Key Concepts, Theories And Practices In Management: A Case Study Of Kellogg’s Management Structure

Brief and Identify Problems in Case and How to Manage it in Kellogg’s Management Structure

Understand the key concepts, theories and practices which underpin the practice of management and the role of the manager in contemporary business organisations.

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Comprehend the complexity of management roles and functions and the diversity of management focus within modern organisations .

Evaluate, describe and discuss the key concepts, approaches and skills which are necessary for the modern manager in contemporary organisations and cultures.

The manager and business leaders will agree on one thing that it is a continuous challenge to keep the workers productive and motivated at workplace. The reality being what drives an individual can be different to another so it is important to understand each employee. This is in link with human development stages as each individual has different outlook of his career and on motivation (Dhaliwal, 2016). An employee spends considerable amount of time at workplace so rewarding and motivating them right is important. Each worker needs has to be satisfied by understanding their need by knowing their behavior. In some organization it is found out that employee’s needs are not understood that impacts the performance and productivity. They are not encouraged to take different roles by moving ahead in professional career. This is in link to the first issue motivation as this is an important component that drives the change in attitude in the way people behave.

In Kellogg’s management structure employees are encouraged to speak positive words for others by working on the strengths. The use of scientific management adapted by Frederick Taylor states that monetary reward is crucial. This is best for narrow job confines working in align with production line as in Kellogg’s. Many individuals are still motivated by cash rewards as for them the prime factor is pay (Businesscasestudies, 2014). Employees in Kellogg’s are motivated by cash alternatives by having the option of selling and buying their holiday plans. Another is Maslow theory that establishes upon the basis of five levels that needs to be satisfied in systematic order. The five stages are:

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Psychological Needs

The workers are provided with competitive salaries for fulfilling the basic needs and Kellogg’s Cornflakes flexible benefits programme that involves discount life assurance schemes, childcare vouchers, company cares etc.     

Safety Needs

The employers have formulated health and safety rules adhered by employees by working flexible working patterns like career breaks, part-time for maintain work-life balance.

Social Needs

Kellogg’s has a group that operates weekly by providing information on products and sales data that strengthens the team. They work according to K values by being positive and rewarding the staff for their achievement.

Discuss and Identify Kellogg’s Approach by Contributing to its Success

Self-actualization Needs

The employees working in Kellogg’s is taking challenging opportunity by handling projects and taking the ownership solely.   

The second issue between management and employees is communication that is sometimes broken due to messages getting distort. The organization uses two way communications by empowering the workforce at the same time. For instance it has its coffee bar in the lobby area that accommodates around 200 people. The WK Kellogg Values Award programme reward employees and recognizes the employee’s talent as per their contribution to work (Businesscasestudies, 2014). This is done in order to improve the efficiency, output and quality of business provided to the customers. The motivation and communication factor is an important source to engage the employees by generating information. The management structure of Kellogg’s is effective by working on the effectiveness for improving the productivity of employees

Kellogg’s approach to motivation is based upon certain motivating factors by making it the best workplace to work. This is done in accordance with employer choice as the business is delivering consistent results by taking the initiative to provide the following:

  • Paternity and maternity leave, off time for dependents and career breaks
  • Access to local facilities at subsidized rates and on site gyms
  • Working in flexibility through undertaking home working, flextime and part time working

Similarly, Kellogg is offering Fit for Life Programme that provides access to fitness and health programs and health check up via healthcare specialist. Secondly, the workplace has summer hours programme i.e. May to September that is adjusting the professional and personal life.  For example Clarie Duckworth is working in consumer insight team and is taking part in dancing competition so this promotes the opportunity for work life balance. This motivation is effective as different individuals as different aspirations by taking their responsibility. For instance sales team meets each Friday by sharing the stories and getting inspired (Businesscasestudies, 2014). With this the employees are awarded by having both monetary and non-monetary benefits.   

Values are shaping, supporting the vision and providing reflection to company values by working on the philosophy and principles. The organization should have positive environment by working on the strengths of the workforce by incorporating listening as a crucial component. This makes the workforce engaged as all individuals are accepting the values of each other in the organization. According to Taylor theory it develops people so ultimately, the workplace is also developed as the employees are happy. In Maslow theory the management fulfills the five levels of needs for workforce by following the hierarchical order impacting the organizational productivity and performance (Taormina and Gao, 2013). In this theory the example of Laura Bryant is feasible as she joined as field sales team and after two years she was promoted. Her manager helped her that promoted her to assistant brand manager so this case implements Maslow by working on the ladder of her career ambitions.      

Identify Content Theory and its Impact on Employee Performance

Thus, the use of communication also helped in passing the message without any distortion as the feedback from the employees is generated. This feedback is used to generate ideas that an employee can raise and it will be raised in the monthly meetings. The two ways communication approach is positive for the employees and management as this will affect by working in align with the organizational goals (Shajahan and Shajahan, 2004).     

The content theory incorporated in Kellogg’s is of varied nature and it is used to motivate the employees by engaging them. Employee performance is sharing the work among workforce for achieving the goals by aligning it with organizational objectives. The various theories used for affecting employee performance are:

Taylor established scientific management theory that emphasis on improving the productivity of workers. In this the tasks are divided through optimization by training the workers to perform the work in a sequence motion. At the same time this theory does not help in developing individuals as it has limitation of taking the initiative of ownership (Tracy, 2014). This is done with the help of division of labour as in Kellogg’s the production process is large. 

According to Maslow a human being basic needs to have to be fulfilled for being happy and motivated. Every individual has some desire that needs to be fulfilling for achieving certain needs and that would affect the performance. The five stages are psychological, safety, social and self-actualization needs. Psychological is linked with salary, safety is associated with working in healthy and safe environment, social is belonging needs by having trust and strengthening the team and self-actualization is taking challenging opportunities (Taormina and Gao, 2013).    

Mayo contributed towards management with human relations movement by establishing the fact that performance is depending upon content of job and social issues. This theory is about understanding the attitude of the individuals in groups with communication, management involvement and team working. When employees are being cared about their interest and views they tend to be more productive. He investigated number of methods for improving the productivity for instance lighting condition.

This theory was propounded by Fredrick Herzberg by arguing that certain factors affect work performance. The two factors stated above motivate the employees by improving performance by making him work harder. This empower the employees by delegating the work in a challenging and taking their own decision over the work life (Sachau, 2007).

In Kellogg’s the business would grow by motivating the employees with the use of above theories and providing them safe working conditions. The link of motivation theories has positive impact on employee performance in Kellogg’s. Both the employee and management are responsible for the performance and increasing growth of workplace. They both have to work together in combination by achieving the Kellogg’s goals and objectives.

The theory applied for Kellogg workforce is different as per the employee charactertics as in case of Taylor the focus on monetary reward. This reward is only applicable for employees who want cash and do not want non-monetary benefits. The salary would be paid according to amount of work performed by the individual in organization or producing the units in number known as piece work (Tracy, 2014). The output can be increased by only payment so this might be danger for organizations who want to focus on quality business. Secondly is Herzberg theory as the two factor theory is having dissatisfiers and satisfiers. The dissatisfiers are hygiene factors that are associated with the workplace like autocratic working style, environment, happy or unhappy employee. On the other hand, motivators i.e. satisfiers that provides job satisfaction by working on the roles and responsibility. This is linked with promotion, performance, effort recognition, unhappy and job.

Maslow hierarchy of needs is followed for satisfying the needs by acting as motivators for working in order needs. When one level of need is fulfilled the higher order of needs are fulfilled by motivating workforce (Banks, 2005). This manner the theories ate helping in improving the productivity and success of employees in Kellogg’s. The workforce is satisfied with the approach taken as motivation and encouragement is an essential part. When employees enjoy high autonomy, they receive feedback about the performance for the piece of work by utilizing the skill and experience for performing well. The application of the above mentioned theories will  make the workforce engage and more productive.   

The motivation technique used by Kellogg’s is feasible for the employees as it may be non-monetary and monetary as per the need. The various modes of motivation factor used by the organization are providing job satisfaction. They are able to pursue their professional and personal goals by having the right balance. Kellogg’s being an employer is encouraging and motivating its employees from their side and at the same time employees also need to contribute equally on their part. The use of different modes of motivation for employees is work flexibility, pursuing one personal goals and being fit (Businesscasestudies, 2014). This will make the individual healthy as they are being cared by healthcare specialist for any health related problems. Another is idea generation through Snap, Crackle and Save initiative where ideas are generated that motivates by making the staff committed to their work. Here an employee suggested cardboard can be used in packaging for saving cost. It is used in manufacturing plant that saves around £250,000 yearly.  


Banks, L. (2005). Motivation in the workplace. 3rd ed. West Des Moines, Iowa: American Media Pub. (2014). Building a better workplace through motivation – Kellogg’s | Kellogg’s case studies, videos, social media and information | Business Case Studies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Aug. 2016].

Dhaliwal, A. (2016). Motivation and its impact on organization. International Journal of scientific research and management.

Kontoghiorghes, C. (2008). A Holistic Approach Toward Motivation to Learn in the Workplace. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 14(4), pp.45-59.

Sachau, D. (2007). Resurrecting the Motivation-Hygiene Theory: Herzberg and the Positive Psychology Movement. Human Resource Development Review, 6(4), pp.377-393.

Shajahan, S. and Shajahan, L. (2004). Organization behaviour. New Delhi: New Age International.

Tracy, B. (2013). Motivation. New York: AMACOM, American Management Association.

Tracy, B. (2014). Management. New York: AMACOM.

Yaney, J. (2008). Motivation and the Organization. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 1(1), pp.46-57.

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