Is Digital Marketing The Way Forward? Literature Review And Analysis

Is Digital Marketing the Way Forward in Marketing

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Write an essay on Is digital marketing the way forward in marketing?The essay question to be addressed through research and review of the contemporary literature inthe topic area: digital marketing.


This paper shows and discover around the digital marketing as well as route of forward in the marketing. Many researches gave many views on it such as some said that digital marketing is a way forward, but some researcher said that they are unsure about way forward. So, we would present different researcher view about them. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate that digital marketing is the way forward for marketing or not in the current scenario. Indeed, digital marketing is a marketing which use the electronic devices such as computers, cell phone, tablets, smart phones and game consoles to involve with stakeholder. Digital marketing can through non internet channels such as SMS, TV, Radio, Social media, E-mail, Banner ads etc. Social media marketing is the part of digital marketing. Digital Marketing Institute defines the digital marketing as the use of digital channels to promote or use of market product and services to consumer and business purpose. The digital marketing term was used in the 1990 and its becoming more important for create a relationship with the consumer in the depth and relevant manner. (Kaufman & Horton 2014) Digital marketing also called internet marketing but their actual position is different from it as digital marketing is related to targeted, interactive and measurable. Email marketing, SEO (search engine optimization), PPC (pay per click), social media, online advertising, affiliate marketing, text messaging, blogging & news feeds and viral marketing are the elements of digital marketing. (Miller 2012) Indeed, forward way means the new approach or reinvent. Further, marketing is communicating the values of product and service for the purpose of the increase sales for specific product and services. Digital marketing tools such as email, internet, digital newspaper, T.V. and radio are interactive medium for marketing. These types of tools are able to target a particular market that firm wants to target for enhancing customers.

The relationship between the digital marketing and way forward in marketing or not is described through literature review. This paper discuss about the digital marketing forward way structure. These are brief explanation about the literature of digital marketing that are following below:According to Lee, advertising is the most important way to increase performance of the firm. It is because advertising is an interactive process which exchanges the information of the firm to its customers. There are many components which increase scope of the digital marketing in the automotive industry such as IT sector. (Lee et al 2009) Ford motor made restructuring plan in 2006 which known as The Way Forward.

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Bucy also favor the perception of Lee and determine that use of digital marketing increase the performance of the organization. Knowledge exchange is the main elements which effects decision marking of the customers supports the organization to include innovation in their marketing strategies. Knowledge exchange became simple by digital marketing because it can gain the data about the firm product and services. Knowledge exchange or sharing is also supportive to the firm for improving their product and services if there is any mistake that raises problem to the customers. So, knowledge is becoming significant in global environment that also pressure the organization to develop effectiveness of their marketing strategies and scope of digital marketing. (Bucy 2004) Revere et al also support the Bucy perception and explains about digital knowledge management system. Digital knowledge management is significant to capture, distribute and apply the concept in the firm for their marketing purpose. Therefore, digital knowledge management raises the scope of digital marketing in the automobile industry. It is because firm which is related to automobile industry have many features for their product to sale in the market. Customer cognition or knowledge is supportive to display information about the feature of their product or services effectively and efficiently. Customer can increase their cognition about product by digital marketing because it uses audio, video and other kinds of techniques to advertise the brands. (Revere et al 2007)

Literature review

According to Wymbs, social media is an effective to place wider scope for digital marketing. Social networking sites are supportive to create many benefits for the firm. It is because social sites support to advertising the brands and to reach their customers by sharing the data and idea in a cost effective manner. Further, digital marketing services would be improve with search engine optimization (SEO) which is significant to get correct solution. These correct solution are able to reach potential audiences in the cost effective manner that makes the firm financially strong. (Wymbs 2011) Organizations are using the digital marketing because it is an easy process to determine the technological features of the product as compare to traditional media sources. The beauty of digital marketing is the caliber to target and measure results so it is becoming effectives for any firms.

In addition, Kiang depicted that online social media has changed through altering dynamic environment. It is also explains in this paper that effectiveness of online marketing media depends on the inputs of user community. Firms should follow customers and market trends carefully otherwise it would affect negatively on brand image of the organization. (Kiang et al 2000) Sharma said that digital marketing depicts to the marketing or promotion of products by the television, radio, internet etc. Digital marketing enhances the competitiveness for the firm through analyzing demand of the customers and to increase their satisfaction. Organization should use digital marketing system to convey the customers and try to maintain the relationship with them. (Sharma 2002)

Globalization is the elements that increase the scope of digital marketing at worldwide. Globalization allows firm to extend their business operation from domestic market to international market. According to Prashantham, globalization raises the scope of digital marketing geographically in the international market. The firm can launch their products in the international market through using digital marketing. (Rhee 2001) At the same time digital marketing is an effective for the firm to provide information from several routes so it enables to offer huge variety product or services. Therefore, it is simple way to reach potential customers that is possible through digital marketing. It also plays an important role in many areas such as customer services & sales, public relationship and information management.

On the basis of literature review of digital marketing, we would discuss chief marketing officer (CMOs) perception about the way forward and they believes that digital media is way forward. The marketers all participant agreed that the digital marketing is the way forward. The general belief among the team member was that engagement, interactivity and measurability are making the marketers look at it far more seriously nowadays. When they used the digitally based on product life cycle their brands.

Andre Campbell is the chief marketing manager in the Reliance Industries said that when all customers might not purchase online, they used digital way to be better informed. Andre Campbell said retail is all about value, growth, services and trust, but over the years this perception has been changed now and digital marketing supports to create a bound with the consumers. (Koleszar 2013) From the Andre Campbell statement we concluded that digital marketing is way forward in the marketing because earlier mostly used print marketing, but in the globalization chief marketing officer adopting digital advertising in marketing perspective. Reliance groups stated online buying opportunity through home delivery service. Customer need to pay when they got parcel in the hand about their desire product or services. Andre Campbell has good experience as well as marketing concern in the several organizations so its commitment and statement is valuable for marketing way forward concern.

Factors influencing digital marketing

Further, Vivek Nayar the chief marketing officer at Mahindra & Mahindra said that content is the key success of digital marketing because it allows multiple points for brand storytelling. Digital marketing has created consumer to strongest person for a brand. He presented some useful example to establish that digital marketing supports in better customers engagement and association. (Carver 2009) Mahindra & Mahindra is a fastest growing company which uses new and creative product, technologies to explain market dominant with the use of internet. Mahindra & Mahindra can use many design and process for the advertising of their product that can be done perfectively by digital marketing or media. So, creativity is also a factor which increases range of using digital marketing digital media. However, creativity is enhancing the field of digital marketing because Mahindra & Mahindra want to advertise their new and creative products to a huge population in an effective route to raise its customer oriented and market share. Further, Vivek Srivastav marketing head of Renault India said that digital marketing helps a brand to create affect and measure which can’t be gained through traditional marketing such as print and mass marketing. Renault India provides features evaluation and online buying opportunity to their customer through sites. These sites and other internet sources are supportive to expand massage of the Renault India among customers and to create more opportunities. Therefore, a digital media system in the Renault India is helpful to increase customer’s experiences, facilities learning and to improve staff productivity. We need to book buy order online and they will provide home delivery of their product and services.

In addition, Rajan Anandan is the chairman of the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) noticed that India is the evidence of great increase in research online shop offline and at the same movement e-commerce sites are doing good level business. IAMAI said that online marketing is projected to reach Rs 2938 crore in 2014. India is the fast growing countries in the worldwide as well as digital marketing concern because India is rising in the education sector and people are using digital devices such as tablets, smart phone and phone which helps to connect social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. So, Indian base organizations are using digital marketing and we can say that digital marketing way forward in the Indian market perspective. Further, approach or face of the digital marketing always changing such as fashion. (Koleszar 2013) We would discuss the digital marketing trends to evaluate the way forwardness in marketing. So, these are following trends which describe below:

Google plus- a phenomenal rise: Google launched Google plus in 2011. This is very innovative creation of Google. Initial stage they had slow start, but soon people saw the potential of Google plus in the all over the world. There are 500 million users of Google plus and its user are expanding constantly. It can impact the marketing strategy due to 90 percent of world’s daily search traffic and single handed. (Puzhar 2014)

Globalization and digital marketing

Linked In- the way forward: it is first business networking tools which gained high momentum and constantly to perform excellent with the user’s expectation.

Innovative blogs posts: Innovative blogs affects the business and attract the consumer to buy their product and service from market. When people use internet, then good blogs attract to buy their product or services. (Puzhar 2014)

While some professionals view on the digital marketing that they are unsure about the way forward in the marketing perspective. Most of people accept that they wanted to adopt new idea or reinvent itself, but they don’t know how to get it because only few people knew that how to get it. Research data says that 40 percent marketers know that they want to reinvent themselves, but only 14 percent people know that how to go about it. This research based on more than 1000 marketing professional qualified people in US. Further, 64 percent marketers wanted to change their role in upcoming years and 81 percent think that their role will change in next three years. But reinvention path still a challenges for marketers because around 30 percent of cited still facing lack of training in new marketing skills. (Sangameshwaran 2014)

Furthermore, if we describe the marketers for further 12 months perspective from now. Then, we got that 54 percent of marketers said they must take more risk and 45 percent wanted to take more risk themselves. 65 percent said that they are comfortable to adopt new technology once they become part of the mainstream. However, marketers wanted to play safe game when they adopted new technology. Moreover, those marketers are highlighted which spend more than 25 percent of their marketing budget on digital marketing as compared to those are not spending more than 25 percent. High digital marketing spend capacity organizations are believe that they wanted to reinvent themselves to succeed as compared to low digital spend organization. High digital spend potential organizations are three times said that they know how to reinvent themselves as compare to low performance. (Greenberg & Kates 2013)

In addition, Chief Marketing Officer of Adobe Mr. Ann Lewnes said that the shift to digital require new technology, new approaches are totally new role for marketers and they are not familiar with them. The good news for marketers is to that they saw the change in front of them and they need to embrace figures or data. They focus on creating personalized experience and work across web, mobile channels and social. Most of marketers wanted to more data for focused to succeed, but 49 percent reported trusting my gut to guide someone else that where to invest their marketing budget funds. 72 percent marketers accept their long term success is jointed to providing marketing return on investment. Further, 74 percent marketers said that capturing and applying data to inform and force marketing activity is the new real world and 69 percent wanted to embrace hyper personalization with the use of data to provide services, right products and content at the right time. However, only 39 percent marketers are using the consumer data and nature to shape marketing strategy in the last 12 months and 45 percent marketers made a plan to use more consumer data and behavior in the next 12 months. (Sangameshwaran 2014)


 From the above discussion, it can be concluded that digital marketing raise the performance of the organization because it is faster and broader technique to negotiate with customer for distributing the information as compare to traditional marketing so it is becoming way forward of the marketing that is approved by many chief marketing officers such as Andre Campbell, Vivek Nayar, Vivek Shrivastav and Rajan Anandan through their experience of marketing fields. It is low cost and time consuming process which is quite healthy for organization to develop their effectiveness. It is helpful for marketing managers to identify the results of marketing. The forward way of marketing in business is also altering due to technology changes in market. Digital marketing is an efficient or effective advertising media as compare of others such as mass media, print media and social media etc. However, some professional person presented view about the digital marketing is not way forward in marketing so we would agreed with them. From the data, it is develop that previous advertising trend also plays significant role in advertising, but digital marketing has way forward capability to be an alternative of the efforts related to improvement in the marketing perspective.


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