Issues With Problem Statement, Research Aims And Objectives, And Methodology In A Study On Work Generation And Knowledge Sharing
Lack of clarity in identifying primary problems
The problem statement lacks in stating the primary problems clearly. Although it talks about the work generation framework and the work wage differences, thorough explanation of the same is missing. There are various other issues as well that are not mentioned in the problem statement. These issues are related to the differences in the various generations of workforce. Despite the similarities, there are several differences between these generations (Benson & Brown, 2011). When various questions arise at the place of work in the integration process, especially in the field of knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing related to the various generations. It is vital for employers to encourage people and workers regarding transferring knowledge and building trust. The examination of theconnection between these factors has been a research topic for researchers. The usage of the output of mental activities in the corporate activities and subsequently raising the market competitiveness of the corporate are some serious issues to the management. The primary factors in such challenges are management of conflicts that originate from problems of generations, reaching the integration of the different work generations and ager groups as well (Kowske, Rasch & Wiley,2010). These issues are of a greater level of concern and consideration in the knowledge-sharing field. For instance, if the age of retirement is increased by a certain number, some generations would be compelled to work together in most of the firms. The age groups might have differences in their ways of thinking, behavior, value systems and attitudes, technical knowledge and work flexibility (Twenge, 2010). These factors can easily become the source of conflicts that are sometimes difficult to be managed. These days, one of the latest and unsolved problems is the requirement of managing age groups with respect to serving the knowledge-sharing interest along with satisfaction of the requirements of the individuals (Almahamid,McAdams &Kalaldeh, 2010). The other issues that are of major concern are the issues of unemployment, labor share, inequality of wages andunionization.
The aims and objectives of the research are ambiguous and quite unclear. These can be fixed by several ways. Firstly, the overall purpose of the research should be stated. Following this, the reason for which the research is being carried out should be brought forward. The objective or goal that is needed to be accomplished and the method of its achievement should be given prior focus (Silverman, 2013). This is because, the rest of the project is provided with a direction by the aims and objectives of the research. Next, the primary task that would assist in the achievement of the overall intent should be taken into consideration. After this, comes the important step where the prime tasks which would be required for the achievement of the purpose of the research should be written down as these tasks help in forming the objectives of the research(Evans, Gruba& Zobel, 2011). These tasks should be kept easy, determinable, measurable and actionable against various factors. They should be fair and justifiable and should be completed within a given time period. These tasks can be lengthy and hectic. Hence, they should be broken down into a number of small, simple and specific tasks in order to make the achievement procedure easier. In the given research, the main objectives are to develop an understanding of the production systems, analyzing its constituent parts and the factors that influence the same, evaluating how the procedure adjustments and the relationship between capital and work are critical towards the production system’s transformation. Finally, the division would be evaluated and determine the changes in framework of work generations.
Ambiguous research aims and objectives
The output of the research lacks logic and cohesiveness. The justification of the research analysis is not apt and does not clearly prove what it aims at. It often happens that it is in eye of the beholder which makes a significant research question. However, there are various criteria of general practices which can be helpful in assessing the search justification. Firstly, it should be analyzed if the question of the research is posed in a scientifically logical way, which basically means a researcher should firstly determine if the question is stated in a hypothetical way which leads to an analysis and design of the research with scientific integrity and reliability (Christensen, Johnson, Turner & Christensen, 2011). The next step is to determine whether any data that is accessible or attainable at a fair effort and cost is required for the research question. It should be analyzed if the question or aim of the research is posed in a manner which can clarify and describe various outcomes and variability under several conditions. It should be identified if the analysis or observation units are identified clearly or not. One of the most important steps is to analyze and determine whether or not the research question has been posed in a manner due to which the working hypotheses has possibility of being contradicted or repudiated. In other words, the researcher would need to develop and understanding of the possibility of production of more than one outcome. Finally, the researcher should analyze if the research extends the understanding of a reader regarding the phenomena that has been investigated throughout that research (Evans, Gruba& Zobel, 2011). It should also be actuated by the researcher whether the research extends, elaborates and fills the gaps in the present knowledge of the readers. Providing research justification from the topic of research is derived and originated out of the literature review. It should be arbitrated if the new methodology in the study field contradicts with the existing knowledge about the same and if new insight should be applied. The issues and associated concepts should be concluded if they are problematic or either wise. It is quite a possibility that contemporary issues might falsify at the old claims regarding the issues that are being investigated. So, by the time thorough review is done, the aforementioned points can arise and would assist in providing a good justification to the research work.
Vague methodology
The biggest mistake is that the research does not comprise of a conceptual framework that fell short to provide a decisive as well as historical outlook about the topic thus indicating a gap in the research. The procedure of the research study has not been guided properly due to lack of a conceptual framework thus leading to an underdeveloped research proposal. The research proposal did not have an appropriate road map thus not being able to represent the relationships between the study variables. According to Adams, Hermalin & Weisbach (2010), conceptual framework is regarded as a system of concepts as well as theories that provides support to the research. In other words, it is a visual product that illustrates about the major aspects, variables as well as concepts thus providing an overview about the presumed relationships among them. The lack of conceptual framework has not been able to propose the study properly. It has not been able to inform the rest of the design that would have helped to evaluate as well as refine the objectives of the proposal6 (Collins et al., 2011). The research problem is also regarded as a part of the conceptual framework thus formulating the problem in order to design the study. As the researcher did not develop a conceptual framework, the postulation or testing particular relationships did not take place thus not being able to improve the comprehension of the dynamics of the circumstances.
The conceptual framework requires to be incorporated and I feel that it could be improved by not simply summarizing the theoretical body but rather broadening the focus on the literature. It is required to pay attention to the theories that has already been used. It is imperative to divide the conceptual framework into two parts such as the literature review and experiential knowledge. Although the research comprises of a literature review it does not draw out the major variables within something that have already been discussed about the subject area. Representing the conceptual framework with the help of the flow chart will provide a better understanding about the research subject (Ngai, Tao & Moon, 2015). This will help to bring a focus within the content thus providing a link between methodology, literature and the consequences. The variables will also be defined clearly thus focusing on the number of relationships that they create with each other. This will help to determine the inter-relationships among the variables. The best way to develop the conceptual framework is to take a major variable away and then brainstorm those variables.
The major mistake in the methodology part is that it is completely vague thus lacking a logical flow. The methodology part straight away starts with the type of methodology that will be used rather than providing an overview about research methodology. In order to write a flawless methodology, it is required to start with the initial stage where the research methodology should be described. The researcher requires to illustrate about a good research methodology that should be irrespective of the introduction and the literature review. While writing the part, it is decisive to keep in mind that the techniques and methods that will be used require to be organized. The research proposal provides an incorrect outline where the data collection method is followed by the literature review rather than research methodology (Granato, Nunes & Barba, 2017). The techniques and methods that the researcher desire to perform has not been drafted properly. The structure has not been followed thus providing a lack of the research philosophy, research approaches and research strategies along with the data collection methods. The idea has not been outlined properly thus making it difficult for the researcher to comprehend. The secondary data collection part has also been vague as the researcher did not describe the method. Rather the researcher started the section by the sources from which secondary data will be collected. The researcher did not scrutinize about the type of secondary data that will be used (O’reilly & Parker, 2013). As a result, the reliability of data has not been provided properly. The accuracy level of the proposal has not been demonstrated in a proper way thus making it vague. This made it difficult for the researcher to get hold of already reliable and suitable data that are available from reliable sources. Due to lack of appropriate of presenting the secondary data, the research has not been able to undertake the research with diligence as well as care. As a result, the research proposal lacks a cost-effective method of accomplishing a wide comprehension of research questions. The research methodology part also lacked a well-defined research design that is essential to carry out a research (Chenail, 2011). It is all the more simple in the case of secondary data collection as the researcher just had to review a simple outline thus gathering a list of multiple data types and providing a preliminary list of data sources.
The major mistake in the organization of the study, project budget and schedule is that is too short to comprehend. Although the researcher outlined the chapters properly that illustrated a brief overview however, it could have a little more descriptive. Chapter 3 has been too short to comprehend what the researcher exactly desires to carry out. The project budget is also inadequate as it does not list all the activities clearly (Ahsan & Gunawan, 2010). The development of the project budget is regarded as the perfect aspect that helps to propose the research clearly. The researcher should have listed all the activities that are related to research methodology and an illustration about the analysis that are carried out. There are multiple schemes in a research proposal that are not funded as they are regarded as part of the research proposal. As a result, it is imperative to prepare the project budget with the help of a spreadsheet (Reich, Gemino & Sauer, 2014). The Gantt chart on the other hand, is vague as well as inappropriate. It is required to create the Gantt chart by writing the start date and end date in the table and then produce them likewise.
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