Issues In Human Resource Management: An Essay

Understanding the Importance of Managing and Developing People

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Managing people is the prime duty of any leader in an organization. According to Bible, Jesus certainly understood the importance of managing and developing people. Christ also understood that it is not possible to manage people at every situation of life. Christ gave the responsibility of managing people to only those persons who have the ability of people management (McConville, 2012). Some leaders have served people as an apostle, some leaders as prophets and some as pastors. They have some special quality and they utilized that quality in a positive way, which was unique for each of the individuals. Christ gave special authority to some special person that was merely for their enjoyment but for using this in a positive way (Rhie, 2013). Likewise, as a leader I also should understand the special ability of every employee in the organization so that I can assign the related task to those employees. Unless I would be able to understand the needs and wants of the every employee, they would not be able to exert their greater level of effort. With the help of personal intelligence, I would understand the potentiality of the employees in my organization. Through understanding the potentiality of the employees it  will be possible to develop their skills so that the productivity of the employees increased. As an effective leader, one should display higher integrity and honesty within all aspects of organizational functions. I would maintain transparency with my employees so that no unethical activities can be avoided in the organization.

Effective leadership can transform an ineffective employee to an effective employee. According to Bible, God is a good manger and developer of people. He understands the ability of every person and he also understands which person’s ability can be developed to be a good leader. God commissioned Jeremiah to be a prophet of his nation. Jeremiah was actually a person with reserved attitude, but God understood that his Jeremiah’s quality could be improved to be a good prophet (Edelman & Zvi, 2014). In spite of Jeremiah’s reticence, God understood that his skills can be improved and it can be utilized to be a prophet of the church. Likewise, I as leader of an organization would find out the potentiality of employees for their career development. Through the career development program of employees, I would actually increase the satisfaction level of the employees. As an effective leader, I need to love employees and try to enhance their capability for achieving the goal of the organization. Every person is entrusted with responsibility and dignity. An effective leader should empower their employees in accomplishing their job efficiently (Daft, 2014). As a great leader, I should create a vision for the future that is compelling and stunning and this vision should motivate the employees in the organization. An effective leader should best be able to help their employees and make a flexible communication with the employees so that their ability can be improved by rectifying their flaws.

Transforming Ineffective Employees into Effective Ones

When a leader takes the responsibility to build life of others, he should act as a transformational leader. In this kind of leadership a leader should understand the potentiality and well being of other person. According to Bible, Onesimus was a bad person who robbed and escaped from his master named Philemon. In the Roman imprisonment Paul continually had taken care of Onesimus and transformed him to a good person through the process of personal discipleship rather than threatening (Stephens, 2014). Onesimus became a completely changed person and  went back to his master as a good slave. This topic emphasizes on the thing that threatening people is not always the right way to rectify a person’s behavior. Sometimes sympathy and cool behavior of the leader can bring a huge change in the person. If the leader treats an employee with sympathy and dignity, that employees can change from an ineffective employee to an effective employee. In this topic Paul continually served the people through teaching and equipping them. He became able to transform Onesimus from a bad person to a good person. When Paul treated Onesimus with decorum and kindness, he became a completely changed person with dignity and good character.  Likewise, if I as a leader is able to understand the potentiality of the employees, I would be able to transform their potentiality to a real strength. As an effective leader, I should maintain transformational leadership where I would allow employees to share their views rather than threatening them to follow my leadership. As an effective leader, I should not threaten the employees, rather I should behave with the employees with kindness. Emotional intelligence translates to optimal results of the organization. Mistakes are the part of every person’s life. Any person can make mistake at any point of time. But as an effective leader one should indentify the degree of the mistake and justify whether he has made the mistake either intentionally or unintentionally (Dubrin, 2015). If the employee makes any mistake unintentionally then the leader should forgive that employee and the employee should be given a chance to rectify their mistakes. If I get any chance to lead the people of the organization, I would obviously understand the potentiality and the flaws of the employees, so that the flaws can be rectified and can be utilized in a positive way.

The leadership of an organization is mainly concerned with maximizing the output of the employees and avoids fines, but the constant factor of leadership that should be considered is that leadership deals with human being. Bible demonstrates that the leaders should see their followers as their sons and daughter (Avakian & Roberts, 2012). It is the approach of Paul in bible, that the leader should treat their followers as his son and daughter. In order to make close relationship with the followers a leader should make a close look on the followers. The leader should always keep in mind that the employees are human being and they should not be treated with inhuman behavior. The leader should set a realistic goal for the employees and that goal should be achievable and within the limit of the employees. In order to a make a close relationship with the employee, the leaders should make sure that employees have understood the real goal of the organization. Employees should not be confused with use of ambiguous and technical terms that they do not understand. The leader should always use simple and motivational words that the employees will easily understand. Likewise, I would like to be a democratic leader in my organization so that employees can easily interact with me and share their problems. It will resolve the employee conflict within the organization. According to bible, if a person poses wisdom he will be able to find his dignity and honor. Just like the views of Bible, I should also try to develop the skills of the employees and try to lead their successes who have wisdom in their field. I would try to treat the employees as valuable asset of the organization. The prime concern of the leader is obviously to maximize the output of the organization.  The leader should also maximize and protect the investment made on the employees but it does not mean that the leaders would follow autocratic leadership in the organization (Chhokar et al. 2013). As a successful leader I should give the employees a chance to voice their  opinion so that they can share their problem with me and I can effectively mitigate their conflict.

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Empowering Employees for Achieving Organizational Goals

A Super leader should recognize the contribution of every employee in the organization and also should appreciate for their contribution. In the book ‘super leader’ it has been identified the wisdom is the key factor for everyone in finding safety life and honor. King Solomon has identified the fact that intelligent leaders are always open to new things. The intelligent trait is very important for the leaders of modern world. Things are always changing nowadays, so the leaders should get new ideas in order to cop up with the changing world. Wise leaders always prepare themselves and their group to meet the goal of the organization. They make positive and optimistic approach for supporting themselves and their followers (Tannenbaum et al. 2013). According to Solomon, if a leader does not accept his mistake, then the individual can never be a successful leader. On the other hand, if the leader confesses and forsake his mistake he will get another chance. Likewise, during the challenging period as a wise leader I should focus on short term objective because it will strengthen the initiative and ability to act. I would see life as a steady process of development. Wise leaders continue with determination to gather experience. After gathering the experience they turn into wisdom. Wise leaders learn from their setbacks and from their failure (Ulrich et al. 2013). I should realize that trial makes people to cultivate their career and agony teaches them to be patient. That patient in turn develops internal strength of the employees.

It is very difficult to be servant leader. People  have a general instinct that they will  achieve all good positions  without sacrifice anything . People are very much greedy to get success in life. But Jesus was the most prominent example who had shown how to sacrifice for the people. He was able to do so because he knew what he was and where is going after his sacrifice. Moreover, he was able to do this because he knows himself very well. Jesus served his disciples because he loves his followers. It was prominent during fructification of Jesus.  He acted as a servant leader because he wanted to give an example of disciples for their followers. From my point of view, a servant leader believes in him. A servant leader does not consider himself above the people he leads (Bobbio et al. 2012). He sees the employees as his peers whom he teaches and he also learn many things from them. As a good servant leader, I would be willing to lead people in order to reach to an agreed goal. Servant leader should never think him different from the other. From my point of view, a servant leader should use power of honesty. He should use powerful rules for the good of the employees having bright potential.

Transformational Leadership: Treat Employees with Sympathy and Dignity

The current human resource issue that I have identified in my work place is the lack of collaborative culture. In the recent time, organizations generally tend to be globalized. Many employees are hired in the organization from different region and even from different country. Likewise, my organization was also full of different employees from different place. There is diversity in every extent of the work environment. Employees were not able to able to communicate with each other, as there were language, culture and social barrier (Barak, 2013). There was a huge communication gap between the employees of the organization. I have found that employees were unwilling to share their common interest in achieving the goal of the organization. It is the basic condition of the human being to protest against any kind of changes within organizational context. .  When the employees starts interacting with different kinds of employees they gradually become free and their behavior is improved (André et al. 2014). I have found that diversity in workplace led to less work. It also opened hostility in the workplace as the employees from different place were with strong clashing opinion. The leader of the organization was trying to utilize this diversity in a positive way. He tried to collect different opinion from different type of employees for developing productivity of the organization.

The organization also lacking collaborative working culture as the organization was going to bring changes in the organization. Humans are generally resistant to change. They do not like changes because they do not want to change the way they were working. I have found that employees were showing lethargy toward the changes of the organization. Apart from that, the employees were also become afraid of losing their job as they were not able to cop up with the new change of the organization. The changes of the organization also needed new technology to be adopted in the organization (Hayes, 2014). In this extent, the existing employees have no knowledge about the new technology. The organization were recruiting the new employees and this was demoralizing the existing the employees. The leaders were trying to train the exiting employee so that they can accommodate with the new changes of the organization. But I have found that the employees were extremely resistant to adopt the new thing in their career life. Apart from that, I have also found that change management was very costly for the organization, as the organization was to arrange various training program and adopt new technology in their process.          


André, B., Sjøvold, E., Rannestad, T., & Ringdal, G. I. (2014). The impact of work culture on quality of care in nursing homes–a review study.Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 28(3), 449-457.

Avakian, S., & Roberts, J. (2012). Whistleblowers in organisations: prophets at work?. Journal of business ethics, 110(1), 71-84.

Barak, M. E. M. (2013). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications.

Bobbio, A., Van Dierendonck, D., & Manganelli, A. M. (2012). Servant leadership in Italy and its relation to organizational variables. Leadership,8(3), 229-243.

Chhokar, J. S., Brodbeck, F. C., & House, R. J. (Eds.). (2013). Culture and leadership across the world: The GLOBE book of in-depth studies of 25 societies. Routledge.

Daft, R. (2014). The leadership experience. Cengage Learning.

Dubrin, A. (2015). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Cengage Learning.

Edelman, D. V., & Zvi, E. B. (2014). The production of prophecy: constructing prophecy and prophets in Yehud. Routledge.

Hayes, J. (2014). The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan.

McConville, J. G. (2012). Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.

Rhie, Y. C. (2013). Toward an authentic Korean biblical reading: shamanism and the Bible in dialogue (Doctoral dissertation, University of Sheffield).

Stephens, R. (2014). Unbucklin’that Ole Bible Belt: Learning about the Solid Religious South from Freaks, Geeks, Outcasts, Losers, Wide-Eyed Prophets, Cranks, and Mountebanks. Fides et Historia, 46(1), 66.

Tannenbaum, R., Weschler, I., & Massarik, F. (2013). Leadership and organization. Routledge.

Ulrich, D., Zenger, J., & Smallwood, N. (2013). Results-based leadership. Harvard Business Press.

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