Language Research For Methodology And Design: Exploring Challenges Faced By Computer Engineering Professionals

Background of the Problem

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Ten years have been a long time for the professional computer engineers. Software engineering is evolving like a beast. Antonakos (2016) commented that there are a number of key factors that resides behind the radical changes in the field of engineering. The most important factor for consideration has been the emergence of Google, a totemic factor in the face of software development. Similar thing has been pointed out by Jadeja and Modi (2012), with the advent of social media and its increasing usage. Twitter and Facebook have become asset and a new emergent platform to support an online community.

As stated by Ren, Wang and Wang (2012), software development requires a huge amount of coding. The level of writing, pushing towards million lines of codes, made mistakes inevitable and increases the challenges of the computer engineering professionals. In addition to this, there have been increases in the number of hackers cyber criminals that have doubled the challenges for the professionals (Xiaofeng & Xiang, 2013). The continuous changing programming languages are re-orienting the security measures.

I feel that I have to face similar challenges in future. One of the important factors that haunt me is the changing needs of technology. The transformation from JAVA to Android programming language happened in such a small span of time but the transformation was not cake walk for the professionals. They had to face huge challenges in their profession. Some had to lose their job as well being not able to cope up with the situation. I feel that the same change can occur at any time in future and I might have to face same challenges. The topic selected for the project will provide me certain level of understanding about the profession and thus, I will be able to prepare or train myself to fight against these odd challenges.

Background of the problem:

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The rapid progress in the information and technological process has led to pervasion of computer based devices in our regular life activities. Computer engineers are meant to offer support and solution to these changes. Assistance in the areas of health care, automotive technology and robotics should to available to human to achieve better future. This technological advancement is also important in order to create a clean environment and by saving resources. This can be achieved only when there will be advancement in the technology and the engineers are effective enough to meet all these requirements.

This research proposal will deliver a number of research aims and objectives. Keeping the research topic into consideration, a literature review will be conducted to support the framework of the research. Moreover, the methodology of the research will also be discussed to some extent.

  • To study the evolution of technology in the field of software and computer science profession in the last decade (2005-2015)
  • To find out the various challenges faced by computer science professionals to meet the identified changes in technology
  • To understand the growing need of changes as technology evolved during this time
  • To recommend a number of solutions to the computer science professionals to meet the demand of the technological changes

As stated by Parsaei and Sullivan, (2012), the modern era of computer science is as old as 50 years. In the recent era, there has been an exciting and dynamic change in the field of technology. It is understandable that there are mature parts in the field of engineering that still needs to be explored. Sharkh et al., (2013) commented that the field of computer science and engineering has become well established but at the same time, it has been expanding its boundary. The ongoing revolution has created better opportunities for new innovations. However, when it comes to the engineers, there are traceable boundaries that the engineers have to face in every sphere of their professional life.

Dainotti, Pescape and Claffy, (2012) identified a number of grand challenges have been identified that act as the key applications for the engineers to improve the future. These are

Omnipresent Information Processing: Integration of sensor system into the World Wide Web. This will provide the opportunity of accessing to real-world process in real time. The major challenge in this respect is to address the interoperability and the integrity of the databases.

Future Communication Network: Future is going to be wireless. Collection of information, abstraction and interpretation of the information will become wireless reducing the density of managing resources to satisfy a large amount of heterogeneous processing nodes (Dainotti, Pescape & Claffy, 2012).

Hardware and software architecture tools: As stated by Sharkh et al., (2013), the processor design has undergone a paradigm shift. With the increasing number of transistors on a chip, the multi and many core processors have posed new challenges to the hardware researchers. The sequential application paradigms have to be parallelized by the application of new multi-core applications.

Unconventional Computing: Apart from the traditional computing approaches, there are a number of computing approaches that have been identified needs to be implemented in the changes in the computer applications (Dainotti, Pescape & Claffy, 2012). The combination of the nano structure with the classical structure is one of the major challenges that the computer applicants have to face.

As argued by Hadjidj et al., (2013), there are substantial technical progresses of receding impact in the areas of progress as an attempt to outstrip the capacity of innovation in the field of computer science and technology. It has been further stated by Hadjidj et al., (2013) that there needs to be enhancement in the suitable architecture which are independent of the requirement of the task as it serves. Every professional practice is moving towards ‘evidence based practice’. All kinds of architectural configurations are based on solid evidential foundation. However, if the software engineers are considered, it has to be said that the software engineers are not taught by reference to evidence either. It is therefore, very important for modeling and information exchange in the field of engineering.

Literature Review

In order to get detailed information of the challenges and issues faced by computer engineering professionals both primary and secondary research shall be conducted. For the secondary research a books, journals and other sources will be used that will be available both online and offline. Deductive approach will be selected for the purpose of gaining information from the existing sources (Mackey & Gass, 2015). Again, the analytical or the descriptive research design will be selected for evaluating the various sources required for carrying out the research. Again, for the primary research five computer engineering professionals will be interviewed and their views will be obtained to understand the actual challenges that these professionals face in their practical life (Flick, 2015). Thematic analysis will be done on the information gathered from the interview of the five professionals.

It has to be understood that the complete process of collecting the various resources will be done by following the basic ethical guidelines. None of the respondents will be forced to answer any query and their consent will be taken by the means of taking a signature on the consent form. However, there remains certain deficiency in the complete research process in case if the respondents do not answer properly or they be biased about their speech or response. Moreover, completing the entire research within the set time frame might become challenging.


1st to 3rd Week

4th to 10th week

11th to 13th  Week

14th to 17th  Week

18th to 21st  Week

22nd  to 23rd  Week

24th  Week

Selection of the topic


Data collection from secondary sources



Creating layout


Literature review



Findings of the data




Analysis and interpretation of  collected data



Conclusion of the study


Submission of final work


Fig: Time table for the research

(Source: Created by the author)

The complete research work has been dived into 24 weeks’ work. Deciding on the selected topic will be confirmed within the first week of the research and it is expected that the work will be commenced from the very moment. Carrying out the literature review will require maximum time, that might extent to 4-5 weeks of work. On the 18 week, the collected data will be analyzed and the conclusion will be made. It is expected that the complete research work will be submitted by the end of the 24th week.


The research proposal has outlined the main ideas that have to be undertaken during the research. It is expected that the proposed procedure will be followed accordingly. If the plan gets through without the creation of much hindrance, it is expected that the research will be a successful one.

Reference list:

Antonakos, J. L. (Ed.). (2016). Data Structure and Software Engineering: Challenges and Improvements. CRC Press.

Dainotti, A., Pescape, A., & Claffy, K. C. (2012). Issues and future directions in traffic classification. IEEE network, 26(1), 35-40.

Flick, U. (2015). Introducing research methodology: A beginner’s guide to doing a research project. Sage.

Hadjidj, A., Souil, M., Bouabdallah, A., Challal, Y., & Owen, H. (2013). Wireless sensor networks for rehabilitation applications: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 36(1), 1-15.

Jadeja, Y., & Modi, K. (2012, March). Cloud computing-concepts, architecture and challenges. In Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies (ICCEET), 2012 International Conference on (pp. 877-880). IEEE.

Mackey, A., & Gass, S. M. (2015). Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge.

Parsaei, H. R., & Sullivan, W. G. (Eds.). (2012). Concurrent engineering: contemporary issues and modern design tools. Springer Science & Business Media.

Ren, K., Wang, C., & Wang, Q. (2012). Security challenges for the public cloud. IEEE Internet Computing, 16(1), 69.

Sharkh, M. A., Jammal, M., Shami, A., & Ouda, A. (2013). Resource allocation in a network-based cloud computing environment: design challenges. IEEE Communications Magazine, 51(11), 46-52.

Xiaofeng, M., & Xiang, C. (2013). Big data management: concepts, techniques and challenges [J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 1, 98.

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