Knowledge Management Program For Resolving Complexity Of Murray Darling Basin

Research and Investigation Skills

Knowledge management is the program which is used for identifying the complexities and providing effective solution to resolve those issues in an effective manner. It is the systematic arrangement and formulation of the knowledge assets to form the critical values for achieving the strategic aim of the project. The strategies should be developed for sustaining the requirement of the project. The assessment and the sharing of knowledge helps in improving the knowledge creation to solve the problem. The purpose of deploying knowledge management tools and technologies are to resolve the complexities associated with the goal and mission of the project undertaken.

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The aim of this paper is to focus on the complexities and problems associated with the increasing growth of mining operation in the areas of Murray Darling Basin in Australia. The tremendous growth of the mining operation related to gold, copper, and coal reserves found in the Murray Darling Basin had affected the environmental growth of the area (Torabi and Den, 2017). The proper steps should be taken to handle the problems faced by the local community members and environmental hazard with the increasing demand of coal mining operations in the Murray darling basin. The effective techniques and tools of the knowledge management program helps in guiding new path of innovation to improve the condition of environment and living standard of the local community members who are residing in the Murray darling basin. The gaps and the limitation of the Murray basin in undergoing the mining operation can be judged for analysing the facts of the environmental hazards and condition of the common people. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the complexities associated with the Murray Darling Basin of Australia and to provide effective solution by applying the tools of knowledge management program.

The objective of this research paper is to provide a strategic plan for minimizing the adverse effect of mining on the sustainable growth of Murray Darling basin. The environmental issues which exist with the research location can be effectively resolved with the deployment of knowledge management framework. In this paper, we are looking forward to apply the building blocks of knowledge management such as identification, development, distribution, acquisition, and retention to resolve the complexity of the Murray darling basin and develop a theoretical framework of knowledge management. The effective research methodology should be conducted for developing a theoretical knowledge management program for the Murray Darling Basin. The decision making capability can be improve by managing a sequential program for knowledge building blocks.

Knowledge Acquisition Methods

The knowledge management is the process of sharing information and data related to different discipline to develop a strategic framework for achieving sustainability of the undertaken project. The knowledge management is the amalgamation of its building blocks which are named as goal, measurement, use, identification, acquisition, preservation, development, and distribution. The following figure represents the linking of knowledge management building block:

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This is the important step of the knowledge management framework because it focuses on the identification of the problem and issues which exist with the Murray Darling basin with the application of mining procedures. The identification and analysis of the gaps which exist with the internal and external working environment of the proposed project helps in bringing transparency in the formulation of the knowledge. The agricultural productivity of the Murray darling basin especially done in the areas of

  • Darling Downs
  • Namoi Valley
  • Surat Basin

These areas are provided with excessive implication of the coal mining process since they are rich source of coal deposits. The environmental and agricultural productivity are the major concern of the Murray Darling Basin project (Kaiser, Kohler, and Weith, 2016). The visualization of the problem helps in developing effective knowledge program to increase the efficiency of taking decision.

The identification of the knowledge helps in knowing the expertise both internally and externally of the business unit. The mapping of the knowledge with the problem identified of the Murray darling basin helps in coming to the resolution of the problems with the flow of information from both internal and external sources (Loughborough University, 2017). The systematic analysing and mapping of the knowledge help in bringing coordination among the various units of the project. The implication of the knowledge topologies helps in developing healthy relationship between government agencies and Murray Darling basin. It has been found that

  • 36% of water is used for coal mining
  • 18% of water is used in gold mining
  • 12% of water is used in copper mining

There are three major mines which affect the quality of water resource in the Murray Darling basin:

  • Namoi Valley Mines: The concern is raises due to the accumulation of chemical pollution in the environment of basin. The health issues with the common residential people, workers, labour, and employers arise due to the increasing pollution from heavy traffic at the dam site location (Booker, Bontis,  and Serenko, 2015).
  • Darling Downs: The clearing of vegetation with the inclusion of mining processes increases social issues with the local farmer and others. The process of mining results into the release of coal seam gas which is responsible for contaminating ground water and river water. The accumulation of coal seam gas in the water bodies raises the concern of environmental problems.
  • Surat region Mines: The mining process is the major hazard for the increasing rate of salinity and degradation of the water bodies.

The information related to the gaps and problems of the Murray darling basin is collected from various sources such as reading of articles, literature review, analysis of the site location, laws made by the government for mining activities, local residential people, farmers, and others. The stakeholders associated with the project plays a vital role in collecting details of the scenario to take required action. The data collected from different sources should focus on the main agenda of the undertaken projects (Khedhaouria and Jamal, 2011). The key factors for the successful implication of knowledge to take required action for resolving the complexity of the Murray darling basin are local residential people, governmental agencies, and the workers at the site location.

Proposition and Anticipated Outcome

The knowledge development phase focuses on designing the solution relevant to the problem and issues of the undertaken projects. The main criteria of the development process are the facts and figures collected from the knowledge acquisition. The efficiency of the designing process depends on the knowledge collected from internal and external sources. The creation of the knowledge development framework focuses on the design process which helps in reducing the impact of coal mining on the environmental condition and agricultural field of the Murray darling basin. The innovation in the design process can be drafted with the peer to peer amalgamation of research department and their studies, coordination among information sharing process, analysing of the traditional processes and working platform, team management, brainstorming with the visualization of the problem and simulation techniques, and developing the effective design based on learning process (Alvi, 2015). The sharing of knowledge helps in enhancing the creativity of the designing process. The integration of the knowledge with the professional experts’ views and thoughts helps in providing new guiding principles to develop an innovative solution to the problem Murray darling basin.

The key concept of the knowledge distribution process is to provide right information to the right people. The central focus should be given on the distribution of the information to preserve its integrity, accuracy, reliability, and confidentiality. The manipulation and modification of the information can affect the functioning of the knowledge designing process. The criteria should be designed for managing the flow of information between key users of the information (Cast, MacDonald, Girad, Kalivas, Strathearn, Sanderson, Bryan, Frahm, 2008). The sufficient knowledge should be provided to the user so that the manipulation in the information could not adversely affect the integrity and accuracy of the undertaken knowledge process for distribution.

The application of the knowledge gathered from numerous internal and external sources is the core concept of the knowledge management program. The efficiency of the knowledge gathering and management can be measured with its utilization in resolving the complexity of the Murray darling basin related to coal mining. The passive approach should be followed for minimizing the impact of coal mining of the environmental condition of the Murray darling basin with respect to the agricultural yield and productivity.

The development of the knowledge concept based on the Murray darling basin should be preserved and stored in the documentation so that it can be memorised during the process of implementation. The knowledge gathered by visiting at the site location and communication with the local residential people and farmers should be preserved for future application and knowledge development program due to the occurrence of new problems in the undertaken project (Bhattacharya, and Choudhary, 2012). The knowledge gathered and preserved should be updated regularly according to the required changes in the information. The suitable format should be designed by the knowledge experts to preserve it for future perspective so the required information can be easily retrieved from the documentation.

Important Building Blocks

The measurement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the applied knowledge helps in evaluating the resolution to the problematic scenario of the Murray basin. The strategic and operational approach should be used for analysing the quantitative factors and facts. The changes in the agricultural production and environment due to the implication of knowledge framework should be measured by quantitative approach i.e. yield per hectare (West Africa, 2010). The internal potential of the Murray darling basin is to trained the employees ad workers according to the new program of mining at work place. The policies and procedures of the management program should be hanged according to the requirement of knowledge design and development program (Nilakanth, Miller, Peer, and Bojja, 2009).

The strategic and the operational goal of the knowledge management process is to cope up with the project problem. The capability and the efficiency of the knowledge management program depends on the effectiveness of the knowledge designing process for bringing transparency in the working program at site location of the Murray Darling basin (Cader, 2012). The effective communication should be developed between the governmental agencies and the local residential farmers.

The local residential peoples of the Murray darling basin face the problem of rehabilitation due to the increasing growth of mining activities. The Murray Darling basin is the amalgamation of various river, tributaries, and distributaries. The 14% of Australian area is covered by the 23 rivers of the Murray basin (SzTangret, 2014). The food supply to the Australian people is mainly from the Murray basin agricultural land. 39% of the national economy is generated from the agricultural farms of the Murray basin. The major crops which are grown in the Murray basin are apple, cereals, and orange. The cattle herding is also employed in the Murray darling basin. The Murray basin is having significant reserves of coal, gold, and copper. This is main reason of performing mining operation in the Murray darling basin. The fertility of the land areas in the Namoi valley, Daring Downs, and Surat region is getting adversely affected with the release of Coal seam gas during the carrying over of the mining process (Omotayo, 2015).

The subsequent growth of mining activities due to the availability of high reserves of coal in the Murray darling basin majorly in the areas of Darling downs, Namoi valley, and Surt region. The concern is raises due to the accumulation of chemical pollution in the environment of basin. The health issues with the common residential people, workers, labour, and employers arise due to the increasing pollution from heavy traffic at the dam site location (Booker, Bontis,  and Serenko, 2015). The clearing of vegetation with the inclusion of mining processes increases social issues with the local farmer and others. The process of mining results into the release of coal seam gas which is responsible for contaminating ground water and river water. The accumulation of coal seam gas in the water bodies raises the concern of environmental problems. The mining process is the major hazard for the increasing rate of salinity and degradation of the water bodies. The government should take serious action to comply with the problem of coal mining activities on the environment. The new reforms and policies should be developed for the sustainability of the water bodies in the Murray darling basin. The environmental protection regulations should be laid down for bringing adequacy in the mining procedures.

Team Effort

The knowledge identification phase focuses on identifying the problems and complexities associated with the Murray basin in Australia. The growing rate of mining operation had ruined the environment to an high extent. The rate of carbon emission in the air is high. The air present in the Murray basin is not good for health because the rate of the carbon di oxide is very high and it is hazardous to intake polluted air for the period of time. The inclusion of mining operation had compel the people of the Murray basin to get shifted from there to a newer place which results in the loss of earning of the local community members ((Gonzalez and Martins, 2015). The conditions of living are becoming worse for the people. They have to struggle for earning their livelihood because the local people are not able to perform the farming of the agricultural land; the yield produced by the irrigation is very low, amalgamation of coal steam gas in the water table of the ground which makes it not fit for drinking nor irrigation, and others. The sources of income are getting closed for the common people which creates a picture of frustration among them. The application of knowledge management framework helps in systematic designing of the issues to get effective resolution (Khedhaouria, and Jamal, 2011).

The requirement gathering tools should be used for collecting the facts and figures to analyse the problem effectively. It helps in finding the root cause of the problem domain developed in the first phase. The formal meetings should be arranged with the local community members and the high authorities of mining operation to analyse the root cause of the problems and to find effective solution of the problems faced by the local peoples during the program of mining operation. The social issues and health problems of the local people are the two major concerns to stop or minimize the mining operation in the coal, gold, and copper reserves. The government is applying mining operation because the Murray darling basin is the large reserves of coal, gold, and copper mine. The economy of the nation can be effectively grown with the implementation of the mining operation. The application of knowledge acquisition helps in applying the implicit and explicit techniques of data collection from different sources so that the particular direction can be provided to take effective decision in resolving the issues and complexities faced by the people residing in the Murray Basin. The deployment of the interview, questionnaire, and survey on the site of Murray basin helps in finding the facts and figures related to the complexities associated with the people, farming operations, and collection of water. The framework of knowledge management is composed of various and procedures which are the building blocks of resolving the issues such as identification of the problem, acquisition and retention. The release of coal steam gas had increases the contamination of underground water which is neither fit for drinking nor irrigation purposes. The earnings and the livelihood of the people are degrading. The health of the local people is also degrading due to the excessive intake of carbon dioxide. 

Theoretical Framework of Knowledge Management

The enhancement of the knowledge takes place due to the sharing of information collected in the knowledge acquisition phase. The systematic analysing of the information collected from the implicit and explicit methodology helps in increasing the knowledge development to resolve the problems and risks associated with the Murray basin mining operation program. The conceptual model should be developed for analysing the knowledge domain of the problems associated with the Murray darling basin project (West Africa, 2010). The facts collected through the process of questionnaire and interview helps in setting the critical view of knowledge for the accomplishment of the mining operation without creating a problematic scene of rehabilitation for the people of Murray basin. The functional modules of the mining problems should be developed to propose a new architecture for the mining operation so that it does not affect the environment and the health of the local people. The technologies should be used for limiting the release of coal steam gas which helps in reducing the air and water pollution of the Murray basin. The government license of mining operation at the Namoi valley region of Murray basin should be cancelled so that effective growth of agricultural crops can be grown which in turn helps in increasing the economic condition of the common people. The growth in the living standard of the common people helps in resolving and minimising the social issues which exist with them. The renovation in the water act 2007 should be done to preserve the underground water from the accumulation of coal seam gas in the Darling Down basin (Khedhaouria and Jamal, 2011). The Australian government should take an action and decision for managing the flow of mining operation in the Murray Basin which helps in controlling the environmental hazard.

(Source: Bhojaraju, G. (2005). Knowledge management: Why do we need it for corporates) 

The systematic arrangement of the repositories of knowledge helps in solving the problem and complexities of the Murray Basin. It helps in identifying the risks associated with the complexities of the mining operation (Kaiser, Kohler, and Weith, 2016). The functionality of the recommended solution should be judged and tested so that the hazard on environment, local people, and government can be resolved. The decision of the Australian government is taken to generate new program of mining operation and pass new laws and principles so that the complexities of the local people can be settled down (Gonzalez and Martins, 2015). The new program helps in identifying the facts related to the improvement seen in the production of the agricultural yield, increase in earning of the local people, minimise the air and water pollution, helps in improving the health condition of the people working at mines and residing over that region, and handling of safety tools and equipment.

Identification of Knowledge

The knowledge is gathered from various sources such as communication with the local people, employees working at the coal mines, government agencies, and others so that the complexities of the Murray basin can be resolved to a high extent (Connel and Grafton, 2011). The conferences and official meetings with the government employees helps in going to  design a perfect solution to minimize the impact of mining operation on the environment, working people, local people, and others. The earnings of the people are getting affected due to the lower yield of agricultural land produce. The government of Australia should made effective policies so that the impact of mining can be minimized and reduced (Cormic, 2012). The analysis of the survey report helps in finding the areas of improvement and required solution to overcome the area of concern. The social issues of the farmers can be solved by providing new technological equipment to improve the agricultural yield.

The knowledge representation phase gives the clear idea about the problem domain which exist with the Murray Darling basin and their respective countermeasures. The mind map of the problem can be effectively drawn by the visualising of the problem in the clear perspective way. The new ideas and approaches should be emphasised for the effective development of the Murray darling basin (Bhojaraju, 2005). The following table shows the identification of the problems which exist with the Murray basin and their respective countermeasures.



environmental hazard

Amendments in environmental act

problem of rehabilitation due to the increasing growth of mining activities

Cancellation of the mining License

clearing of vegetation with the inclusion of mining processes increases social issues with the local farmer and others

Cancellation of the mining license

Increasing chemical pollution

Amendments in environmental act

Contamination of ground water and river bed water

Amendments in water 2007 act

Accumulation of Coal Seam Gas

National Water commission authority should pass the waste water management system plan

Release of Coal seam gas in environment

Amendments in environmental act

Demolition of Livelihood

Testing of water quality for irrigation purposes

The following diagram shows the representation of the problem and complexity of the Murray basin

The problems of the undertaken case study should be linked with the associated knowledge building blocks to develop an effective knowledge countermeasure model to resolve the complexity and problem domain of the Murray basin (Bhattacharya and Choudhary, 2012). The success and the failure of the project depends on the knowledge applied in the identification of the problem with the amalgamation of knowledge acquisition (Williams, 2017).

  • The survey on the site location and study of the literature review helps in describing the problem statement of the Murray basin (Kucza, 2011).
  • Visualization aspect of the problem domain can be specified with the analysis of the knowledge management of building blocks.
  • Development of the solution strategy for focusing on the problem domain
  • Assessing of the recommendation plan which are proposed for resolving the environmental issues of the Murray basin (Common Wealth of Australia, 2014).

The structural and systematic approach should be developed for effective management of knowledge domain collected from the application of knowledge building blocks. The following hierarchical chart is developed by linking the problem of Murray basin with the associated building blocks of knowledge management framework.

The analysis and evaluation of the knowledge building blocks helps in identifying the knowledge gaps which exists with the analysis of the problem domain of the undertaken projects. The internal and external knowledge should be accumulated for analysing the gaps which exists in the research study program to give effective countermeasures to resolve the problem of the Murray basin. The local community members are not able to freely express their problem due to the language barrier which exists with the tribal people of the Murray basin. The research gaps of the site location can result in the mis-interpretation of the knowledge collected from the different perspective view to develop an effective recommendation program. The critical evaluation of the knowledge gaps helps in resolving the area of concern which exist with the Murray basin. The effective countermeasure program can directly affect the increment in the national economy.

Knowledge Development

The Knowledge management program is capable of providing effective solution to the problems which are discovered in the analysis and research of the Murray basin which the local people face in the environmental condition due to the rising coal mining activities in the agricultural areas of the Darling down and Namoi Valley. Re-habitation problem of the common people can be resolved by cancelling the Licence of mining procedures undertaken by the excavating industries (Kumar and Kumar, 2015). The water regulations should be made for effective consumption of the water with the local people. The waste water releases from the industries should not be dumped into the underground reservoirs and river bed. The waste water should be dumped into the river bed after the application of waste water management system. The government should pass the proposal of waste water treatment plan for the purification of the water. It helps in minimizing the pollutants from the water which can be the cause of health issues in the local community members. The water act 2007 should be amended according to the requirement of the complexity problem of the river basin.

  • The policies should be developed for checking the water quality of the river basin periodically
  • Effective measures should be taken for the waste water management system to minimise the level of salinity in the river bed and underground water.
  • The quality of water for salinity should be tested for serving the water in irrigation purposes.
  • Cancellation of the coal mining license of the excavation industries.
  • The PH level of the water should be checked
  • The National water commission authority should actively participate in the development of effective program for water preservation and environmental preservation act.

The following figure shows the countermeasures to the Murray basin problem:

(Source: Bhojaraju, G. (2005). Knowledge management: Why do we need it for corporates)

The implementation of the knowledge management program helps in improving the decision making capabilities of the authorised parties so as to reduce the impact of mining operation in the region of Murray basin. The systematic review of the problems faced by the local residents due to the environmental hazards and increasing rate of water and air pollution helps in designing an effective conceptual model which is capable of resolving the problems and complexities in a better way (ARTD consultants, 2015). The new policies and acts should be passed for increasing the agricultural yield of Darling down region, Namoi valley, and others regions of Murray basin. The new laws should be designed for mining the water and the air pollution so that the better living condition can be provided to the people (Alavi, 2015).  The outcome of the proposed knowledge management program is efficient in resolving the problems associated with the local community members of the Murray basin. The problem of water pollution and environmental hazard can be effectively resolved with the cancellation of the mining proposal. The old mining activities should carry out their activities under the upgraded mining policies and procedures. The effective management of policies helps in resolving the mining activities and their impact on the Murray basin settlement program. The national water commission should take initiative in the development program for checking the water quality.

Knowledge Distribution


It can be concluded that the application of the knowledge management framework on the complexities faced by the people living in the Murray basin is the effective technique to minimize the negative impact of mining operations on the environmental condition and the living standard of the common people. The mining operation due to the large reserves of coal, goal, and copper increases the environmental pollution due to the excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide in the Murray region. The earnings of the people are get affected due to the lower yield of agricultural land produce. The government of Australia should made effective policies so that the impact of mining can be minimized and reduced. The good health of the common people increases the productivity of the mining operation which in turn increases the GDP of Australia. The training and education program to improve their health condition, periodic arrangement of medical check-ups for the workers should be arranged, and others so that effective medical treatment can be provided to cure the health of the people. The technologies should be used for minimizing the release of coal seam gas in the air and underground water tables so that the production of the agricultural land yield can be improved which helps in increasing the earning and livelihood of the farmers. The social issues of the farmers can be solved by providing new technological equipment to improve the agricultural yield. The mining license of the Namoi valley should be cancelled because it adversely affect the environmental condition and agricultural farms due to the increasing rate of chemical pollution. The priority should be given to the water management system in the Darling Down region due to the increasing accumulation of the coal seam gas in the water bodies of the river basin.


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