Knowledge And Attitude Of Breast Cancer Among Female University Students

Introduction and Rationale

Breast cancer is among the leading cause of death in all cancers accounting for 627, 000 deaths in the year 2018 only. Therefore early detection and prevention can help to curb this public health problem. Enforcing knowledge and enhancing behavior change in women is crucial and female university students are of no exception(American Cancer Society, 2017). In this study, qualitative research methods that include the development of questions, interviewing and observing the participants, analysis of the main ideas have been used to collect data from the participants. Personal reflection and major themes will be discussed focusing on the data and answers from the four female students.

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Breast cancer affects all women and university students are no exception. Prevention of breast cancer can highly reduce the prevalence and mortality associated with the same(American Cancer Society, 2016). This study is intended to equip the university female with enough knowledge and enhance their behavior change in order to prevent occurrences of breast cancer in the university females.


This study was conducted in a university set up of which four females students were being interviewed. The qualitative methods have been used to deduct information through interviews and observation on the matter concerning knowledge and attitudes of breast cancer.

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Step 1

The Research Question

What is the Knowledge and Attitude of Breast cancer among female students at Torrents in University?

Transcription- Interview Questions

  1. What do you know about Breast cancer?

Study Subject 1

“I think breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects women mammary glands especially those who are over the age of 40 years. People with breast cancer usually have a very painful lump in their breast that can only be treated through surgery and chemotherapy.”

Study subject 11

“According to my opinion, breast cancer is the type of cancer that affects the breast region of both male and female but mostly women are majorly affected. I have heard that persons affected with breast cancer usually have a lump that can be clinically examined by a professional doctor or using an x-ray.”

Study subject 111

“I think breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects the mammary glands of both male and female. I have heard that breast cancer can be prevented through ways like breast self-examination and physical exercises”

Study subject IV

“In my opinion, breast cancer is among the world leading cause of death in all cases of cancer affecting females mostly. I have never heard a male with breast cancer but I read a certain article that shows males can also have breast cancer. I know breast cancer can be prevented through frequent screening, healthy eating, physical exercises, and breast self-examination.”

  1. In your view what are the causes of Breast cancer among females?

Study Subject I

“I can say one of the major causes of breast cancer is age. I have seen most affected women with breast cancer are over the age of 40 years”.

Study Subject II

“Breast cancer is usually inherited from your parents or grandparents. Most people affected by breast cancer have a family history of the disease”.

Study Subject III

“From what I know, breast cancer is caused by poor lifestyles, an inheritance from the family members and the use of breast implants. I have also heard that some deodorants and certain body lotions can increase the chances of having breast cancer”.


Study Subject IV

“Breast cancer is caused by tobacco smoking, excess consumption of alcohol, eating junk food and lack of physical exercises”.

  1. What do you think one can do to prevent Breast cancer from occurring?

Study subject I

“I can suggest that breast cancer can be prevented through frequent screening. This can be done by putting a regular medical checkup for women over the age of 40 years.”

Study Subject II

“What I can say that can prevent breast cancer from occurring is educating all females on the strategies of breast self-examination. This, in turn, can help in early detection and hence it can be easily treated.”

Study Subject III

“I think breast cancer can be prevented by enhancing awareness among youths through social media campaigns. Most of the university students tent to spend more time on social media and hence they can easily get the required information regarding breast cancer prevention strategies. Other than that, breast cancer can also be prevented through educating the society about genetic inheritance so that they can encourage their children to go for frequent medical check-ups.”

Study subject IV

“Breast cancer can only be prevented through healthy eating, avoidance of substance abuse especially tobacco and frequent physical exercises.”

  1. Have you ever come across to someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer?

Study Subject I

“I once visited my neighbor who had breast cancer and was under chemotherapy. She had lost her hair and she was having difficulties in eating or doing any activity.”

Study Subject II

“One of my friend at home was once diagnosed with breast cancer but the doctor said she was on stage one. She was treated in our nearest oncology center for six months and now she no longer has breast cancer.”

Study Subject III

 “Last month I visited an oncology center and found more than 50 women waiting for the doctor. Most of them did not have their hairs and some looked very sick. However, some of them did not look so different from other normal people.”

Study Subject IV

 “My auntie was diagnosed with breast cancer stage three last year and she is currently under treatment. She works as a secretary in a power station.”

  1. How do you feel when you know someone has breast cancer?

Study Subject I

“I feel pity for him or her since she may have very limited time to spend with his family.”

Study Subject II

“I usually feel that something should be done to prevent and kick away breast cancer from human life.”

Study Subject III

“I usually blame the government and the society for not creating proper awareness on the methods to prevent breast cancer in our country.”

Study Subject IV

“I normally feel that is should do something to my family and community to prevent anyone else being a victim of breast cancer.”

How do you think individuals with breast cancer are treated within the community?

Study Subject I

“Individuals with breast cancer are treated like people with disabilities. Most people often see them as individuals who are dying soon thus do not need to work or do a lot of activities.”

Study Subject II

“Individuals with breast cancer are treated according to their current conditions. If a person is terminally ill people the community usually prays for them and help them with normal house scores and finance to cater for hospital bills”


Study Subject III

“From what I have observed the community usually take care of persons with breast cancer with a keen and by offering assistance in areas they can help. “

Study Subject IV

“The community usually gives women with breast cancer easy chores that they can handle.”

  1. What do you think you can do to help create awareness in regards to breast cancer? 

Study Subject I

“I can help by encouraging all women to perform regular breast cancer screening.”

Study subject II

“I think what I can do is to learn about breast self – examination skills and teach other girls in the university. “

Study Subject III

“I can create a social media page on Facebook and where all people can join and share ideas on what they know about breast cancer.”

 Study Subject IV

“I can form focus group discussions at the university where students can come and share ideas about breast cancer.”

Step 2

Reflection on Interview Techniques

Reflection over 

From question 1, intended to get the common knowledge people have on what is breast cancer including where it affects and the age of the victims. I also needed to see whether people have known that breast cancer can also affect males and not only females. According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer accounts for one percent of all male cancers(American Cancer Society, 2016). From the study subjects, I think most people have an idea what breast cancer is but less is known on the mode of diagnosis of which more effort is needed.

Reflection on 

On question 2 and 3, I highlighted the question to check whether people are aware of the major risk for breast cancer in females and their modes of prevention. From the respondents, I can conclude most people are currently aware of the major causes of breast cancers. However, some myths still persist like the use of deodorants and implants(Alharbi, Alshammari, Almutairi, Makboul, & El-Shazly, 2012). This creates a gap in calling for awareness and enhancing knowledge to people on the major causes of breast cancer in women(American Cancer Society, 2017). According to Center for Disease Control (CDC) 2018, major risk factors of breast cancer include age above 40 years, genetic mutation, early reproductive history, and dense breast, family history of breast cancer and previous history of another form of cancer.

 Reflection on 

Question 4 and 5 were met to demonstrate the problems patient with breast cancer have and how they are perceived by the people surrounding. From the Study subjects, people with breast cancer are treated like persons with disabilities of which they are perceived they cannot work some sort of jobs. This explains why most breast cancer patients usually have psychological trauma and stress due to perceptions created by community and family members(Li, Yu, Long, Li, & Cao, 2015). This call for public health intervention on educating families and communities on the proper ways to deal with patients with breast cancer in order to reduce both emotional and psychological stress on them(Ranasinghe et al., 2013).

Reflection on 

As highlighted, the question was intended to demonstrate various methods of creating public awareness of a matter concerning breast cancer(the UK, 2014).  From the Study Subjects, I found that there are various ways in which breast cancer awareness and education can be spread to the public. Social media currently have been found to provide a connecting engagement regarding breast cancer awareness on matters that concerns emotional, psychological and physical health outcomes(Falisi et al., 2017).


Part 2 Coding and Theming

Theme 1: Definition and Diagnosis of Female Breast Cancer

According to WHO, female breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in mammary breast tissues. Some of the signs of breast cancer include the development of a lump in the breast, abnormal fluid coming from the nipple, inverted nipple, swollen glyph nodes and yellow skin on the breast skin(WHO, 2014). Breast cancer can be diagnosed through a clinical breast exam by a trained medical professional and mammography(WHO, 2013).

From the study subjects I can quote “, breast cancer is the type of cancer that affects the breast region of both male and female but mostly women are majorly affected. I have heard that persons affected with breast cancer usually have a lump that can be clinically examined by a professional doctor or using an x-ray.” As found from the study subjects, most people with a breast lamp need an urgent medical diagnosis to check whether the lamp is either malignant or not(Chestnov et al., 2014). According to WHO guidelines on breast cancer diagnosis, all breast lamps needs confirmatory tests like mammography(WHO, 2014).

Theme II: Risk Factors and modes of prevention of Breast cancer

There are various risk factors for breast cancer that require public health intervention in order to educate the community thus creating awareness. These include genetic mutations, age above 40 years, having dense breasts, early menstruation, family history of cancer, previous treatment using radiation therapy and personal history of other types of cancers(Atalay, 2013). However, the CDC has provided other risk factors that are modifiable which include being physically inactive, taking hormones, reproductive history and drinking alcohol (CDC, 2018).

From the study subjects I can quote “Breast cancer is caused by tobacco smoking, excess consumption of alcohol, eating junk food and lack of physical exercises” and “Breast cancer is usually inherited from your parents or grandparents. Most people affected by breast cancer have a family history of the disease” Prevention of breast cancer can achieve through early detection and screening, avoidance of alcohol and tobacco and frequent physical exercises(Donnelly et al., 2013).

Theme III: Methods of creating Awareness for Breast cancer

Creating awareness is one of the major public health promotion strategies that is currently used to prevent the occurrence and reduces breast cancer mortality rates(Alharbi et al., 2012). There are various methods that can be used to create breast cancer awareness which include public campaigns, focus group discussions, social media, breast cancer organization movements and use of other media like Televisions and Radio broadcasting(Suleiman, 2014).

From the study subjects, I can quote “I can create a social media page on Facebook and where all people can join and share ideas on what they know about breast cancer.” Online gropes and social pages on Facebook and Twitter have proved to improve the well-being of breast cancer survivors by connecting people and ideas, providing community engagement and navigating other individual’s cancer experiences(Falisi et al., 2017).


In conclusion, the interviews conducted provided information on knowledge and attitudes of breast cancer people have. The information can be used to enhance public health education and creating awareness in order to reduce occurrences of breast cancer.


Alharbi, N. A., Alshammari, M. S., Almutairi, B. M., Makboul, G., & El-Shazly, M. K. (2012). Knowledge, awareness, and practices concerning breast cancer among Kuwaiti female school teachers. Alexandria Journal of Medicine.

American Cancer Society. (2016). Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2015-2016. American Cancer Society, Inc.

American Cancer Society. (2017). Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2017-2018. Breast Cancer Facts & Figures.

Atalay, C. (2013). Epigenetics in breast cancer. Experimental Oncology.

Chestnov, O., Sepúlveda, C., Murad, H., Heneghan, C., Gartlehner, G., Bramley, D., & Norris, S. (2014). WHO Position Paper on Mammography Screening. WHO.

CDC (2018). What are the Risk Factors For Breast Cancer? Retrieved from;

Donnelly, T. T., Al Khater, A. H., Al-Bader, S. B., Al Kuwari, M. G., Al-Meer, N., Malik, M., … Fung, T. (2013). Beliefs and attitudes about breast cancer and screening practices among Arab women living in Qatar: A cross-sectional study. BMC Women’s Health.

Falisi, A. L., Wiseman, K. P., Gaysynsky, A., Scheideler, J. K., Ramin, D. A., & Chou, W. Ying S. (2017). Social media for breast cancer survivors: a literature review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship.

Li, J., Yu, L., Long, Z., Li, Y., & Cao, F. (2015). Perceived cognitive impairment in Chinese patients with breast cancer and its relationship with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and fatigue. Psycho-Oncology.

Ranasinghe, H. M., Ranasinghe, N., Rodrigo, C., Seneviratne, R. D. A., & Rajapakse, S. (2013). Awareness of breast cancer among adolescent girls in Colombo, Sri Lanka: A school-based study. BMC Public Health.

Suleiman, A. (2014). Awareness and attitudes regarding breast cancer and breast self-examination among female Jordanian students. Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy.

The UK, C. R. (2014). Breast cancer incidence statistics.

WHO. (2013). Breast Cancer Risk Factors.

WHO. (2014). Cancer Breast cancer?: prevention and control. World Health Organization.

WHO. (2018) . Cancer.  Retrieved from;

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