IT-Enabled Business Solutions And Evolution Of Web Technologies For Airlines Industry
OLTP and OLAP Systems for Competitive Advantages
1.Like any other industry, the airlines sector also utilizes the IT enabled business solutions to gain competitive advantages over other companies in the same industry. Following would be two IT enabled business solutions described for the airlines industry that would provides competitive advantage to the business solutions and currently serves as a necessity in the industry. Along with the description of the IT enabled business solution, it would also be justified why these solutions are considered as a competitive necessity.
- Digital Crew:Digital Crew is an application for the crew members within an airlines organization. It enables a whole lot of features within the application served for the cockpit crew of the respective airlines organizations. The application is somewhat programmed to work like the automated cabin crew flight observation log as well as a hub for relevant information (Avsar, Fischer and Rodden 2016). The app serves as a bigger relief for every airlines organization adopting them, since it helps in the cutting down of the necessary resources that were needed to serve the airlines log during the long flying hours. Without the utility of the application, the cabin crew were supposed to carry their huge amount of luggage for the logging into the flying hours. The app reduced the toll for them and allowed the crew members to carry only a tablet or a Smartphone enabled with the Digital Crew app installed within them for logging into the long flying hours they served. It allows the crew members to go absolutely paperless and reduces the utilization of extra crew members for the logging and filling out the flight charters, thus providing competitive advantage to the organization by reducing the manpower effort and saving both time and money.
- Intelligent ULD:Intelligent ULD is a technical solution that enables the management of ULD in real time and used the IoT devices for handling the inventory better with precision and control over the tracking of baggage. This IT connectivity helps in the management of UD operations with a smarter connectivity through a network. Cargo handling is an area in the airlines industry that has been the process where Airlines industry has immense opportunity to drive down the cost implementation and help in the improvement of the customer experience in the process with the help of such IoT enabled Unit Load Devices or ULD (Maille and Chaudron 2014). It helps the industry to attain real time visibility of the ULDs which makes the airlines organizations to optimize the ULD usage and in turn both save time and money. Thus, competitive advantage is gained by the airlines industry due to the IoT based ULD devices.
2.The typical functions of a CRM or Customer Relationship Management system are as described as follows:
- Identifying the customers and the territories:Since it can be challenge for an organization to communication with the channelized partners, therefore, it is required that an effective system be replaced by the traditional usage with the clear definitions of the territories and the one that accounts for all the sales channels. The CRM platform helps in ensuring the understanding of the accounts and the territories that fall under their pretexts. This helps in eliminating the potential for the implementation of the any competition ensuing between the direct and the indirect sales partners (Girchenko, Ovsiannikova and Girchenko 2017). It does not only remove the potential redundancy of the events but also saves enough time and energy. In course, it also reduces the tension and further increases sharing of minds, ensuing the energy, time and thought process that would further add value to the organization.
- Integration of Lead Management:This is an opportunity where it forms an important feature where CRM has an advantage for preceding the channel partners to the newest leads available and reduced the possibility of indirect sales conflict. It also helps in the protection of the new sales opportunities further as it enables the management to access the important data for sales. Since the entire software is specifically designed for the enhancement of lead management, it affects the entire sales process and monitors it through a single and universal portal.
- Training, certification and Collaboration tools:It is a known fact that the training and certification is a phase that forms the integration of the successful sales turnover but these functions are still not included within the customer relationship management systems. Through the CRM systems; however, it can be offered to the channel partners to obtain the training and certification through personal training schedules, webinars and other web based activities.
International Game Technology or IGT is a global organization that has been specializing in the development t of games and their design and also enables the manufacturing of the games and their distribution and sales for computerized gaming machines and system products. IGT helps in the enhancement of the CRM capabilities within an organization is a specific industry. It enhances the interactive CRM vision for the next generation and it differentiates the communication between different players and the communication between them is reflected through the promotions, interactions and others (Larivière et al. 2017). The display for IGT displays how CRM has been successful in presenting the award winning Total Rewards features in the market and presents the more exciting digital entertainment capabilities.
3.A class of software programs that are able to support the applications that are transaction oriented and visible on the internet is known as OLTP or Online Transaction Processing. Typically, OLTP systems are used for order entry, financial transactions, customer relationship management or CRM and retail sales (Kimura 2015). Such systems have a large number of users who conduct short transactions. Database queries are usually simple, require sub second response times and return relatively few records. An important attribute of an OLTP system is its ability to maintain concurrency. To avoid single points of failure, OLTP systems are often decentralized.
OLAP or Online Analytical Processing forms the technology behind a lot of Business Intelligence or BI applications by providing the discovery of data, including the capabilities that enable report viewing in a limitless level. The complex analytical calculations are also fulfilled by the OLAP technology and they help in the presentation of the “what if” scenario for both budgeting and forecasting planning (Abelló et al. 2015). It performs the multidimensional analysis for the business data that is provided to them and has the capability to present complex calculations. It also has the capability of analyzing the current trends and the data modeling in a sophisticated way. It also enables the foundation for various kinds of business applications for the Business Performance Management. OLAP enables the end users of a website to perform effective ad hoc analysis for the multiple dimension data and thus it provides the insight for the understanding of the better decision making framework.
Evolution of Web Technologies: From Web 1.0 to Web 4.0
1.Web 1.0: This is the first iteration of the web services that is just introduced to the world as the read only web. This is because this version of the web technologies allowed the use of web searching and reading information from the web. There was little or no way for the user to interact feasibly and effectively with the websites or generate feasible content through the websites. That time, it was what mostly the owners of the websites wanted. It required the website to make the information available to anyone at any required time. Besides providing information, the websites did not provide much more to the users than this during that time and stage (Kollmann, Lomberg and Peschl 2016). One of the applications that were used at the time of WEB 1.0 were the Shopping Cart Applications that had the unified goal to present product information to the customers like that of a real life catalogue or brochure.
Web 2.0: The internet era of WEB 2.0 allowed the users to both read and write and was able to contribute in the content and interact with the other web users. It had changed the landscape of the web within a shorter time but in a much more dramatic way. One of the biggest rages in today’s time is the YouTube application that was enhanced during the WEB 2.0 that relied on submissions from the web users. It welcomed the response to the web users and for the ones who wanted to participate in the providing of information.
Web 3.0: This generation of websites enabled the users to read, write and execute all at the same time. In its abstract form, it was difficult for the envision process. One of the major applications of this time is the Semantic Mark-up that helped in the reduction of the communication gap between the humans as well as the computerized applications (Nath, Dhar and Basishtha 2014). Presenting information to the web is considered as one of the biggest challenges for the presentation of information and it fails to understand what is relevant amongst the presented data. Computer to computer interaction is over the internet.
Web 4.0: Evolution of web is occurring faster than what meets the eye and it is called as the ultra intelligent electronic intelligent agent.
2.Competitive Rivalry: The Elite Education Institute (EEI) presents and boasts of its quality of course and the services that they deliver to the students who have been seeking a highly prized Australian Higher Education Qualification (Dobbs 2014). Thus, it has advantages over the competition in the market.
CRM System’s Role in Enhancing Interactive Vision
Power of the Supplier: The supplier for the educational institute has provided relevant information about the changes in the Australian Education System and thus it is providing the institute with the relevant amenities based on the changes.
Power of the Buyer: Power of the buyer in this case is judged by the turnover of the student in the institute. Since the turnover of the student have been increasing with every changes in the institute have presented that the power of the buyer is immense in this case.
Threat of Substitution: There is by far no threat in substitution as the institute expands internationally through strategies that account for the external factors in the industry environment (Mathooko and Ogutu 2015).
Threat of New Entry: There is threat of new entry with the establishment of newer organizations or institutes coming within the industry with throughout preparation of the newer changes within the Australian Education System.
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