Investigating The Effectiveness Of Business Information Systems Using A Case Study

System Vision Document

Problem Description: The main issues that the system can be facing during its lifetime is the malfunctioning of the system. The sensors that will be connected to the system may not work time to time or can get completely damaged. This will result in sensors not able to sense the presence of the cars. The printer that will be attached to the system may not be working properly and may print miscalculated charges on the screens. The system will store all the data in the system database and if any bug remains in that code, the system will not be able to fetch data from the data in specific cases. This can cause hassle for the customer as the fixed customer may requested to pay though their cards are already have enough balance. The system does not provide any other method of accessing the parking area except the ticketing method. If the tickets is lost then the customer will need to be waiting for the administrator to manage all the tasks manually. This manual process can take a lot of time.

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Major System Capabilities: The prime capabilities of the system are as following.

  1. The system will be able to recognize the customer type through the tickets
  2. The system will do most of the tasks automatically
  • The sensors can sense the presence of the cars
  1. The system will monitor all the entries and exits

Possible Business Benefits: The system will have a display in both the pillars. The organization can use this display to show advertisements. This will be an additional way of making profit from the business. The system will charge the customers for the time they have parked their cars. This is the main process of making profit.

Stakeholder and User Descriptions: There are two type of customers in the system such as external and internal. The list of the stakeholders are given below.

Customer: The customers are the heart of the business. They will pay for the services acquired. The customers are the external stakeholders. They have the most influence over the system.

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Owner (Collin): The owners are the most powerful internal stakeholder of the system. The system related costs and profits will be provided to the owner. 

Technicians: The technicians will be responsible for maintaining the system. The technicians will be checking the system and make required changes in the damaged devices or mitigate the errors in the application.

Government: The government makes rules and regulations. The system should be made by following these rules and the system must operate amending the laws.

Figure 1: The Stakeholder Map of ATM System

(Source: Created by Author)

Product Overview: The system will be produced using the Object Oriented Methodology. If the requirement are identified properly then the system will be able to include all the functionalities which are required to support business. The requirement analysis is also a crucial task. The quality of the system will be depending upon the how good the requirements are analyzed. The system will be able to support the customer from the entry to the exit. The system will be developed using object model, dynamic model and functional model. The system will be consisting of huge amount of code done in the coding phase of the project.

Analysis of Functionality

The system will allow the users to issue ticket for week, month or year. This functionality create two different type of customer. The customer who will issue ticket for a certain period of time will be categorized as fixed customer and others will be ordinary. The system will calcite the stay of the car in the parking area. The system automatically calculate the charges based on the time and day. In case of fixed customer, the payment will be collected from the ticket. The ordinary customers have to pay manually using card or cash. The system will track the entry and exit of every person within the parking area.

The primary resource of the project is the technology. The system will be developed by connecting the sensors, other hardware devices to the core system. The database will storing the data collected by the system that is why the database is a crucial resource. The system also require proper human resource to be completed. All the project team members must have idea about the OO methodology and information system. Another vital resource of the system is the hardware devices. The hardware must be checked before purchasing. All the devices must have at least six months of guarantee. 

Risk Analysis: the project has various risks such as following.

  1. The less technical resources is a severe risk in the project. The risk is identified as technology risk. It has high impact on project and has medium likelihood. The project manager must create popper planning before purchasing the hardware so that during project no issue can be faced.
  2. The improper scheduling is another risk of the project. This risk is identified as the scheduling risk. The mitigation strategy is avoidance. The risk has high impact on project and the likelihood is high. The project manager must be analyzing all the project related information before scheduling the project.
  3. The increase in the cyber-attacks poses a major risk to the project. The system will be always under the threat of hacking and data theft. The hackers can get access to the system and steal all the information without leaving a trace. This is a technical risk. It has high impact on the project and medium likelihood.
  4. Less amount of Project Team Member is a great risk in the project. The object oriented is required extensive human labor. If the amount of team members are not present in adequate number then completing the project within time can be great difficulty. This risk is a resource risk. It has high impact on the project and has low likelihood.

Acceptance Criteria: The project will be accepted as successful if all the following criteria are met.

The system must be able to recognize cars approaching the parking area 

Validation of the user

Ticket generating is done as per organization policy

The ticket is accepted by the system at the time customer is exiting

The system tracking the entry and exit of each person

Thezsystem carries out most of the tasks without human intervention

The system takes no more than five second to process a customer request 

The propose outcome of the project is parking management system. This system will generate tickets for two different types of customers. The system is responsible for tracking the entry and exit of the customers as well as other persons. A database will record all the organizational data. The system will be automatic in terms of managing the operations within the environment. There is a server in the system that will connect the system with the other parking systems around the city. Interface will be embedded into the pillars will be functioning as the input from the users. All the system will be running in real time. 

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