IT Consultant Recruitment And Retention Strategies
The Best Method of Recruiting and Selecting A New Employee
In recent times it can be stated that the role of the IT consultant is very much crucial in the successful working of the different project and working of the organisation. In the context of the report, the cases study which is taken into consideration is related to an organisation Nexus IT services (Omotayo 2015). The organisation has indulged into the sector of working three successful and experienced IT consultant. The main area of indulgence which can be stated here is related to the financial and capital investment sector. IT sequence of working can be very much crucial which can lead a project to the factor of success. In this context, it can be stated that there is a different strategy which can be implemented, but the main concern area is related to the need and the alignment of the requirement.
The report directly puts focus on the aspect of the exploring of the different human resources and the different aspects which are related to the employment of the new business. The main sector of working which is related to the concept can be linked to the sector of the different policies which can be implemented which would be directly enhancing the sector of working of the organisation.
There are different steps which can be followed to gather talent which is related to the recruitment of IT professionals. In recent times different organisation focus on a different strategy which can be used in the sector of the recruitment process. The main aim in the sector is related to the recruitment of the person who would be helping the organization to gain different from of competitive advantage. The need of the process may also be decided according to the requirement of the organisation. According to the requirement of the Nexus few of the steps which can be followed are stated below:
- Promoting the organisation externally:As seen in the working of the organisation it can be stated that online promotion of the business can be one of the factors which can be very much helpful to get the proper talent (Gemino, Reich and Sauer 2015). The media can be stated to be helping the task which is related to the recruitment process due to the factor of informing the public about the organisation. The word which is related to the starting of the recruitment process should be reaching the mass so that they would not be having a problem in delivering an area of communication.
- Acting fast:One of the most important factors which can be stated here is related to the recruitment process. The recruitment process which would be indulged into the concept should be very much fast, so that good candidate is not missed. As stated by (Brewster and Hegewisch 2017) the sector of lack of urgency can directly impact the processes of recruitment bellies how fast they want to fill up the post.
- Training:The employee who is engaged in the working should be having skills which are related to the recruitment so that they do not have a problem relating to the selection process. They must have prior experience in the sector of the process which would be best suited in the structure of the organisation. Training can be one of the sectors which can be included in the sector of operation so that they would be getting an overall idea of what should be implemented.
There are different sectors which should be taken into consideration in the domain of the getting the best output from the employee. In the context of the organisation Nexus, they can implement their policy so that they can get the best functionality within the working of the organisation. In most of the cases, there are few factors which should be included in the working which play a significant role. One of the aspects is the making the employee feel they are a crucial part of the organisation. This concept would be beneficial in a manner that they can get active participation in the different in the different decision making areas. On the other hand, the employee should be given proper training so that they can get indulged into the new technology which would be enhancing the quality of the service which is given to them. Technology usually helps an organisation to excel in a different sector of working but one of the important point which should be focused on is making the employee know how to use the technology.
The main sector of emphasis which can be stated here that the employee should be treated in a manner so that they can give their overall dedication in the work which they have to do. There is a different form of strategy which is implemented to achieve the above-stated statement (Peris-Ortiz and Oltra 2015). One of the strategy which is mostly applied by the organisation is in the sector of reward mechanism. Sometimes it can be seen that for the sector of reward most of the employee tend to give more than their 100% to achieve a greater standard. One of the reward sector which can be stated as playing an important role is the incentive. The employee can be given extra pay for the good work or the extra work which is done. This would be helping them to excel in the different sphere of operation. This would be beneficial from the employee as they would be getting the extra pay for the work which they indulge into and the organisation would be getting their extra work is done which would be helping them to gain competitive advantage.
The Factor of Best Performance of the Employee
In the context of the working of the organisation, it can be stated that the recruitment process is crucial as well as the retaining of the employee is also important. There is a different strategy which can be implemented in the area of the retaining of the employee. One of the factors which can be stated as important is related to the factor of improving the standard of the working which is related to the employee (Handzic and Durmic 2015). One of the important factors in making the employee fell that they are a vital part of the working of the organisation. In this context, it can be stated that the alignment of the working of the employee which to be linked to the objective. The employee should be felling that there is an active player in the different working of the organisation. The employee in the context of the working should be given equal opportunity so that they can get indulged into the various working of the organisation which would be building their inner confidence and which would be directly reflecting the area of the working of the organisation.
On the other hand, the employee should not be pressured with the workload for making them engaged in the different sections of working which according to them are not a part of their job or a task in which they fell uncomfortable (Morse, Babcock and Murthy 2014). In most of the cases, it can be stated that the sector of indulgence is one of the factors of the concern when relating to the retaining of the employee so that long tenure of engagement can be implemented with the employee which would be directly affecting their relationship with the organisation. This concept can be stated to be beneficial for the employee as well as the organisation.
In the workplace, there can be different nationalities who get engaged in the different working of the organisation. In this context, it can be stated that it can be a problem when the cultural barrier is engaged in the sector of working of the organization. The main consideration which should be taken by Amanda can be considered to be very much essential in the sector of working and making the appropriate working of the organization. Some of the aspects which can be stated in the context of the working in such type of environment and the consideration which should be taken are stated below:
- Communication:In the sector of communication it can be stated that providing of information promptly and accurately can be stated to be very much effective for the team and the work relating to the organisation (Séraphin et al. 2018). In the context of different culture, it can be stated that cultural aspect is very much low for example they directly relate to bad news. Some of the people relating to the particular community always tend to give bad news to the supervisors which can be directly included in the sector of working. On the other hand, it can be stated that other cultures would be directly exaggerating it.
- Time:One of the aspects which can be related to the concept of the cultural difference is related to how they differ in viewing the time. One of the factors which can be stated here is linked to the working time and family time (Gelens et al. 2014). It can be considered that in this context the time of working with the same team can affect the overall working of the concept. One of the consequence which can be related to this factor can be stated to be in the sector of mishap and misunderstanding in the sector of working in the organization. The perception of time should be taken into consideration by Amanda so that there is no problem seen relating to the difference of the timing in the context of the working.
- Team building:The main problem which can be seen in the sector of difference in culture can be related to the working of the team. The team should be exhibiting a proper communication between them so that there is no problem seen in the formation of the goal and objective of the organisation. In the working, each of the members of the team should be working in proper communication by which they can discuss between each other and provide a proper result.
- Schedule:Different culture can have a different sector of schedule which they want to include in the sector of working of the project. In this context, it can be stated that proper working and scheduling should be done in a manner in which the project should be gaining benefit (Woodrow and Guest 2014). The benefit should always be linked to the sector of working of the project and not aligned with the requirement of the employee who would be engaged in the sector of working.
In the sector of the working of the organisation, it can be stated that there can be different forms of the problem which can occur. In this context, it can be stated that proper mitigation plan related to the working is one of the important factors which should be implemented. Some of the policy which can be stated here is related to the context of the employee problem are stated below:
- The main sector of the problem and how the problem can be encountered and mitigated.
- Is the problem directly linked to the working of the organisation and how it would be affecting the overall working of the organisation?
- Training should be implemented in the working of the employee so that there is no problem seen in the sector of the indulgence with the new technology and trends.
- Health problem of the employee should be taken into consideration so that they do not face any problem relating to the factor (Wehrmeyer 2017). It can be considered that any form of harm to the employee would be directly affecting the sector of working of the organisation and the project involved in the working.
The organisation should be directly preparing occupational safety and health policy programmed according to the safety statement which is required by section 20 of the safety, health and welfare act of 2005. The health policy should be direct including the following points:
- Safety and health work of the organization and the policy in the company.
- The planning process should be implemented in the sector of ill health prevention and accident.
- The management responsibility of the line and
- The procedures, resources and practices which is implementing and developing reviewing and directly maintaining the health policy and occupational safety.
Reward Mechanism
One of the main sector which is related to the concept of the working can be stated to be directly linked to the sector of the providing a proper health safety precaution so that there is no problem seen in the sector of working. In this context, one of the approaches which can be stated to be playing a significant role is related to the developing and preserving the physical and human resources which should be directly reducing the liabilities and losses. The main consequences which can be stated here are that there is no problem linked to human resource engagement and the overall working of the process is not altered.
In the sector of the working of the organisation, Amanda should have an official person who would be directly indulged into the sector of managing the employee. In this context, it can be stated that managing the employee can be stated as one of the important factors which are linked to the retention of the employee (Bolden 2016). The employee should be taken care of so that they do not face any form of the problem relating to the working and the engagement which is needed in the sector of working of the organisation. Managing of the employee can be stated as one of the roles which can be stated as very much crucial in the working which can be linked to the successful work environment of the organisation. Dedicated people managing this sequence would be beneficial due to the factor that he or she would be directly linked to the working and hence driving the organisation to proper orientation of working. The alignment of the job of managing should also be linked to the sector of the objective and the goal of the project so that the employee can directly engage in the sector of working.
In the context of working it can be stated that the line manager has the overall control of the different execution of the process and he has the overall power in the working and decision making sector of the project. The risk factor in the context can be stated to be another concern area which can be focused so that there is no problem seen in the sector of working and the execution of the different functionality of the organization
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