Issues In Human Resource Management
Servant Leadership and Jesus’ Example
Write an essay on Issues In Human Resource Management?
In the ancient religion it was the commonplace that people sacrifices for the god, but it was beyond the imagination that god will do the same scarifies for the people. Jesus had showed the principle that god can scarifies for the good of common people. For this, he did not show any anger during his crucifixion and just showed the disciples for the people. Jesus was crucified because wanted to teach love and forgiveness to the people. He also taught people how to debate on legal points. His brand was non-violent resistant and he tries to empower the poor persons. He sacrificed for the people because he was very confident about himself. He also knew that what he is and where he is going after his death. Jesus had served his disciples as he loves his followers.
It is very difficult to a servant leader as people are greedy and want to be at the top of position in the organization. No one wants to sacristies for their followers like Jesus did. It is the general instinct of the people that they would gain more and more without sacrifice anything for anyone (Giolito & Van Dierendonck, 2015). Our own greed and wants of self esteem prevents us from being a servant leader. Only the person who has a tendency to scarify for the well being of the people can serve as servant leader. Jesus acted as a servant leader as he wanted to show the example of disciples for his followers. From my point view, a servant leader has a strong belief in him. A servant leader would not consider himself above the people he leads. In order to embrace a servant leadership mind we have to believe that God will help us in every aspect of our life and we should also worship God. We should make trust on the God and show respect upon the God. A servant leader believes in him and also upon the potentiality of the employees of the organization (Carroll & Patterson, 2014). As a good servant leader, one should be willing to lead the employees for reaching to an agreed goal. He would never think himself different from his peers and follower. According to me, servant leader would use power of legitimacy for the good of employees who have bright potential.
Servant leadership is referred to as the philosophy as well as a set of practices that enriches the life of the individuals. They create a greater work environment in the organization by creating better caring workplace. Jesus said that ‘Whoever finds his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will found it’. This truth can be related to the issues of servant leadership. It is concept of ancient religion that the people who serve the god more intensely, will also surely serve people more intensely.
Reflection 1: Leadership Problems in the Organization
From my point of view, an effective servant leader would be able to listen to the employee more intently and respectfully. They also act according the information they receive from them (Liden et al. 2014). Jesus informed his followers that the way of children of god would be extremely different from the rule of the earth. He also states that the ruler of the earth seeks for power and position. According to him, followers of Christ should be the last and servant of everyone if he wants to be the first. Just the statement of the Jesus, servant leaders should work for the well being of their followers and finds potentialities among the employees. The principle of servant leadership shows that a servant leader relies on the persuasion and co-operation rather than authority and delegation (Hoskins, 2014). Foresight of the servant leaders depicts that they take lesson from the pasta and use it at the present condition for resolving the problem (Bobbio et al. 2012). From my point of view, a servant leader believes in the intrinsic value of the employees and they try to lead with deep commitment for personal and professional growth of the employees. This can be related to the statement of Jesus as the servant leader leads the employees as if they are serving the employee at their knee.
The prime issue that I have identified in my organization is issue in the leadership of the organization. Leadership problem has stifled the creativity and productivity of the organization. The organization operates in a global economy. It means that the focus is not only to expand the market and making potential customers. The organization should also focus on maintaining a good internal relationship with the employees, but it has been found that the leaders were unable to communicate properly with the employees of the organization (Kapadia, 2015). The leaders were running their leadership on the basis of “Me and We” principle, where the leaders are were running autocratic leadership in the organization. A lack of accountability has been found among the leaders of the organization. The leaders were not transparent and they were not sharing any important information with their follower (Schaeffer & Mattis, 2012). It was preventing the employees to show interest in the growth of the organization. This has also slowed down the productivity of the employee and it in turn slowed down the productivity of the organization. I have also found that leaders are making false assumption about the task to be assigned among the employees. The leaders were unable to make equal task division among the employees. This activity of the leaders makes confliction among the employee in the workplace (Ragins et al. 2012). They were unable to confront challenges in the sense that they were misinterpreting the demand of the future needed employees for the organization. The human resource managers were doing recruitment process based on the false assumption of the leaders which was creating wrong recruitment for the organization. The leaders were lacking emotional intelligence for which they were unable to solve the conflicts of the employee.
Reflection 2: Lack of Succession Planning in the Organization
In my organization I have found that there is no proper succession planning. All the employees are though working hard but still they are not getting higher position in the management. On the other hand, my origination pays high amount of rewards and recognition from time to time, but the employees are not more satisfied by this policy. I have found that much of the employees are trying to shift their careers in other sector where they will be able to widen their career. I have also found that the employee were not interested in their jobs and were losing motivation in serving for longer hours. This in turn was creating less productive environment in the organization (Behal & Bansal, 2013). Most of the new employees are been hired from other organizations are put in higher executive levels (Cummings & Worley, 2014). This is actually creating a distress among the present employees. The present employees are serving in the organization for more than one year but none of the employees are given higher position. I understood that this is a kind of management problem and management I taking unanimous decision. The management was not taking care of its existing employees. I came across many employees who are going for interviews in different organizations so that they will be able to earn more basic salary. The management was not able to understand that if the existing employees are leaving then the organizational effectiveness will be lost (Hayes, 2014). It will take a huge time for the organization to train the new employees and in such as case it will lose its position in competition.
Behal, V., & Bansal, P. (2013). Managing change in organization: Challenges and solutions. ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(3), 165-175.
Bobbio, A., Van Dierendonck, D., & Manganelli, A. M. (2012). Servant leadership in Italy and its relation to organizational variables. Leadership,8(3), 229-243.
Carroll, B. C., & Patterson, K. (2014). Servant Leadership: A Cross Cultural Study Between India and the United States. Servant Leadership, 15.
Cummings, T., & Worley, C. (2014). Organization development and change. Cengage learning.
Giolito, V., & Van Dierendonck, D. (2015, January). Servant leadership: influence on financial business-unit performance and employee’s well-being. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2015, No. 1, p. 18378). Academy of Management.
Hayes, J. (2014). The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan.
Hoskins, J. R. (2014). Story, presence, community: A servant-leadership model for Rocky Bayou Christian School (Doctoral dissertation, Assemblies Of God Theological Seminary)
Kapadia, K. D. (2015). Study on Generational Diversity at Workplace and Mitigating the Conflicts Arising on Account of Generational Differences Amongst them. International Journal of Management & Behavioural Sciences (IJMBS), 6, 76.
Liden, R. C., Wayne, S. J., Liao, C., & Meuser, J. D. (2014). Servant leadership and serving culture: Influence on individual and unit performance.Academy of Management Journal, 57(5), 1434-1452.
Ragins, B. R., Gonzalez, J. A., Ehrhardt, K., & Singh, R. (2012). Crossing the threshold: The spillover of community racial diversity and diversity climate to the workplace. Personnel Psychology, 65(4), 755-787.
Schaeffer, C. B., & Mattis, J. S. (2012). Diversity, religiosity, and spirituality in the workplace. Journal of management, spirituality & religion, 9(4), 317-333