Latent Analysis Emotional Labor Strategies In Labor Management Relations

Study 4 Key Players of LMR

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The report takes into consideration the management relations of a labor. It consists of industrial life, aggregate bargaining, and exchanges unionism. Collective bargaining is considered as an important share of maintaining industrial relations. In this report, the discussion made by taking into consideration 4 players that enhances the effectiveness of labor management. The trade union of Singapore formed in 1951. The union takes into consideration the labor front government which is influenced by Lim Yew Hock government that was not considered by the Union and Singapore factory. The national trades union was established in 1962. The trade union of Singapore has a connection with every sector of the economy. According to the administration strategy; the private area in a nation should accept the open door to regulate the economy and to change over people in general change the community division traditions to business polish, and to make a new type of association among highest administration and agents.

 The industrial relations in the Singapore give a reflection of the relationship between the labor movement and Dominant political party. The trade unions are the instruments that are taking into consideration by both democratic socialist and the communists with whom they cooperate in very difficult situations. In 1961, the trade union of Singapore divides into the left wing and the non-communist national Trades Union Congress.

The labor management relations are concerned with minimizing the industrial disputes and to give the equal position to the employer which consist of labor relations procedures. The main issue which is seen in labor relation is based on the competitive advantage. With the increase in the competition and pressure to attain the business goals it is very important for an organization to have an effective support from labor relations.

The 4 important key players in the labor management relations consist of employees, employer, trade unions and the government. There are very essential to manage the relation in effective manner.

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Employees: Employees are considered as an important element for the organization to manage the labor relations in effective manner. There are many problems that the employees face with the employer. The dependency which is made on the specialists gives a direct impact on the organization. The organization takes into consideration to move their enterprises which are labor incentive to various nations and also it has a connection with privatization of the administration that is linked with the organization. The workers who are working in the remote area work for the daily portion and to collect a small amount of money. To enhance the retirement age provide jobs or work to many specialists. The manager takes into consideration the skills and a talent which is possessed by the employees (Weiss, 2014).  If an employee or an individual possess skill then it can be seen that the manager will give focus on the salary. There will be enhancement in the salary of the employees. If we take into consideration the workers, they try and give main emphasis on maintaining the relationship with the trade union and also with the employer. The employees give assistance to the trade union who takes into consideration the steps that are beneficial and also the laws which give benefits to the employees. Training helps the workers to enhance their pattern of working and it also gives main emphasis on showing the loyalty towards the organization. There are many employees who change their company and if the trade union is appointed then the problem of leaving the organization can be resolved in effective manner. If the activities that are performed by the workers are effective enough, then the salary can be enhanced easily (da Silva & Turrini, 2015).

Employee’s Role in LMR

Employer: By taking into consideration the employer it is seen that that Singapore national employer federation tells to the union to give assistance to the venture management and industries so that the business can easily enhance the level of productivity and the working pattern of the employees (Fehrler & Kosfeld, 2014). It helps the employers to attain the goals and objectives in effective manner and also to conduct their day to day operation effectively. There are many members who belong from a corporate background; they assist them to be active players to enable the partnership of tripartite. The players who belong from an LMR group try to enhance the employability by taking help from the policies like shorter work week which assist the employers to cut the cost in proper way (Leamer &Storper, 2014).

Trade Unions: Trade union is considered as an important role to manage the relation of labor management. In this the main emphasis is given on the national trade union congress. The main aim of this union is to provide employment to the people of Singapore and also assist them to stay in a competition. It also enhances the working capacity of the workers and wish for their enhancement in the working pattern. NTUC gives main focus on maintaining the status of the workers with the motive to enhance their level of performance. They try to take into consideration the strong and effective labor movement which will bring a positive impact on the working pattern of the employees. The main responsibility or the role of trade union is to maintain harmony by taking into consideration business relations between the workers and employers. The union gives emphasis on enhancing the level of production, so that there can be mutual understanding between the workers. It helps the workers or the employees to give their best towards their work. If employees give their best, then it can be simple for the organization to maintain the labor relation and to attain the goals and objective of the organization. The trade union congress assists to address the problems which are concerned with industrialization and which will give a great advantage to managers, society and authorities (Gabriel, Daniels, Diefendorff & Greguras, 2015).

Government: Government goes up with the part of the laborer and monetary coordinator. They give objective discernment on budgetary perspective and circumstance that rouse unions and administration to finish a pragmatic and pleasant settlement, which would be to the advantage of Singapore. Exchange union urges the legislature to make strides for the advancement of the workers. This means to incorporate the revision of the demonstration that is in the hand of the legislature. The correction of the Industrial Relation Act Employment Act, Wages Act and working environment advantages can acquire the progressions and the working of the representatives. The improvement of the nation occur as better work place and also a better connection between the business and representative offer enhancement to the investments that are concerned with the foreign monetary fund (Dhar, 2015).

Employer’s Role in LMR

By taking into consideration Singapore, it is analyzed that the relations which are concerned with the industries by the tripartite relationship which is between the labor movement, employers and the government. To attract more and more investors the LMR of Singapore tries to maintain the competitive advantage and helps to deal with different situations.  Let’s consider an example in which 2016 unobtrusive financial development was considered with the problems which are for the long term fluctuations and also the connections which are linked with the managers and the administration. It assists to save the benefits and assist to remain versatile. If there is versatility, then it can be simple to attract more investors towards Singapore (Frenkel & Yu, 2014).

The progressive wage model which is concerned with the labor management and the focus is given on the skill and outcomes across many industries. The model helps to motivate the company to enhance the rules which are given by national wages council by taking into consideration solid wage increments. Assurance of the specialists is must considering the moving workforce profile (Tremewan, 2016). NTUC supported acquiring the changes of the Workforce law and the Industrial Relation Act. The change of the business demonstration in Singapore demonstrates a constructive reaction in a greater amount of the general population which began working particularly with directors, experts, officials. The LMR is considered as an important aspect which gives enhancement in the benefits concerned with workplace (Donaghey, Reinecke, Niforou & Lawson, 2014).  In this there are many leaves which are given to the employees who are working in the organization. Like marriage leave, child sick leave and there are many changes which are seen in this. The most important change which is seen was in the paternity leave. For giving these benefits to the employees it is required to take permission from the government of the Singapore and also these advantages are given by the trade union which is concerned with Singapore. When the company offers these benefits to the employees, they feel motivated and the efficiency of conducting the work in enhanced effectively. The dedication of the worker is also seen to be enhanced in proper way (Waring &Lewer, 2013).

The great work administration relation demonstrated that the four players of the LMR can satisfy their obligations. To draw in the speculators towards the nation, there is need of the reason. LMR gives the motivation to the organizations to extend their operations in Singapore. Tuning in to the representative’s grievances, recognize the issues and settling it on the ongoing premise which can help in dealing with the smooth work administration relations (Karimi,Leggat, Donohue,Farrell & Couper, 2014).  The LMR of the Singapore has made a portion of the strides for the advancement of the representatives that helps the businesses in getting the productivity is turning into the upper hand. The Ministry of Manpower expects to build up the all-inclusive focused workforce and an extraordinary workforce that will bring secure financial future for all Singaporeans. Fix wage system should be adopted by the organization, so that the employees can conduct their task in effective manner (Knights  & Willmott, 2016).  It helps to retain efficient employees in the organization. Another one is national wages council in that it was established in 1972. The policies and guidelines are based for negotiation and also for dispute resolutions. It assists in domestic economic growth and productivity growth. The main emphasis is also given on the international competitiveness and domestic employment situation. The real wage enhancement should be in line which gives enhancement in the productivity growth on a long term basis. It is very essential to take into consideration the effective policies and procedures that give enhancement in the labor structure of the employees who are working in the company (Bhave & Glomb, 2016).  To restructure the wage system it is concerned with making more flexible so that the conditions that are changing in the business can respond in effective manner. With the minimum system concerned with wage, in this the company attains the flexibility and competition and enhances the job security. It is not concerned with reducing the wages but is about the long strategy of Singapore which should be there in the competitive market, so that the economic conditions can be changed fastly (Metters &Metters, 2017).

Trade Union’s Role in LMR

Wage structure is concerned with showcasing the proper understanding of the employer and the employees who are working in the organization. The employees accept the requirements to have the wages that gives direct reflection on the value of the market and are linked with both the performance of the individual and the performance of the company (Bhave & Glomb, 2016). Employers also have a wage structure that takes into consideration the flexibility and enhance the value of the employees. The competitive level of the employees can be enhanced and the employees can be able to attain the job security. The employees get motivated by the level of performance and also by the differentiation in the level of performance. To create a good relation the employers should take into consideration the sacrifices made by the employees for the organization and also the employees should be rewarded (Huat, 2015).


By analyzing the report, it is concluded that there are various problems that are faced by the Singapore tripatism and the problems are concerned with training, enhancing the working pattern and skills of the employees, flexible wage system. These problems can be handled in effective manner by the employers, government and the trade unions. The report gives main emphasis on the creating and maintains the labor relations (Yeoh, Chee & Vu, 2014).  It is very important to have an effective labor relation management. The employees who are working in Singapore enhance the competitive advantage for the company. The government and trade union of Singapore provided many advantages to the employee like safety of the workers, wages of the worker. The job opportunity for the employees is enhanced in proper way. If proper training is given to the employees, then the productivity can be increased efficiently and also the employees feel dedicated and motivated towards the work. The employees help the company to attain the goals and objective of the company.


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