IT Resource Summaries
The text discusses how Central Processing Units (CPUs) function but is silent on another processing component of modern computers, the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what a GPU is and how it differs from a CPU. The resource (and your summary) should discuss at least one non-graphics related use for GPUs. |
Kyrnin, M. (2018) Using Graphic Cards for More Than Just 3D Graphics [online]. Available from: [Accessed: 28/08/2018]. |
This online article best explain the fundamentals of GPU and CPU and provide clear and precise information about both Graphical and Central processing system. This article describes that central Processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer system, but this brain is being enhanced by another part of the computer system called Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Further, the article describes that GPU is a soul of CPU or we can say it has more power of doing certain calculations in compare to CPU and it plays a major role in computer operations such as gaming, modern Artificial Intelligence (AI), 2D and 3D graphics etc. In the era of playing 4K videos on the screen, computers need more graphics power. The above article best explain the role of GPU, which has to provide such resolution power to the computer to play such high-resolution videos. The article also explain that GPU is a special purpose graphic processor that many computer users have installed in their PCs. Intel’s integrated graphics controller provides facilities for basic graphics which is used for Ms PowerPoint or for basic games but GPU is much more than basic graphics controller functions. GPU is also playing a crucial role in modern AI. GPU can handle thousands of threads simultaneously with the help of hundreds of cores where CPU has just a few cores with lots of cache memory. The article best explains that how GPU is simply doing mathematical computations and helpful in face recognition that can be used on our modern Artificial intelligence. Thus, the result of this, that GPU is more used for machine learning task. Use of GPU in Cryptocoin mining (such as Bitcoin) is increasing in modern days (Kyrnin, 2018). · The Resource is relevant to the task. · The resource focuses on a brief comparison between CPU and GPU. · The reason for the article choice is it is so clear about the difference between CPU and GPU. · The summary is brief and detailed. · The reason for the usefulness of the resource has been clearly stated. |
One of the potential next advances in Operating Systems (OSes) will be Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. Find and summarise ONE resource that discusses how AI could change the way OSes function and/or interact with users. |
Adams, R.L. (2017) 10 powerful examples of Artificial Intelligence in Use Today [online]. Available from: [Accessed: 29/08/2018]. |
This online article best explains the Artificial Intelligence, which is the new future of existing computer systems, and it causes a heavy race in order to develop an unprecedented technology. This online article “10 powerful examples of Artificial Intelligence in Use Today” explains the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system and its modern uses in human life. The first issue with the AI that it broke crucial legitimacy barrier. This article explains that how AI will help to disable and older person in future and make easy to do a tough and complex task in a fraction without any complexities. The current operating system and apps were all about translation instruction vocabulary or through touch screen panels that are supported by the software. Mobile phones are part of the human life and now no one imagines himself/herself without phones. The article is so relevant to the topic and best explains the future use of AI and explains that AI used by various giant companies such as Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Tesla’s Tesla, Google’s Nest etc. These AI are able to interact with humans and helpful in doing their daily works such as reminding for work, understanding the voice of users, and provide information on demand. Everyone knows the Apple’s AI Siri that is work on voice identification and we interact on daily basis. The article also define that how AI helps to find information, provide right directions, sending messages on voice-commands, and memories us about the calendar and events (Adams, 2017). This article is best explains the use of AI and its usage and how AI could change the way OSes function or interact with users. · The Resource is relevant to the task. · The resource focuses on the use of AI and how AI could change the way OSes functions or interact with users. · The reason for the article choice is it is so clear about the use of AI in OSes and its future usage. · The summary is brief and detailed. · The reason for the usefulness of the resource has been clearly stated. |
The text discusses how Netflix uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE other commercial IaaS provider that is NOT Google. The resource and your summary should describe how the IaaS differs from AWS. |
Microsoft Azure (2018) Azure vs. AWS [online]. Available from: [Accessed: 28/08/2018]. |
This article best describe the difference between Microsoft Azure and Amazon’s AWS, which are cloud storage service providers of two big companies. This Article explains why Azure and AWS are two big competitors in the cloud storage service. The Microsoft Azure covers more region than AWS and is a trusted IaaS for the US government IaaS can be defined as a cloud service or virtual data centre that provides basic computing infrastructure for other company to use the server, storage facilities, and networking resources. IaaS is using for the multiple of purpose such as hosting website to analysing big data. The client of the web services installs and use whatever operating system and tools they want to use on the IaaS. IaaS is work ion the concept of the pay-for-what-you-use model like PaaS and SaaS services. IaaS provides more freedom for its client to control and use the web services and hardware infrastructure but it require broad expertise to manage the computing infrastructure. This article also mentioned some examples about the Amazon web services (AWS) and Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure, which are providing IaaS services to its clients and number of organisations to build store and manage applications on their web network site. The article is very useful for reader as it explains how Microsoft Azure is more productive and is a consistent hybrid cloud. It helps its users to create the application by using artificial intelligence facilities. It also includes that Microsoft Azure IaaS is more comprehensive compliance coverage than AWS and it was the first major IaaS service provider, which follow the rules and regulations of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to protect the rights of its customer. The article is so relevant as it highlights the key differences between Azure and AWS and describe how Azure protects the rights of its customer related to IPR (Intellectual Property rights) and best in the cloud industry that facilitates its user to focus on innovation without any worry of a baseless lawsuit. Microsoft Azure also focuses on security, privacy, and compliance in its development methodology (Microsoft Azure, 2018). · The Resource is relevant to the task. · The resource focuses on the key difference between Azure and AWS. · The reason for the article choice is that it is clearly mentioned the difference between Azure and AWS. · The summary is brief and detailed. · The reason for the usefulness of the resource has been clearly stated. |
IPv4 is discussed in the text, yet the emerging IPv6 protocol is only mentioned briefly. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes the IPv6 protocol. The resource and your summary should describe how IPv6 differs from IPv4. |
IPV6 (2018) IPV6 – The next generation [online]. Available from: [Accessed: 28/08/2018]. |
This article best explains about IPv6 and it also provide a brief comparison between IPV6 and IPV4. This article explains that IPV6 is the latest and next-generation Internet Protocol version in information technology and for the Internet service and communication, which has several more advantage over IPv4, which is currently, used Internet Protocol Version. The article also include a brief history of IPV6 which stated that it was born out of concern after the 1990s when it was considered by the computer scientist that IPv4 is not sufficient to handle the huge demand of IP address in future and request of IP address will be surpassed the accessible supply. Further, this article differentiates between these two and describes that both IPv4 and IPv6 is a network layer protocol that determines the rout of data send to one computer to another computer. The article says that IPv4 was designed to support communication between interconnected systems through packet-switched transfer from one computer to another. This article also describes about the characteristics of IPv6 which has large space as compared to IPv4 because IPv4 works only on 32 bits allowing for a 2^32 addresses (approximately more than 4 billion addresses) while IPv6 works on 128 bits and include large address space in comparison to IPv4. Because of this, it is possible to support 2^128 (approximately more than 340 undecillion) unique IP address, which supports a large number of computers can be addressed at a time. This article further includes about the problem of IPV6 and describes that IPv6 eradicate the requirement of NAT (Network Address Translation) that causes a number of networking problems. However, it also clearly mentioned that IPv6 reduces the problem of networking traffic such as a bandwidth problem and data loss. The IPv6 has 20-bit flow label and provides a traffic-class field in its header. In IPv4 address, a 32-bit address written as an example (which include four numbers and each separated by periods and each number can be zero to 255) while IPv6 which has 128-bit IP address written in Hexadecimal and disjointed by colons such as 3dde:1800:2562:799:f8ff:g8tt:57cf (IPV6, 2018). · The Resource is relevant to the task. · The resource focuses on the key difference between IPV6 and IPV4. · The reason for the article choice is that it is clearly mentioned the difference between IPV6 and IPV4. · The summary is brief and detailed. · The reason for the usefulness of the resource has been clearly stated. |
WannaCry and NotPetya were two of the most significant malware attacks of 2017. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes how ONE of these pieces of malware work. Note that the resource should focus on ONE of these, NOT both. |
Fruhlinger, J. (2017) What is WannaCry ransomware, how does it infect, and who was responsible? [online]. Available from: [Accessed: 29/08/2018. |
This is a recent incident of cybercrime and this article best explains about the wannaCry Ransomware, and how it infect the computers all over the world. This article explains the incident that In May 2017, a cyber-attack called Ransomware worm rapidly spread through a number of windows computer networks. After infecting the Windows PCs, this malware encrypted files on the hard drive, and force people to pay ransom in Bitcoin in order to decrypt them. The ransomware was almost impossible to crack for users; they have only one option to save their data after payment of ransom in Bitcoins. The cyber-attack was on the number of high profile computers, including many computers in Britain’s National Health Service (NHS). This was first identified by the US National Security Agency and they find that it may be linked to Lazarous group which was cyber-crime organisation connected to the North Korean government. This article is so useful to analyse that the WannaCry ransomware involves several components, which were able to encrypt, and decrypts data on Windows computers. It arrives in the form of a dropper on infected computers and a self-contained program that retrieves the file and information, encrypted the file, and implanted other computer applications within itself. Those components of the ransomware malware are as follows: This article best explains the functions of WannaCry and explains about the program code of the WannaCry malware which is not complicated and it was so easy to understand security purpose to analyse. This malware tries to access a hard-coded URL (called kill-switch in that time). But if it failed to access URL, it tries to access through other formats including Microsoft office files to MKVs and leaving them unapproachable for the computer user. This article is so useful as it best explains that about the malware attack and explains how WannaCry only infected the Windows computer (especially Window 7) and Window XP was not infected in this malware attack. The one problem with WannaCry was that, even if the PC has been successfully infected, WannaCry not immediately able to encrypting files because it first attempts to access a very long and babble URL before going to infect Windows computers (Fruhlinger, 2017). This online article best explain about the WannaCry ransomware and provide clear and precise information about it. It is latest incidents and thus it is better to search it online rather than other physical resources. · The Resource is relevant to the task. · The resource focuses on malware attack Ransomware WannaCry and its functions. · The reason for the article choice is that it is clearly mentioned. · The summary is brief and detailed. · The reason for the usefulness of the resource has been clearly stated. |
OpenFlow is a protocol that enables Software-Defined Networking (SDN). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes how OpenFlow works and/or how it enables SDN. |
Open Networking Foundation (2014) OpenFlow-enabled Transport SDN [online]. Available from: [Accessed: 29/08/2018]. |
This online article best explains the OpenFlow and its role in SDN ow this protocol help to transfer information to one place to another. This articles best explains about Software Defined Networking (SDN). Further, it explains that SDN is responsible for making the initial decisions regarding as to how traffic is switched or routed. OpenFlow is a protocol that enables and instructs a server to permit network switches where to send packets in a conventional network. Each switch consists of registered and unique software that instruct it what to do. Open Flow was created because it provides secure and safe communication between switches and controllers. This article is so useful as it describe that the function of SDN and describes that switch and controller communicate through the OpenFlow protocol and this methodology is known as SDN (Software Defined Networking). The Protocols specialist ruminates that OpenFlow is an enabler of Software Defined Networking (SDN). OpenFlow is the key interface protocol that set the way of communication between the data layer devices (the switches and controller) and controllers. This article also explains the benefits of SDN and describes that it determines and defines how the controller and device will interact with each other to ensure that the traffic flow is controlled, routed, or switched as expected. There are numbers of cases for SDN that show numerous ways glitches can be addressed by using SDN with OpenFlow. Open flow makes SDN more cost-effective and agile networks. OpenFlow-based Transport SDN shortens operators’ multi-vendor, complex, and agile environment enables the introduction of fresh transport network services through automation and logically centralized intelligence. OpenFlow is also supported in the monitoring of performance, protection, administration, critical operations, and maintenance capabilities. The performance monitoring features of OpenFlow helpful in important active and dynamic service control (Open Networking Foundation, 2014). · The Resource is relevant to the task. · The resource focuses on fundamentals of OpenFlow-enabled Transport SDN. · The reason for the article choice is that it is clearly mentioned. · The summary is brief and detailed. |
Historically, organisations have been able to improve business processes by implementing Information Systems. However, as these systems age they can negatively impact on organisational agility and can ultimately prove problematic. Such systems are broadly referred to as Legacy Systems. Find and summarise ONE resource that discusses the impacts of legacy systems on organisations. The resource and your summary should clearly identify problems with maintaining legacy systems. |
Altexsoft (2017) 13 signs your legacy systems need modernization [online]. Available from: [Accessed: 29/08/2018]. |
This online article based on the legacy system and its impact on the organisation’s operations. This article explains that companies spend huge investment on installing new software system in the organisation to get a return on that investment, and it is assumed that software is usable in the next few years. The software system used for the next 20-25 years and uses the same technology and software which was 20-25 years old. When the organisation failed to update their systems with the latest software versions and rely on the service provided by the software then any failure in the system can cause huge loss for the organisation. This article also explains about the harmfulness and benefits of such systems, which are out-dated but still are important for the organisation to perform day-to-day business operations. Some organisation use old systems because newer or standard formats or the application program cannot replace its data cannot be updated. The old systems continuously caused problems such as system lacks in speed to perform operations, stuck during work, take too much time to perform any task. Further, the article explains that the system has no mobile capabilities, which is essential for every business organisation. The major issues with the old system are to compatibility with other support systems. It is very necessary for an organisation that they use such types of software that is capable of adopting and adjusting with any requires software such as new CRM or supporting new apps or features. This article is relevant to the task and has all the necessary information about the legacy system and its benefits and harm to the organisations (Altexsoft, 2017). · The Resource is relevant to the task. · The resource focuses on modernization of Legacy system and its harmfulness and benefits. · The reason for the article choice is that it is clearly mentioned. · The summary is brief and detailed. |
With the advent of mass data collection and storage has come the use of these datasets for data mining and analysis. Recently, Cambridge Analytica and Facebook have come under intense scrutiny for their use of user data, allegedly in order to influence the US 2016 election. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what Cambridge Analytica did and why their services were so controversial. |
Kozlowsk, I. (2018) Facebook and Data Privacy in the Age of Cambridge Analytica [online]. Available from: [Accessed: 29/08/2018]. |
This article explains how Cambridge Analytica breaches the privacy law and wisely theft the personal information of FB users to manipulate USA polls. Facebook and Cambridge Analytica is very recent case of unethical practice of data leak and privacy of social media users. This article start with the incidents and describe that on March 17, the New York Times and London observer publishes that UK based data firm Cambridge Analytica hacks more than 50 million of Facebook user’s personal data and information in order to influence the political outcomes of USA and build software that could easily manipulate the potential voters. The media publish the news by means of disclose information by the co-founder of Cambridge Analytic Christopher Wylie who is now a whistle-blower. He disclosed that how Cambridge Analytica gather and invest more than 50 million Facebook user’s profile and their personal information and built models to exploit what they recognise and target their internal geniuses. This article explains gradually every process of Cmbridge Analytica that how they collected the data through an app called “thisisyourdigitallife.” The app was created by a Russian-American researcher called ‘Aleksandr Kogan.’ More than 270,000 users accepted that their data was collected for academic research in exchange for a small payment. The Times reported that they covered the cost of the app, which was more than $80,000. Later these data and information are used by Cambridge Analytica to create 30 million “Psychographic” profiles that could then be used to design and influence the targeted political ads. After that, this article includes that how both the countries UK and USA investigate this matter by their own perspectives. The USA based Federal Trade Commission investigate the privacy issue of Facebook and UK based official authorities raided on Cambridge Analytica’s London based office to further investigation. After that, the Facebook users raise their voice against FB about their privacy. The Twitter hashtag #DeleteFacebook began Trending. The article also explains how the the act of Cambridge Analytica causes huge loss for Facebook and the market share of Facebook dramatically drive, down $60 billion at one point down. The Cambridge Analytica almost theft the information of others and breach the privacy of others that is illegal and even they used this information to manipulate the outcome of American political election’s outcome, that was worst and breaching laws related to privacy also considerable here (Kozlowsk, 2018). · The Resource is relevant to the task. · The resource focuses on the unethical act of Cambridge Analytica. · The reason for the article choice is that it is clearly mentioned that how it explains every step and process of Cambridge Analytica. · The summary is brief and best explains the unethical act of Cambridge Analyticca and Facebook scandal. |
Load (or performance) testing is a critical step in the information systems development process. The purpose of this testing is to simulate the peak expected load on a system to ensure both hardware and software can operate effectively and meet key metrics. To do this, specialised performance testing tools are used. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE such tool. The resource (and your summary) should include information on the principle uses and features of the tool. |
Muchiri, M.A. (2018) Performance Testing Using Apache JMeter [online]. Available from: [Accessed: 29/08/2018]. |
This online article based on the Performance Testing tools. It explains how selecting a single performance-testing tool is a tough task for the system user because it depends on the type of requirement of the system. This online article explains the use of JMeter that is a JavaScript program and measures the performance on set standards. The user quite often-facing issues related to living performance or some problems cause loss of credibility with the clients in the business organisation. Major live issues get the attention of senior person and should be short out immediately. However, some of the top performances testing tools are LoadView, WebLOAD, Appvance, Neoload, Apache JMeter, WAPT etc. Further, this article includes the features of Apache JMeter which is a Java-based Performance testing tool that is designed to test load on the system and measure performance of the system. It was generally, designed to test web applications but it expanded itself to test other test functions as well. It tests the performance on both static and dynamic resources. it has the ability to load and performance test on the variety of applications such as Web-HTTP, HTTPS (NodeJS, PHP, Java, ASP.NET..), FTP, TCP, LDAP, Mail, database via JDBC, SOAP/REST Web services etc. JMeter works at the protocol level. However, this article best explains that when a user considers web-services and remote services, it looks like a browser, but it did not support all the functions that a browser performs. It does not execute the JavaScript found in HTML pages nor does it extract the HTML pages as other browser does. The Pluggable Samplers facility of this performance tool allows users to perform unlimited testing functions. It also facilitates users to great extensibility as well as personalization through Data analysis and visualization Plugins (Muchiri, 2018). · The Resource is relevant to the task. · The resource focuses on Performance Testing Using Apache. · The reason for the article choice is that it is clearly discussed about the Apache testing tool and its features. · The summary is brief and best explains the Apache JMeter performance-testing tool. |
While information systems and technology deliver many benefits to society, there is a high incidence of failure in attempting to implement them. These IS/IT implementation project failures frequently result in substantial financial losses. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE example of an Australian IT/IS project that has failed. Note that the resource should focus on ONE single example and it and your summary should clearly explain the cause(s) of the failure. |
Head, B., and Walker, D. (2016) The enormous cost of IT project failure [online]. Available from: [Accessed: 29/08/2018]. |
This online article includes the story of various IT implementation failures including Westpac bank Failure. This article explains why this project was failed in 1990 and what the reasons behind this failure. This article further explains that in the late 1980s, Westpac which was one of the oldest and major banks of Australia launched a project to build its own CBS (Core banking system) called CS90. After the acquisition of the commercial bank of Australia, the bank was suffering from numerous legacy systems. It also explains the incident that bank has to face in 1984. The bank decided to launch new software called CoreSystem90 (CS90). Westpac brought in IBM in the project but the joint effort of both the giant results failure implementation of the CS90. CS90 was one of the major project failures at that time. A software engineer of US was contemplative about why projects failed and some software projects succeeded. The one of the big cause of the CS90 project failure was the improper management of the project and the management staff were optimistic that overlooking the integral complexities of merging multiple legacy systems of both the banks. This article explains the different approach of management, which was too rigid and inflexible to be adapted to the banking environment. The staff and management of both the banks are ready to integrate the out-dated systems this caused a merger of two systems or in other words, called integration of multiple system legacies. The approach of the bank management was too agile as well which causes failure in the implementation of the system and therefore they could not be able to launched CS90. This article best explains the causes of failure and poor system implementation planning in Australia. It further explains that top management was failed to facilitate communication and innovation between the business and development team. There might be more approaches can be applied in this particular case of Westpac, but the agile method was adequate to make this project successful. There are large numbers of practitioners and researchers who have believed that agile methodology can be so useful in this system implementation failure (Head and Walker, 2016). This article is so relevant to the topic as it highlighted the implementation failures including Westpac bank Failure. · The Resource is relevant to the task. · The resource focuses on various cases of IT implementation failures including Westpac bank Failure. · The reason for the article choice is that it is clearly discussed about the causes of failure. · The summary is brief and best explains case of Westpac bank system implantation Failure. |