Investigating A Digital Disruption
Business Background
AI is defined as artificial intelligence which is a simulation of consumer process by using machines, and computer systems. This process involves learning, reasoning, and self-correction and many organizations use such technology to improve their productivity and efficiency. There are various kinds of application, for example, speech recognition, machine vision, automation and many more (Anighoro, Bajorath, and Rastelli, 2014). In the last few years, the use of artificial intelligence has increased by 40% and it is used to perform a particular task. DAISEE is an information technology company that uses artificial intelligence technology for voice recognition and other applications. It is observed that there are many other emerging technologies, for example, Siri in apple, natural language process in consumer service chat-bot, data mining in business applications, and smart car system produced by Tesla. This report is categorised into main three parts such as business background, the impact of artificial technology, and the challenges and opportunities offered by AI in the future. Most companies collected a large amount of data from consumers but they are not able to process them and waste time and money to store unwanted data. To avoid this types of issues information technology develop a new approach that is AI which can analysis the data and find the pattern that consumers begin cannot perceive.
DAISEE is deep artificial intelligence software for enterprise ecosystems which is the bridge between artificial intelligence and commercial applications which enables the drives business growth and plan development at very high speed. This company was founded in the year 2017 by Richard Kimber in Sydney that produces a unique approach to create a significant value for consumers by providing the AI technology. The team of Daisee involves veterans from biggest brands, for example, Oracle, McKinsey, NAB, Google, Teradata, and HSBC. It starts the business issues that artificial intelligence can solve in less time. This organization involves the software engineers and data scientists that required to develop and build intelligence projects, for example, Akuity and Lisa. Lisa is an advanced artificial intelligence which is developed by Daisee to improve call centre regulatory compliance, controlling and managing risks. It listens to all conversations every minute of each day and flagging compliance and non-compliance in the real time. In this organization, the data scientist and engineers combine academic expertise and advanced technologies with big tech commercial experience to create optimal solutions. They provide a platform to communicate with each other and analysis the human’s large data by using artificial intelligence technology. Lisa is an enterprise-ready speech analytics solution generates with the future in mind and it has the ability to provide ROI for business industries.
Digital Disruption Analysis
Artificial intelligence is a transformative impact on many industries and it provides a platform to analysis and control a large amount of data. It also helps employees to predict arrival times or issues that may arise and it helps scientists or engineers learn how to solve the issue of cancer in a more effective manner (Banda, et al., 2011). Many agriculture industries use this approach to find out how to grow more food with the help of natural resources. The recent student indicated that the use of AI technology has increased by 40% in the last five years and this rate will be increased by 14% in the next 10 years. There are numerous industries that use such kind of technology to improve they’re productive for example, health care, manufacturing, financial service, and public sector. According to AI theory, more than 400 senior executives are working in the different countries to provide AI techniques such as France, Mexico, Thailand, the US, Poland and the UK. The main aim of this investigation is to understand the impact of artificial intelligence in current industries with their potential. It has the ability to increase productivity by 90%, and more than 69% job creation in various countries (Cagiltay, 2007). It is observed that 9 out of 10 experts across the world evaluate the importance of artificial intelligence to solve the problems of an organization. It is a new trend to control and monitor any kind of situation by using artificial technologies and Diasee developed Lisa which helps to analysis the human data. There are many industries which use the concept of artificial intelligence in an effective manner which are described below:
It is estimated that most of the manufacturing industries are using AI technology by which they controlled their business by 30%, and enhanced productivity by 40%. A recent study suggested that in the year 2025 the cost of industrial robots will be reduced by 65% and the use of this approach will grow (Chen, Chiang, and Storey, 2012). Most the manufacturing industries uses Microsoft Azure and AI technology to handle the issue of data analysis and they have produced more than 199 solutions for manufacturers.
According to the theory of AI, around 29% risk management, 21% social engagement and 20% health care industries are using artificial intelligence technique. With the help of this approach, people can leave their clinical workforce free and they can solve the more complex situation, for example, high complexity diagnostics (Dong, Li, and Chen, 2013). The artificial intelligence technology also helps to decode the immune system and reduce the health-related disease.
It is identified that the around 34% public sectors are using AI technology for machine learning program because it has the potential to make smart cities cleaner and help to control the level of traffic signal and cyber-crime. In next five years, the use of AI technology in the area of the public sector will grow by 47% and it also helps to address the traffic deaths and collision in Washington (Fethi, and Pasiouras, 2010).
In which around 30% customer service and 32% predictive analytics industries use the concept of artificial intelligence. They use mini AI robots to shift products from one location to another and collect the data or information of consumers. Target and fluid developed the artificial technology in their businesses and they are using IBM Watson AI process produced by IBM which provides items as per requirement of consumers. This technology also helps Fluid to provide more personalized services and interactive experience during online shopping. A recent theory of AI observed that Target find out a teenage girl that was pregnant before her parents did and it can share any kind of detail across the world.
It is a very common information technology area where artificial intelligence technique is used and provides a way to improve the privacy of consumer’s data. Data analysis and machine learning both are very important key factors of artificial intelligence which can offer the security of data from a hacker by identifying the unauthentic servers (Gubbi, et al., 2013). It uses machine learning program that mimics consumer’s experiential learning and blocks the unwanted signals that enter into the human personal computer devices. A recent study observed that AI technology addressed the issue of ransomware and DDOS attack by 40% and many biggest business industries adopted this program to secure their private details.
Healthcare and Life Sciences
Education is another sector where artificial intelligence is used and one of the primary uses of AI technique is in grading that control time taken by the student to perform a task. It is also used to analysis a large amount of consumer’s data and produce personalized lessons for children and adults based on earlier knowledge pattern (Guo, et al., 2013). Artificial intelligence does not replace the teacher but it can help them to share their knowledge in an effective manner.
It is one of the most important applications of artificial intelligence to control and monitor the growth of food by using several natural sources. This business industry is producing the automatic robots programmes to control routing agricultural tasks like crop reaping at large human labourers. Recently they developed a predictive analytics-driven process with the help of machine learning models to track and predict the effect on crop harvest confronted by unreliable climate changes. It is predicted that in future the use of artificial intelligence in major industries will grow by 40% and they can easily solve any complex situation like data analytics (Gupta, and Denton, 2008). In current industries, AI technology improves engagement between customers and companies by correctly predicting their demands which can increase their value in the market. It can gain a deeper understanding of companies customers, produced detailed consumers files, provide job opportunities to students and individuals and it also helps to control security-related issues like cyber-attack and data breaching.
There are numerous organizations developed an artificial intelligence program and increased their productivity and businesses (Heng, et al., 2009). There are various kinds of challenges faced by this technology during the implementation of prescriptive and predictive analytics solutions which are described below:
This approach is very costly because it used advanced computer software and tools to collect the large quantity of human data and analysis them. Only a few experts know the concept of AI technology due to which an organisation who wants to implement this technology requires the education and training program for their employees which take more cost.
The most organization included AI technology in their business but they are not able to demonstrate clearly why it does and what it which creates a big problem. Term provability is defined as the level of mathematical certainty behind artificial predictions and there is no option which can prove that the reasoning behind the artificial intelligence approaches decision making is clear (Holzinger, Dehmer, and Jurisica, 2014).
Public Sector
It is a very serious concern for every industry because the security of human data or information is not an easy task. Artificial intelligence collects a huge amount of consumer data and it cannot secure these all data in a computer system. A recent study observed that hackers used malicious software to produce unauthentic networks and they transfer them on the computer devices of employees. Due to which they click on unwanted signals and hackers collected their all personal data or information by using a complex algorithm (O’Leary, 2013). Data breaching and cyber-attack both are very important security threats that occur into artificial intelligence and most the hackers demand money to restore their private details by which company can suffer financial issue. In future, this problem will grow very quickly because the use of social media and internet is increasing day by day due to which AI technique cannot handle the huge quantity of data at a time (Ramchurn, et al., 2012).
The key problem face with AI technology is that they are only as good or as bad which creates the problem of uncertainty. Proprietary algorithms are involved to identify who’s called for an occupation interview. If the bias lurking in the algorithm that creates vital decisions goes unrecognized then it can increase the unethical consequences. For example, Google photos use AI technology to find individuals, scenes and objects but it can display the wrong outputs as well as. In future, this kind of biases will be more accentuated as most artificial intelligence processes will continue to be trained with the help of bad data (Omoteso, 2012).
There are various kinds of opportunities offered by artificial intelligence in future, for example, analysis of huge data, understanding the concept of big data, making smart robots for manufacturing and retailers industries, developing smarter assistants, for tracking competitors, understanding emotion, and generating new jobs for students in the sector of information technology.
Artificial intelligence is a new trend in the area of information technology that has potential to analysis the huge data and control and peripheral devices from any location. Many organizations are using such technology to improve the productivity and efficiency of their business. Diasee provided the artificial intelligence programmes to their consumers and they also developed their own AI robot that can listen to the conversation of every person. This report described the impact of AI technology in current industries and challenges and opportunities offered by AI in future. Companies should ensure that they provide proper education and training program to their employees during the implementation of AI. They should develop their own security strategies and policies to handle the issue of cyber-crime and data breach, for example, a firewall, an encryption technique, cryptography and many more.
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