Issues Within The Hotel And Hospitality Industry: Enzo’s Cucina Case Study
Strategic Goals and Organizational Structure
The purpose of the following report is to discuss the several issues within the hotel and hospitality industry. The organization chosen for this report is the Enzo’s Cucina hotel. The several aspects of the organization will be discussed in this section indeed. The various issues that will be discussed are the strategic goals and structure of the organization, communication in the organization, the proper leadership, organization’s culture, teamwork and motivation within the organization. These are very valuable aspects for the success of the organization. The Enzo’s Cucina will look to improvise their strengths for the betterment of the organization.
The proper goals of the organizations always lead them to the proper organizational success indeed. In this scenario, Enzo’s Cucian has always focused on providing the customers with the best cuisine according to the preference of the customers (, 2018). The hotel always offers the customers with the proper dining needs with the hospitality of the Southern Italy. The customers come here to get the best experience to cherish forever. The hotel always concentrates on providing the customers with that unique experience so they can remember for a long time. The impression is always good on the customers. They are keen on expanding their business operations to the western part of the Sydney. They focus on the Italian families living in Australia and make them enjoy the fantastic atmosphere the customers can avail of (, 2018).
It has to be mentioned in this context that there are around 10 restaurants in different locations with different sizes. This is why it becomes quite hard to maintain a proper organizational structure. The hierarchical structure of the organizations does not exist for the sake of the smooth business operations. Some of the locations of the organizations are not busy at all. The Casual location is one of the intimate locations. It can be said that the locations of the restaurant can be run with maximum number of 3 to 4 chefs per day with the head chef as well. Some of the posts that are within the organizations are Founder or Executive chef, Company administrator and manager, FOH, BOH, Head Chef, specialist chef, Head waiter, waiter, waiters, cooks and chefs and dishwashers. It is very hard to recruit for all these posts in some small locations of the restaurants (Aguinis & Bradley, 2015).
The organizational culture is a very important part for all the organizations. It is no exception for them as well. The unity between the employees is given the utmost importance indeed (Samson, Daft & Donnet, 2017). The unity of the employees is one aspect by which they could serve the needs of the customers or the guests in the proper manner. Enzo’s Cucina always relies on the proper provision of the employees and keep them motivated and aligned with the objectives of the organization. The chefs and cooks have to wear their proper uniforms for their safety and security indeed. The front of house staffs always wears the black uniforms that show the unity as they are an Italian family restaurant (Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2015).
Organization’s Culture
The chef pants, chef jackets and chef aprons show the integrity between them in the best ways as well. The Casula location of the restaurant has something that is not at all a good example for the staffs to follow (Samson, Daft & Donnet, 2017). The people who do not wear the company jacket but only wears the organizations; uniform polo shirt does not set the proper example for the company as well. The use of the sneaker shoes and the black pants also has a bad impression on the other staffs as well. The Italian families are the most important target markets for the organization. This is why the staffs have to be united and provide the Italian families with the best Italian cuisine and proper experience as well (Cole, 2016).
The ambience of the restaurants and the interior decoration are set accordingly conforming to the Italian life and culture. The members of the organization are mainly the small tight team who work with proper unity and integrity to satisfy the needs of the customers. The higher level managers treat the subordinate employees like their own family indeed. They work as hardcore professionals but the fellow feeling is always there (Eunson, 2012).
Another important aspect in the success of the organizations is the communication within the organizations (Aguinis & Bradley, 2015). There is a lack of communication barriers for the organization as well. These barriers are often very harmful for the organizational success and achieving the objectives of the organization. The downward communication system is followed within the organization. The influence of the leaders of the organization is always maintained in the organization as well. When the day offs of the head chefs fall, the communication always lacks as there is no one to lead their ways in the best ways (Ashkenas et al. 2015).
The face to face communication between the employees is followed sometimes so this can be very much effective indeed. The official space is very much limited so the other formal communication techniques like the sending of emails and digital communication channels are not followed. The ordering of the food and cuisine is done through the mobile apps. This is where the formal communication between the employees and the customers fall short. Some environmental communication barriers are also present there. This is where the misunderstandings can occur multiple times as well (Ashkenas et al. 2015). The on-spot communication system is very much important for some cases as well.
Communication in the Organization
This is where the organization can improve their business operations in a smoother way. The formal communication always depends on the body language of the staffs and their behaviors (Muscalu, Todericiu & Fraticiu, 2013). The expressions and the formal gestures of the people are very important in this sense as well. The formal communication is very much important since the staffs operate in a very swift paced organizational environment. The skill development is also very important for better communication as well.
This organization is lead by the owner herself and she has to take care of all the processes needed. This organization is not very huge with different types of employees serving different type of food but each organization need to have aleader with all power in hand following one particular style of leadership (Romager et al. 2017). In this organization, the authoritarian leadership style is mostly followed. This is due to the fact that the main chef in the kitchen cannot make decision without consulting the manager. This is the reason why bringing any type of change has become impossible in this restaurant. Being the owner of the organization, the leader dictates all the procedures and policies. She decides the goals and objective of the organization and control every oneof the employees starting from the kitchen chefs to the ground level employees like waiters and cleaning staffs. The leader of Enzo’s Cucina has full control over the teams therefore, the team leaders enjoy verylimited power to motivate the employees.
In addition to this, the leadership is highly biased and operate quite ambiguously to the employees. There re divisions among the teams but the leadership style of the owner support in favour of some of the staffs where as others do not get much facilities similar to the privileged people (Yahaya & Ebrahim, 2016). Due to the ownerfollows authoritative style. She does not pay hid to the idea and requirement of changes in the organization. This is the reason why the head chef follows the Laissez-faire model of leadership to manage her team of chefs in the kitchen. However, to the critics, the leaders who follow this theory generally leads to the lowest amount of productivity among their group members as they allow all the group members in the decision-making process (Arnold et al. 2015).
The situation of the teams in Enzo’s Cucina is quite difficult this is due to the fact that there are two different segments in the operationof the organization.One of the teams are under control of the head of Front ofHouse which works in the direct communication with the customers.This team consists of the host or hostess, head waiter and other waiters and waitresses. Another team performs Back of House which mainly consists of the chefs, cooks, apprentice chefs and cleaners. Theses twoteams of this particular organization are responsible to their own team leaders individually who discuss the important issues to their subordinates (Miller, 2015). These teams do not interact in terms of their own jobs therefore, there is an evidence of miscommunication in the operations of Enzo’s Cucina. There is a need of proper cooperation among these two teams so that the employees of the front house can get the best support of the back house to serve the customers in a best possible manner but lack of proper understanding of the different nature of job, the whole efforts are falling gradually.
The leaders of these two teams are not able to implement any changes in the organization as they cannot make decisions themselves (Moore, Everly & Bauer, 2016). These team leaders are solely dependent on the decisions of the owner. This is the reason why there are issues among the team members to show loyaltyboth to their team leaders as well as the owner of this restaurant. In managing such issues, the organization can followTuckman Forming Storming Norming Performing model and get the best possible method to apply on the team building and behaviour.
Enzo’s Cucina is a small Italian restaurant, run a, Italian family in the wester part Sydney and aims to expand more on that region. There are various issues in this organization among which the problems with leadership is the most effective. The issues of biasness by the leader ofEnzo’s Cucina has created problems among the employees. The owner’s favouritismto some of the particular employees and to her son has led to demotivate the other employees. This is the reason why the organization is suffering from employee turnover and incongruity between the front and back house affecting directly to the operation of the restaurant (Aga, Noorderhaven& Vallejo,2016). In addition to this, the competition level in this particular organization is very high which leads to negative outcome and negative work culture in the workplace.
In this regard, the owner of the restaurant needs to take important measures to save the organization. Motivating these employees are quite easy for the leader as there is a competition element is present among the staffs,the leader can tap the employees’ competitive nature in driving sales in onehandprovide great service to the customers on the other. Through rewards and recognition, the organization can achieve a positive work culture in the restaurant. Another measure is to provide ongoing remaining to the employees (Carlson et al. 2015). The staffs of the restaurant while find to face the customer grievances or their orders need to have proper tools to support themselves. Despite the fact that the setting of the restaurant is quite small in nature and there are less scopes to provide high level trainingto the employees, but the leader needs to arrange to best possible training which is essential for the staffs (Yi, 2016). In addition to this the motivational factors can be gained when the employee finds their organization to be celebrating their success and asking for involvement in the decision process.
Teamwork and Motivation
As per the above discussion, this report can be concluded that the organization Enzo’s Cucina should always attempt to take the proper steps in succeeding in the competitive hospitality industry environment. This is why they should always follow the proper leadership style by which the staffs should always stay motivated indeed. The organization must focus on eradicating the environmental communication challenges that will work as the barriers. The organizational culture has some problem also that needs to be focused on. If the leadership and communication challenges are overcome, this wil, surely yield good results for the organization.
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