Introduction To Christian Ethics For Sexual Practices
Wealth, Poverty, and Property in the Christian Faith
The central idea behind the scriptural teaching regarding the wealth, the poverty and the property refers to the fact that all the things within the world as well as the world at large belongs to the Almighty God. The concept further states that every single thing that is enjoyed by the people living in the world should be considered to be a gift from the Almighty. The scriptures stated that the people residing within the world were not the owners of anything. The scriptures further stated that the people living in the world should bear respect towards the several things that are being used by the people living in the world (TEEC 2017: 16.2).
The creation story as according to the Christian faith is contained within the scriptures of the religion. The first creation story is contained in the Genesis 1:1 – 2:4. The second creation story is contained in the holy scripture of Genesis 2:4 – 2.25 (TEEC 2017: 17.3).
The Genesis 1:28 states that the human beings were assigned with the responsibility of caring for the creation. This means that the human beings have been entrusted with the duty of caring for the various creations of the world. The human beings on the surface of the earth should not be abusing the creations of the world for meeting their own short-term gains. The human beings are expected to look after the fact that the all the other creatures of the earth are being cared for in their daily lives (TEEC 2017:18.5).
The five eras of the history of the sexual ethics are as enlisted below.
- The Old Testament Era
- The New Testament Era
- The transition from the Biblical times to the Reformation Era
- The Reformation, and
- The Modern Times(TEEC 2017: 19.3-19.5)
The term ‘patriarchy’ is derived from the Latin word for ‘father’. The term refers to the rule of the patriarchs. The term generally refers to the ideology that tends to deal with the closure of the women from the public arena through the implementation of arrangements in the economic, legal as well as political spheres. In a patriarchy the men are granted more power than their female counterparts. The patriarchal societies tend to cater more power to the male members of the society than to the female members of the society (TEEC 2017: 20.1).
The various factors that tend to shape marriage in the continent of Africa are enlisted below.
- The traditional culture and the experience
- The experiences of oppression and colonialism
- The various religious experiences, majorly Christianity, and
- The contemporary and modern experiences(TEEC 2017: 21.1).
The four basic positions that are held by the contemporary theological opinions in regards to homosexuality are enlisted below.
- Rejecting, punitive
- Rejecting, non-punitive
- Qualified acceptance, and
- Full acceptance(TEEC 2017: 22.11)
The economy refers to the study of the usage of the limited resources that are present on the earth. The Biblical scriptures tend to discuss the various factors that are related to the value of the labor, the concept of the work that is required for the preservation of the creation of the Almighty (TEEC 2017:23.6).
Justice refers to the activities that involve the protection of the poor and the disabled. The Biblical view on justice states that the powerless and the voiceless need to be protected. The Old Testament states that the widows should be protected from deprivation and let to live on the land that they shared with their husband (TEEC 2017:23.8).
Creation in the Christian Faith
The economic matters that have been highlighted in the gospel text Mark 10:17–31 discusses the factors that are related to the distribution of the wealth among the poor sections of the concerned society. The concept of helping the poor would help in the establishment of the equality among the various members of the society. The teachings of Jesus aimed to promote the sense of the communal feeling among the various members of the society. The gospel text states that the disciples who shared their belongings and adhered to the sense of community as discussed by Jesus, were observed to have been more commodities and items then the ones who have not been sharing (TEEC 2017: 16.9). The movement that had been started by the disciples of the prophet helped in the establishment of the social conditions wherein all the members of the society possessed enough to sustain their lives.
The economic teachings that were discussed within the Acts 2:42–3:10 discusses the themes of equality within the community. The New Testament Text, Acts 2:42–3:10 deals with the description of the formation of a new community among the disciples of Jesus Christ. This community aimed to promote the equality among the various members of the community in terms of finance as well as commodities (TEEC 2017: 23.11).
The New Testament Text, Galatians 2:1–10, attempt a discussion on the matters that are related to the equality as well as the maintenance of the community principles. The Galatians 2:1–10 discusses the fact that the Almighty does not discriminate on the basis of the financial conditions of the concerned disciple of the Almighty. The Galatians 2:1–10 further discuss the promotion of the equality within the given community so as to help in the upliftment of poor (TEEC 2017: 23.10).
The Old Testament and the New Testament deal with the promotion of the equality within the community. The concept of helping the poor would help in the establishment of the equality among the various members of the society. The teachings of Jesus aimed to promote the sense of the communal feeling among the various members of the society. The biblical texts tend to discuss the reduction of the poverty within the given society. The resources tend to discuss ways in which the biblical economies had aimed to discuss the various factors related to equality within the community. The economic matters that have been highlighted in the gospel text Mark 10:17–31 discusses the factors that are related to the distribution of the wealth among the poor sections of the concerned society. The concept of helping the poor would help in the establishment of the equality among the various members of the society. The Biblical scriptures tend to discuss the various factors that are related to the value of the labor, the concept of the work that is required for the preservation of the creation of the Almighty. The Deuteronomy suggests that the Israelites should always be depicting the generosity towards the poor people and those who need the generosity. The Deuteronomy suggests that the poor sections of the society would always exist within the world. The Biblical texts advise that the Israelites should always be helpful to the concerned poor people of the society. This might help in the promotion of the equality of the various members within the given social boundaries. The story of Mark 14 upholds the view that the poverty exists within the society due to the negligence on the part of the members of the society who are capable of assisting the poorer sections of the society (TEEC 2017: 23.7).
History of Sexual Ethics in Christianity
The sexuality might be defined as anything that is related to the sexual matters within the life of people. These matters might include various factors that are related to the sexual desires of the person, the sexual love-affairs of the concerned person, the varied sexual activities, emotions, feelings and the sexual relationships that are maintained by the concerned members of the society (TEEC 2017: 19.2). The sexuality of a person, according to the Christian ethics, define the identity of the concerned person. The sexuality of a person might thus be considered to be one of the most essential elements of the identity of a person.
The major ethical dilemma within the given scenario is the fact that the sexual activity is being conducted by the teenage children who have little or no knowledge on the various consequences that might arise from the unprotected sexual activities. The ethical dilemma in this case further includes the incorrect explanation of the religious theories.
The ethical decision-making methods that were put forth by Judith Caron might help in educating the people who have been appointed in the leading roles of the congregation. The human sexuality includes the personal aspect of sexuality along with the functional aspect of the activity. The Christian faith in known to condemn adultery. The faith is known to acknowledge the sexual activities within the wedlock and is further known to have considered the events of birth and death to be awe-inspiring events within the lifetime of a person. The activities that the teenage children are involving in might be considered to be adulterous activities within the realm of the Church. The Old Testament of the Bible strictly discusses that even though adultery was forbidden for the society at large, the men of the society were allowed to maintain sexual relations with the women outside the wedlock. This practice depicts the acceptance of the patriarchy by the Biblical texts (TEEC 2017: 20.4). The Old Testament however, on the other hand had bound the women of the society with the concept of fidelity. This barred them from maintaining sexual relations with the men outside the wedlock.
The scenario in this case depicts the fact that both the girls as well as the boys who have been involved in the sexual activities are not bound by the wedlock. This might relate to the practice of adultery by the concerned teenagers. The other issue that needs to be highlighted in the discussion of the concerned scenario is the issue of the health of the girls who have involved in the act. The leaders of the congregation need to discuss the matters that are related to the various issues regarding the health of the concerned teenaged residents of the area.
The dilemma in this case might not be considered an ethical issue. The dilemma should majorly be considered to be a raging issue regarding the health of the teenaged residents of the area. The ethical factors that are related to the issue relate to the performance of the adultery on the part of the teenaged population within the area. The activities that the teenage children are involving in might be considered to be adulterous activities within the realm of the Church (TEEC 2017: 20.12). However, the major issue that has been an alarming issue in this case is the education regarding the after effects of pregnancy in the teenage of the concerned girls who have been involved in the sexual activities with the members of the local football club.
Factors Shaping Marriage in Africa
In case I had a child with a person outside wedlock or had my parents not been married, the decision on the advising the teenage population of the area would not have changed. The New Testament acknowledges the equal contribution of the women in the rearing of the child as compared to the men. The teachings of Jesus reveal the fact that the women should hold equal footing within the society and should not be treated with hypocrisy by the concerned leaders of the society. Thus, I would have liked to claim my rights of rearing my child alone without the help of the any male member of the society. The teachings of Jesus as well as the New Testament suggest that the churches need to look beyond the stereotypes and thus help the single parents to hold on to their practices of rearing their child on their own.
In the religion of Christianity, the covenant is often used to represent the marriage. The Bible is often observed to have referred to the relationship shared by the human beings and the Almighty to be representing the relationship of marriage. The relationship that is existent among the human beings and the Almighty is often used in symbolizing the freedom in the decision of the two partners who decide to be in a wedlock with each other. The wedlock is often observed to have been surviving on the pillars of mutual respect and love among the nuptial partners. The covenant marriage assumes that both the parties, the man as well as the woman have been invited by God to enter into the Holy Communion with each other (TEEC 2017: 21.5-21.6). The covenant expects as well as anticipates the growth and the changes. The covenant marriage is known to have been flexible in nature due to the dynamic and the living nature of the relationship. The covenant marriage aims to bind the partners to each other while allowing them the scope to grow as well as challenge the set limits. The covenant marriages are generally observed to be lasting in nature.
The Catholic Church in the 12th century had recognized the marriage to be a sacrament. The same viewpoint is shared by the followers of the Anglican Church. The viewpoint shared by these two Churches relates to the fact that the partners in the marriage are tied together by Christ. The married couple is then to be representing the Divine Power through their union. The sacramental quality of the marriage is observed to be emerging within the marriage due to the various promises that are exchanged by the concerned couple as well as through the exchange of the intimate nature of self-giving as well as receiving between the partners of the marriage institution. The institution of marriage is often considered to be comparable to the union of the Church with Jesus Christ (TEEC 2017: 21.7). The sacramental viewpoint discusses marriage to help in encountering the humanizing and healing nature of love of God through the nuptial partner of the concerned person. The sacramental viewpoint describes marriage to be one of the processes that involve shared experiences on the part of the partners for the lifetime. The sacramental viewpoint of marriage aims at discussing the marriage to be linked to the expression of the Divine Love.
Contemporary Theological Opinions on Homosexuality
The Christian faith acknowledges the marriage of the two human beings to be a permanent affair. The wedlock is often observed to have been surviving on the pillars of mutual respect and love among the nuptial partners. The covenant viewpoint on marriage assumes that both the parties, the man as well as the woman have been invited by God to enter into the Holy Communion with each other. The covenant viewpoint of marriage aims to bind the partners to each other while allowing them the scope to grow as well as challenge the set limits (TEEC 2017: 21.6). The covenant marriages are generally observed to be lasting in nature. The sacramental viewpoint, on the other hand, describes marriage to be one of the processes that involve shared experiences on the part of the partners for the lifetime. The sacramental viewpoint of marriage aims at discussing the marriage to be linked to the expression of the Divine Love.
The given scenario discusses the conditions wherein a woman aims to divorce her husband on the grounds of religion and thereafter marry a person of the same religion. The ethical challenges that are faced in the given scenario refer to the challenges faced by the institution of marriage that has been binding the given couple.
The major areas wherein the Christians must express caution while attempting to look for the ethical solutions regarding the homosexual practices are enlisted below.
- The nature of the homosexual practices being morally binding for the society at large.
- The use of the Holiness Code in the light of a Christian ethical code. The churches should follow the Holiness Code in every aspect if they aim to implement the Holiness Code in cases of homosexuality.
- The viewing of the homosexual acts as opposing to the fertility issues within the given relationship(TEEC 2017: 22.6).
I would have presumed Susan and Thandi to be in a relationship that is not properly accepted by the Church. The homosexuality practices are not generally accepted by the Churches that follow the orthodox tradition. The churches like the Roman Catholic Churches, the Baptist Churches and the majority of the Pentecostal Churches tend to view the homosexuality as one of the perversions in the matters that are related to the sexual practices of the people following the Christian faith (TEEC 2017: 22.4). However, there are certain Church bodies like the Methodists and the Anglicans that have been attempting to break through the traditional aspects of the viewpoint towards homosexuality. Thus, the lesbian couple Susan and Thandi might gain the acceptance of the church due to the modernization of the given church.
I have been nurtured in the environment that has helped me embrace the various forms of love, both the homosexual as well as the heterosexual love with a similar viewpoint. The homosexuality practices are not generally accepted by the Churches that follow the orthodox tradition. I have always upheld the decisions that have been undertaken by the Church bodies like the Methodists and the Anglicans that have been attempting to break through the traditional aspects of the viewpoint towards homosexuality. These church bodies are known for the promotion of the homosexuality within the realm of Christianity. The Methodists and the Anglicans tend to uphold the liberal nature of the teachings of Jesus that claim that love is not related to the physical appearance of the concerned person.
My peers have always helped me to recognize the fact that the homosexuality generally involves the depiction of love of a human being towards another human being of the same sex. I personally aim to discuss the matters regarding homosexuality from the viewpoint of the theology of the inclusion of the concerned members within the society. This has helped me to reveal a wider thought perspective regarding the homosexuality. I have been pursuing extensive study on the acceptance of the homosexuality within the religion of Christianity. The extensive amount of reading regarding the homosexuality has helped me to understand the other people in a more open manner. The readings have helped me in learning more about the scriptures and in turn helped me to get rid of the fear that is found to be instilled in a majority of the Christians regarding the acceptance of the cult of homosexuality within the Christian culture. This has also helped in the broadening of the viewpoints that I had in the matters relating to the homosexual Christians.
Economy and Labor in the Christian Faith
Dear Susan,
I hope you are in the pink of your health these days. I hope Thandi too has been maintaining proper health condition. I am writing this letter to convey to you the various matters that are related to my thoughts on the homosexual practices and the acceptance of those practices within the realm of the Church. In this letter I would also like to discuss the ways in which the religious scriptures might be put to use to provide acceptance and affirmation to the homosexuals following the Christian faith. I would also discuss the ways in which the religious scriptures might also be used in order to discuss the condemnation of the homosexuals following the Christian faith.
The homosexuality, as discussed within the religious scriptures refer to the matters that have been pertaining to the sexual or the romantic relationship that exists between two people who belong to the same sex. The homosexuality practices are not generally accepted by the Churches that follow the orthodox tradition. The Church bodies like the Methodists and the Anglicans that have been attempting to break through the traditional aspects of the viewpoint towards homosexuality (TEEC 2017: 22.7). However, there are certain churches like the Roman Catholic Churches, the Baptist Churches and the majority of the Pentecostal Churches tend to view the homosexuality as one of the perversions in the matters that are related to the sexual practices of the people following the Christian faith.
The scriptures of Christian faith state that there are two different approaches that are undertaken by the religious heads in the matters that are related to the homosexuality. These approaches refer to the theological approaches of inclusion and the theological approaches of exclusion. The theology of inclusion refers to the acts and the practices of homosexuality to be a display of love between two people who have been belonging to the same gender (TEEC 2017: 22.9). The theory of inclusion helps in openness of the acceptance of the individuals who have choices that are not mainstream. The theory of the exclusion discusses the acts on the part of the concerned people who have been practicing homosexuality to be a display of perversion from the natural order that has been decreed by the Divine Being. The theology of exclusion as the name suggests excludes the homosexual people from the Churches and bars them from the Church life.
I would like to suggest you to continue with your life with Thandi. The Bible accepts the equality of all the people in the eyes of the Divine Being. The scriptures also accept the fact that love for the Divine can be demonstrated in any form. The Methodist and the Anglican church bodies are known for the promotion of the homosexuality within the realm of Christianity as well as uphold the liberal nature of the teachings of Jesus that claim that love is not related to the physical appearance of the concerned person (TEEC 2017: 22.8). I hope the letter conveys my take on the homosexual relationship that you are involved in.
Yours truly,
[Name of the Author]
Extension College 2017. Introduction to Christian Ethics 45261 Workbook 2 of 2. Theological Education by Extension College of Southern Africa.