Latest Trends In Embedded Systems: Enabling Or Constraining Factors

Different Types of Research

Technology has revolutionised the work ethics and status of different aspects of a community from an individual level to an organisational level. The trends in technology are further supporting the cause. One of the most trending technology which is witnessing regular updates is the embedded systems which accounts for both the software and hardware aspects. The technology has been adopted at a very high rate however, the adoption rate is still low then what was expected of it which is a concern and needs to be addressed. The impact of the trends in embedded systems along with the enablers and constrains of their adoption also needs to be discussed to gain an improved insight into the subject and hence has been considered as part of the proposed study.

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The paper has discussed different aspects of the study in discussion and has offered the research aim, objectives along with other crucial aspects such as the significance, expected outcome and others. A preliminary review over the subject has also been done to gain an insight into the subject. The paper has also discussed the approach that will be adopted as part of the paper and summarised the discussion in the conclusion section to conclude on the paper.

The major aim of this paper is to analyze the latest Trends in embedded systemsalong with the factors that acts as enabler or constraint and accordingly discuss the impact it will have in the industry that adopt the system.

The objectives of the research work that will support the primary aim of the paper have been listed below:

  • Finding the latest trends in embedded system
  • Finding the impact of technological adoption in the industries.
  • Finding the enables and constraints of embedded systems that drive the trends.
  • To identify the potential changes that may be evident in the technology in discussion in the coming future?
  1. What are the current trends in embedded system?
  2. How will it impact the technological development in the industry of adoption?
  3. What are the enablers and constraints of the subject that drives the trends?
  4. What are the potential changes that may be evident in the technology in discussion in the coming future?

We are moving towards a world which consists of pervasive computing and network connectivityand this is mainly happening due to the presence of various embedded products around us. In today’s world the emerging embedded computing universe is vast and is associated with encompassing the computers of various size which ranges from small wristwatches cameras to larger telecommunication switches and any more. The design of the microprocessors is becoming smaller and are getting more complex day by day. The addition of more sophisticated designs of the multi processors, it becomes essential for the developers to conduct a diagnosis the complex problems which would be requiring a complex break point, occurrence counters, program traces, core dumps and a host of other debugging techniques. Additionally, as the microprocessors are becoming faster and the memories are becoming cheaper it is essential for the developers to focus upon the speed and size of eth application. Besides there would exists the need of different profiling techniques so as to debug the optimized codes along with analysis of the real-time performance and finding hot spots in the code.

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Research Methods

The discussion above has made it evident that the embedded systems are capable of changing the circumstances of the industry. However, the adoption rate of the systems is very low as compared to the capability that it may offer. Hence, it becomes of great prominence to determine the trends that are enabling or constraining the adoption of the subject. Post identification of the discussed factors the technology and its trends can be leveraged and the proposed work is dedicated to do the same.

Embedded systems have been associated with covering a large portion of our daily life as they include numerous computer systems which ranges from ultra-small computer-baseddevice to large systems associated with monitoring and controlling of the different complex process. Along with this most of the embedded system that have been seen in the daily life have been categorized as real-time systems and these real-time properties mainly includes the response time, execution time in worse cases and many more acts as the major concern in the designing process(Dattathreya, Bechtel & Mikulski, 2016). Because of the small size and the requirements for mobility along with extreme low cost of production has been made it more significant for our daily usage. In addition to this the system also requires very small and controlled consumption of the resources along with limited capacity of the hardware. The increased rate of complexity of the embedded real-time systems has led to an increased demand which is mainly due to the engineering requirements, high-level designs, early detection of the errors, maintenance, integration, verification and productivity(Sandstrom, 2016). All this in turn is associated with increasing the importance of the efficient management of the lie-cycle properties which mainly includes the adaptability, portability and lastly maintainability.

However, at present the embedded systems that are being used consists of 32-bit high performance micros and some of the other feature of this embedded software includes the 100K to 1 million lines of code with shorter time to market, High level C-code, Very Small part of code in assembly, Commercial RTOS, Verification is a real challenge Reusable code, challenge, Justification.

The identification of the trends along with its enablers and constraints will assist in paving ways for the mitigation of the constraints, increased adoption of the technology and the proper implementation as well. The identification will pave ways for different researches that will identify and support the above discussed potential findings of the paper. Furthermore, the readers of the proposed work who will belong to corporate background may use the findings to mitigate the threat and leverage the most disruptive embedded systems to increase their productivity and ease of work.

Guidelines for Writing a Research Paper

Authors: SaimaAman, YogeshSimmhan and Viktor K. Prasanna

This article gives an idea about the electric grid which evolving into a more advanced and latest smart grid. The authors have explained the advantages of the smart grid over the traditional electric grids. The advantages such as improved efficiency of energy as well as management of available resources in a better way have all been discussed in details in this article. Systems of energy management (EM) are often integrated with domestic automation systems, which play a crucial role in keeping the energy consumed by the home appliances under a check. These systems provide consumers with information about their energy consumption patterns and help them adopt energy-efficient behavior (Sandstrom, 2016). The emerging trends have only been discussed but not much of the details of the different technologies behind these emerging trends in embedded system have been discussed in this article like the ALIS or Adaptive Living Interface System. This is the emerging embedded technology which acts as the backbone for information for the net-zero solar powered homes.

Authors: Mehran MozaffariKermani, Meng Zhang, AnandRaghunathan and Niraj K. Jha

This article gives an insight to the different kinds of Computing devices and platforms available in today’s world. The authors have explained their different applications within the physicals objects as well as the people in the different spheres of life to create a sustainable internet of things for the future and this includes the platforms will enable a wide spectrum of applications, including brain-machine interfaces, smart homes, smart meters, implantable and wearable medical devices, intelligent transportation systems, and physical infrastructure monitoring.

(Kurdahi et al., 2017). Such physical devices that make use of embedded technology include a wide range of applications such as implantable as well as wearable medical devices, smart homes and meters, interfaces between human brain and machine, infrastructure monitoring as well as advances in transportation. The authors have successfully explained how the emerging trends in embedded systems will be a boon for the world and how its application in the above-explained devices will greatly help in the further progress of science and technology(Aravantinos et al., 2015). The authors have also explained its possible future disadvantages such as the threat of explosion in the devices as well as in the network can cause risks such as malicious attacks from the hackers all across the world and take computer hacking to new heights.

The authors have stressed on the security features of the internet of things in the emerging trends of embedded technologies, which has not been much done in earlier researches. This is a positive aspect of this particular article. In this paper, we provide an overview of trends in embedded computing and highlight their implications on secure embedded system design. This article has given recommendations about redefining embedded technology to ensure a safer future. We discuss the challenges using two case studies, viz., medical devices and smart homes(Prabhu, Antony &Balakumar, 2017). The authors have successfully explained hypothetical situations about possible future security threats for these systems. However not much of stress has been given to real and practical situations that has occurred in the past and might very well re occur in the future again.


Authors: QamarJabeen, Fazlullah Khan, Muhammad Nouman Hayat, Haroon Khan, Syed Roohullah Jan, Farman Ullah.

The article is based on the different applications of embedded system in today’s world. The authors have given special stress on how embedded systems are used in an organizational network architecture. The authors have explained the software aspects of the embedded system by explaining the real-time embedded systems that supports domains, which are mission-critical in nature and have time constraints as well(Ghaffar et al., 2017). The authors have explained the emerging trends of embedded technology that can possible enhance and improve network devices such as routers, switches in the future to ensure improved organizational network security in the coming future(Kermani, Savas, &Upadhyaya, 2016). By the end of this, article the reader as well as sensors in the networks. However not much of research or information has been provided on the hardware aspects of implementing these emerging embedded technologies or how they can be used in other industries such as healthcare industry etc. This articleonly presents some software infrastructures, which can support the emerging trends of the embedded systems.

Authors: Sheila Corrall, Mary Anne Kennan, Waseem Afzal

This article explains the challenges that are being faced by the academic libraries because of the different developments in embedded technologies in organizational networks as well as the governmental policies(Sangiovanni-Vincentelli et al., 2015).The authors have explained the economic downfalls faced by the schools as well as the challenges due to the cost factors associated with the implementation of embedded systems in the libraries in fields of bibliographies and data management.

Librarians are responding with service innovations in areas such as bibliometrics and research data management. Earlier research had only been carried out about the same within North America. The authors have done an extensive global research in this article to come up with the issues faced by the librarians. An online questionnaire of multiple choice question has been used in the research across 140 libraries in places like Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Ireland,which has not been done in any past studies(Stankovic, 2014). The authors have provided a recommendation for the librarians to use multilayered programs in the effective management of the resources and the operations of the academic libraries(Wang, Giustiniano, &Puccinelli, 2015). The authors have clearly identified the changes that need to be brought in the management in order to effectively implement the emerging embedded technologies to ensure a smooth working of the academic institutes(Vassiliev et al., 2016). This article also clearly explained the cost factors that the organizations should be aware of, before implementing the embedded systems in the academic institutions. The detailed explanation of the calculation of the cost factors have also been discussed in this article.

Introduction to Embedded Systems

This particular research study is conducted based upon the previous literature review in the area of latest trends in embedded systems and the data that is currently available. The philosophy which would be utilized for conducting the research study is the interpretivism philosophy(Dutt, Jantsch&Sarma, 2016). In this research social as well as the scientific data would be used along with being considered for the purpose of understanding the present condition of the embedded systems.The paper has accounted for the scholarly articles that had been assessed in the past and based on the same the data will be collected to determine the summary of the paper.

For this research work we would only be using the qualitative data. The finding of the literature review would be compared and the declarations of the review would be differentiated and the disclosures of the investigation study would be helping in understanding the latest trend in the embedded system and this would be entirely penniless irrespective of the fact that the objectives of the examination study are met or not.

The results that are expected from this research would be including the various type of trends in the embedded system along with the various challenges and opportunities that are likely to be obtained from the latest trends. The literature review conducted in the research study would be helping a lot in understanding the latest trends in embedded system along with helping in understanding the possible challenges that are likely to be faced by the new technologies that would be using the embedded systems. Furthermore, the objective of the paper is also aimed at determining the enablers and constraints of the trends which are impacting the trends from being leveraged. Hence, those enablers and constraints will be identified which will prove crucial for the adoption ratio of the technology in discussion.


Embedded systems have emerged as one of the potential technology that can revolutionised the industries and the productivity of those industries. Furthermore, the latest trends are capable of further enhancing the scenario however, the adoption ratio of the technology is low. Hence, the paper is aimed at identifying the trends of embedded systems along with the enablers and constraints of the adoption which is further extended to discuss theimpact of subject on the industries. The paper has discussed different aspects of the proposed work and what will be done to attain the aim of the paper. Review of the literary work, methodology, expected outcome and others have been discussed so that the readers can gain a better insight into the offerings of the proposed work. Hence, in conclusion the report could be summarised to state that the identification on the trends of embedded system will assist in increasing the adoption of the systems and in the process increase the productivity of the industries.

Designing and Debugging Embedded Systems


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