Issues In Health And Human Services: Planning, Problem-solving Strategies, And Management Theories
Clearly identify chosen case study issue and how it relates to HHSM
Ideally, there are various factors of considerations when making decisions in medical settings especially if it is a critical matter that revolves around patients. Apparently, the main concern for the leadership of health care systems is the increasingly tenuous relationships between the primary stakeholders particularly with the entire medical system that include the patients, providers, as well as players (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, & Robinson, 2018). The main issue in the current case study is the factors or aspects of considerations in making vital decisions in the healthcare systems. In this light, managers are tasked at making ethical decisions in handling people of diverse cultures and beliefs while still adhering to the set laws. The selected issue is related to the HHSM because, like managers, individuals of the HHSM are expected to be adaptable to the overall socio-cultural diversity in the society especially when making decisions. Additionally, HHSM calls for individuals to work within an ethical as well as professional mindset while being accountable for every action that they take.
- Issues related to structure such as reporting relationships as well as changing roles and resource allocation
Program design and evaluation
- Some religious background such as catholic not accepting the use of contraceptives technology
Financial and information system
- Adequacy of information system related to computer, administrative data
- Maximum productivity that is set out of selected items of programs as well as resources such as sufficient funding and a helpful workplace culture
Human resource system
- Managers faced with ethical issues concerning limitations of resources such as lack of quality care
- Managers making decisions not considering their personal beliefs and values
Problem-solving, as well as decision making, are all one element that needs critical analysis, especially when making decisions regarding patients or rather health care system. In this light, it is impossible to solve a problem without making decisions. for this to happen, there are various resources that are critical prior to making decisions or rather choosing the direction one intends to lie on especially when one is a manager. In virtually all patients’ interactions, medical practitioners or rather the providers have to decide on the way he or she should proceed based on their training as well as their experience (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, & Robinson, 2018). In case a provider decides to offer patient care directions to an individual that is regarded as a patient, the medical provider or rather the manager may decide to treat the patient who adheres to the provider’s directions. The provider should as well have the ability to attempt to DE-ESCALATE a patient who has been agitated when necessary. DISENGAGE prior to making the desired decisions or taking a particular direction regarding the issue at hand. Nonetheless, the providers should be in a position to physically DEFEND oneself them something that should come as a last resort.
Based on the type of problems, there are various strategies that one can consider in making sure that a relevant solution has been achieved. In this light, the issue at hand will be solved by the use of the mark list type of strategy. In this manner, the strategy involves identifying the current issue while understanding every person’s interest. In this light, one should be in a position to list down all the possible solutions, evaluating the options, and documenting the necessary agreement (Hall, Orentlicher, Bobinski, Bagley, & Cohen, 2018). In this light, one should be in a position of agreeing to the contingencies, monitoring as well as evaluation. The main reason that I may decide to use this strategy is the fact that it enables one to have a clear understanding of the existing problem or rather the issue at hand. Additionally, listing all the elements that make up the issue at hand allows one to formulate a solution based on that particular issue.
Resources Prior To Solving the Issue
There are various management theories that can be applicable to a particular workplace to achieve effeteness. Some of the main theories include system theory human relation theory, Bureaucratic Management Theory, and Scientific Management Theory. However, as a manager dealing with diverse different people of varied cultural alignment, it would be possible to use a managerial theory that is all-inclusive (Falzer, 2018). In this light, I will I will use the human relation theories given the fact that it is human-centered that emphasizes on the capacity of a particular patient with an aim of acting autonomously as well as creatively. Notably, this theory allows the management to be geared towards bringing out the medical practitioners in particular health services especially in making a decision concerning patient’s wellbeing (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2018). The reason I chose this theory is that it tends to emphasize on the importance of making sure that that the need of patients, as well as those of medical practitioners, are well aligned while adopting policies that are beneficial to all parties and respecting the beliefs of every individual.
While there are various theories that would be applicable in this case, I am strictly opposed to the aspect of Bureaucratic Management Theory (Edee, 2018). While this type of theory stresses on clear as well as designated roles of every employ as well as management based on the overall hierarchies streamlining the authority, this theory cannot be reduced to a rather mechanical systematized approach with an aim of managing human beings. Additionally, there is always a danger particularly in the unchecked hierarchal bureaucracy while the entire role is dominated by technology.
Primarily, it is evident that making decisions in as far as socio-cultural diversity is concerned is not an easy task. In this light, making ethical decisions based on various factors or rather considerations such as both patient’s and provider’s beliefs and ensuring that the safety of medical practitioners is guaranteed requires systems and theories that are sustainable and all-inclusive in the long run. One of the theories that best matched my HHSM issue was the aspect of system theory (Ahmadi, Pishvaee, & Torabi, 2018). In essence, this type of theory tends to look not only in the holistic patterns in the overall scientific and metaphysical context but it as well looks at the management approach to a system theory with an aim of achieving an integrated as well as balanced business. The main feature for this theory is setting the goal of a firm, working its various elements together so that it can achieve the set goals. The reason why the theory is the best for my HHSM goal is that it is effective in leveraging as well as recognizing a specific pattern that can be followed by a medical setting.
Problem Solving Process
Making specific decisions as a manager in a healthcare system puts one in many dilemmas especially when both the law and the patient’s consideration comes to play. Consequently, having a well-crafted procedure in making decisions or rather a strategy of taking a particular direction prior to solving a problem related to a patient is imperative. In essence, this is because at one point the confidentially of a patient has to be maintained despite the fact that the law might be stating otherwise. Ethical decisions in this sense would mean to make a noble approach toward a matter at hand and make sure that the confidentiality of patient is upheld. Additionally, it would be imperative if managers in healthcare system implement all-inclusive systems or rather theories that cater not only for the providers but also for the patients (Lin, Kelly, O’Mahony, & Guinee, 2018). Setting up a systems theory would, therefore, be important given its ability to actively involve all the stakeholders. In this light, the beliefs of the patients and the providers will be catered for thus allowing the safety of all individual. By doing this, then the goal for the HHSM will be achieved by solving the issue at hand.
Ahmadi, A., Pishvaee, M. S., & Torabi, S. A. (2018). Procurement Management in Healthcare Systems. In Operations Research Applications in Health Care Management (pp. 569-598). Springer, Cham.
Edee, K. (2018). Single mode approach with versatile surface wave phase correction for the extraordinary optical transmission comprehension of 1D period nano-slits arrays. OSA Continuum, 1(2), 613-624.
Falzer, P. R. (2018). Naturalistic decision making and the practice of health care. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 12(3), 178-193.
Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2018). The strategic management of healthcare organizations. John Wiley & Sons.
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