Introduction Of Management For Survival Curve Analysis

Section 1

Describe about the Introduction of Management for Survival Curve Analysis.

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According to Aalsma et al. (2015), the ability to do work effectively within a team is highly reliable on the personality traits of the person. A person might be in a teamwork, or the leader of a particular group, the personality traits of that person would judge the success of their work. Major traits like leadership, motivational support, compatibility, compromising behaviour, nature of the person, conflict personalities and tolerance to change are important in analysing the ability of the person.

This report aims at analysing  my personality traits by conducting nine tests namely Myers Briggs profile, Costa and McCrae big 5 personality traits, ,McClelland needs analysis, Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode instrument, leadership test, understanding groups and teams, human resource management, tolerance to change and organizational and structural design.

In order to build a successful team there must be a clear elevating goal, structural plan of progress, right number of team members with the right mix, commitment of the members,  collaborative climate , well maintained standards of excellence and  a principled leader. All these factors could help in creating one of the Ideal team for work (Kodatt et al.  2014).

In order to critically evaluate my personality traits, nine personality tests have been conducted In this report. The following nine tests are as follows :

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  • Myers Briggs Profile
  • Costa And McCrae Big 5 Personality Traits
  • McClelland Needs Analysis
  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
  • Leadership Test
  • Understanding Groups and Teams
  • Human Resource Management
  • Tolerance to Change
  • Organizational and Structural Design

These above mentioned nine tests has been conducted on myself. The results of the tests give a clear review of  critical analysing the personality traits of the respective person.

In Myers Briggs personality test, there are four sets of trait that are contradictory in nature. It would describe my character of either being extraverted or introverted, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling and judging or perceiving. Depending upon the combination of the following traits, sixteen possible combinations are found. Among the sixteen combinations, the result for my test was ENFJ. This means that the person Is 41% extravert, 44% Intuitive, 12% feeling , and 41% judging. According to Costa and McCrae Big 5 Personality traits, five traits of a person are taken into consideration that are based on analysing a list of questions. The five traits are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience (Funder 2015). After conducting this test, the result that I got, was that, I am moderate on the level of extraversion, high on agreeableness, conscientiousness, moderate over emotional stability and low towards the openness to experience. According to Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, the most dominant trait that I hold is that of a collaborating owl ,whereas, the second best dominant feature of mine is that of  an accommodating teddy bear  . According to McClelland motivational needs analysis, the four traits that a person must possess as a quality of motivation within oneself are achievement, affiliation, autonomy and power. The results for this test states that my score for achievement Is 22, for affiliation Is 18, autonomy Is 17 whereas for power Is 13.

Myers Briggs Personality

According to the other  self assessment tests, my score for  the leadership trait was a moderate level whereas human resource management scored a high level. Understanding the organizational structure and design was moderate where as the tolerance to change of workplace was quite high. The score for understanding the groups and teams was  indifferent to me.

Critical analysis of personality traits of a person helps to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of a person. In order to develop an effective and efficient personality, It is quite important that for me to get to know  about their own prevailing traits. It would help me to know their strengths and weaknesses and presents the with the scope of improvising the traits (Böckler et al. 2017).

One of the prime methods of testing the personality traits Is Myers Briggs Personality Test. According to Carl G. Jung theory of psychological types, people can be characterized by three contradicting traits are analysed as extraverted(E) or Introverted(I), sensing(S) or Intuition(N), thinking(T) or feeling(F). Later on  Myers Briggs analysed Jung’s prescribed personality traits and added a fourth content to It as judging(J) or perceiving(P). A questionnaire is set which calculates accordingly the traits that are dominant in the personality (Furnham,  Hyde and Trickey 2013).

The first criteria, extraversion or introversion, implies the base of the energy expression of a person. An extravert drives it cause from the outside environment whereas, an introvert drives the cause of energy from the inner environment . The second criteria, sensing or intuition, implies the method by which a person gains information. As per Fromm  (2013), sensing means  that the person is of the belief that it has received the information from the outside environment, whereas, intuition means that the person is of the belief that he or she receives the information from the internal  or imaginative world. The third criteria, thinking and feeling, implies the way in which the person process the information. Thinking implies that the person makes decisions through logic whereas, according to feeling the person plans his decisions based on what they feel or their emotions (Buss and Plomin 2014). The last or the fourth criteria Implies the ways of how the person Implements the Information that has been processed. Judging implies that the person sticks to the plans or rules made, whereas, perceiving earns that the person is inclined towards improvisation and exploration of alternative options. The permutations considered by these four dichotomies yield 16 different combinations that give a four letter acronym according to the combination of preferences.

Costa and McCrae Big 5 Personality Traits

After performing the test, the combination trait that I perceived depending upon my  personal trait Is ENFJ. This states that I am extraversion (41%), Intuition (44%), feeling (12%) and judging (41%). ENFJ are compassionate pedagogues of humanity. It shows that I have an immense personality which can Influence others with their impressive skills and exclusive salesmanship. I am the one who believes in my  dreams and consider myself  to be an enabler and helper. According to my trait ,  I am considered as global learners as I am able to  see the big picture before myself .I have a broad thinking perspective and can easily handle many responsibilities or projects simultaneously.  ENFJs are organized In their work and they know how to appreciate people. I have the most generous trait of neglecting their own needs for others. I take more of the burden than I can bear (Vachon et al.  2013).

The second prime personality test conducted in this report was Costa and McCrae Big 5 Personality Traits. This test is a 5 factor model of personality, that has an impressive body of research suggesting the dimensions of human traits. According to this model, the five kinds of character are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience. The scores that are perceived by performing the test was as follows-

  • Extraversion score was 9
  • Agreeableness score was 12
  • Conscientiousness score was 12
  • Openness to experience was 6

According to my extraversion and emotional stability score, I had a moderate score, agreeableness and conscientiousness score was high ,whereas, openness to experience was low.  This predicts that i am is trustworthy, consistent, methodical, organised , able to plan and determined. I tend to have higher job presentation in my occupation. I am low on being an analyst of the capability to realize important reimbursement from the guidance efforts.

The third test conducted in the report was McClelland motivation needs analysis. This test was designed to deal with the four individual needs of a human personality, such as , achievement, autonomy, affiliation and control. Accomplishment implies the need to gain success and improve on past recital. Affiliation implies the desire to interact socially and to accept by others (Brown 2016). Autonomy implies the desire to be self directed whereas, power implies the desire to empower and direct others. The scores after conducting such test on myself was 22 for achievement, 18 for affiliation, 17 for autonomy and 13 for power. for the respective person, the highest score is for achievement. This means that achievement is the most dominant trait for me. my personal achievement matter more ,rather than the rewards of success. McClelland found that people with high achievement score differentiate themselves  from others by the desire to do things better. I prefer to work in challenging circumstances with the high desire of doing things (Costa Jr and McCrae 2013).

McClelland motivation needs analysis

The fourth test that is conducted which is quite vital in order to analyse the personality trait of a person Is Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. According to this test, based on a set of questionnaire, a person is categorised as a competing shark, collaborating owl, accommodating teddy bear, avoiding turtle or a compromising fox (Kamphuis  and Delahaij 2015). The choice is done, based on the lowest score that a person has achieved. after conducting the test, the dominant style that was achieved as a result was that of an collaborating owl, and the back-up style was that of an accommodating teddy bear. Owls are used to personify the collaborating behaviour of a person, as the owls use the collaborating or confronting style as a conflict management style. The owls find the solution to various conflicts in an association by finding agreeable solutions (Riasi and Asadzadeh 2015). The advantage of such a behaviour is that both the parties easily achieve what they desire for, and the disadvantage of this behaviour is that it take a great deal of time and effort to overcome the conflict. I hold an ideal for the situation when maintaining relationships, when time Is not a concern for coming up to any decisions, when peer conflict Is Involved and while trying to gain commitment through harmony. my back-up style Is  of being an accommodating teddy bear where the trait of smooth conflict management style is highlighted. Teddy bears ignore their own goals and they resolve conflicts by giving into other (Csikszentmihalyi and Wong 2014). The advantage of such a behaviour Is that It helps to maintain an accommodating behaviour, yet the disadvantage Is that such a behaviour may not be productive (Prather and Bates 2015).

Apart from the four major tests, various other self assessment tests have also been conducted on leadership, tolerance to change, human resource management, understanding groups and teams and organizational and structural design. The score perceived after conducting the leadership test was 32. The score Is quite moderate score, which shows I could be trusted as a leader up to a certain limit. After conducting the tolerance to change test, my score towards tolerance to change was 65. It is quite a high score, which states that  I am quite flexible in nature. Thereby, I easily adapts the change in the work environment (Mischel 2013). According to the test for organizational structure and design, the score professed was 57. This states that i have no clear preference regarding the organizational structure or design. According to the human resource management test, the score was 8. It Is quite a high score which shows that I have enough information regarding the human resource management. The test regarding understanding the groups and teams, the score was 29. This a moderate score which shows that I face no issues while working within the group and neither have  a problem in working alone.

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument

According to Jeon et al. (2015), after the critical analysis of all the nine tests conducted, it can be said that I have good traits of being an efficient leader. The qualities would help me gain the trust of people by creating a friendly atmosphere In the workplace. Yet, there are various aspects where the person has to pay more attention in order to upgrade its personality traits.

As stated by McShane and Von GlInow (2015), based on the analysis of the nine tests conducted to analyse the personality traits of a person, there are various aspects on which the respective person must lay more emphasis. Maintaining an efficient leadership quality is the basic motive of conducting such tests. I am  easily adjustable and flexible in maintaining the organizational rules and structures. More stress must be laid by me on creating a stable mindset that would focus on the rules and structures of the organization. I must raise my standard in monitoring the team, that would help to achieve the ideal position of being an efficient leader (Erdei et al. 2014). I must be more open, speak about their feelings , give generous credit to others , show fairness and consistency at work, follow commitments and maintain confidence among others.

The disadvantages of being an accommodating teddy bear must be avoided. I should not give in quite easily. To lose my perspectives In front of others would let others take advantage. It would hamper the image of being an efficient leader.  It is quite important for me to set a realistic Image thereby being successful In reaching their goals.

For a person to act as an efficient member of the team , I need to be loyal to the organization, be able In handling the responsibilities, able to motivate the team members and Implement the strategy  plans made by providing the team mates with a direction. I should possess good character traits and have complete Information regarding the organization, the people of the team , and Itself.


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Section 2

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