Intervention Plan For Educating Nurses On Health Promotion
Components of Intervention Plan for Health Promotion
Health promotion is defined as the combination of political, environmental, educational, regulatory or organizational mechanisms that helps each in the population to improve their life. Nurse play important role in promoting awareness related to health. Therefore, nurses should acquire sound knowledge about the disease, show empathy towards patients and address the problem of the patient in health premises in order to provide superior care to the patient. Therefore, this paper will discuss an intervention plan for educating nurses, a theoretical foundation for teaching nurses, ethical issues arises in healthcare setting and legislation designed for education in following paragraphs.
Intervention Plan Components:
Health promotion is defined as the combination of political, environmental, educational, regulatory or organizational mechanisms that helps each in the population to improve their life. Therefore, there are few components of intervention plans that will enhance the intervention plans for health promotions where the target population is nurses. These components involve communication teamwork and training. These components help the nurses, students and nurse educator to develop the non-technical skills in their field which is essential to treat patients. Communication is one of the important since it supports the development of non-technical skills during high fidelity simulation scenario that student will incorporate in their practices (Riley, 2015). Teamwork will help nurse students to work with the support of coworker or co-members and training will help students achieve skills that they will incorporate in practice (Valentine, Nembhard & Edmondson, 2015)
Cultural respect is the vital part of nurses practices which improve access to superior health care that is compatible with the needs of the patient. Cultural needs such as cultural awareness and knowledge help each individual of the target population to communicate with patients and coworkers with an open mind. Cultural skills allow the nurses to collect relevant data about the patient and help them to understand the condition of patient from the aspect of culture. It also helps to avoid stereotypical assumption about the coworkers along with patients. In Colombia, individuals hold on to different health believes that affect the quality of life (Herrero-Hahn, 2018). African, American and Indian culture influences the Colombian culture. Mostly Roman Catholic influence in the clinical setting influence non-technical practices in a setting of Missouri University and critical thinking of nurses.
The conceptual model that will impact the design of intervention plan is Peplau’s interpersonal relations theory which focuses on the nurse-client relationship and therapeutic process that takes places in the clinical setting (Hochberger & Lingham, 2017). Communication that occurs in a clinical setting generally involves the factors such as culture, environments, and practices and beliefs in a clinical setting. Five phases of that model that improve the communication in nursing are involving orientation phase, identification phase, exploitation phase and resolution phase. The strategy from other disciplines will impact the intervention plan components is collaboration. Collaborating with different experiences of the multidisciplinary team helps nurses to improve the communication skills and enhance the critical thinking (Hochberger & Lingham, 2017). The healthcare technology that is relevant to the intervention plan is a high fidelity simulation tool that helps the nurses to enhance the technical and non-technical skills (Aqel & Ahmad, 2014).
Cultural Respect in Nursing Practices
Peplau’s interpersonal relations theory is one of the theoretical models for intervention plan that facilitates the communication between the nurses and patients. Orientation phase helps the nurses to engage the patient in a patient, the identification phase helps the nurses to understand the area of problem, and exploitation phase allows nurses to build a relationship between nurses and patient. Resolution helps in effective communication (Valentine, Nembhard & Edmondson, 2015). Collaboration is one of the strategies in a multidisciplinary team that will increase the connection between each individual and enhance the critical thinking of nurses (Mueller et al., 2015). High fidelity simulation helps to improve the interpersonal communication skills of nurses of the university.
Relevant stakeholders of this intervention plan are not only the patient but also nursing students, professional nurses and nurse educator. In this case, midwifery is also considered as the stakeholder. There are few health care policies are essential for designing successful intervention plan. These relevant health care policies that impact the intervention plans involve the right to health policy that focuses on human rights when providing the care to the patient. World health organization reported that every country follows this policy when providing the care to the patient. Medical research policy is also adopted by healthcare setting which solely focuses on evidence-based practices in healthcare setting and subject of health care policies (Holloway & Galvin, 2016).
Nurse practice act legislated in each country that provides an opportunity to nurses for practices within their geographic boundaries. The purpose of this act is to protect the public and enhance the standard of the methods. Human rights act 1998 is another act legislated that helps the patient to claim their legal rights when they receive any care from nurses. Moreover, it also protects many ill practices of nursing and medical that can influence the common life (Chism, 2017).
Governing bodies that will impact the intervention plan are the ministry of health who ensures that nurses in the clinical practices should follow every policy and use critical thinking during dealing with the patient. Moreover, nurses also. Furthermore, the finance minister also takes a huge role since finance minister ensures the medical researches and patient care in the hospital.
In the traditional medical setting, nurses experience ethical challenges every day while providing the care to the patient. There are six ethical issues frequently arises while delivering the care to the patient. These issues involve the reluctance towards the patients; disrespect the family members of the patients, injustice to patience, bridge confidentiality. In the majority cases, nurses bridge privacy of the patient without taking the legal permission ((Riley, 2015). Therefore, patients and family members of the patients lost faith. In a few cases, nurses lack the empathy and thinking capability to understand the issues that patients are experiencing.
Consequently, the care nurses provide the patients received from the organization or nurses decreases the rapidly (Parahoo, 2014). In a few cases, even nurses are not transparent about the disease or health issues to the family and implementation plan that will be given to the patients (Aqel & Ahmad, 2014). One of these legal issues such as bridging confidentiality rapidly affects the organization as the patients lost all the faith in the organization and reputation of the organization destroyed (Chism, 2017). In this healthcare practices, the transparency and reluctance affect the most regarding giving care to the patient since many healthcare practitioners is not transparent to the patients and unable to achieve the satisfaction in providing care.
Thus it can be concluded that in order to promote health awareness the nurses should have sound knowledge about the disease in order to proceed with the proper implementation plan. However, the majority of the nurses lack the sound knowledge about the disease and mostly shows the reluctance when they provide care. Therefore, the components of intervention plans, the theoretical foundation help nurses to gain adequate knowledge about the disease, the area of weaknesses and other factors that affect life. There are few ethical issues arises in healthcare premises that affect the reputation of organization. With proper legislation and policies, these issues can be reduced.
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