Introduction To Business Process Management (BPM)
Fundamental of BPM
Fundamental of BPM
Governance framework
Describe the business process management or BPM is a famous management process?
The business process management or BPM is the most important system or technology which is used in various business models as well as in banking sector. The business process management or BPM is type of process or method by which banking sectors or business models are easily analyze the performance of the system or business model (Cumberlidge, 2007). The business process management or BPM is investigate the whole business model as well as banking sector by the help of some various parameters like data collecting by the business model head or organization data collector. In the banking sectors the business process management or BPM outcomes are depending on some various factors like customer or client relationship among the leader or bank manager. Basically banks as well as various organizations are mainly used business process management or BPM for monitoring and controlling the whole business model or system and this system also improve the business model by the help of the project management process or system. The defective areas in the business model are easily found by the help of the business process management or BPM and its various parameters. In business process management or BPM project management is a type of method, technology as well as skill by which the business model or banks are easily manage and controlling the whole business model and also remove its impurities.
The business process management or BPM is a top level of management system or process by which banks or business model are solved its all the problems regarding the business model (Greasley, 2003). The business process management or BPM is a type of computer based management technology or system, which is consist or design according to the user or customers wants. In other word, the outcomes of the business process management or BPM (computer based management system or technology) is depends on the business model outcomes for that reason in the business process management or BPM is design according to the banks or organization requirements.
The business process management or BPM system is also a user friendly management system or technology by which user or client can easily access the management system and also get outcomes according to user or client requirements. As we all knows that the bank economic model or economy is the heart of the every county’s economy. Without any banking services, organization as well as any business model can’t run smoothly (Jeston and Nelis, 2014). The banking sectors or business model is dependable on business process management or BPM, which is providing useful distribution of our liquid cash or capital as well as this management system is also providing useful protection to our liquid cash or capital and also providing security. The business process management or BPM system of bank is also play a vital role for developing economy for country.
The business process management or BPM is also helpful for the Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM), which is situated in Australia. In Bank of Golden merchants (BGM), Mr. Kevin Johnson is a process improvement manager, which analyzes the improvement of the business model or Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM). The Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) is situated in all over the Australia and approximately 200 branches are running at the same day. The service of the Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) is much better than other bank of Australia for that reason they having large numbers of client or customers (Fui-Hoon Nah, 2004). For improving the bank business Mr. Kevin Johnson is suggests some business policy, which integrated and improving the bank business process for present customers or clients as well as for new customers or clients. For that reason Mr. Kevin Johnson is appointed a special business improving team with its expert to measure and managing the business process and gives some suggestions for making large business as well as providing suggestion for better customers or client’s feedback.
Business process modeling
The main reason of the haring the suggestion team is for the better business model for the upcoming future years (Greasley, 2003). The customers or clients are the only ways to progress in this area. For that reason Mr. Kevin Johnson is appointed a team for this task to analyze the market area of the Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM). If Mr. Kevin Johnson is find out the best suggestion through its appointed team and then they easily increase the economy of the Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM). The customer’s or client services are really good in Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) and it is also having large numbers of customers or client in all over the Australia but they really want to increase the Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) service by the help of the customers or clients feedback and many more. For that reason they appoint a special team for that task.
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) consists and authorizes the guidelines which oversee the capital sufficiency of Australian banks or Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM). According to the recent arrangement of guidelines is a moderate utilization of the most recent arrangement of global capital norms issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), which are by and large, termed ‘Basel II’. Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) acquainted these norms with Australia in 2008 as an overhaul to the first arrangement of Basel principles is also known as ‘Basel I’ – that were executed in 1988. Fundamental to the configuration of the Basel capital norms is the ticket that a bank ought to expect capital in connection to remember probability of bringing about misfortunes (Pokharel, 2011). The benchmarks concentrate intensely on the meaning of capital and the estimation of risk.
The business process management or BPM system of the Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) in Australia is design or develop the system by the help of some various parameters. These all parameters are helps to implementation of the business process management or BPM system. The helpful parameters of the business process management or BPM system is shown in below.
- Preliminary test
- Determination necessities
- Plan for business model or system
- Progress of system or business model
- Model testing
- Outcomes
The basic business process management or BPM system or model is shown below, which is consist or develop by the help of its various parameters. All the parameters of business process management or BPM system are helps to development and analyze the whole business model as per the customers or organization (Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM)) requirements.
1. Preliminary test: The preliminary test of the business model, the section of the business process management or BPM system is consist two main and important parameters. One of the client or customer and the other is management system of the organization (Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM)). The preliminary test is incomplete without meet the two requirements, which is already discussed or mention in above (Seethamraju, 2012). The preliminary test is also consist some parameters, which are also providing helps for the outcomes or result after the executing the problem. The preliminary test parameters are shown in below.
• Appeal explanation
• Feasibility of business model
• System or technology viability
• Economic possibility
• Equipped Viability
• Request allow
2. Determination necessities: Determination of the necessities of the data or information is basically used for collecting the useful data and information. The business process management or BPM system is collecting all the useful data and information about the devices or connected system with internet communication services. It is also monitoring as well as managing whole the useful data (Al-Mashari, 2001). It is also have some parameters, which are dependable for the business process management or BPM system outcomes. It is also having some various kinds of parameters, which are shown in below.
• Business model useful data or information
• Onsite surveillance
• Perform consultations.
3. Plan for business model or system: In this section of business process management or BPM system is design by the help of various useful development process, which is inter related to. Plan for the business model or system are doing step by step, which are shown in below.
• interface development
• Customer or Client interface
• Communication or connection interface
4. Progress of system or business model: In this section of the business process management or BPM system are ready to testing with the help of the various parameters, which is already discussed in above. The implication of the business process management or BPM system of organization (Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM)) (Valiris and Glykas, 2004). The useful data or information of the business model (Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM)) and the details of customers or clients are solving by the help of this section of business process management or BPM system.
5. Model testing: The testing of the model or implementation of the useful data or information is identifying and examine according to the user interface and communication interface (Weske, 2007). The user is always defining the ways and the type of the examination or testing of the useful data or information.
6. Outcomes: The outcomes as well as the result of the business process management or BPM system is shown in this section. The useful data or the organization (Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM)) as well as customers or clients are implementing in this section (van der Aalst, 2004). The outcomes as well as result of the business process management or BPM system is always depend on the how to analyze it.
The business process management or BPM system or technology is most useful technology as well as system for banking sector and also for any organization. According to the case study Mr. Kevin Johnson is appointed its special team for analysis the customers or clients feedbacks and they also want to increase the Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) economy respect of the other banks.
For that reason the business improving team or expert of Mr. Kevin Johnson are collecting feedback and provided some basic suggestion. The provided suggestion by the business improving team or experts improve the Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) business process respect of the customers and clients, some of the suggestion is shown in below.
- Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) branches are provided international Debit card or VISA card also including with a life insurance coverage,
- Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) customers or client liquid capital are link with their current account for better benefit,
- Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) is also provided anywhere banking facility with higher amount withdrawal,
- Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) is also send regular basis liquid capital or account balance massages to clients or customers register contact number,
- Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) is collection customers or clients feedback within every quarter or monthly basis.
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