Investigation Of The Penrith Lakes Scheme As A Contemporary Geographical Land Utility
Acquisition of geographical information
The inquiry of geography will properly investigate Penrith Lakes Scheme as contemporary geographical land utility or issue of land use but at a scale that is considered local. The process of investigation will involve examination of the geographical properties of the selected sites, the relationship between the place and the people in it with varying range of view, sustainability considerations and finally the role of the government in the entire issue. There will also be development of understanding of the whole process of decision-making steps and also roles and responsibilities of varying levels of authorities(Pedaste et al 2015).
Investigation will seek to properly address the way people change natural environment; Examination of how human being including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals have affected the characteristics of land like use of fire, mining and general environmental degradation(Voet & De 2016).
Here there will be investigation on how people influence places like (ACHGK029).It will cover on the perfect description of who manages and organizes the selected sites or places. Whether local or state governments.
Identification of the methods that people affect different sites and contribute to the sustainability of similar places including roads and services, strategies of fire management and finally examination of the issues that are considered local planning. This will include the possible views about it and also the possible action that is responsible for the obvious outcome (Spronken et al 2012).
This study will involve group work. Small groups will investigate Penrith Lake Scheme. This will be an achieved by using a variety of hands on activities that are designed to do data collection from the site and carry out practices of management throughout the day. The activities will include performance of a role-play in their groups. The primary role will shift to being an advocate for the processes of recreation, housing and biodiversity. A balanced view will be provided that discusses positive and negative outcomes of the matter at hand(Jones,Scanlon & Clough 2013).
Acquisition of geographical information.
Specific question
How can Penrith Lakes be managed for biodiversity, recreation and housing?
Activities of pre visit
Area of focus: Factors that influence places (Case study-Penrith Lakes scheme)
Factors that change environments
Key inquiry questions
- How do environment (land) and people influence each other?
- How do people manage and influence places within them?
The study will be;
- To investigate how natural environment is being changed by people in Australia
- To examine ways through which people influence the properties or characteristics of places and this will include management of such places (Levy & Petrulis 2012).
- The expected outcome will address specific requirement some of which will include;
- Describe different features and properties of places and also environment
- Explains connections and interaction that exist between people, environment and other places
- Compares and possibly contrasts the effects on the management and organization of the environment and places.
- Process and communication of acquired geographical information through use of proper tools of inquiry.
Consideration Of Cultural Perception
- Where is the location of the Penrith Lakes Scheme? Location of this particular place will be located on the goggle map
- What are the properties of the scheme and why was it started?
- What was the nature of the country prior to the development of this particular scheme?
- What are the geographical features of the site and surrounding areas today?
- Comment on the possible future of Penrith Lakes Scheme?
Field work
- How is the site or place used and organized?
- Why this place? Why are housing, biodiversity and recreation being established at this particular place?( Dunleavy & Dede 2014).
- How will the proposed land use change the place, possible impacts?
- Who are the beneficiaries and who are the losers in the proposed land use change?
- Any concerned authority? How is the management done for sustainability in the future?
- What are the expected actions or activities that are required so as to ensure that different factors are managed or supported? This may include factors like changes in the population, sustainability etc.
Post Visit
At least 3 minute documentary style report will be created by use of field photos, maps and sketches, secondary and primary data resources from the day so as to assist in the communication of very crucial messages to the other people who are interested about the Scheme.
Factors that influence places (Case study-Penrith Lakes scheme)
Acquisition of data and information.
Both qualitative and quantitative method will be explored.
Decision on what sort of information is required to support geographical inquiry will be made .This will include possible sources of such kind of information. This may include office of the Penrith Lakes Scheme from the goggle website.
A system of recording information that is collected during the research will be developed.
Examples of data and information sources;
Source various kinds of maps in the description of the location. Applications of proper spatial technologies and visual representations to describe the site.
Collection of the present photographs of the area under investigation and subsequent labeling of the geographical features(Hendrix, Eick & Shannon 2012).
Field work
It will include both qualitative and quantitative.
Visit to the site
Drawing and labeling of geographical features in a field sketch
Use of other techniques of field work like recording of human uses through photographs, conducting of surveys on biodiversity, assessment of the geographical distribution of vegetation, testing of quality of water, mapping of land uses and finally focusing on the impacts(Wiznia et al 2012)
Determination of the role of the government in the work of planning and developing the place.
Sourcing of appropriate data and other information that are considered statistical related to the issue like population growth forecast (Favier & Van der Schee 2012).
- Use of geographical tool to assist in the collection and review of the information and data so as to establish its usefulness.
- On satellite image or topographic map used as a base map, use mapping overlays to assist in the description of the current and proposed features of geography of the site. Analysis of the changes, patterns and spatial distributions.
- Use of photographs and information that has been obtained through research in the construction of future tables in the representation of the past, current and future uses of the site selected. Analysis of the changes of time and making predictions for the future.
- Assembling and annotation of the photographs so as to provide a visual site representation. Analysis and labeling of interconnections is very necessary.
- Development of consequences chart that assist in the explanation of the predicted impacts both positive and negative.
- Construction of multiple graphs that that assist in the representation of fauna and flora, coverage of vegetation, results of water quality, land use and population data. Analysis and interpretation of data.
- Representation of data using T-chart on perceived impacts that are gathered through survey. Interpretation of patterns and also trends.
Political maps, relief maps, land use maps, synoptic charts and also special purpose charts.
Small groups will be task to develop a three-minute documentary to convey understanding of various issues, proposing opinions and arguments and also support particular course of direction(Hwang et al 2013).This will be accomplished through explanation on the impacts of this practice on the sorrounding.The documentary is expected to provide:
- A clear description of the matter and some of possible consequence for the environment
- Tools like maps. Images of satellites, statistics, illustration and other visual representation that have been labeled.
- Information on traditional use of the selected place by Aboriginal people and also present perspective on the matters of today from local Aboriginal individuals;
- Adscription of the government’s role in the organization and also management of the place
- A justification of specific point of view in response to the issue at hand (Chang et al.2012).
Geographical concepts Place: Importance of places and their appearance including characteristics Space: Importance of the location and spatial distribution.Management methods and ways of organization Environment: Importance of environment on human life and significance of the relationship between environment and human life, how people influence environment and also effects of natural disasters. Scale: Means of examination of geographical phenomena and problem relationships or characteristics Sustainability: Environment capacity to continue supporting lives into the future. Change: Explanation of geographical features based on how they have developed with time. |
Geographical skills for inquiry The following geographical inquiry skill have been suggested for use; Acquiring geographical information which will involve developing geographically important questions ad planning of an inquiry that identifies and applies geographical methodologies Collection, selection and record of relevant data and information that follows ethical protocols Processing of geographical information and this will include evaluation of the sources of their information and their reliability. Communicating geographical information A range of appropriate information in regards to findings, explanation and arguments that are considered effective will be considered. Also relevant geographical terminologies will be used. Reflection and evaluation of the findings of every inquiry that puts into account environmental, social and economic factors. |
Tools of geography Maps Political maps, relief maps, land use maps, synoptic charts and also special purpose charts. Maps for identification of direction, area, grid, references, gradient and scale distance. Degrees and minutes of latitudes. Field Work Observing, measuring and collection of conducting survey. Visual representation Photographs, flow charts, mind maps, aerial photographs and annotated diagrams are very important for this particular objective. Spatial technologies Global poisoning system (GPS) and GIS will be very useful including virtual maps. |
Chang, C. H., Chatterjea, K., Goh, D. H. L., Theng, Y. L., Lim, E. P., Sun, A., … & Nguyen, Q. M. (2012). Lessons from learner experiences in a field-based inquiry in geography using mobile devices. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 21(1), 41-58.
Dunleavy, M., & Dede, C. (2014). Augmented reality teaching and learning. In Handbook of research on educational communications and technology (pp. 735-745). Springer, New York, NY.
Favier, T. T., & Van der Schee, J. A. (2012). Exploring the characteristics of an optimal design for inquiry-based geography education with Geographic Information Systems. Computers & Education, 58(1), 666-677.
Hendrix, R., Eick, C., & Shannon, D. (2012). The integration of creative drama in an inquiry-based elementary program: The effect on student attitude and conceptual learning. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 23(7), 823-846.
Hwang, G. J., Wu, P. H., Zhuang, Y. Y., & Huang, Y. M. (2013). Effects of the inquiry-based mobile learning model on the cognitive load and learning achievement of students. Interactive learning environments, 21(4), 338-354.
Jones, A. C., Scanlon, E., & Clough, G. (2013). Mobile learning: Two case studies of supporting inquiry learning in informal and semiformal settings. Computers & Education, 61, 21-32.
Levy, P., & Petrulis, R. (2012). How do first-year university students experience inquiry and research, and what are the implications for the practice of inquiry-based learning?. Studies in Higher Education, 37(1), 85-101.
Pedaste, M., Mäeots, M., Siiman, L. A., De Jong, T., Van Riesen, S. A., Kamp, E. T., … & Tsourlidaki, E. (2015). Phases of inquiry-based learning: Definitions and the inquiry cycle. Educational research review, 14, 47-61.
Spronken-Smith, R., Walker, R., Batchelor, J., O’Steen, B., & Angelo, T. (2012). Evaluating student perceptions of learning processes and intended learning outcomes under inquiry approaches. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 37(1), 57-72.
Voet, M., & De Wever, B. (2016). History teachers’ conceptions of inquiry-based learning, beliefs about the nature of history, and their relation to the classroom context. Teaching and Teacher Education, 55, 57-67.
Wiznia, D., Korom, R., Marzuk, P., Safdieh, J., & Grafstein, B. (2012). PBL 2.0: enhancing problem-based learning through increased student participation. Medical education online, 17(1), 17375.