JKL Industries Overview: Forklifts, Trucks, And Spare Parts Selling And Leasing Company In Australia

Opportunities and Challenges

The effectiveness of the operations of the modern organizations and the performances of the members of them are seen to be notably affected with the generation of the conflicts. As the efficiency of the organization is observed to be negatively affected with the generation of the conflicts, the modern organizations are focused in the effective management of the conflicts. The implementation of the efficient communication is one of the prime need of the organizations in managing the conflicts in an effective manner. Hence the organizations are seen to be notably influenced in the efficient management of the information and the communication among the members of it.

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On the other hand, the cultural diversity amongst the members of the organization is seen to be of notable significance as the mentioned aspect is seen to be a major obstacle for many of the organizations in the efficient management of the operations. Along with that, the importance of the business networking is pretty evident in the modern business context. The organizations are determined in strengthening their business networks in an attempt to build more constructively for the betterment of their businesses. The paper analyses the case of JKL industries. The company is seen to face the impact of the ineffective business networking and the diversification of the members of the organization. The paper produces an in depth analysis for the operations of the Brisbane branch of the mentioned organization and also produces a networking plan for the same. Along with that, the paper includes an action plan for the human resources operations of the organization.

1: Addressing the employee’s complaint

Firstly I would like to beg your pardon for the misconduct of the employees of a minor section of my team. I feel sorry to know about the incident and the more frustrating part of the incident is that it goes completely opposite to the values and importance that our company has for the employees of it. Hence I would like to clarify some of the important aspects of the misconduct so that your concern and disappointment is reduced as much as possible. As you are an important part of our company, I hope you it very well that the cultural diversification of the employees and the unity among the members of our diversified workforce is notably appreciated by all the members of the senior level management. We feel that the employees are needed to be treated impartially and a same basis of relatedness should be there for all the employees and that is notably reflected from our organizational policy. Hence it is pretty evident that the action happened with you is completely against the policy of the organization. Along with that, one of the key policy of the organization is to strengthen the bond between the members and focus on the improvement of the internal and external business network. It is pretty evident that the Christmas celebration is one of the lucrative opportunity for the organization to strengthen their business network. Hence the activity conducted by my team members was notably violating the policy of the organization. The legislation for the protection of the human rights of the individuals in celebrating the festivals of other cultures passed by the Australian Department of the Communications and Arts is significant in forming the base for the individuals of other culture to celebrate the Christmas. As mentioned the company’s policy influences the individuals of different cultures and backgrounds to effectively communicate and interact between themselves to create a better environment inside the organization. Along with that, the increment of the bonding between the employees and the other members of the organization was seen to be one of the main aim of the policies of the organization. Hence it is notably visible that the policies of the organization was significantly promoting the cultural diversity and the ethical values among the members and operations of them. I would like to make sure that a team of senior level managers is in place for the monitoring of the activities related to any sort celebrations or meetings between the employees of the organization. In addition to this, I will focus on the formation of a rule where the participation of all the employees will be mandatory in the occasions of the celebrations.

Organizational Culture

The problem that I anticipated from the team was the forgetfulness of a section of the employees who were the coordinators of the celebration event of the Christmas. I guessed it correctly as they told that they missed the names of some of the employees who are non-Christian during the time they made the list of the people to be invited. I immediately ordered them to file a formal apology to not only the employee who filed the complaint rather to each and every employees who were not invited in the celebration party of Christmas. As the case had the potential to cause notable amount of detrimental impact on the image of the organization and on the bonding of the employees irrespective of their culture and religion, I was left with only one option that is aggressive style of communication. It was much needed for the members of the team in making sure that they concentrate on their operations in an effective manner so that the company be able to achieve an unquestionable corporate image in terms of the employee relationship. One similar case happened with me in my previous company where some of the members of event management team was seen to meaningfully avoid the sending of the invitation letter to a group of employees as they had notable amount of conflict with that team. However, the case was highlighted by the assistant leader of the team in one of her meeting with me and I returned to the managers of the event to make sure that they formally apologise to that section of deprived employees. Even in that day, the achievement of the rights of all the members of the organization in celebrating the mega events was secured by my aggressive style of communication to the event managers.

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For the establishment of a successful organization where the achievement of the professional and the organizational goals will be comparatively easier, the achievement of the construction of a strong network is notably important. Hence it is pretty significant for the organizations to strengthen their business network to survive for a longer period of time in the market. The internal business network helps the organizations to achieve the skilful and quality employees inside the organizations and on the other hand, the external business networks help the organizations to achieve the required quality in the supply of the raw materials, in the identification of the sources for the sourcing of the best quality materials for the manufacturing of the products and the services of the organization which can increase the customer satisfaction and has the potential to improve the purchase preferences of the customers. The local business groups will be the best suited networking for the case as it will play a significant role in the achievement of the professional and the organizational goals.

I joined a local business group to achieve one of the significant professional development goal which is the identification of the suppliers for the sourcing of the best quality products and the suppliers who are capable of providing quality products on time and in uninterrupted fashion. In addition to this, the networking activity was significant for me in the achieving one of the important organizational goal of mine that is the skill of achieving the desired competency in the effective management of the quality in the operations of my subordinate employees. It was a local business group network where the managers and the owners of the local businesses were integral parts. The participation in the cultural events, celebration of the cultural festivals and the weekly dinners were significant in the establishment of the stronger relationship within the business network. The result of the networking was pretty good for me as an individual and for my organization as well. The networking enabled me to have the capability of sourcing improved quality materials and at the same time, it was significant for my organization in being able to manage the quality in the operations of the employees and the effectiveness of the collaborative operations of the employees.

Networking activity



Rationale for networking activity

Weekly Dinner


Within 2 months

The activity is significant for Sam in achieving a proper discussion on the importance of the suppliers’ code and the implementation of it in the business context. The activity has the potential to improve the understanding of Sam regarding the impact of the suppliers’ code in the effective and on time delivery of the products. This enables Sam to implement the supplier’s code to effectively bind each and every suppliers of the organization in various legal aspects related to their services.

Group Consultation


Within 1 month

The activity is of great significance for Sam in achieving the idea of the techniques which can be applied for the effective adjustment in the pricing of the materials from the part of the suppliers of the organization. The activity is crucial for the effective management of the preferences of the customers and plays a significant role in the retention of the customers with a precise focus in the reduction of the costing associated with the materials.

Mutual Consultation


Within 1 month

 Alex was seen to be significantly frustrated with his incapability in handling the varying demand and the improper communication of the customers. It is seen that the mentioned person is not able to convince the customers in an effective manner and many of times, he was seen to face discomfort in managing the employees’ invalid and improper concerns regarding the products and the services. Hence the activity enables him to have the idea of the management of the effective communication with the customers.

Practical Understanding


Within 2 month

The activity enables Alex to have the practical understanding of the techniques in which skilled and experienced salesperson deal with the customers who are bit unconventional in questioning regarding the services of the products of the organization.


Action Template:



Person/s responsible

Description of strategy


A meeting between the rental manager and the HR

1 month

HR and the rental manager.

Effective Communication regarding the misconception of the employees is the main strategy to be implemented in this case. As it is seen that the employees have the doubts over their continuation of the organization, the communication from the part of the management of the organization plays a crucial role in enabling the employees to have required sense of knowledge for understanding the importance of employee retention and the value of it in the modern business organization.

A room with the required level of infrastructure for the conduction of the meeting.

A meeting to the trigger the conduction of the process for the developmental and the training activities.

2 months

HR and the rental manager.

The employee of the organization was seen to represent the grievances of all the rental employees. The main reason of the grievance was seen to be the absence of the undertaking of the training and the developmental activities which forced the rental employees to face the threat of the job insecurity. Under such situation, the consultation with the HR of the organization from the part of the rental managers will be of great significance in making sure that the concerned employees get the change of improving through the training activities and this was notably limiting the concerns of them regarding the retention of the rental employees inside the organization.

A room with the required level of infrastructure for the conduction of the meeting.



On a concluding note, the case of JKL industries portrays the impact of the cultural diversity of the organization on the operations of the organization and at the same time, it produced a major focus on the benefits of the effective communication in building an efficient team for the operations of the organization. The management of the conflicts in the operations of the employees and the formation of the business network are integral part of the modern business management.

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