Issues In Equal Opportunities And Diversity Management: A Case Study Of McDonald’s

Background of the organization


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The approaches of organization and management that are taken into consideration by a plenty of organizations have a significant role in their performance. There should be proper management approach within the organization due to the fact that it decides the efficiency with which activities are developed. There is a great role in the organizational structure that decides the application and the delegation of authority. The management is liable to make the organizational structure. The main aim of this assignment is to highlight the factors by considering the equal opportunities and diversity management topic. McDonald’s is chosen for this assignment in order to demonstrate the better understanding regarding this topic. More information is mentioned below regarding this assignment:

McDonald’s corporation is the major leading global fast food service retailers. McDonald is operating its business in more than 33,000 local restaurants and serves their services more than 64 million people in 118 countries (Qsr, 2011). Inclusion and diversity are two principles of McDonald that is famous all over the world because it elaborates the equal opportunity given by the company for everyone to contribute and succeed. The main motive of the company is to attract a number of the customer towards its services. It has been found that McDonald’s restaurant provides its services by Franchise and the corporation revenues draw from royalties, rent, and fees paid by the franchisees (McDonald, 2018).

Every organization has some kinds of issues that impact the productivity of the business and in such case; it is required by the management of the organization to keep consideration of the employees by making them satisfied from the company policies. “Equal opportunity and diversity management” is considered as the topic that keeps significant value in the organization because it helps the employee to remain in the organization for a long period. It has been analyzed that there are certain issues which is the cause of demoralizing for a number of employees of McDonald’s. These issues are mentioned below:

It is the major issue that represents the lack of gender equality and there are many cases occurred in the McDonald that shows inequality within the business. The world has become more advanced in the context of technology and the mentality of people but there are some certain areas which show that still, people are suffering from gender inequality issues (Hess, 2018).

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The main reason behind conflicts within the organization is the lack of acceptance and respect. It is the major aspect that leads the business into an adverse situation (King, 2009). McDonald is facing this issue of respect due to different culture employees.

Ethnic and cultural difference:

Issues in an organization

There are various issues arise in the business due to ethic and cultural difference and it has been found that there are some people who hold prejudice against people who belong from different cultural and background.

According to Boivie, Lange, McDonald, and Westphal, (2011), competitiveness is referred to as the driving aspects of diversity and equality. Many businesses in different countries are enthusiastic to remain in the competitive environment in a global economy. It is required for the companies to take care of all aspects by taking consideration of the employees as employees are the key to success. It has been found through the report of Shen, Chanda, D’netto and Monga, (2009), that diversity and equal opportunity are being taken into consideration by McDonald’s. There is diversity in McDonald’s as a number of suppliers and Franchisees involved with a complex supply chain and global workforce. McDonald has the high responsibility to manage the team and the employees in an effective manner by considering the rights of people who work for the company and handle the business of McDonald as a Franchisees. However, the business of McDonald is not bias for the employees and provide an equal opportunity to everyone to get growth in a significant manner (Valax, 2012).

In the context of the issue of sexual harassment, it has been found that McDonald has moved its golden arches upside-down in which the top authority of McDonald has stated that there is equal opportunity for our business to men and women. In the opposition of this statement, it has been found through the report of Aleinikoff and Klusmeyer, (2010), that claims were made against McDonald by 10 women and girls with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) claiming that McDonald did not give attention to their complaints against sexual harassment at the time of working for the organization, including, as per Law 360, proposition for sex is referred to the sexual harassment (Vlachopoulos, O’Rourke and Nichols, 2011).

With respect to the second issue of acceptance and respect, it has been found that the employees of the organization have to suffer due to the lack of integrity within the business. Due to having the cultural difference and diverse team  in the business of McDonald, there is a lack of respect with each other as employees start to disrespect with each other. Greene and Kirton, (2015),  stated that employees should be respected within the organization as it is the right of them to do not get hurt due to belongingness of different caste or cultures. There are various laws established by the government through which one can take an appropriate action against them.

Literature review

In the context of ethnic and cultural difference, it has been analyzed that McDonald embrace and respect diversity as it is the part of the legacy (Weber, Otto and Österle, 2009). The team of the business is belonging from different religion and culture and it follows the diversity strategy in order to attain the objectives of the company. It has been committed by the company to make the strong diverse system as there were issues faced by the employees of the organization. employees of the organization are leaving the company due to no getting equal opportunity and the growth within the business as the chance of growth is given by the company to the localizer.  

There are some organization theories and approaches which should be taken into consideration by the company in order to remove the raised issues within the organization. These approaches can be considered in the level of four approaches in which human resource approach, contingency approach, productivity approach and system approach are entailed.

Figure 1: Organizational Behaviour Approaches

Source: (Miner, 2015).

It is the approach the highlights the importance of people in any organization in order to make them ready for the high level of creativity, competency and fulfillment. It would help employees to give their best in the favor of the organization (Evertz, van Driel, Kloosterman, Vanlier and Zhang, 2010). It has been found that the human resource approach is known as the supportive approach in which the role of the manager amends the control of the employees to energetic maintains their performance and development. It is the approach which is contrast with the traditional management approach and in the reference of t he traditional approach, it has been decided by the managers to closely evaluated their performance to make sure task completion.

With the help of this approach, McDonald would be benefitted as they would start to give attention to the employees of the organization by which they can develop a good relationships with them. The role of the managers would be changed within the entity of McDonald from controlling to supporting which helps to make a good environment.

The contingency approach relies on the principle that techniques or methods which work efficiently in a single situation fail in another. For instance, organizational development programs can be brilliant for one situation but it can be non-effective for another situation. The results are entirely dependent on the different situations within the organization (Salojärvi, Sainio and Tarkiainen, 2010). That is why it is required by the manager of the organization to take care of the decisions and made appropriate action as per the situation. With the help of this approach, McDonald’s will be advantageous as the manager of the organization will take decisions after considering the ongoing situation. The primary focus on the contingency approach is that it lies in the actuality and motivates the analysis of every situation before to action at a similar time of demotivating the habitual practice.

Human resource approach

Productivity is the approach that refers to the ratio of the result to input which is an evaluation of the company’s effectiveness. It also shows the efficiency of the manager in optimizing the utilization of the resources (Banks, 2014). The measurement of the productivity approach is evaluated as per the economic inputs and outputs, but it does not mean that the importance of human and social outputs are lesser. Organizational behavior decisions are majorly included in the human, economic and social issues which are the major part of the decisions. This approach is helpful for the McDonalds as it facilitates to bring an outstanding output for the company.

The system approach is another vital theory of the organizational behaviour that gives view to the manager of the organization to think or act as a whole person, whole group, whole organization and the whole social system. Shen, Chanda, D’netto and Monga, (2009), stated that the system approach is considered as the activity of any aspect that put impacts on the activities of the organization. It has been analyzed that the view of the system must be the priority of every person in the company. The role of the top authority keeps huge importance in the business as they tend to have a huge responsibility as they are the major ones who make the majority of people oriented. With taking consideration of this approach, McDonald can maintain the system in an efficient manner and each employee will equal opportunity of the growth because this system of the organization helps them to think on the behalf of the whole system of the organization or person.

It can be recommended to the McDonalds after analyzing the issues related to the equal opportunity and the diversity that the company needs to follow some guidelines in order to bring improvement within the business. It has been analyzed that the sexual harassment has taken place in the organization in which the gender gap increased and 10 girls and ladies have been terminated because they raised voice. The company should make policies against these issues so that the voice of the women can be considered on prior basis. McDonald’s has the chance to make essential transform to guard women and girls and to guide the system for other major business. “McDonald’s is completely located — if it decides — to obtain the guide in an industry that’s out of control with mistreatment.”

Contingency approach

In the context of the acceptance and respect, it is recommended to the company to consider inter-disciplinary approach. There should be diversity councils that work should be dealing with improvement review and the implementation of the action plan for enlightening diversity (Macintosh and Quattrone, 2010). It is considered as an opportunity to develop accountability into the efforts of the organization to manage diversity. There should be the responsibility of the diversity council to monitor complaints and handles with diversity-related concerns. With respect to the ethnic and cultural difference, it is necessary for the organization to focus on the training which should be related to the diversity program.

I have found that organizational approaches have a significant impact on the process of the company. There is a number of reasons that cause the unequal opportunity and diversity management. I have analyzed throughout the study that McDonald’s have effective policies and procedures related to the diversity management but there were some issues faced by the organization due to unethical practices within the management. I have focussed on such issues and found that the resolution of such issues can be done within the organization if they apply various concepts and theory of organizational behavior in order to reduce the concerns. It has been discussed that the role of the approaches of organizational behavior can reduce the negative impact over the performance.

Along with that, it has been discussed in the context of the outcome of above-mentioned analysis that McDonald can increase the productivity of the business by applying the contingency theory because it is the approach by which the manager evaluates the situation before taking action against the issues. There is a question to investigate is whether employment legislation equal and, majorly diversity management has the existence across various countries and whether diversity management demonstrates a break from the equality aspects like equal opportunity and a positive action (Huczynski, Buchanan and Huczynski, 2013). In spite of limitations and significant variances in the reference and adoption of the diversity management and equal opportunities seem to be similar. I observed throughout the study that attempts are separated from the aspect of the diversity from the respect of its historical equality predecessors.


It has been concluded from the above discussion that the management of the organization relies on the applied approaches. It has been found from the study that the organization can face a number of issues related to the growth pf the organization and the employee engagement, in such scenario, it is vital for the management of the company to take care of the needs of the employees and listen to them carefully. The discussion has been made on the organization management for which McDonald’s Company has been chosen so that the better understanding could be made. Three major issues have been highlighted under this assignment by taking consideration of the company in which the sexual harassment which shows the gender gap and unequal opportunity, respect, and acceptance which showed the unequal growth chance to the employees of McDonald and ethnic and cultural difference that showed the diversity management issues within the organization, the recommendations have been made under this task to provide the resolutions of discussed issues. Along with that, the discussion has been made on the organizational management approach in order to improve the process of the organization.


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