Interprofessional Education For A Review And Analysis Of Programs From Three Academic Health Centers
Effective Interprofessional Learning for Improving Patient and Professional Environment
Discuss about the Interprofessional Education for A Review And Analysis Of Programs From Three Academic Health Centers?
Successful interprofessional learning can develop students ability to communicate and work with other professionals, potentially improving the environment for service users and professionals. It is to be made sure that it does not prevent each professional group from learning skills and knowledge specific to their professionInter-Professional Collaborative Practice highlights towards a safe, accessible, high quality and patient centered care (Aston et al., 2012). This course mainly aims towards the implementation of fundamental principles and skills for the health professionals in order to attain effective inter-professional collaborative practice.
According to Health care professional conduct (HCPC), Interprofessional Education (IPE), also known as inter-professional education or “IPE”, refers to occasions when people from two or more professions in health and social care learn together during all or part of their professional training with the object of cultivating collaborative practice (, 2016). Centre for the Advancement of Inter-professional Education (CAIPE) states that effective IPE develops and reinforces collaborative competence, employing interactive learning methods to enhance mutual understanding of each other’s roles and responsibilities. People explore ways in which their professions can work together to respond more fully, more effectively and more economically to the multiple and complex needs presented by individuals, families and communities in contemporary society.
Communication failures in the healthcare teams are found to be associated to various medical errors and negative health outcomes. The findings related to this article found to emphasize more on the ‘future training health professionals’ in order to work efficiently within the team. The Tram Strategies and the Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) communication training model are widely employed to the train healthcare teams. It has been less commonly used to train the student inter-professional TeamsSTEPPS training in impacting the student attitudes, skills and knowledge based on the inter-professionals communication protocol (Brock et al., 2013).
Communication is an important element of all forms of care delivered to the community with respect to health and social care services (Cranford & Bates, 2015). The care of patients inevitably involves many individuals, and there is a need to share patient information and take up discussion on the management of the whole health and social care unit. As a result, there is a growing interest in the use of communication technologies for supporting the proper functioning of healthcare and social care services. Research shows that there is a positive relationship between the communication skills of the team members of the healthcare system and the capacity of the patient to follow the recommendations, management of a chronic medical complication and prevention of health behaviours. The perception of patients coming to the health care settings for getting services and achieving better outcomes are highly dependent on the quality of the interaction taking place with the healthcare team. Research data also shows that there are benefits of effective communication within the members of the health care setting. These are mainly in relation to patient outcomes as the main aim of health and social care settings is to deliver a good experience of care and patient satisfaction (Wilhelmsson et al., 2013).
Overview of Interprofessional Education (IPE) and its Importance in Health and Social Care
Communication in healthcare system influences the working relationship quality and job satisfaction to a large extent. Profound effects on patient safety are also highlighted. When such communication is taken up in an effective manner, responsibilities and tasks are completed in a proper manner and the turnover of the healthcare professionals are reduced. Improved job satisfaction facilitates the culture of mutual respect and support that has a positive impact on working relationship (Lapkin et al., 2013). There lies a direct relationship between the satisfaction of the professionals and the ability to maintain a rapport within themselves. Expression of care and warmth are very much welcomed. The elements that contribute to health care team satisfaction due to proper communication are feelings of support, being valued, respected, understood, and clear understanding of fair compensation and work equity. Communication skills can be improved upon and learnt. Such improvements must be supported and regularly taken up by health and social care settings. For such positive approaches to happen there must be commitment and patience. Given the wealth of proof on the link between ineffective communication in health and social care setting and increased risk for malpractices, patient dissatisfaction, poor health outcomes and non-adherence to rules, there is a need for addressing the deficits in communication skills with utmost importance (Sheppard et al., 2015).
Collaboration in the health care system is mainly defined as the health care professionals assuming complementary roles and cooperatively working together. Collaborative Working in the Inter-Professional Education system also focuses towards the factors of sharing responsibilities for problem solving and thereby making decisions in order to formulate and carry out plans for patient care. Collaborative Working among the nurses, physicians and other health care professionals tend to increase the factor of awareness among the team members. This is mainly accomplished by implementing skills and knowledge and thereby effectively leading to continue improvement in decision making associated to a certain factor (Delunas & Rouse, 2014). An Effective team is mainly characterized by the elements of respect, trust and collaboration. One of the most greeted proponents, which are found to be associated to Collaborative Working, includes Deming. Teamwork is considered as an endemic to the system where all the employers works together in order to achieve a positive outcome and there defines a certain goal. Thus, the factor of achieving a common goal and providing significant strategies to achieve the aim plays a vital role in teamwork. Compiling all these parameters definitely projects towards a successful teamwork model (Thistlethwaite, 2012).
The Role of Communication in Interprofessional Working and Its Impact on Patient Outcomes
Collaborative work is considered to be one of the significant aspects regarding health and social care. Collaboration is considered to be connected to the modernization of the social and health care system. This is considered to be one of the major aspects of a good collaborative work frame will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire health and social care framework. In some of the European countries such as Sweden and other western European countries, the government and authorities emphasize on the citizen-based personal activity for the purpose of good contact with the respective welfare state. The welfare state policy makers nowadays are combining, benefits cuts, this aspect will help in combination with the citizen right, human rights along with the different obligations relating to the exercise choices as well. It is very much important that there is a collaborative framework between the service users and the professionals. There is also a need for good collaboration mindset among the various professionals also. This can be highlighted as an integral part of the health and social care services as well. There is no point of doubt that the service users should also be involved in the entire health and social care service framework. The achieve this goal two significant aspects should be kept in considerations. These two aspects are the relationship between the active citizen and the active service user. The second aspect is the customer-oriented perspective (Reeves et al., 2013).
To achieve a proper and efficient collaborative working framework, some methods or models should be implemented. These models are mainly of a didactic framework program. A community experience based framework along with an interprofessional simulation-based workshops should also be considered and incorporated. The didactic program helps the interprofessional team to build the good amount of knowledge and skills of the professions. This will help to build a patient-centered care service as well. Service learning will also help to put a strong impact on the on the interprofessional clinical component and health care delivery system. The community-based experience model will also help to demonstrate the effect of many vital factors such as environment and the availability of different resources on one particular individual’s health status or condition. It should also be kept in mind that interprofessional simulation programs will also help to describe the experiences of different clinical teams in both a formative and summative way on the interprofessional simulation experiences, leadership, and communication (Regan et al., 2016).
Collaborative Working and Its Importance in Interprofessional Education
Figure 1 Collaborative Model
It can be clearly concluded that effective team communication is considered as an important parameter for monitoring the patient’s safety perspective. Demonstrating the positive attitudinal along with the knowledge effects associated to the large scale interprofessional tools helps in developing the infrastructure of a team, and in turn provides an effective outcome. An effective Collaborative Working practice not only focuses on the technological system issues, but also highly depends on the human factor to a huge scale. The factor of good communication skill encourages collaboration and thereby helps to prevent errors to a human factor. Effective communication system helps in preventing the errors. It can be analyzed that assessing possible setups for poor communication and thereby being diligent about offering programs to foster efficient team collaboration.
Aston, S. J., Rheault, W., Arenson, C., Tappert, S. K., Stoecker, J., Orzoff, J., … & Mackintosh, S. (2012). Interprofessional Education: A Review And Analysis Of Programs From Three Academic Health Centers. Academic Medicine, 87(7), 949-955.
Brock, D., Abu-Rish, E., Chiu, C. R., Hammer, D., Wilson, S., Vorvick, L., … & Zierler, B. (2013). Interprofessional education in team communication: working together to improve patient safety. BMJ quality & safety, 22(5), 414-423.
Cranford, J. S., & Bates, T. (2015). Infusing interprofessional education into the nursing curriculum. Nurse educator, 40(1), 16-20.
Delunas, L. R., & Rouse, S. (2014). Nursing and medical student attitudes about communication and collaboration before and after an interprofessional education experience. Nursing education perspectives, 35(2), 100-105.,. (2016). Retrieved 21 February 2016, from
Lapkin, S., Levett-Jones, T., & Gilligan, C. (2013). A systematic review of the effectiveness of interprofessional education in health professional programs. Nurse education today, 33(2), 90-102.
Reeves, S., Perrier, L., Goldman, J., Freeth, D., & Zwarenstein, M. (2013). Interprofessional education: effects on professional practice and healthcare outcomes (update). Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 3(3).
Regan, S., Laschinger, H. K., & Wong, C. A. (2016). The influence of empowerment, authentic leadership, and professional practice environments on nurses’ perceived interprofessional collaboration. Journal of nursing management, 24(1), E54-E61.
Sheppard, K. D., Ford, C. R., Sawyer, P., Foley, K. T., Harada, C. N., Brown, C. J., & Ritchie, C. S. (2015). The interprofessional clinical experience: interprofessional education in the nursing home. Journal of interprofessional care, 29(2), 170-172.
Thistlethwaite, J. (2012). Interprofessional education: a review of context, learning and the research agenda. Medical education, 46(1), 58-70.
Wilhelmsson, M., Svensson, A., Timpka, T., & Faresjö, T. (2013). Nurses’ views of interprofessional education and collaboration: A comparative study of recent graduates from three universities. Journal of interprofessional care,27(2), 155-160.