IoT-based Big Data Storage System In Cloud Computing: Security Challenges And Recommendations
Executive Summary
Internet of thing is one advanced technology in the field of wireless communication and it is observed that it is a more flexible network process. There are many organizations use this technology because it can be used for long distance communication and security is a very common issue for IoT (Al-Fuqaha, et al., 2015). The main purpose of this report is to recognize the fundamental concept of the internet of things and their security issues. In this process, two or more peripheral devices are connected to each other with the help of internet and it provides wireless connectivity between transmitter and receiver (Cai, Xu, Jiang, & Vasilakos, 2017). There are various problems faced by the big data on the internet of thing and cloud computing such as data storage issues, transmission issue, data breach, the problem of data processing, security of data, privacy challenges, and Denial of services attack.
It is defined as a network for physical equipment’s and devices and it has the ability to interconnect two or more computing devices with the help of internet access (Chandrakanth, et al., 2014). From the last five years, the rate of IoT is increasing very fast and around 8.4 million people are using this technology for the daily purpose. It includes various devices, for example, a computer system, network devices, smartphones, and other peripheral devices (Da, He, & Li, 2014). The main advantage of this innovation is that it is very flexible and reliable that reduces the issue of security.
- Hashem, I. A. T., Yaqoob, I., Anuar, N. B., Mokhtar, S., Gani, A., & Khan, S. U. (2015). The rise of “big data” on cloud computing: Review and open research issues. Information Systems, 47, 98-115.
In this journal paper, the author describes the working mechanism of big data and the role of IoT in cloud computing. According to the writer, the internet of thing is very popular technology by which users can share their personal information with other like social media (Hashem, et al., 2015). This paper is completely based on the big data encounters and the concept of cloud computing. There are four main parts of big data which are also called as four Vs and author identified security issue occurs with IoT and big data. It is observed that big data can be used to analyse different types of data and many organizations are using this technology to control and monitor a large amount of data. It uses various networks devices such as routers, hubs, bridges and other peripheral devices to communicate with computer devices (Hashem, et al., 2015). Big data and IoT is completely based on wireless technology because it provides a platform to send or receive data from one location to another.
Review of Literature
Therefore, this paper explained how IoT works in the arena of cloud and big data and the advantages of this technology. The main drawback of this research paper is that the author did not explain the impact of big data and cloud-based services on the internet of thing.
- Sun, Y., Song, H., Jara, A. J., & Bie, R. (2016). Internet of things and big data analytics for smart and connected communities. IEEE access, 4, 766-773.
This is very latest journal paper on the topic of the internet of thing and it is completely based on big data analysis and use of IoT. In this paper, the author describes the fundamental concept of smart cities and the use of big data technologies in the organization (Sun, Song, Jara, & Bie, 2016). Moreover, the writer evaluates the basic working principle of SSC and the role of the internet of thing in communication. Assist the creators clarifies about the IOT engineering of the associated networks. The creator clarifies an incorporated and savvy structure is like a human that has its own particular detecting frameworks, store framework, sensory system and committed cerebrum for basic leadership. The capacity engineering of the IoT for shrewd towns includes four distinct layers: detecting or reacting, layer, the information layer, interconnecting layer, and administrations layer (Liu et al., 2015). Assist in this paper the specialists clarifies in points of interest of advances that will be essential for the empowering the IOT in associating the network (Jin, Wah, Cheng, & Wang, 2015). The analysts clarify that the huge information is one of the real things that will be valuable at the costs of examination of subtle elements. This must be guaranteed that the huge information investigation is one of the significant things in the procedure of legitimate usage of the associated innovations. At the point when there will be a colossal measure of the information that will be produced and these frameworks will be immense and there would be a need of assessing this information in an appropriate way (Stankovic, 2014). Encourage the finishing up the subject the analysts clarify about the issues that may come up in issuing these innovations in an associated network. The main disadvantage of this article is that it does not describe different types of the security issue and threats of big data and internet of thing.
- Cai, H., Xu, B., Jiang, L., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2017). IoT-based big data storage systems in cloud computing: Perspectives and challenges. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 4(1), 75-87.
The title of this paper is IoT based big data storage system in the field of the cloud: perspectives and their challenges. The main determination of this research article is to provide basic knowledge about the internet of thing in terms of data storage (Cai, Xu, Jiang, & Vasilakos, 2017). The author provides a platform where users of IoT and cloud computing can understand the challenges and issues faced by these techniques. Cloud computing can be used as a backup plan and it has the ability to reduce cyber-attacks. It is identified that lack of security and issue of data storage both are a very common problem of big data and IoT and various organizations are suffering from these problems (Lee, & Lee, 2015). The writer clarifies the billow of things as cloud servers are associated with every one of the gadgets and servers are associated with a solitary server. Further clarifying the connection with the enormous information the analysts clarifies the information administration processes that are fundamental for the way toward breaking down of the distinctive types of the information that might be helpful to analyse the information in an appropriate way (Wortmann, & Flüchter, 2015). The information mining forms are additionally all around clarified in the paper. Therefore consumers can use these innovations by improving flexibility and security of their data.
- Jin, X., Wah, B. W., Cheng, X., & Wang, Y. (2015). Significance and challenges of big data research. Big Data Research, 2(2), 59-64.
Justification and Argument
This paper is completely based on the security issues faced in big data technologies and author use qualitative data analysis process to understand the threats and risks of this process. According to this paper, the use of wireless networks and cloud computing is growing very fast by which various security issues also associated with IoT for example data breach, and DOS attack. The main objective of the author is to explain the importance of big data in communication and impact of this innovation on the life of consumers. Author evaluate major problems occur with the internet of thing in the last five years and prevention methods to reduce challenges and issues. Fabulous difficulties of the enormous information that are very much clarified in the paper are the information unpredictability, computational many-sided quality and the framework intricacy (Sun, Song, Jara, & Bie, 2016). The scientists clarify these there as the significant issue in the improvement of the IOT and how these can hamper the idea. Finishing up the theme the scientist sums up the guarantee mapper and examines the achievement focuses that can help in the advancement of the big information in IOT.
- Lee, I., & Lee, K. (2015). The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, investments, and challenges for enterprises. Business Horizons, 58(4), 431-440.
This article was written by Lee and it provides the concept of the internet of thing in terms of business. There are many applications of IoT but many organizations use this for communication purpose because it enhances the performance of networks. In which author first describe the history of the internet of thing and the implementation process of this technology. There are main four technologies are used in IoT for example, wireless sensor network, middleware, cloud computing, RFID technology, and network devices. This article provides an overview of the application of IoT and their security risks and author also provide mitigation tools to avoid the issue of security (Whitmore, Agarwal, & Da, 2015).
Hacker produces malicious and flooding process due to which they can share unwanted signals to computer networks and encrypt all personal information. It is estimated that many users and organization use simple passwords and they do not adopt authentic servers by which hackers can easily target their private accounts and reduce the privacy of human personal information (Sicari, Rizzardi, Grieco, & Coen, 2015). In this article, the writer uses qualitative data analysis and it provides a proper explanation of the Internet of thing but the main problem of this paper is that it does not provide steps to avoid security risks.
Research Findings and Conclusion
It is a very best method to communicate with computer devices and the following main components are used on the internet of thing:
- Smart and digital devices
- Sensors
- Routers, Gateway, and Hubs
- Cloud computing
- DSL modem
- Firewall and NAT
- Internet connection sharing
- Wireless sensor networks
- Data links
- Access points
- RFID and proximity technology
- User interface systems (Perera, Zaslavsky, Christen, & Georgakopoulos, 2014).
The main role of the internet of thing in real word is that users can communicate and share their private data from one location to another (Li, Da, & Zhao, 2015). It uses internet process to interconnect two or mobile devices and it has the capability to improve the efficiency of the transmission system. There are many applications of this technology which are described below:
- Smart home
- Wearable’s
- Connected cars
- Industrial internet
- Smart cities
- IoT in agriculture
- Smart Retail
- Energy Engagement
- In healthcare
- IoT in farming and poultry (Osseiran, Elloumi, Song, & Monserrat, 2017).
Internet of thing is a type of computer system which explains the idea of physical objects that connected to the internet. It uses radio frequency identification process for communication purpose and it involves different kinds of sensor, wireless networks, and QR codes. In this technology, any object can be represented in the form of digital which is connected to database systems. This report explained the role of IoT in daily life and different types of challenges faced by big data and cloud computing. Therefore users can adopt a firewall and encryption technique to reduce security threats of IoT.
Al-Fuqaha, A., Guizani, M., Mohammadi, M., Aledhari, M., & Ayyash, M. (2015). Internet of things: A survey on enabling technologies, protocols, and applications. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 17(4), 2347-2376.
Cai, H., Xu, B., Jiang, L., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2017). IoT-based big data storage systems in cloud computing: Perspectives and challenges. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 4(1), 75-87.
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Hashem, I. A. T., Yaqoob, I., Anuar, N. B., Mokhtar, S., Gani, A., & Khan, S. U. (2015). The rise of “big data” on cloud computing: Review and open research issues. Information Systems, 47, 98-115.
Jin, X., Wah, B. W., Cheng, X., & Wang, Y. (2015). Significance and challenges of big data research. Big Data Research, 2(2), 59-64.
Lee, I., & Lee, K. (2015). The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, investments, and challenges for enterprises. Business Horizons, 58(4), 431-440.
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