LAN Installation Plans And Networking Standards
Interoperability and OSI models
Networking is one of the key measures that any organisation undertakes for the working of the entire business. In this case as the organisation is setting up a new plan the need of the constructing a perfect plan of networking is the most important task. The need of the networking is for the smooth going of the works and the e-commerce site. This paper will answer the questions of the owner about the LAN installation plans that the organisation will undertake. The key points that the entire paper will undertake is the inter-operability of the different equipment’s that the organisation will use in the future. The basic needs of the organisation are the workstations, the data points and connection between the devices. The paper will also cover the understanding of the different OSI models on which the entire networking is established. Further the queries on the cables or the wireless connections. Further the efficiency of the synchronous connection will be mentioned.
The manufacturing and commerce have become one of the global topic. Interoperability can be explained as the as the products or the systems whose interfaces can be connected in a proper way with other products without any fail, without any restrictions. The term is used for the refereeing the error free interconnection [1]. The OSI model is commonly used by the manufacturers while in terms of the inter- operability of the different manufactured goods. Hence the organisation also needs to follow the same for connections of the devises in order to get an error free connection set up.
OSI model: The Open source interconnection model is one of the conceptual model that helps in the characterization of the standards of the telecommunication of the computing system. The layer is divided in the 7 sub layers which helps in the interoperability of the systems. The seven layers are namely
- Application layer: The function of the application layer is the connection with the help of the high level APIS which includes the resource sharing and the file access systems.
- Presentation layer: The work of the presentation layer is making the translation in the between the networking services and the applications which includes the character encoding and the data compression.
- Session layer: This layer helps in the continuous transmission of the data in between the layers,
- Transport layer: The work of this layer is to manager the communication layers that is the continuous exchange of the information in between the layers.
- Network layer: Helps in the structural managing of the multi node networks
- Data link layer: Helps in the transmission of the data frames in between the nodes.
- Physical layer: transmission and reception of the raw data’s.
(Fig 1- OSI model
Source [3])
DOD model: The department of the defence model is commonly known as the DOD model. There is only four layers in this system as compared to the standard OSI model. The layer are namely the Process application layer which is similar to the mixture of the Application Presentation and the Session layer [10]. The Host-to-Host Layer which is similar to the Transport layer. The Internet Layer which is similar to the Network layer and the Network Access Layer and the Data Link and the physical layer.
Different types of cables for networking
(Fig 2- DOD model
Source [10])
Tcp/Ip model: TCP/Ip model specifies the how the data are exchanged over the internet by providing the best possible end to end connections that identifies how the packets are broken, addressed and the transmitted within the destination [2]. TCP/IP requires fundamental management, and it is considered to make networks dependable, with the ability to recover automatically from the failure of any device on the network[3].
(Fig – TCP/IP model
Source [2])
(Fig 4- OSI, TCP/IP, DOD model
Source [3])
All the three layers are similar to each other, but the OSI layer is taken as the standard as it easier to understand the concept of the OSI model, also the interoperability of the OSI model can easily be understood and the manufacturer follow this for the process of the manufacturing purpose
The organisation needs to use the best connection method for the connections of the devices that organisation will use. Some of the common connection methods for the connection of the systems are the twisted pair cables, the coaxial fibres, the fibre optics and the wireless systems.
These type of the cables have single conducting wires that have been twisted around for strength. The cables are classified in 7 categories, depending on the speed of the connections and strength of the wires [6]. These cables helps n eliminating the electromagnetic factors in between two cables. The most common use is the category 7 wire which gives approx. 600MHZ in a range of 100 meters. The major disadvantage of this is the noise and the security of the wire. The speed decreases in these cables with the increase of the distance in the case of this cables.
Coaxial pair cables: These cables are a single wire which is wrapped in between foam insulation and protected by a metal shield and on top a plastic cover. Because of the covering helps in the maintaining the bandwidth of the frequency’s [8]. The installation process is quite hard and are very costly. The speed of the cables are quite high but are less than that of the fibre optics, as the price of the cables are quite high , long distance connection are quite costlier.
Fibre optics: The fibre optics are some of the most used cable in the world and have a very high speed of transmission, ranging from million bits in a second for 1000 meters. The protection of the cables are very strong. It uses the technology of reflection of the light inside the cables and hence are so fast [7]. The price of the fibre optics are higher than twisted pair but less than co axial cable. Also the there is no electromagnetic problem in the system.
Wireless network: This is the most used media for the connections of the system. This technology uses the radio waves for the transmission of the data. The speed of the data is much higher than the cables and covers more distance [9]. The cost is quite low and is easy for use. The installing charge of the system is bit high but once when installed the maintenance prices are quite low and very easy for use.
The best thing that the organisation can use is the mixture of the fibre optical cables and the Wireless network. The fibre optics can be used for the connection of the data points, as these are more secured and requires less amount of the maintenance and easy to use. In order of the connection between the work stations and the data points. The use of the wireless will help in the reduction of the cables in the office and reduce the electromagnetic effect. Also the use of the network cables are easier than that of the cables. The prices of installing charge of wireless systems are higher initially but are lower subsequently and also provides higher security to the systems. Further the wireless cover greater distance in terms of the cables hence taking less cost. The cables must be used for better connection security in the data points.
The synchronous connection will be more efficient in this case, as the Synchronous connections use the independent clocking signals which helps to synchronize the data transmission [5]. It provides a permanent connection between two endpoints, and are typically established over dedicated leased-lines.
Size of the data packet = 1000 bytes
Let the required transmission line speed be x
The transmission time of the data = 0.25 sec
1000 / x= 0.25=> x = 250 bits/ sec
Hence the transmission speed that is required that will happen is at 250 bit/ second.
Thus, concluding the topic it can be said that for the connection of the entire system the organisation needs to follow the standards of the connections in the systems. The organisation needs to use the best connection techniques like the wireless networks and the fibre optics. Further the organisation needs to follow the OSI standards for the purpose of the inter-operability of the devices that are to be used in the organisation. The use of the wireless helps in covering longer distance in low cost and high speed making it ideal for the day to day work. Also there is less trouble of the wires tangling and producing electromagnetic radiations. The wireless connection can be encrypted and hence providing greater security.
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