Kudler Fine Foods Strategy And Business Proposal


Discuss the strategy and business proposal of Kudler fine foods?

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Kuldler Fine Foods has developed into business with three location, offering wide variety of fine foods that includes cheese and wine locally grown produce and store cooking demonstration extending to the home parties and the most recent establishing a catering business. The legal aspects in managing the business to current strategy and tactics that is need to be developing in order to assess how changing technology creates business opportunities for the Kudler’s current ventures  (Birkinshaw, 2004). Kudler Fine Foods is gourmet grocery store with vision to provide customer with highest and finest quality selection of food products.

The operational analysis is the decision making process involved in getting the involved job done. The job includes the table representation of SWOT analysis that is made to make the method useful. The business plan includes the stated objective supporting the goal and creating the strategic plan for the implementation of new performance management system (Blackwell & Sunday Times of London (Firm), 2008). The company represents the responsibilities and deliverables in format consistent with formal strategic plan that address communication on the organizational goals and action and element needed to achieve the goals. The business plan includes the management activities in setting centralizing energy and sources, priorities, strengthen operations and collaboration on   employee agreement.

The main objective of the study is to find out the scope of the up gradation of Kudler Fine Foods

Company’s IT infrastructure for ensuring the compatibility within the organization, customers, staffs and vendors. It can be enhanced the performance of the company. With the help of effective It infrastructure the company can communicate with different department very effectively. 

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Find out the scope of remodelling the company website for permitting the customers online order as well as for accessing the vendors (Hayes & Miller, 2011).

Identify the scope of upgrading the company database.

Identify the scope of Implementing ERP, CRM, SCM as well as document software in the IT infrastructure.

Organize adequate training and development sessions for the employees for the enhancement of their employability.

Initiate the strategic plan for maintaining the documents as well as plan for supporting the documents. So that, the documents can be maintained properly and can be accessed when required. The supporting documents can be utilized when required.   

The main goal of the company is to deliver best quality of the food products to the consumers. The company want to develop faith among the consumers. With the effective strategies and innovative expansion and upgrading plan the company wish to enhance their business. There are several business prospects and opportunities the company’s aim is to grab those opportunity. Owing to that the company has invent several innovative techniques which are very effective in improving the service quality as well as increasing the profitability of the company (Rondeau, E. P., Brown, R. K., & Lapides, P. D. 2006). Building trust among the customer is very essential as by building trust the loyalty of the consumer is increased. So that the company will take several useful strategies so that the trust and loyalty of the consumers canbe increased.  Product is also another aspects where need to give more emphasis as most of the people eat foods because they love food. Therefore, the product should be developed by keeping in mind the taste of the consumers their liking. Currently most of the people are health conscious so develop healthy and tasty food with low fat and low calorie foods with high energy (Birkinshaw, J. M. 2004).The delivery system has to be improved because no one like to wait for their food after giving the order. There the main aim of the Kudler Fine Foods company is to improve the overall service and food quality to ensure the customers loyalty.       


The Kudler Fine Food has specific business needs to grow and remain in the competitive market by continuing to retain and hire the top talent (Pan, 2013). The company has sought out the assistance of the representatives from the Iwamtoo, crew and co. that matters expertise on the performance project management.

The proposed action step of Kudler Fine Foods considers the current process that supports the leadership in the learning organization. The company holds the responsibility in building the foundation where people are continually expands their competence in shaping the future that includes achieving and attaining the goals that contributes in organizational success. Action steps include the building foundation for the purpose and core values, developing strategies and policies for the decision making process and developing the learning process (Rondeau, Brown, & Lapides, 2006).

Kudler SWOT analysis is the weakness and strength of the company. To address the weakness the company would need to hire qualified people or retaining the employees to cover the time when the employees are out on leave or sick. The weakness of Kudler Fine Foods is that are having small management team responsibility (Rondeau, Brown, & Lapides, 2006). The SWOT analysis is as follows:





· Small organization

· Many choices of the customers.

· No  direct competition.

· Good store collection.

· Good customer orientation.

· Repeat customers

· Good store location.

· Kathey;’s personal relationship with staff.


· Deal in mainly with perishable goods.

· Small management team with lots of responsibility.

· Specialty shop with high pay-roll.

· Limitation in Geographic expansion.

· The location Del Mar location is not developing as expected.


· Offering more catering services.

· Geographic expansion throughout California.

· Adding more product line as the company is growing.

· Delegate purchasing process to customer with more time and experience.

· Spreading the brand outside the California as it is growing.

·  Opportunity that to be acquired.


· The economy is declining.

· Competition with the gourmet shops.

The market segmentation must be done in an innovative way that will helps to satisfy all the stakeholder and in this particular context the company provided enormous contribution to satisfy the clients because customer retention is become one of the most major problems and to retain the customers the best possible service must be provided by the clients. Therefore, the reliable budget is also developed by the company that brings several benefits by reducing the extra operational cist into the product development because quality is one of the most major issue that provide immense impact on overall profitability of the company (Malhotra, 1993). In this particular case, the company undertakes the enhanced strategy and to maintain the profitability in the market the company also provide some attractive discounts. The business plan is developed in a way that will help to establish a unique identity of the company in a particular target market. The cost table is provided as follows.




AU $ 50

Market survey

AU $ 250

Product development

AU $ 150


AU $ 100

Communicate with customer through product launching campaign

AU $ 60

Survey result analysis with the help of experts

AU $ 40

Total cost

AU $ 650

The total estimated cost is selected for this particular business plan development project was AU $ 700 and now the figure shows that the estimated budget is properly maintained by the company with the help of effective strategy and implementing the experts in development of the planning (Sacerdoti, 1975). With the help in proper market segmentation, the target market analysis is conducted and therefore the current trends and demand of the customer are also analysed that helps in providing the reliable products to the customers and customers’ satisfaction is achieved. However, the company that helps in creating a better future prospective for the company implements the effective strategy and advance technological tools.


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