Issues Related To Fashion Designing: Ethical And Commercial
Fashion Designing Issues
Fashion Designing Issues
Issues in Fashion Designing
Describe about the Fashion Designing Issues?
The report discusses about the issues related to fashion designing. Fashion designing is a very vast field. Fashion designing includes the designing of garments, accessories etc. for a human being. Fashion in today’s world is a symbol of status in the society. If we see around us, people today are very much cautious about their fashion. From a small pen to a luxury car, people want fashionable accessories. It’s a craze among the people to connect with the latest trends but there is a wide competition in the fashion market.
With the increase in competition in the market, fashion industries are using various unethical and illegal ways to compete in this market. Fashion industry uses these activities to increase the profit. The issues for the fashion industries can be divided into two parts, ethical and commercial issues. The ethical issues basically are working conditions, increase use of fur, impact on environment and waste and consumerism (Fibre2Fashion, 2013).
The working condition is related to the wages and the environment of the fashion industry at the working place. This issue is important to discuss for the rights of workers and preserving various accidents due to insufficient safety arrangements. Issue of fur, relate to the use of animals in the fashion industry, this issue is important to discuss for saving the life of innocent and reducing the inhumanity level in the fashion industry. The products and the resources use the fashion industry are creating various problems for the environment. To save the environment from getting polluted various solutions should be found. Waste level in the fashion industry is increasing day by day, as the new trends are launching in fashion, the waste is also enhancing.
The commercial issues present in the fashion industry is rising cost and price deflation, tax related issues, supply chain management and human resource management. The cost of making the garments is increasing but the industry needs to reduce the prices of the garments to compete in this competitive market. Supply chain of the fashion industry is really complex and very important to manage otherwise it may become the reason of huge loss. Various taxes are imposed on the garment business by the government, all these taxes are very important to manage for reducing the risk of legal issues and human resource is very important to manage properly in fashion industry to increase the productivity and affectivity of the brand (Fashion Industry Law Blog, 2015).
Thus, considering all the above facts, this report discusses about the ethical and commercial issues that may be faced by the fashion industries.
In the modern world, fashion industry has a great impact in every field. Every field or industry has to connect with the fashion industry. Even the fashion industry needs to connect with other industries for business. Today fashion designing has become so wide that for every business in the world, fashion is required. It is very true that packing does half of the work in selling products.
Ethical Issues
Nowadays, every person is crazy about fashion. Whenever somebody buys anything, be it from a mobile phone to a car, he considers the design and the look of the product and gives it a priority. A person always wants to buy products according to his/her profession and personality. Even in the school and colleges, uniforms are designed by the top fashion designers.
Fashion industry also needs to connect with other industries for business like manufacturing, transportation, raw material providers, retailers and advertising companies. While dealing with all these units, various issues can be created. Thus, these situations should be handled carefully by the fashion industries to create a strong relationship with other businesses. These issues can be subdivided into two parts, ethical issues and commercial issues, which are explained as follows.
As described above, fashion industries need to deal with other companies or industries for business purposes. When these industries or people related to these industries are treated unfairly by the leaders of fashion industries then these situations come under the ethical issues for fashion industries. Mainly models, consumers, manufacturers and producers are the actors who usually get unethical treatment by fashion industry. It is the ethical responsibility of the fashion executives to take action against these types of unethical treatments. There can be various ethical issues related to fashion industry. Some of them are as follows:
Today, there is a lot of competition in the fashion industry. In this competitive market, industries need to find various solutions for keeping the costs down for manufacturing the clothes (Seo, 2014). For cutting down the costs; industries are even ready to take risk with the safety equipment and rules. A problem can arrive at any time. So, it is the responsibility of the industry to be prepared for these consequences in the working place. An industry should organise all type of safety equipment required in any type of tragic consequences. The example of these types of consequences had been seen in Bangladesh where, a building collapsed and more than 400 fashion workers died. Investigation of the situation cleared that the building was not properly cared for and was not safe for workers either.
The other tricks that industry uses is, providing lower wages to the workers. Workers are paid very low wages and they don’t even get the proper facilities that they deserve. This drops down the life style of the workers of that industry which creates the trend for people (Xaxx, 2012). Thus, for cutting down the cost, fashion industry uses various types of tricks which affect the working conditions but it is the ethical responsibility of the industry to provide proper working conditions, wages and facilities to the workers which they deserve.
Figure: Building Collapse in Bangladesh (Forbes, 2013)
The current example of this is the abuse of labour rights in a cloth factory of Cambodia. In January, the factory got caught with fire due to unsatisfactory safety preparations (Smith, 2015).
The reason of choosing this issue is that this issue is found not only in the fashion industry but in all types of industries. This issue basically defines the cruelty of the higher management in the organization who don’t care about the life of the workers. This issue should be considered properly otherwise this issue may become the lack of interest among the people. People will not choose fashion industry as their career.
Working Condition
For solving the issues of working condition, fashion workers have to understand the value of their work and effort. They should protest against these issues by uniting. Workers should refuse to work for low wages and the owners of the industry have to value the life of the workers as the industry is running on the basis of the work of workers(Dontigney, 2013).. Government also have to make some strict laws and regulations regarding working conditions and wages. Thus this issue can be solved with the combining efforts of workers, owners and the government.
For implementing the above solution workers should unite and should decide to protest against the low wages they are offered and make the owners realize that the industry can’t move forward without the workers. This protest will help the owners in realizing the importance of the life of workers.
The furs are being used in fashion industry since 1980s. After 2000, the use of fur has been increased multiple times. The famous furs used for fashion are mink and fox. Scientifically, it is proved that the animals, which humans eat, are necessary for the balanced life cycle, but fashion even uses the fur of those animals whose density on the earth are decreasing with time, like tigers, lions and foxes etc. (Thornquist, 2014) The jackets made by the fur of lion are very famous in the world but if the situation remains the same, then the time is not far when these beautiful creatures of nature will extinct. These animals are hunted to produce fur. These are actually considered as inhuman activities.
Figure: Rabbits are caught with inhumanity in cage for producing fur (Sparrow Media, 2014)
The above figure is the result of an undercover operation done by the Sparrow Media on a fashion industry and it was found that the rabbits are treated with inhumanity; it seemed that rabbits were just a lifeless teddy bear (Sparrow Media, 2014).
People of Russia used to breed the foxes for producing fur but it should be noticed that the father can’t kill his son because he had given birth to him similarly it is also cruel to kill foxes even though they had bred those foxes (Vizant, 2014).According to a famous fashion designer Karl Legarfield fur is actually an industry not only a lavish for American people. Legarfield continue to say that the message will not reach to the fashion designers until people wear leather and eat meat. Legarfield added on his comment that government used to publish “no fur”, but it provides the employment opportunity to various people (Press Trust of India, 2015).
This issue is really important to understand as according to research done by the human society of the United States More than 50 million animals are killed for producing fur in a year (HSUS, 2013). It is really important to consider this issue as this shows the cruelty of the industry. Even those animals are getting killed for producing fur which is present in very less numbers on the earth. This is creating a very critical situation for the earth. If those species are to be preserved then the hunting of those animals should be stopped for fur. This is also affecting the image of the fashion industry.
These problems can be solved if all the fashion designers and industries take it as an ethical responsibility to preserve the animals (Fiber2 Fashion, 2013). They should avoid the use of furs in the fashion. The government should also make some strict rules for hunting animals. The hunters and the designers should be punished with inhumanity which they show with those voiceless animals. These types of animals are to be preserved in zoo or national parks. The security of these national parks should be enhanced to preserve those animals.
The fashion industry uses various materials which affect the environment. Production involved in the fashion industry also emits various elements which creates pollution in the environment. Transportation is a big reason of an unbalanced environment (Kolsun, 2010). Thus, all the activities present in the fashion industry impacts the environment in various ways. Some synthetic materials are extracted from petroleum, many synthetics are the result of cutting trees and various other types of natural materials are getting used in the fashion industry for the profit maximization even when their supplements are available in the market.
A famous designer Bibi Russell represents her work by saying that she want to explain the efforts present behind the work and want to appreciate for those efforts, the hard work of the weavers should be valued only after the nationalization and internationalization of the market. Bibi Russell believes in preserving the heritage of the country for which she is working. (Future Start Up, 2013)
According to news published “Fashion leaves a terrible environment footprint along its entire supply chain. Textile and garment productions facilities are large consumers of water and energy” (Boone, 2012). Thus the environment is getting affected by the fashion industry. The chemicals and the resources used in the fashion industries are very much harmful for the environment.
Figure: Clothing and global toxic cycle (SCEC, 2012)
The above model diagram is clearly indicating the impact of fashion industry on the environment in seven steps by watching the above model diagram, this issue is very important to discuss as the world is getting modernized, the use of harmful resources is increasing in the production of garments (Zelner, 2010). It is really important to discuss this topic now otherwise it may create various problems for our earth. It may also become the reason of production of poisonous gases in the environment.
Each fashion industry should consider it the ethical responsibility to use the resources which are environment friendly. This can be performed at the three levels. At the level of workers, the workers should provide the knowledge about how the use of chemicals is affecting the environment, and the effect of these environment and the changes on human being. The workers should be encouraged to preserve the pollution. At the level of industry, whether it may cost a little high but the industries should be encouraged to use the environmental friendly resources to make clothes(Herzheld, 2013).. At the level of government, the use of harmful resources should be banned. Government should make some strict laws and seal all the fashion industries which use these chemicals in the production of clothes.
Today, fashion is changing every month and every season. Actually, abrupt changes in the fashion forces fashion lovers to buy the clothes even when they don’t need it. There are actually two types of considerations, one is, it is good for the economy and the other is, it is the misuse of resources and money by the people. If considered at the national level, this is really good for the economy of country but individually this encourages the waste of money and resources. It also creates an impact on the mindless consumerism (USFIB, 2013).This situation also increases the prices of cloth. Thus, it becomes very tough for the poor people to adopt fashion which results in economic differences.
According to an article published in the newspaper Boone (2012) said “The fashion supply chain is diverse and complex, spanning four or more tiers, including design, raw material harvesting, spinning, yarn production, dyeing, weaving, cutting, stitching, and final garment construction. All these processes possess a high amount of waste of resources and energy in all over process.” This news is clearly indicating how the issue of waste in the fashion industry is increasing day by day. The famous fashion designer Rachel Zoe use to denote the fashion industry by “expendable junk”. (Cara, 2013). According to a new published in Salon online magazine, as the clothes are becoming cheaper people are getting mad behind the fashion they don’t have the limit of purchasing clothes. In supermarkets of America average of 9, 100 types of the single dress company can be found (Young, 2014). The all above facts and news are clearly indicating the level of waste and consumerism in the current fashion market.
Figure: The Unglamorous side of fashion: A child jumps on luxury waste products (Chalmers, 2012)
This issue is also really important to discuss by analysing the resource level present on the earth if this issue is not considered at time, there may be a situation when people won’t even have clothes to wear (BBC, 2010). Due to cheaper rates of the clothes, people are purchasing the clothes and updating their fashion every day.
This is very critical issue to solve. This can be solved only by generating a awareness among the people about these resources (Anthony, 2015). People should be taught how the waste of these resources is affecting our environment and should show the future aspect of the consumerism and the waste. Industries should also think on this and they should produce the high quality expensive products. Government should think on making the rules for reducing the waste and consumerism.
As the competition in the fashion industry is increasing with time, the commercial issues in the industries are also increasing. Commercial issues in any organization are much more important to manage than the ethical issues, if the commercial issues are not managed properly, it may lead to the end of the organization. Commercial issues mainly affect the global industries as the global industries have to manage the rules and regulations of various countries. Some of the commercial issues are as follows.
Fashion industry has now become the most competitive market in all over the world. As the time is going, competition is also increasing with time. Thus, to be in this competition, brands have to drop down their prices. Consumers also want the high quality product at an affordable price. Thus, for manufacturing the high quality products, manufacturers need to invest in manufacturing the latest fashion. Raymond, a very famous brand of clothing has dropped down its prices by up to 20% since last 2 years (European Commission, 2013).
Figure: price deflation and cost rising in U.S. in fashion industry (Zero Hedge, 2015)
Above figure is showing the graph for the rising of cost in making garments and the reduced prices of the garments year by year. The green line is indicating the prices and red line cost. The effect can be clearly seen in the graph.
This topic is really important to consider as the fashion industry is in great trouble. It is really hard to manage the situation as the cost of manufacturing is hiking and due to the competition rate the fashion industry needs to lower down the prices of the garments. This is directly affecting the labour of the organization. For reducing the cost of the garments, industries cut down the wages of labour or reduce the facilities of safety arrangements at work place.
This problem can be solved by increasing the quality of the product and by enhancing the quality of the product up to a little extent, the prices of the products can be increased by multiple times(Doagoo, 2011).. The other solution can be that all the fashion industries should make a community and fix the prices of the clothes according to the quality of the product.
Supply chain management is also a critical issue for fashion industry. Managing a supply chain for the fashion industry is really complex. If not managed properly, it will lead to a huge loss. Supply chain system of United Colours of Benetton is really a great example of a well-managed supply chain. In news by Supply Management, United Colours of Benetton has dealt with a supply chain management company pledge for toxic chemical. Deal was done in 2013 and valid up to 2020. The supply chain management is really necessary for any business to manage properly (LACBA, 2014).
Figure: Supply Chain Model in fashion industry (Fiber2 Fashion, 2009)
Supply chain management issue should be discussed more deeply as the supply chain is very important in selling the product. If the supply chain of the industry is perfect it will become very easy for the industry to communicate with their customers otherwise it becomes very tough for the industry to deal directly with the consumers. Thus the supply chain management is very important to discuss.
For dealing with the supply chain issues in the market, fashion industry should make a separate team to deal with the supply chain issues (Fashion Industry Law Blog, 2015).The organization should specially deal with their suppliers and encourage them to make strong relationship with the industry. If the suppliers have the strong relationship with the organization, half of the management of the supply chain will be done by the suppliers.
It is really important to manage human resource system of any type of organization. Fashion industry also follows the same concept. Human resource management of any organization is the source of significant cost. Thus, recruiting a skilled staff and retaining them is really important for every organization. Due to increase in significant cost on employees, employers always try to find new ways of reducing this cost. These create various human resource related issues for the fashion industry. Sometimes the fashion industry uses various illegal ways to accomplish this objective.
If human resource management in a fashion industry is managed properly, then it may lead to the generation of high sales. This can be understood by the example of increase in sales of Pakistan’s apparel industry by 60 to 65% (Hazrat, 2004).
It is important to discuss this issue as the human resource of the organization help in dealing with the workers of the organization. It is really important to manage the workers properly in the organization as if the workers are not happy with industry, the growth of the organization will be very slow. Human resource in the fashion industry also deals with the customer surveying about the fashion in the market with the consumers.
Figure: HR Management skills (HR Advisor, 2013)
The above figure is showing a model for the HR management in any organization. This model should be implemented in the fashion industry to enhance the efficiency of the human resource management in the industry. The human resource management of the fashion industry can be made strong by hiring skilled and experienced HR managers in the organization(Leonie, 2014).. The human resource team of the organization should be developed with the combination of both the executives and the HR managers. For a cost effective human resource management in the fashion industry, the industry should make team with various level of experienced people and should decide the wages on the basis of their experience.
There are various types of taxes both direct and indirect taxes associated with the fashion industry. The major taxes that fashion industries pays are Value added tax, sales tax, claiming tax, incentives etc. Even the amount of taxes also increases with the global industries. Each country has different types of taxes. Thus, a global brand needs to maintain all these types of taxes associated in different countries.
Figure: Rec our first tax related issue (Livemint, 2014)
Around couple of years ago, the income tax of India caught Reebok in a fraud with a tax evasion of Rs.140 crore, which was found to be the second biggest scam in India after Satyam. After investigation, it was found that this happened due to improper management of taxes in India by Reebok (Mukhrjee, 2013).
It is really important to discuss the issues related to tax in the fashion industry as the fashion industry includes the various taxes for the clothing and other commercial taxes(BBC, 2012).. For running a business in any country it is important to consider all the taxes associated in that country for the fashion industry otherwise it may create various legal problems for the industry.
The tax related issues can be solved by making an efficient team for financial management in the industry. A well experienced charted accountant should be hired by the industry for time to time analysis of the accounts and tax payment in the industry. ‘
The relationship between the ethical and commercial issues can be derived easily. From the above discussion, it can be clearly said that the working condition in the fashion industries are for reducing the cost of garments in the industry. For that they lower down the wages and provide insufficient security arrangements. These are clearly related to the problems of rising cost in the market and the prices of the garments should also be reduced to stay in the competitive market. Thus, the industries need to adopt these ways. Human resource issues are clearly related to the use of fur as well as the working condition in the industries. According to a report it was found that in 25% of the animal killing for fur is related to the human resource management of the organization (Fibre2Fashion, 2013). Industries are using the toxic raw materials for making garments for reducing the cost of garments. The finishing and shine of these objects attract the consumers a lot. Thus, the ethical issues are related to the commercial issues by various ways.
As we discussed in the essay, Fashion designing has a great impact on this world. Every field, business and communities are connected to the world of fashion design. Thus, the level of competition is also increasing every day. Many companies in the fashion industry are using various illegal ways to stay in this competitive market, which may help the organization for short term but if it wants to be in the market for a long term, it will have to consider both ethical and commercial issues. The main ethical issues that the fashion industry faces are fur, working condition, issues related to environment, enforcing waste and consumerism etc.
If the working condition of the workers in fashion industry is considered, the owners of the industry use various inhuman ways to drop down the cost of the garment. They cut down the wages of the workers or don’t provide the safety facility at the working place. Various accidents are happening due to insufficient safety equipment at the workplace. Using fur is a really dark side of the fashion industry. It is inhuman to use and kill the animals for fashion even when there are various other supplements available in the market. More than 50 million animals are getting killed per year for producing fur which is really considerable. Fashion industry even uses those animals which are present on the earth in very less numbers. Thus, for finding the solution of this inhuman activity, it is really important to discuss these. The other dark side of fashion industry is the impact on environment. Fashion industry uses various chemicals and produces various poisonous gases in the environment which are very harmful for the environment. The model of global clothing and toxic life cycle is clearly indicating the level of pollution and the impact of the fashion industry on the environment. By considering these impacts on environment it is really important to consider this issue of fashion industry to save the environment. As discussed in the above report, fashion industry is enhancing the waste. A lot of waste is produced by the fashion industry. The photo shown in the issue is clearly indicating the level of waste produced in the fashion industry. Fashion industry also forces the people to purchase fewer garments which also results in lots of waste. From the above discussion, we can conclude that these issues should really be considered for an honoured and respectful market position; otherwise the industry will have to face a lot of criticism.
If we consider the commercial issues for the fashion industry, most of them are really common for all businesses, like tax related issues, human resource management, supply chain management and rise in the cost and deflation in the price. Rise in the cost and deflation is the price has become a very big problem for the fashion industry. The cost of making the garments is rising with increase in the expensiveness in the market but with the increase in competition in the market the prices of the garments are also dropping in the market which has become very tough to manage. This problem can be solved by making a global union for clothing industry for deciding the globally unique prices. If we consider the issue related to the supply chain management, it is very tough to manage. It is very complex in nature but is also important to manage this supply chain, if it is not managed properly, then it may result in huge loss. Human resource for the fashion industry is very important. The base for profit in fashion industry is dependent on its human resource. Thus it is really important for the fashion industry to manage its human resource management. For a global fashion industry, the organization has to deal with vicarious types of taxes. These taxes are really important to manage. If they are not managed properly, it may result in various legal issues against the industry. The organization needs to have an efficient accounting team to manage the tax related issues. Commercial issues are really important to manage as these may create various legal issues against the industry.
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