Key Aspects Of Leadership And Challenges Faced By An Assistant Team Leader

Influential Aspects of Leaders Learnt from a Seminar or Conference

The report helps in analysis of the different kinds of leadership qualities which is required in order to analyse the different kinds of issues and challenges faced by the organization along with the different employees. The current role and responsibilities of the leader is required to be identified along with identifying the key aspects of the leadership skills as well.

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In the present scenario, I am working with an organization wherein there are five individuals who are working under me. I am working as the assistant team leader in which my duty was to handle the tasks performed by the different employees in the organization. The current role is to integrate and reconcile the different personal goals with the different organization related goals.

My responsibility in the team is to proofread the different tasks performed by them and to solicit the support which is required by the employees in the organization and try to analyse the problems of the group members in an encouraging manner. However, on the other hand, I faced different kinds of challenges faced by me while handling the various conflicts faced by the different members in the organization. There are few instances wherein I could not make the member understand the meaning of the task and this affected the morale of the employees as well. I felt that the leadership skills are missing in me and this is required to be gained by me by providing myself training to handle the different conflict-based situations.

There are different key aspects of the leadership journey which has influenced me in an effective manner and helped me in being a successful leader (Storsletten & Jakobsen, 2015). I am very much passionate about the leadership and I try top coach the different executives as this helps them in enhancing their leadership skills. In the past few years, as the senior HR professional in the corporate world, I was inspired by the different great leaders in the organization along with demotivated by different poor performing leaders as well. The world class leadership is when the leaders are:

  • Self-Aware
  • The leader is open and free in taking board the different feedbacks
  • The leader is continually growing and developing (Antonakis & House, 2014)

Recently, when I went for the conference of the organization, I met with a great leader who is the MD of Harvey Nash which is one of the professional recruitment and outsourcing organization. I felt that he is inspirational and successful leader and there were different aspects which I have learnt from them and is influential in nature as well.

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There are different influential aspects of the leaders which has been learnt by me during the seminar or the conference that was taken place in organization. Firstly, empowerment is the aspect in which it has been explained that the employees in the organization are influenced by their leaders as leaders create a positive image on employees. It is essential for the leaders to motivate the employees and increase their morale (Dinh et al., 2014).

Values based recruitment or selection is the other aspect which has been learnt by me in which I was taught that the employees need to be valued and this is required to be seen by the HR manager that the individual who is recruited bring in set of values which will be beneficial for the company in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, I tried to analyse the clarity in the communication along with lead by example and this will let the others follow the leader in the respective organization (Peter, 2018).

Gallup Strengths Finder Test Results and Required Skills for Effective Leadership

After analysing and taking the Gallup strengths finder test, it has been seen and identified that the result is positive and satisfying in nature. In the respective test, it has been noticed that the belief is the essential skills which has been important and this is present in me in boosting morale of the employees. However, there is little negativity in me which is due to the trust factor in me as I trust individuals easily.

Furthermore, the strategic thinking power is good as I am innovative in nature in suggesting different ideas which will bring positivity in the organization. However, I am weak in focusing on different goals which is required to be ascertained as it has been depicted that I am lazy in nature. As an arranger, I am new in this field and this requires more patience in managing such skills effectively.

Additionally, this has been seen that based on the results which has been generated, it can be seen that the result is quite similar to the entire reality. I have noticed that there is proper requirement of the arranging skills along with the focus as this will help me in managing the different kinds of skills in managing the and executing the different strategies in an effective manner.

As per the YouTube video which has been seen, it can be analysed that there were two individuals who were communicating with one another. It was seen that there were differences in the behaviour of the two individuals. From the video, this can be analysed that there was no such effectiveness in the leadership procedure in the first scenario, however later on the lady leader tried to make the man understand regarding the project which is required to be completed by him.

With the help of the video, this can be analysed and identified that the leadership is and will be effective in nature when there will be huge emotional effectiveness along with interpersonal and social skills as well. Furthermore, this has been analysed that in order to be a successful leader, this is essential for the leader to analyse and understand the honesty and integrity is required along with confidence which is the supreme kind of integrity and this will lead to successful leadership.

Furthermore, the commitment along with passion is the other important criteria which will help the leader in managing the grievances of the employees in an effective manner. According to the test of Gallup Strength, I have tried in analysing that I need to be more focused towards the different kinds of the alternatives in an appropriate manner. It has been seen that the things are required to be arranged by the leader effectively which will help the company along with the employees in handling the differences in an appropriate manner.

Furthermore, my partner in the organization tried to help me with the different kinds of problems and this will help me in increasing the interpersonal skills which will help me in maintaining the leadership more effective in nature. The socialising skills is essential in nature which is required to be inbuilt in the leader which will help me and my team members in performing the tasks effectively.

Importance of Interpersonal and Social Skills for Successful Leadership

The feedback which has been provided to me relating to the leadership style from my superior in the organization is that I need to handle the different issues in the company in a positive and effective manner. My boss in the organization has told me to understand the situation in which the employees are working as this will help me and make it easy for me to understand the different issues of the employees and try to analyse the situation with patience.

Furthermore, the confidence is required to be built in me which will help me and my team in managing the different difficulties in such a manner which will assist me in understanding the different alternatives which can be provided to the employee to solve the issues easily. Additionally, the feedback process has helped me a lot in analysing the different faults which have been done by me and I tried to rectify the same with the proper understanding of the different issues effectively.

Furthermore, the decision-making capabilities is essential which is required to be adopted by the leader in the organization which will help them in managing the different issues of the employees by handling them in an appropriate manner. The delegation along with the empowerment is essential which is required to be adopted by the individuals in the organization which will help the company and the leaders in providing support to the employees as this will bring creativity and innovation in the tasks which are performed by them.

Lastly, this is important and accurate in nature for the leaders to develop a skill wherein the emotional intelligence along with interpersonal skills are required to be adopted by the leader to improve the overall effectiveness of the tasks of the company effectively and appropriately. The feedback has helped and assisted me in a great manner was I tried to learn to solve the problems of the different employees in an appropriate manner as well.

There are different theories which is required to be analysed and it can be incorporated while leading a team or a group in the organization. The Maslow’s Hierarchical theory along with two factor theories can be linked together as this helps in analysing and defining the different needs of the individuals as this helps them in performing better in the organization and the results become more effective in nature (Silva & Mendis, 2017).

As per the Maslow’s hierarchy theory, there are various type of needs such as basic and higher order needs which are required to be adopted by the leaders in maintaining proper diversity in the entire organization which will help the company in achieving the different organizational objectives in an effective manner (Ang & Van Dyne, 2015).

Furthermore, this can be analysed and identified that the hygiene needs along with the needs of the employees for job is required to be implemented in the organization as this will improve the overall productivity of the organization effectively. The growth of the employees in the organization is the main criteria which is required to be adopted by the leaders along with the employees which helps the leaders in analysing the needs theory with the McClelland’s and Alderfer theory which are the other basic needs theories in an appropriate manner (Covelli & Mason, 2017).

As per the Needs theory, this can be analysed and identified that the theories are required to be analysed in an appropriate manner which helps the leaders in becoming successful in the attainment of the different goals (Day & Miscenko, 2016).


Therefore, this can be concluded that the leadership is the major concept which is required to be maintained by the different individuals in an effective manner which will help them in increasing the overall productivity of the organization.


Ang, S. & Van Dyne, L., (2015). H&book of cultural intelligence. Routledge.

Antonakis, J. & House, R.J., (2014). Instrumental leadership: Measurement & extension of transformational–transactional leadership theory. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(4), pp.746-771.

Covelli, BJ & Mason, I (2017), ‘Linking theory to practice: authentic leadershipOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader’, Academy of Strategic Management Journal, vol. 16 no. 3, pp. 1–10.

Day, D. & Miscenko, D., (2016). Leader-Member Exchange (LMX): Construct evolution, contributions, & future prospects for advancing leadership theory. The Oxford h&book of leader-member exchange, pp.9-28.

Dinh, J.E., Lord, R.G., Gardner, W.L., Meuser, J.D., Liden, R.C. & Hu, J., (2014). Leadership theory & research in the new millennium: Current theoretical trends & changing perspectives. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(1), pp.36-62.

Peter, G.N., (2018). Leadership: Theory & practice. SAGE PUBLICATIONS Incorporated.

Silva, DS, & Mendis, BM (2017), ‘Male vs Female Leaders: Analysis of transformational, transactional & laissez-faire women leadership stylesOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader’, European Journal of Business & Management, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 19–26.

Storsletten, V.M. & Jakobsen, O.D., (2015). Development of leadership theory in the perspective of Kierkegaard’s philosophy. Journal of Business Ethics, 128(2), pp.337-349.

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