very good leader which can inspire the other members of the team as well. Practical examples of the leadership qualities in a business organization is stated in the paper which helps in understanding the role of leaders in organizations. It can be also concluded that accountability of all the possible risks and challenges associated with the organization can be effectively managed with the help of a good and effective leader. It can be also concluded that the responsibility of the leaders is much more than the other members of the organization.


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